The Busy Bee Daycare

Started by Patriot, October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

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Fire Elk

Ross, Patriot, proelkco, redcliffsw, and the citizens of Elk County if I could convince the YMCA to either put in a childcare center or help with The Busy Bee Daycare would EVERYONE support it? I am not promising anything, but before I put in any effort; I need the people above to let me know their opinions.

Fire Elk


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:03:35 PM
Ross, Patriot, proelkco, redcliffsw, and the citizens of Elk County if I could convince the YMCA to either put in a childcare center or help with The Busy Bee Daycare would EVERYONE support it? I am not promising anything, but before I put in any effort; I need the people above to let me know their opinions.

Fire Elk

I could easily support any legal endeavor of private parties that does not depend on the government for promotion or success.  It is not a function of government to provide such things as daycare.  Once the government connections are completely severed (to include severance from direct association with Elk Konnected/Public Squares & government officials in their elected capacities), I would have nothing but a supportive view going forward.

Now, about this unholy public/private alliance to 'save the Flint Hills' through UN Agenda 21 type of top down 'planning' & taxpayer funded grants for 'sustainability' in which Elk Konnectd & Public Squares (and by extension our local elected officials/employees) are parties (this nonsense seems never ending).....

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 05:20:34 PM
I could easily support any legal endeavor of private parties that does not depend on the government for promotion or success.  It is not a function of government to provide such things as daycare.  Once the government connections are completely severed (to include severance from direct association with Elk Konnected/Public Squares), I would have nothing but a supportive view going forward.

Now, about this unholy public/private alliance to 'save the Flint Hills' through UN Agenda 21 type of top down 'planning' & taxpayer funded grants for 'sustainability' in which Elk Konnectd & Public Squares (and by extension our local elected officials/employees) are parties (this nonsense seems never ending).....

If I could get the YMCA to participate would you support it? Yes or No? If it was YMCA only? The reason I ask is because I don't want to waste my energy.

One of the problems here in Elk County when it comes to doing things is how fractured it is. Multiple fairs with alternating 4 h competitions when if we could work together we could have a great fair every year. The county has only 2880 people and we have dozens of city council members, schools boards\districts reps, and a whole host of things. Since we don't work together it cost us a lot more money than it should. The county barely has enough people to make a city much less a county. There are high schools with more people than the county that operate on less. There are many, many companies with 3000 employees that make more money than Elk County and have a smaller budget. Answer all you will, but just do me a favor and let me know if you have any problems with the YMCA. If you do I won't waste my energy.

Fire Elk

Patriot, thanks for taking the time to answer, I do appreciate your response. I need to talk to you regarding the UN Agenda 21 Flint Hills, thingy though cause I have no idea what you are talking about. ???


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:44:18 PM
Patriot, thanks for taking the time to answer, I do appreciate your response. I need to talk to you regarding the UN Agenda 21 Flint Hills, thingy though cause I have no idea what you are talking about. ???

You're welcome.  Regarding Agenda 21, many citizens remain unaware.  They hear terms like  "community visioning,"  "sustainable development," "livable communities," and all sound positive... but there's far more behind Agenda 21 and the many faces it wears.  Even the Kansas legislature has opposed this movement in our state as it insidiously erodes individual liberty, is antithetical to private property rights, and is cancerous to a representative republic.  As a very basic primer to local impacts, please review the following links and the supporting information provided there.  Then we'll talk if you wish.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Quote from: Patriot on October 05, 2012, 06:05:00 PM
You're welcome.  Regarding Agenda 21, many citizens remain unaware.  They hear terms like  "community visioning,"  "sustainable development," "livable communities," and all sound positive... but there's far more behind Agenda 21 and the many faces it wears.  Even the Kansas legislature has opposed this movement in our state as it insidiously erodes individual liberty, is antithetical to private property rights, and is cancerous to a representative republic.  As a very basic primer to local impacts, please review the following links and the supporting information provided there.  Then we'll talk if you wish.

Is this what you are talking about? Because I have no idea how it relates to daycare, but I will read and watch all.



It's not about daycare, per se.  Sorry for the confusion.  The Agenda 21 issues are related to the Public Square/EK attachments to 'community organization' through government grants, etc.  The Flint Hills Plan (discussed in another thread) lends itself well to the big federal grant methods of Agenda 21 implementation here & elsewhere in the country.  We'll save discussion of the Delphi Techniques employed by Public Squares in their community conversations for another time.  When it comes to the operation pf sustainable development & smart growth activities, Agenda 21, Public Squares, etc.... think octopus.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Patriot since you started the thread and we are off the topic of busy bee daycare I hope you don't mind the wandering threads we are creating.

I am familiar with public square, elk connected, the flint hill plan you posted by BINM. I too am familiar with the Delphi Techniques which is not high on my list to talk about. Though, I have been able to read far enough back on the forum to see that Ross doesn't like them and was asked to go outside. I will admit that Ross's experience with being put in a circle and separated from his wife long precedes the delphi techniques. The knights of the roundtable did the same thing and if you have gone to business school in the last 50 years parts of the techniques are used in brainstorming theory. The difference is once you finish, the business technique is to proceed to destroy any and all of the ideas if you can. Then you evaluate and try to pick the best idea to follow. While I have a ton of reading to do on Agenda 21 to get up to speed, my initial quick view of the material both pro and con presents a problem. It is full of buzzwords. I like sustainability, I eat to sustain myself everyday. I like to conserve the environment, it is bad to waste things. Though I am not against the snail darter becoming extinct for progress. Since I have not had time to read all the things I found and you provided I have some reading to do.

Now back to the daycare. Trying to see if the county could support anything other than small daycare in someone's home or something that is supported with government funds.

I am trying to find our max population of possible customers. If anyone knows the number of kids 12 or under in EK let me know.

Using Census data. 576 kids under 18 in EK. Using national data on daycare 29% of kids are in the custodial care of a non family member.  Now the pool of possible kids is 167. I think this represents a max. There are many things that will whittle that number down. Like percent that can pay. Can anyone tell me the number of grade school students in the county. Hey, maybe I can start a daycare. :o Naw that won't happen but the calculations give me something to do.



Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 05:03:35 PM
Ross, Patriot, proelkco, redcliffsw, and the citizens of Elk County if I could convince the YMCA to either put in a childcare center or help with The Busy Bee Daycare would EVERYONE support it? I am not promising anything, but before I put in any effort; I need the people above to let me know their opinions.

Fire Elk

I could realy care less, but I would be concerned for the familys that depend on the income from home daycare operations!
How do you feel about taking away their lively hoods? Then they may need foodstamps to survive!


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 05, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
I am trying to find our max population of possible customers. If anyone knows the number of kids 12 or under in EK let me know.

Elk County Population
July 2011

0 to 4  years old   142   children
5 to 9  years old   159    children
10 to 14 years old   168   children
15 to 19 years old   162   children
20 to 24 years old   105   young adults
25 to 29 years old   116   young adults
30 t0 34 years old   108   adults
35 to 39 years old   128    adults
40 to 44 years old   161   adults
45 to 49 years old   177   adults
50 to 54 years old   222   adults
55 to 59 years old   234   adults
60 to 64 years old   231   adults
65 to 69 years old   198   adults
70 to 74 years old   167   adults
75 to 79 years old   135   adults
80 to 84 years old   116   adults
85 years or older    96   adults
Overall population   2811   people


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