Killing Corporate Socialism in Kansas

Started by Patriot, September 30, 2012, 09:13:05 AM

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An elected official who sees the damage done when government steals form one taxpayer & gives to another.....

Rep. Mike Pompeo: Wind tax credit harms economy
By Rep. Mike Pompeo
Published Sunday, Sep. 30, 2012, at 12 a.m
The Wichita Eagle

Siemens' decision to lay off a number of employees at its wind-turbine nacelle plant in Hutchinson is a terrible blow to the workers and their families. Losing a job is scary and can have an enormous impact on families and on communities.

That's why I am fighting for smart public policies to ensure that good jobs are available for all who want to work. Current policies have resulted in more than 23 million people unemployed or underemployed in the United States.

If we want a robust economy, we cannot afford the wind production tax credit – or any other form of federal energy subsidy. The wind PTC is an enormous government handout, and it is wrong to borrow money from future generations to give away corporate favors to those who promise jobs but – as we can see now in Kansas – who cannot deliver on that promise without continued reliance on other taxpayers...

Read more here:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Excellent article. I wish Mr. Pompeo good luck on passing his bill but I'm afraid it will get no traction. Too many people getting rich at tax payers expense. I wish every "green wienie ' out there had an unsightly wind tower jabbed up their----well you catch my drift.


Quote from: jarhead on September 30, 2012, 04:06:57 PM
... I wish every "green wienie ' out there had an unsightly wind tower jabbed up their----well you catch my drift.

Sideways, I presume?  lol

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jarhead on September 30, 2012, 04:06:57 PM
Excellent article. I wish Mr. Pompeo good luck on passing his bill but I'm afraid it will get no traction. Too many people getting rich at tax payers expense. I wish every "green wienie ' out there had an unsightly wind tower jabbed up their----well you catch my drift.

Right on Jarhead.
My electric bill has gone up considerably since the windfarm started producing or actually because of the times it does not produce.
It sux the money right out of my checking account.

Good post Patriot.


Quote from: Ross on October 01, 2012, 08:34:29 PM
Right on Jarhead.
My electric bill has gone up considerably since the windfarm started producing or actually because of the times it does not produce.
It sux the money right out of my checking account.

While it is unlikely that the local windfarm has any direct effect on local electric bills (the electricity is all sold outside Kansas), because of the overall Obama strategy of killing coal & gas fired sources of electricity we are going to pay, & pay big in months/years to come.  At the core, you're right... it sux!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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