Rudy Taylor and Dale Smith.

Started by Fire Elk, October 08, 2012, 06:00:51 PM

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Diane Amberg

Thanks Bull, I REALLY appreciate your extra kind unsolicited comment.
Ya serve a nasty to me, just like in tennis, I'll lob it back. I don't start this stuff usually, but I won't put up with it either...don't like it, you are free to not read it. ::)

Diane Amberg

Sorry Mr. Elk for letting Bull lead me into an off thread rebuttal. I shouldn't  have allowed him to sucker me like that. Angie and Flo and Tobina and several others do communicate just fine without all the vitriol on Face Book and PM's too. Now I wonder why it is that we can all chat there, but not here? HMMMMM?



It's gonna be a beautiful day and the weekend has promise for rain beautiful rain.
I hope everyone get's their share and enjoy's it.
I know I will if I get it.
I wish everyone a great weekend.


We are all in need of rain. Good post Ross.


Quote from: proelkco on October 11, 2012, 10:21:19 AM
We are all in need of rain. Good post Ross.
I think the best way to shut Ross up will be a big voter turn out for Ken and Liz.


Quote from: ELK@KC on October 11, 2012, 08:54:21 PM
I think the best way to shut Ross up will be a big voter turn out for Ken and Liz.

All the discussion about how negativity, hostility & personal affront has 'ruined' the Forum... and then this?  Personally, I hope no matter who wins the election that Ross & many other voters will inspect what they expect & will keep the politician's feet to the fire.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: ELK@KC on October 11, 2012, 08:54:21 PM
I think the best way to shut Ross up will be a big voter turn out for Ken and Liz.

Good luck with that!
Ross doesn't think it will work!
Apparently you have something against free speech.
Not a very positive attitude from an Elk konnected, LLC Follower is it?
Ya, just can't handle the truth, isn't that your problem?
How can that be a positive thing?

When is the next Konnected Kounty Konversation, just before election time?
Is that the tool to relect Kopnnected Kounty Kommissioners "Ken and Liz"?
Is that a political function of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and their Elk Konnected, LLC

What else will they be pushing at that meeting?

No body from Elk Konnected, LLC or their Followers can answer a simple question, why is that?
Is it a secret society?

Fire Elk

Quote from: Catwoman on October 09, 2012, 07:14:14 PM
You are kind to remember me... ;)  The Forum doesn't need the nastiness that my presence seemed to invite on the part of some of the "in crowd".  Rather than perpetuate that particular form of insanity, I removed myself, with the exception of the Poetry board.  I do miss my Elk Countians...Greatly.  I miss the genteel exchange that used to exist.  It was a rare thing.

I understand the reason you no longer post. I hope you post more of your poetry. If I could figure how to get all the people that have left the forum to post again I would. If I could convince those that post now how to do so without the bullying, I would.  It was a better forum with opinions from a wide variety of people. Back 4 to 5 years ago. That was a better forum. I don't know how to convince everyone that that was better than what we have now.


If I knew how to do it, I would share with you and maybe it would happen.  As it is, all we can do is continue our friendly posts and hope that others will follow.

Thanks, Fire, for trying.  I really do miss the friendly repartee that we used to have.

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