The Busy Bee Daycare

Started by Patriot, October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

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Fire Elk

Ross, you read too much into what I posted. It was purely and exercise of entertainment for me. How viable is any kind of childcare business. I will post on here things I agree with and things I don't. Like I have said I enjoy providing info. and in doing so I hope it will help others on both sides make up their minds. You and jarhead can attack my posts. In fact I appreciate that, it makes for good reading. If we all agreed this forum would be boring. So know that I will continue posting anything that I think will further the discussion, whether it is my opinion or not. Don't take yourselves so seriously, and definitely don't take me seriously. We have far different reasons for being on the forum. Just for the record, as long as I can quail hunt on my land in EK I really don't care much what happens to the rest of you.

Fire Elk

If I were to open a childcare center as a business, no it is not my concern if I put some other business out of business. That is just business. The free market works but it can be brutal. That is business. I would say though that that person you describe might be very happy working for me making a better wage and with benefits.

Good to see you have heard of OPM. Angel investors, venture capital, loans, SBA loans, grants, stock offerings etc. In fact if you are a corporation it is your fiduciary duty to legally use all resources to make a profit for your investors. I don't think you have the stomach for it. You don't have to agree with the rules of the game, but you play by them and change them if you can. Example:

Rommney pays 13% on his income which is legal. If he paid more he would be a stupid businessman. He is not stupid. That is why I urge you all to vote Rommney for President it is in your best interest. (Sorry Ross I for not scrolling that in RWB)


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:23:31 PM
If I were to open a childcare center as a business, no it is not my concern if I put some other business out of business. That is just business. The free market works but it can be brutal. That is business. I would say though that that person you describe might be very happy working for me making a better wage and with benefits.

So the founder Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her freeloader organization should have no concern for the little people and their families because it is just business for her and her freeloaders to make money no matter what the cost to the real actual communities and their families financial well being? That is a truely great attitude for a so called Community organization and a Kounty Kommissioner. Just screw everyone else, right? That's not much of a positive attitude, Is it?

I believe Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks organization's motto is "Watch Us Grow", personally I think it should be "Watch Us Grow On Other Peoples Money", or perhaps, "Watch Us Freeloaders Grow". But, I haven't seen in growth of any kind from them since they started, it appears they are contracting, where is the growth? Could it be there is none because of attitude?

I think we can find better attitude for our County Commissioners positions in these guys:
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 06, 2012, 07:50:16 PM
So the founder Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks and her freeloader organization should have no concern for the little people and their families because it is just business for her and her freeloaders to make money no matter what the cost to the real actual communities and their families financial well being? That is a truely great attitude for a so called Community organization and a Kounty Kommissioner. Just screw everyone else, right? That's not much of a positive attitude, Is it?

I believe Konnected Kounty Kommissioner Hendricks organization's motto is "Watch Us Grow", personally I think it should be "Watch Us Grow On Other Peoples Money", or perhaps, "Watch Us Freeloaders Grow". But, I haven't seen in growth of any kind from them since they started, it appears they are contracting, where is the growth? Could it be there is none because of attitude?

I think we can find better attitude for our County Commissioners positions in these guys:
Let's change things, let's take our County Government back.

Write-in  Mr. Wunderlich

And vote for  Mr. Hebb

Ross, I am not being rude. I don't care what Hendricks, Elk Connected think. I don't speak for them. I was discussing what I would do in a hypothetical situation if I were going to start a childcare business.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich, but do vote Hebb


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 07:58:36 PM

Ross, I am not being rude. I don't care what Hendricks, Elk Connected think. I don't speak for them. I was discussing what I would do in a hypothetical situation if I were going to start a childcare business.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich, but do vote Hebb

Now that cover up just don't fly. You know it's Elk Konnected, LLC  not ElK Connected, you've read it plenty of times in this thread.
Why get involved in a thread about Elk Konnected, LLC's daycare if not for controversy. If you wanted to talk about your own ideas, why not start your own thread.

Are you saying that what applies to business does not apply to Elk Konnected, LLC's business adventures? The attitude of screw everyone else it just business.

I really don't believe you are saying that, if it applies to business it surely applies to Elk konnected, LLC right?

Postive thinking, Right?

Fire Elk

Quote from: Ross on October 06, 2012, 08:12:07 PM
Now that cover up just don't fly. You know it's Elk Konnected, LLC  not ElK Connected, you've read it plenty of times in this thread.
Why get involved in a thread about Elk Konnected, LLC's daycare if not for controversy. If you wanted to talk about your own ideas, why not start your own thread.

Are you saying that what applies to business does not apply to Elk Konnected, LLC's business adventures? The attitude of screw everyone else it just business.

I really don't believe you are saying that, if it applies to business it surely applies to Elk konnected, LLC right?

Postive thinking, Right?

Ross, you are correct I do know it is Elk Konnected. But in typing I spelled it correctly, which in this case is spelling it incorrectly.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich

Vote for Hebb

Fire Elk

Ross they say any publicity good or bad is "good" publicity. Thank you for helping me get the name of Busy Bee Daycare out there. When Elk Konnected fails at it I will buy it and change the name. Busy Bee just doesn't do it for me as a name.

Fire Elk

Fire Elk

I tell you what Ross, I still want to meet you. We can meet at the Cozy Cafe and can have an eating contest to see who can eat the most mountain oysters. There by proving who has the biggest cajones on the forum. Or it would just be a good conversation.

Fire Elk

I almost forgot.

Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich

Vote Hebb.  Vote Hebb. Vote Hebb.


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 06, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
I almost forgot.
Don't Write in Micky Wunderlich
Vote Hebb.  Vote Hebb. Vote Hebb.

Got family in District 3, do we?  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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