Socialist advancement & globalism in Elk County?

Started by Patriot, November 12, 2012, 10:03:52 AM

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George Soros' Socialist UN Agenda 21 in sheep's clothing


By Kathleen Marquardt
January 21, 2012

Stakeholder Councils

The fourth path to Sustainable Development is called Stakeholder Councils. In our local governments -- city and county -- an unelected, self-selected group of people are steadily taking over the control of planning and then running the government. Who are these unelected people? First there are the employees of the NGOs (Non-governmental organizations affiliated with the UN) that were working on a visioning plan or another regional planning scheme in the area(see regionalism coming in subsequent article). The Council usually will be composed of several of these NGO workers and one or two globalist-leaning, leading members of the community.

How do these Councils take control? They usually come into town to help run the process of a "visioning" plan link or other program designed to regionalize the area. Once they have completed the plan, if they like that area of the country, they stick around to take over and become unelected officials who have no allegiance to the community and no accountability to the electorate while the locally elected, and thus legitimate, office holders are reduced to being rubber stamps for the Council's decrees.

Full article:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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