Put me a box and wrap me up...poll

Started by readyaimduck, November 10, 2012, 03:14:26 PM

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I despise politics, however I understand the theory as to the creation of 2 parties.  Now I want to know what I am:

I believe in God.
I believe in the right to have, show and use arms to protect my family, my property by any means. ( Bigger and faster guns do not equivocate a  bigger person. (please refer to male genteltalia ding-dong syndrome).  There needs to be an even playing field.
I believe a  person has the right to choose whether his/her body engages in  copulation with an adult; the abrubtness of such result;  engagement of happiness and benifits of a contract between two people;
andI believe if that person is incompetent of making 'sane' choices (deemed by society), then they will be punished by ?.
I believe if that personi IS competent, and harms another in the processess.....then they shall be put to death.

I believe our country is  becoming a 'mamsy/pamsy' country. 
Morals and ethics?  That is SOoooooo   pasé.
Religion?  We as a society are becoming intolerant.
Music?  It is about screaming inner anger and frustrastion at the world.
Can anyone recall "BattleStar Galatica" or "Sanctuary"

It is up to us to change this, and not by laws.  People who take the 'easy' road and are on Welfare, or stop me NOW please!

So, what genre of politics do I fit into?   
Not asking for cut and paste theories.   
I want your OWN feelings....a radical concept, I know.

ready to vote...


Great post, Ready.  You bleed Conservatism.  You have right-wing political viewpoints... a right-of-center political philosophy based on a tendency to support gradual rather than abrupt change and to preserve the status quo.  Now, remember to vote that way in 2014.   ;D
This is for you.   :laugh:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Thank you
Warph, what year are you in?   ::) ;D
2016 is when I need to register?  eh?
ready...... with the calandar  (in case 12/21/12 doesn't happen)   :-*

Fire Elk

Ready, you fit in to the genre of many people in the US; the mixed bag of beliefs. They don't fit in to the Republican Party or the Democratic Part. Both of which no longer fit into their original platforms. I would say that  you fit into the disenfranchised party. What can you do? Continue to vote in all elections. Change what you can and keep up the fight on the other issues important to you, until you can change them. As far as your statement that it is up to us to change things;  I agree. Once you went to not doing it by laws you ventured into radical territory;  which I don't support. I would hate to see you on the end of a bayonet or in jail for that radical idea. I hope you reconsider and look for the changes legally. You all give up too easily and are way too "ready to break the law."
Besides, I found your writing style hard to understand. So maybe I did not get the gist of what you were saying.  

Fire Elk
"not ready to see ready or Warph on the end of a bayonet"


Thank you Fire.  I have a difficult time with writing my thoughts, so thank you for bearing with me.
I think that the powers that be of whom make the laws, haven't a clue to the reality of life as WE life it.

The accused becomes the victim, after he robs and gets shot by the victim who is now the accused.  Why?  Lawyer leagalese speak. 
How can anyone person declare a Political side and not see how the lines blur?


Fire Elk

Quote from: readyaimduck on November 10, 2012, 05:17:25 PM
Thank you Fire.  I have a difficult time with writing my thoughts, so thank you for bearing with me.
I think that the powers that be of whom make the laws, haven't a clue to the reality of life as WE life it.

The accused becomes the victim, after he robs and gets shot by the victim who is now the accused.  Why?  Lawyer leagalese speak. 
How can anyone person declare a Political side and not see how the lines blur?


Ready, I didn't have to bear with you. I like your writing style and I thought that I got your point, but I wasn't totally sure. Because you wanted a serious non cut and paste answer I just wanted to say maybe I misunderstood what you said. Now after your response I do see that I did understand you correctly.



QuoteYou bleed Conservatism.  You have right-wing political viewpoints...

Loved the song Warph!
I am not sure if I like being nailed to a pigeon-hole box...however so be it to others.

So many people get on the Political bandwagon and spout 'talking points' from the media that is obviously biased.  Show me one that isn't. 

If i bleed Conservatism, should I have voted for Obama?

ready to take a whuping!

Fire Elk

 "You have right-wing political viewpoints... a right-of-center political philosophy based on a tendency to support gradual rather than abrupt change and to preserve the status quo." Warph  (Notice his newly updated Anarchist Mask)

Let me highlight a part of Warph's quote, because it describes exactly what happened in the country.

"..political philosophy based on a tendency to support gradual rather than abrupt change and to preserve the status quo."

Other than Washington State and Colorado securing their bid to become the pothead vacation destinations of the US the 2012 election was one where the whole country voted for the status quo. President, House, Senate, problems. All the same as the last 4 or more years. This was not a vote for change. It was a vote for the status quo. By Warph's definition we are very conservative, but that is not what he meant.


Fire Elk

Oh, lest I forget to include our local elk county forum. Voted to keep the status quo. What about the county commissioners? Yes, even that was a status quo vote. Thanks, for those of you that voted for Gary Hebb. His family has a long caring history of doing what is right in EK. [Removed a sentence taking a shot at Ross 11/11/12-- Fire Elk  ]



Quote from: Fire Elk on November 10, 2012, 07:21:27 PM
Oh, lest I forget to include our local elk county forum. Voted to keep the status quo. What about the county commissioners? Yes, even that was a status quo vote. Thanks, for those of you that voted for Gary Hebb. His family has a long caring history of doing what is right in EK. Thank goodness no one listened to Ross the outsider.


The personal shot at Ross was uncalled for, he was, after all, supporting Hebb.  Your characterization of him as 'the outsider' demonstrates a lack of inclusiveness and tendency to isolationism.  If widely shared, it's a view I'm not sure that bodes well for the future of Elk County.  Come to think of it, you never did explain your opposition to any others running for office.

And as for the vote being one for the status quo, that remains to be seen.  I imagine we won't know until after Hebb is sworn in if things remain the same.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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