Rudy Taylor and Dale Smith.

Started by Fire Elk, October 08, 2012, 06:00:51 PM

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Quote from: larryJ on October 18, 2012, 09:14:06 AM
Jarhead and most of the rest of you know that I shun the politics thread, mostly because of the bickering and lack of useful information.

I tend to disagree with you in the most part about the lack of useful information. This appears to be a very narrow minded view of the political threads.

There has been plenty of information posted. Some by our very own Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks the self proclaimed founder of Elk Konnected, LLC.

However,  there is a lack of useful information on the part of Elk Konnected, LLC Followers and it's leadership in responding appropriately to sincere and honest questions. So on that point I agree with you in that view point. Elk Konnected is really disconnected IMHO!

And, you to are entitled to your opinion.

However, to say there is nothing informative is quite far fetched, again, IMO!

quote author=larryJ link=topic=14464.msg198621#msg198621 date=1350573246]
I have posted there when something bothered me or if someone asked me something.  But, for the most part, I find that there is too much bashing and not enough actual information someone could use.  I still read it in case something worthwhile gets posted, but I rarely comment.  If someone slams me or my thoughts (like that would every happen  ;) I would not respond.  There is an old physics adage:


I think that if noone would react or respond to any meaningless gibberish on any thread, then that thread would go away. 

Just saying.......

So it must not be gibberish, since you have responded, right?
Nice try at what ever that was!
Please don't respond to this gibberish, thank you!


Ross, your posts on this thread in this section of the Forum are the exact reason why very few venture into the Politics section anymore, and why so many that frequently contributed to conversations in other sections have left the Forum.

You repeatedly tell us that we don't have to read the political threads if we don't want to.  But then when we don't, you bring your anti-Elk Konnected rants over to threads outside the Politics section, like you have here. 

So, then people end up not reading things in The Coffee Shop because they never know which threads are going to be polluted with your narrow-minded politics.  Eventually they just give up on the Forum as a whole.

Please keep Politics in the Politics section and leave the rest of the Forum sections for what they were created for.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Great idea Flint. Keep the politics in the politics.


Quote from: flintauqua on October 18, 2012, 04:29:51 PM
Ross, your posts on this thread in this section of the Forum are the exact reason why very few venture into the Politics section anymore, and why so many that frequently contributed to conversations in other sections have left the Forum.

You repeatedly tell us that we don't have to read the political threads if we don't want to.  But then when we don't, you bring your anti-Elk Konnected rants over to threads outside the Politics section, like you have here. 

So, then people end up not reading things in The Coffee Shop because they never know which threads are going to be polluted with your narrow-minded politics.  Eventually they just give up on the Forum as a whole.

Please keep Politics in the Politics section and leave the rest of the Forum sections for what they were created for.
Great Post Charlie and so correct.



Might we have a double standard here ? If you go back to Ross's first post on this thread, read the below, he is talking of much needed rain and wishing all to have a great weekend Two post later Elk jumps in Ross's foot locker with both feet,
telling people how to shut him up by a big voter turnout for Liz and Ken and Elk MAKES THIS THREAD POLITICAL , not Ross.

Quote from Ross:
It's gonna be a beautiful day and the weekend has promise for rain beautiful rain.
I hope everyone get's their share and enjoy's it.
I know I will if I get it.
I wish everyone a great weekend.

Quote from elk@kc
I think the best way to shut Ross up will be a big voter turn out for Ken and Liz.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: flintauqua on October 18, 2012, 04:29:51 PM
Ross, your posts on this thread in this section of the Forum are the exact reason why very few venture into the Politics section anymore, and why so many that frequently contributed to conversations in other sections have left the Forum.

You repeatedly tell us that we don't have to read the political threads if we don't want to.  But then when we don't, you bring your anti-Elk Konnected rants over to threads outside the Politics section, like you have here. 

So, then people end up not reading things in The Coffee Shop because they never know which threads are going to be polluted with your narrow-minded politics.  Eventually they just give up on the Forum as a whole.

Please keep Politics in the Politics section and leave the rest of the Forum sections for what they were created for.

Take it up with the moderator for this thread, problem solved, right?
Or is your narrow minded thinking that you have control of the forum the solution?

