Control the kids... making good little 'citizens'

Started by Patriot, October 07, 2012, 09:08:56 AM

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Among other things, The Communist Manifesto (Carl Marx, 1848) emphasizes government control of schools & education from an early age in order to indoctrinate kids, making them compliant citizens who are more easily controlled and less likely to oppose the government later in life.  Thank God nothing like that happens in America.....

EPA Celebrates 'Children Health Month,' Encourages Recruiting Students for 'Energy Patrols' at School
By Penny Starr
October 5, 2012

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is celebrating Children's Health Month this October by providing information and health tips on its website, including the importance of energy efficiency in schools.

On the website page is a link to a 26-page EPA report entitled, "Sensible Steps to Healthier School Environment." In the report's chapter on Energy Efficiency, the EPA presents a box with items to help establish "Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Schools."

One of the items in the box reads, "Educate students and staff about how their behaviors affect energy use. Some schools have created student energy patrols to monitor and inform others when energy is wasted..."
(Emphasid added)

Sounds good, right?  So does, "if you've got nothing to hide, there's nothing wrong with government surveillance of the citizens".  Parents, wake up.  Your kids are being manipulated from the top.  Looks like one government agency influencing another government agency (EPA - Public Schools).  Perhaps it's time for parents to take back their local school boards & for We the People to take back governance at all levels.

Does no one remember the Cold War, where kids in the Warsaw Pact nations became effective government informants... even reporting on their own parents & siblings?

Full Article:

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