Put me a box and wrap me up...poll

Started by readyaimduck, November 10, 2012, 03:14:26 PM

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Fire Elk

No the shot at Ross is well deserved, he earned it all on his own for all his name calling. I felt no need to justify my support of Mr. Hebb or my opposition to Mickey Wunderlich. In the end I was right and so was my understanding of EK politics.


Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 08:04:18 PM
No the shot at Ross is well deserved, he earned it all on his own for all his name calling. I felt no need to justify my support of Mr. Hebb or my opposition to Mickey Wunderlich. In the end I was right and so was my understanding of EK politics.
Fire elk, you are right on. I like your style and thinking.


Quote from: readyaimduck on November 10, 2012, 03:41:22 PM
Thank you
Warph, what year are you in?   ::) ;D
2016 is when I need to register?  eh?
ready...... with the calandar  (in case 12/21/12 doesn't happen)   :-*


One of the most important elections will be held in 2014:

U.S. Representatives elections will be held on November 4, 2014 for Kansas: 
Kevin Yoder  Republican District 3 
Lynn Jenkins  Republican 2 
Mike Pompeo  Republican 4 
Tim Huelskamp  Republican 1

U.S. Senate:

Three-term incumbent Kansas Republican Pat Roberts was re-elected with 60% of the vote in 2008.  He will be 278 years old in 2014.  He plans to seek a fourth term and is already raising funds for his campaign.

Jr. US Senator Jerry Moran (R) Up for election in 2016

Sam Brownback (R) elected 2010.  Up for re-election in 2014 (if he decides to run again)

And don't forget that Conservatives won big victories in the Kansas state legislature this last go-around.

So there you go, ready... mark it down on your calendar that you'll vote Republican in 2014 so we can keep the House and take the Senate so we can get some retarded republican lawyers on the Surpreme Court.... that is, if Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Stephen Breyer decide to wait for retirement.  Let your friends and family know that you do NOT support Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma who's literally trying to destroy the American way of life.  Your way of life, ready.  Stand up for your freedoms.  Don't be intimidated any longer.  You can save this country by YOUR actions!  Don't ignore the attack that is in your face every day.  Its up to you, ready.  You can do it.  And if 12/21/12 happens, well... then your toast and all of this won't matter, will it.   

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Pat Roberts will be 278 years old in 2014?  I would say it is time for him to retire.


      Fire EK, I don't think Ready started this thread so you could tell everyone how smart (assed) YOU are.

     I suggest you start your own " I am the smartest man alive" thread.


Quoteso you could tell everyone how smart (assed) YOU are.

Aww Bullwinkle...this is the political thread.  He was just opining.  And that's what passionate political people do.
Ergo...I hate politics. 

Personally, I think the Electoral College needs to be err-raditcated, or  er-changed a bit.  Now that I know what I am as per others, then I can strive to change into who I  want to be:


Diane Amberg

And there they go again. Only certain people may have opinions and only certain people may choose who those people are. Freedom of speech isn't equally free now is it? Thanks Ready.


        Nothing is equal when it comes to you, lady Di, that's for certain. If someone hangs trash on you, they are being mean, but it's OK for this cad to talk trash on Ross.

       I see no restrictions to free speech here, only poor choices of such.


       I agree with you as to needing to change the electoral college, Ready, as well as many of your initial feelings about the whole mess. I would guess we were raised in similar thinking households.

      I'd like to hear what the Warph-meister would suggest we do about the electoral " thingy" , if anything, and why it exists.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on November 12, 2012, 08:38:33 AM
       I agree with you as to needing to change the electoral college, Ready, as well as many of your initial feelings about the whole mess. I would guess we were raised in similar thinking households.

      I'd like to hear what the Warph-meister would suggest we do about the electoral " thingy" , if anything, and why it exists.

Change the electoral college?  It's a wonder it hasn't already been abolished the way some people think.

Haven't Americans surrendered enough of their rights to the Federals?

It was the States that formed the Union, not the Federals.  It's the States that elect the president.

Think liberty!

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