Howard Water

Started by farmgal67357, October 10, 2012, 01:43:57 PM

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What's up with the water in Howard? I turned on the tap at midnight (last night) and there was none!!! Just a bunch of "burping". When I was back up at 4AM, it was back on, but it's a rusty color. YUCK!! I ain't drinking it!!

Janet Harrington

They had notices all over town that they were going to work on the water last night. In the notice, they said that the water would be discolored for awhile.

Anytime you ever have any questions, farmgal, just call the city office. They will explain what is going on. Of course, that is only during business hours. LOL


Well I haven't been out and about for a bit, I'm in a flare right now, so I missed the postings. My bad...

Janet Harrington

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