The Busy Bee Daycare

Started by Patriot, October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

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Fire Elk

Quote from: Patriot on October 06, 2012, 10:24:24 PM
Got family in District 3, do we?  LOL

Family and property. Even if you don't agree with me, I do read your posts and seriously consider your point of view. Your mention of Un Agenda 21 was new to me. I am reading on it and following your links.

District 2 also Vote Hebb. :laugh:
Fire Elk


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 08:33:31 PM
Ross they say any publicity good or bad is "good" publicity. Thank you for helping me get the name of Busy Bee Daycare out there. When Elk Konnected fails at it I will buy it and change the name. Busy Bee just doesn't do it for me as a name.

Fire Elk

I don't know what to believe of what you say.
But it still sounds of a bad attitude.
By the way it wasn't me that started this thread about the Busy Bee Daycare, so i can't accept credit for the credit you give me.
Thanks just the same.

14 year olds don't need day care, as a 14 year old if my parents would have tried to put me in daycare there would have been major rebellion. Would you have accepted daycare at 14 years old? So your numbers are a bit inflated, don't you think?

Do yo really think you can run much of a Daycare Center in a little portable building at the old Moline Grade School ?
How many children do you think you can legally place in one of those little portable buildings.

It sure wouldn't be 168 children, now would it, even thought it would be doubtful to get 10 children let alone 5 children enrolled, in my opinion. So without some kind of government subsidy the place will probably make at most $3000 a month, again only my opinion.

Really who would want to buy something like that.

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 09:15:09 PM
I tell you what Ross, I still want to meet you. We can meet at the Cozy Cafe and can have an eating contest to see who can eat the most mountain oysters. There by proving who has the biggest cajones on the forum. Or it would just be a good conversation.

I'm busy today and Monday, but some other morning for coffee might work!
I love mountain oysters but seeing who can eat the most proves nothing.
A good conversation even if we disagree could be a good thing.

But I just want to remind you, my posts are only intended to encite conversation through out Elk County about what is happening with our county government. I'm not asking anyone to believe a thing I post but to think for themselves. I wouldn't mind if they said Ross is crazy, he is shooting his mouth off again about such and such. Why? Because it might get a conversation going about Elk County Government.

Infact, I have been told that has happened again. i was told it was said. "Ross won't shut up" now that can be good or it can be bad, right? But people are talking and that is what counts in my opinion!

I am so glad to hear you back a good man, I have no personal connection with Mr. Hebb but I think he is more interested in Elk County then the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners with their displaced loyalties. I believe Mr. Hebb would do a terrific job for Elk County by utilizing his life experiences.

I like your banner:
Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 11:05:42 PM
District 2 also Vote Hebb. :laugh: Fire Elk

I hop you have a good day, mine is going to be busier than I care for, but i wll do my best to enjoy it.

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h   [move]


I am guessing that both Ross and Patriot have not had to find daycare in this area.  Is that correct?  I have and let me tell you it is difficult.  Ross, you say that a daycare is taking away business from in-home childcare providers, do you know of any in-home childcare providers?  And they grandparents you were talking about that are raising their grandchildren, they are actually the great-grandparents.


Quote from: daisy on October 07, 2012, 12:38:35 PM
I am guessing that both Ross and Patriot have not had to find daycare in this area.  Is that correct?  I have and let me tell you it is difficult.  Ross, you say that a daycare is taking away business from in-home childcare providers, do you know of any in-home childcare providers?  And they grandparents you were talking about that are raising their grandchildren, they are actually the great-grandparents.

Let's suppose Elk Konnected, LLC does open a daycare in the little portable buildings and run it like they di the Elk Konnected, LLC Wellness Center and four or even eight months late,r they shut it down because they can't get enough children or make enough money. Then where will you be?'

No, I haven't tried to find daycare, if I were to look I'd check with the Court House, and City Offices and the Chamber of Commerce and ask them.

I was fortunate enough to have an income that permitted my wife to be a stay at home mother. Only on one occassion did I need daycare and that was when my wife was hospitalized with a slim and no chance of survival. Again I was blessed to havve her survive.

I have no way of knowing if we are talking about the same grandparents, but they are a great couple, that I hold with great esteem. I can not and will not disclose who they are, for their own privacy.

I did help Elk Konnected, LLC acquire some appliances and a table, so it is not a personal thing, except for the Konnection to County Government via Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and the last seve years of begging and the Konnected kounty kommissioners voting to give their organoization what ever it asks for.

I think we need new county commissioners and they are available to vote for in November.

Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

A Great Improvement,   Great POSITIVE change For Elk County
Actually an Amazing Improvement For Elk County
As Larry the Cable Guy own catchphrase says "Git-Er-Done!"

