The Busy Bee Daycare

Started by Patriot, October 04, 2012, 08:48:40 PM

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Fire Elk

Quote from: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 09:07:14 PM
Fire Elk,
I found your PM in my "junk e-mail box" Sorry I missed it but I rarely look into the junk box. Why would you call me rude in the PM then turn around and call me numb nuts? What do you know about my nuts ? Wouldn't you think it rude to call me such vile names ?
Your quote was 'go pack dirt up your butt" Ouch---think I'll pass---and don't you think that is rude of you to say such a thing ? Your PM reminds me of someone that used to be on the forum. His handle was sodpacker or something like that. Now you are talking of packing dirt up my butt---do you see the connection ?
For your info, I did not sign into this forum so had nothing to do with the small "j". You'll have to talk to Sarge about that but watch him---he can be a rude dawg !!!
I won't take that as a threat that you would shoot me with a .50 cal. Surely you say that in jest---you are joshing me aint you ?

No I didn't say go pack dirt up you butt. Your signon is jarhead.  Don't know Sarge. No it was a response to Patriots remark regarding a duel.


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:13:36 PM
No I didn't say go pack dirt up you butt. Your signon is jarhead.  Don't know Sarge. No it was a response to Patriots remark regarding a duel.

Good grief.... follow the bouncing ball & try to make the stories believable....

Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 08:19:28 PM
jarhead, you said I was yanking your chain. I said that you would need to go yank your own chain. Then in the PM I asked you what was your major malfunction marine. I then told you to go pound dirt. As for the rest of it if you read the threads and follow the conversations it is clear those comments are meant to be in jest.

As for the daycare... I hope it works out... as a private business and without government subsidy.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Patriot for childcare in EK. There will be welfare, there is earned income credit, there is the childcare deduction on you income tax, there are state and federal grants for childcare providers. If the want to go big SBA loans. So I understand your thoughts, but you know the Feds and State will be involved somehow in the childcare.


Fire Elk,
By golly you are right---you didn't tell me to "pack dirt"---You said---and I quote--"go pound dirt up your butt" same results I would guess but a subject I know nothing about. Maybe you could enlighten the readers as  to the practice.
I'm tired and bored now so if you would excuse me, it's off to beddy beddy time---good night Chesty Puller, where ever you are .


Quote from: Fire Elk on October 08, 2012, 09:26:51 PM
There will be welfare, there is earned income credit, there is the childcare deduction on you income tax, there are state and federal grants for childcare providers. If the want to go big SBA loans. So I understand your thoughts, but you know the Feds and State will be involved somehow in the childcare.

Just goes to show how far the Republic has drifted toward the socialist model.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Fire Elk

Quote from: jarhead on October 08, 2012, 09:28:19 PM
Fire Elk,
By golly you are right---you didn't tell me to "pack dirt"---You said---and I quote--"go pound dirt up your butt" same results I would guess but a subject I know nothing about. Maybe you could enlighten the readers as  to the practice.
I'm tired and bored now so if you would excuse me, it's off to beddy beddy time---good night Chesty Puller, where ever you are .

j\Jarhead I probably did say that. Why don't you post the whole PM. I have a copy too. We can see if you are correct.


Fire Elk

Good night j\Jarhead I can guess that you are sleepy and bored.We are too. You are a bad detective. Easily distracted  and led astray. You lied about about the private message. The forum has no junk mail section. You also, think you know who I am but I have been posting your comments, Ross, Patriot, mine, and others. It is interesting to see you all try to dispute posts that you have made when I post them. Just trying to measure the hypocrisy vs the statement.

There is someone here that says they are retired. They are not. They are on disability. They have a kid in school that gets subsidized lunch . Yet they are the first to call these things socialist etc. I don't understand. I guess when you are the one getting the subsidy it is ok, but when it is for childcare or crops it is not. Just trying to understand.

Fire Elk

As Daisy, who has been a member for a long time, but who chooses not to say much, you should know. Busy Bee Daycare is coming, tell all your friends. Fire Elk, Patriot, Ross, j\Jarhead,  have nothing to do with Busy Bee Daycare. This is just our political debate on the forum. Though Ross does get bonus points for donating to the cause.


Fire Elk

I thought you wanted to meet me?
I to would like to meet yoy!
How about a cup of coffee?
I'll buy with my subsidy, okay?

My retirement check that is!


Quote from Fire Elk:
You are a bad detective. Easily distracted and led astray. You lied about about the private message. The forum has no junk mail section. You also, think you know who I am

Fire Elk,
You have me confused with Patriot. He was the detective, not I. Now why do you want to be rude and call me a liar ? No idea what you are talking about, the forum having no junk mail section. You said you sent me a PM, which I had not received. Now I aint computer savvy at all but on the left side of my "puter" screen it says:
Sent Items
Junk e-mail
Deleted items

Your PM was in the "Junk e-mail " so not sure why you called me a liar. You get back from your  Missouri trip , come over, and I'll show it to you.
I don't know who you are and damn sure aint loosing any sleep on the matter, so why would you say "You think you know who I am "---and you call me a liar ?
Have a safe trip.

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