Well, I just find all this very interesting!
You chose to single me out, why?
Who started the political here yesterday?
It wasn't Larry J with his post was it?
No, it couldn't have been, you didn't single him out did you?
He was simplying knocking the political threads and the people on them right?
Even though he is one of those people who post on the political threads.
He speaks of bashing, but wait a minute, isn't that exactly what he is doing in his post bashing others?
Give that some thought.
Let's have a look see:

Quote from: larryJ on October 18, 2012, 09:14:06 AM
Jarhead and most of the rest of you know that I shun the politics thread, mostly because of the bickering and lack of useful information.  I have posted there when something bothered me or if someone asked me something.  But, for the most part, I find that there is too much bashing and not enough actual information someone could use.  I still read it in case something worthwhile gets posted, but I rarely comment.  If someone slams me or my thoughts (like that would every happen  ;) I would not respond.  There is an old physics adage:


I think that if noone would react or respond to any meaningless gibberish on any thread, then that thread would go away. 

Just saying.......


So, why didn't you tell him to keep politics in the politics section, since his was the beginning of politics here?
Rather narrow minded isn't it?

And there is this one:

Quote from: ELK@KC on October 11, 2012, 08:54:21 PM
I think the best way to shut Ross up will be a big voter turn out for Ken and Liz.

Very political, but did you tell him to take it to the political areas? No

If you guys bring politics to another thread and open the door I will walk through, very simple!

If you speak of Elk Konnected, LLC, it is politics because of the relationship to Elk County County Commissioners being Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, again very simple.

You knock the political threads, no matter what thread it is political, again very simple.

Perhaps, if the lines in politics in Elk County were not so blurred everything wouldn't be political.

I sure hope folks write in Mr. Wunderlich and vote for Mr. Hebb and then the blurr might disappear and then the Elk County Government might operate much more efficiently, and the Konnected folks can concentrate on providing a better quality of life for Elk County Citizens. LOL

Diane Amberg

My, my, very interesting. Whose tail is under the rocker now? How quickly you demand standards for others and poke fingers at them for fighting back, when you say whatever you want where ever you want with no consideration for the opinions of others. and it goes way back before yesterday.
Ross, why are YOU being singled out? Good grief, why do you think?  Pull up those shorts and take it, Bub.  If you are going to boo-hoo and seek asylum, look at how others might see you.Ya might finally have something get through that head of yours.
That is common talk among 9 year old bullies who poke and poke and say mean things until the child being bullied finally breaks and fights back. Then the bully, who always thinks what ever he says if justified,runs to someone else for help because he is being picked on.
  Yes, it's sad, but these are just kids who haven't learned any better. but hopefully will, someday. Apparently some have never out grown it and really feel they have the only opinion or idea worth hearing.  
 I'll bet a lot of you will be glad for the elections to be over just because of the constant aggravation.


Looks like Ross is doing OK. 

You liberals ought to try the politics section?  Diane does......


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 19, 2012, 09:24:56 AM
My, my, very interesting. Whose tail is under the rocker now? How quickly you demand standards for others and poke fingers at them for fighting back, when you say whatever you want where ever you want with no consideration for the opinions of others. and it goes way back before yesterday.
Ross, why are YOU being singled out? Good grief, why do you think?  Pull up those shorts and take it,bub.  If you are going to boo-hoo and seek asylum, look at how others might see you.Ya might finally have something get through that head of yours.
That is common talk among 9 year old bullies who poke and poke and say mean things until the child being bullied finally breaks and fights back. Then the bully, who always thinks what ever he says if justified,runs to some one else for help because he is being picked on. Yes, it's sad, but these are just kids who haven't learned any better. but hopefully will someday. Apparently some have never out grown it and really feel they have the only opinion or idea worth hearing.  
 I'll bet a lot of you will be glad for the elections to be over just because of the constant aggravation.

If you try really hard, I bet you could be even more condescending.  Though your incessant whining elsewhere about people allegedly treating you the way you just talked to Ross brings up yet another multisyllabic word:  hypocrite.

I'm thinking you will never realize that you aren't dealing with a bunch of elementary kids here.  Your personal attacks & attempts to use childish shaming techniques just won't work.  They damn sure won't improve matters any.  Better call the principal.... maybe he/she can help you get the control you so desperately want.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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