Fire Elk

Yes Ross if you review what I said you will see that I said that the 168 was a max. population and that number would be whittled away by many factors. My end conclusion was, that someone that wanted to do childcare could get 10- 20 kids, which might be attracitive for someone in EK. Once the Elk Konnected Busy Bee Daycare, as you suggest it might, FAILS ; I will swoop in. We will change then changethe name to Baby Bumble Bee or Bumble Bee Daycare depending on the avg. age of the kids. Here is our first Web ads and theme songs:

Our School Song:

The Bumble Bee Song

I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm bringing home my baby bumble bee -
OUCH!! It stung me!!

I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee -
EW!! What a mess!!

I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee -
ICK!! I feel sick!!

I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee -
OH!! What a mess!!

I'm wipin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm wipin' up my baby bumble bee -
OOPS!! Mommy's new towel!!

I'm wringin' out my baby bumble bee
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me
I'm wringing out my baby bumble bee -
Bye-Bye baby bumble bee!!



At the bottom of each of your post you say and I quote word for word:

"I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't.  Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading. Don't take me seriously. As long as I can quail hunt  I don't care  what happens. The free market can be brutal, but it works. We are all on here for different reasons."

So I assume the following is not to be taken serious! Good Job!

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 08:26:09 PM
Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich

So. let's not take it serious.

M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h                      M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h                  M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   i  c   h  

So. let's not take it serious.

[move] Write-in  
M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h                      M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h                  M  i  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h  

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 05:58:03 PM
At the bottom of each of your post you say and I quote word for word:

"I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't.  Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading. Don't take me seriously. As long as I can quail hunt  I don't care  what happens. The free market can be brutal, but it works. We are all on here for different reasons."

So I assume the following is not to be taken serious! Good Job!

So. let's not take it serious.

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h   [move]
No that is serious. That is the part were I said I will post things I agree with...

I can't vote for a  last minute write in candidate who's web page could have been done in 10 minutes,. Seems like an afterthought. If he keeps up his commendable record on participating in local gov. and runs next time without being a write in, I think he deserves a consideration.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 05:58:03 PM
At the bottom of each of your post you say and I quote word for word:

"I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't.  Ross and Jarhead attack my posts it makes for good reading. Don't take me seriously.[/color][/b] As long as I can quail hunt  I don't care  what happens.[/color][/b] The free market can be brutal, but it works. We are all on here for different reasons."

Ross think about those two big blue quotes combined and add them to the first sentence. I don't want to explode your head, but you are in philosophy 101. I know you are "just and unedumacated redneck", but I have read enough of your posts to know you can handle philosophy 101 class and be an A student. :laugh:


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 06:08:32 PM
No that is serious. That is the part were I said I will post things I agree with...

I can't vote for a  last minute write in candidate who's web page could have been done in 10 minutes,. Seems like an afterthought. If he keeps up his commendable record on participating in local gov. and runs next time without being a write in, I think he deserves a consideration.

I ain't up on all this stuff. But he ran in the primary and was beaten out by the fact another man was a write-in, spliting the ticket permiting the incumbent. I believe that left him only, the option as a write-in in November.

Now, I ask you who else has shown enough concern for Elk County to attend County Commissioners meetings for the last two years?
Has the other write-in shown this concern? Has the other write-in even been interested enough to attend the meetings for the last six months?  So, which write-in has shown more interest? Which write-in knows what has been happening and therefore better qualified.

And perhaps you don't understand the mans web site and the thought that went into it?

Perhaps you could do better, so why aren't you running?

How about coffee early Thursday or Friday morning?

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h  [move]

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 08, 2012, 06:49:03 PM
I ain't up on all this stuff. But he ran in the primary and was beaten out by the fact another man was a write-in, spliting the ticket permiting the incumbent. I believe that left him only, the option as a write-in in November.

Now, I ask you who else has shown enough concern for Elk County to attend County Commissioners meetings for the last two years?
Has the other write-in shown this concern? Has the other write-in even been interested enough to attend the meetings for the last six months?  So, which write-in has shown more interest? Which write-in knows what has been happening and therefore better qualified.

And perhaps you don't understand the mans web site and the thought that went into it?

Perhaps you could do better, so why aren't you running?

How about coffee early Thursday or Friday morning?

M  I  c  k  e  y    W  u  n  d  e   r   l   I  c   h  [move]
That is all I have to say about Mr. Wunderlich. I thank him for his participation. I think if he keeps involved and decides to run again he will do better.

Why don't I run. Still working and have to travel too much. Maybe when I retire like you.

I would love to have lunch or coffee with you. Visiting family now then headed to Pennsylvania. Looking forward to meeting you at Cozy Cafe for Mountain Oysters. You are right what does an eating contest prove. Nothing, don't take me or yourself too seriously.

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