Commissioner Hendricks, Master Roadbuilder

Started by Patriot, October 30, 2012, 11:12:43 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on October 30, 2012, 10:56:42 PM
I have known all 3 commissioners and their families for numerous years and any taxpayer has financial interest.  I am quite sure it is arrogance.

It's sad that you are obviously unwilling to debate facts.  Perhaps this will help others understand your rigidity & need to assign negative personal labels:,14546.0.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


        I know this.  Oldfart and Todd are the best blade operators I have seen maintain a road in Elk county. They do it quickly and correctly, when left to their own knowledge of what a road or ditch should be. It is not a good situation when the bosses don't know the why's and wherefore's, yet continue to act like they do and interfere with people doing their job correctly, while promoting botique ideas about how it should be done. Liebau and Lackey do excavating. Digging holes is quite different from building roads. Liz only knows what people tell her. Leave the road work to those who know how, and hire Oldfart back. He was good enough for Enel to hire to keep the roads smooth for them.


Konnnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau stated at a County Commissioners meeting that they don't micro-manage, but apparently he doesn't understand what that term means. And with Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks showing up on the jobs sites telling workers what to do that is exactly what the term micro-managing means.

Good job Konnected Kounty kommissioners!


I don't travel many of the county gravel roads so I can't speak for how most are but I do travel the one between Longton and Flint Oak fairly regular and seems to me that Jim Gordon does an excellent job for what he has to work with. He walks and talks slow  :D so I don't know if he works fast but more than once I've seen him out of the grader with a shovel and rock bar over hauling a big rock in the road bed


Quote from: Ross on October 31, 2012, 10:21:49 AM
Konnnected Kounty Kommissioner Liebau stated at a County Commissioners meeting that they don't micro-manage, but apparently he doesn't understand what that term means. And with Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks showing up on the jobs sites telling workers what to do that is exactly what the term micro-managing means.

B I N G O !

According to the well established Fayol's Principles of Management, executives in an organization (commissioners in this case) set policy and provide the means (money, equipment, people & materials) necessary to accomplish a mission.  They then employ and hold accountable managers, supervisors and workers to plan,schedule and work to get the mission accomplished.  When the top executives micro-manage, they foster confusion & frustration in the workforce... they destroy morale.   Good executives and managers understand things like Span of Control, Specialization of Labor, Unity of Command & Authority, Subordination of Personal Interests, and others.  Not understanding & properly applying these standards has often been shown to result in failure of the mission and the organization. 

If you want to see real examples of this in action... have an honest private discussion with a few county employees and then look at our buildings, roads, projects, finances, reports and other 'end results'.  Just like the Federal government in many ways... epic  F A I L.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Lattice is much better, and much more employee idea friendly.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 31, 2012, 12:36:50 PM
Lattice is much better, and much more employee idea friendly.

Spoken like a true Agenda 21 Smart Growth proponent.  Not to say that 'team efforts' don't have their place, but really... at the county executive level & throughout government?  Red may be right... capitalist & Constitutionalist at the core you aren't.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Fayol's isn't just for Gov't. I assumed you knew that.... Better go back and study it again. Reeks of communism ,just ask Red. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I'll add this much, when working men are left alone and work as a team a lot more work gets done and better!

A supervisor on the job harassing the working man usually, results in a work slow down and then when that supervisor turns his back the men have something to stand around and talk about. Of course the supervisor is what they let off steam about!

Right now, I have three young men working building a 30' X 50' X 12' barn for my horses. These three young men came to work at day break - no supervisor. They like what they do and they do it well as a team. They started yesterday and will be finished today - and no supervisor! Let me repeat - no supervisor! I called their boss and raved about these three young men.

I had a crew of 7 out here a couple of years ago building the same size barn that had a supervisor and it took them a week.
They did not enjoy their work like these three that are working here today. The 7 man crews work was no where as good as the three men that are here today. I complained to the company these seven worked for and they ended up with out a job, I guess the company had one too many complaints.

I was a working supervisor of apprentices in the shipyard and I did not stand over them like other supervisors did. I told them if they ran into a problem to let me know. I got triple the work out of them, that the other supervisor's did, because I showed them that I had faith and trust in them and I treated them good simply by staying out of their way.

I can attest to the fact that a supervisor can cause bad morale in the worker, my supervisors were not allowed by me to harass my workers.

Some supervisors, forget what it is like to be a working man and others have no experience, actually doing any physical work. And they also tend to forget some of the expertise of some occupations.


That's a nice philosophy, Ross.  Why don't you try it with the county commissioners?

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