Meet the man who owns more land than Ted Turner

Started by flintauqua, September 29, 2012, 08:21:34 AM

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Diane Amberg

Hey, he wrote it, I didn't. Ask him!
   Now if you really do have a white person out there named Walt Williams who writes lots of articles that are posted on here, then perhaps it was worth mentioning. Otherwise, why was it necessary to mention his race at all?
   After all the disrespectful names you all call people, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. When one calls people monkeys and big eared chimps out of disrespect...well, what is one to think?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 10, 2012, 11:18:44 AM
Hey, he wrote it, I didn't. Ask him!

And now, in true liberal progressive form, you seek to avoid responsibility for you own reprehensible actions by laying blame back on the object of your original attack.  Not unlike Obama: The buck always stops somewhere else.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 10, 2012, 11:18:44 AM
Now if you really do have a white person out there named Walt Williams who writes lots of articles that are posted on here, then perhaps it was worth mentioning. Otherwise, why was it necessary to mention his race at all?

No Diane, you are the one who made an issue of a simple descriptive word.  There is no other reasonable and rational explanation.  An adjective was used in a sentence, and it was you who chose to focus on it as the core issue.  It was you who took the adjective and made it 'bait' for a diversion to attack the poster's 'personality'.  It was you who played the race card for some personal gaming advantage.  It was you who so cleverly emulated the great race baiters in our society... Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, many in the Obama administration & campaign, and the staff at MSNBC.  I'm sure they all appreciate your valiant efforts. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 10, 2012, 11:18:44 AM
After all the disrespectful names you all call people, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. When one calls people monkeys and big eared chimps out of disrespect...well, what is one to think?

And then you deflect again. All this days after the issue was brought up.   Wow!   Are you that much in need of attention?  Talk about defensive.  And you say it is the conservatives who are unhinged from reality.  Really?

P.S.  My memory must be failing.  Can you please point out where I've called someone a ' monkey or big eared chimp'? 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Show me where I mentioned your name Mr. Self Absorbed Smart Guy.  Ya protest much too much and bleed and feel put upon much too easily. Why don't ya rant and tear your clothes while you're at it. I notice the original poster isn't making a big deal about it. Why does he need your help anyway? Even Ross said asking questions is just fine and I'm still waiting for an answer...and not from YOU! Patriot...Blah blah blah and I wasn't the only one who wondered...from a guy who is still fighting the Civil War from the south's, perspective. Or his version of it anyway. Now get back to the topic and try to count coupe somewhere else! I'm not impressed.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2012, 12:22:18 PM
Show me where I mentioned your name Mr. Self Absorbed Smart Guy.  Ya protest much too much and bleed and feel put upon much too easily. Why don't ya rant and tear your clothes while you're at it. I notice the original poster isn't making a big deal about it. Why does he need your help anyway? Even Ross said asking questions is just fine and I'm still waiting for an answer...and not from YOU! Patriot...Blah blah blah and I wasn't the only one who wondered...from a guy who is still fighting the Civil War from the south's, perspective. Or his version of it anyway. Now get back to the topic and try to count coupe somewhere else! I'm not impressed.

Before you go off half cocked again, please notice that my comments (and your quotes) were in a response you clearly appeared to be making to me, and I still think you were race baiting.  But to help you comprehend, I'll post the entire dialogue below.

Otherwise, your comments above are a predictable liberal response (read: attack).  So now we're settled, Red is a racist, Ross is a hyper vigilant redneck & I'm a Self Absorbed Smart Guy.  Your fascist attack tactics & dysfunctional projections are amusing, even if totally wrong.  Sure hope you feel fetter.  If not, I'm sure there's some guberment counseling center in your area where you can find solace.  

As the hyper vigilant redneck has suggested many times before.... try to follow & comprehend....

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 08, 2012, 01:45:59 PM
Hyper vigilant? Better ask Ross .He invented it. He jumps on everything anyone says that disagrees with him..

Quote from: Patriot on October 08, 2012, 05:37:48 PM
Ross open carries a handgun, too, so he must be paranoid as well.  Not.  The truth is I've never seen him race bait like you did.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 10, 2012, 11:18:44 AM
Hey, he wrote it, I didn't. Ask him!
  Now if you really do have a white person out there named Walt Williams who writes lots of articles that are posted on here, then perhaps it was worth mentioning. Otherwise, why was it necessary to mention his race at all?
  After all the disrespectful names you all call people, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. When one calls people monkeys and big eared chimps out of disrespect...well, what is one to think?

Read #21 above for the next volley.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from Diane
After all the disrespectful names you all call people,
Quote from Diane:
Show me where I mentioned your name Mr. Self Absorbed Smart Guy.

Hmmmm !!!!


Quote from: jarhead on October 11, 2012, 05:19:26 PM
Quote from Diane
After all the disrespectful names you all call people,
Quote from Diane:
Show me where I mentioned your name Mr. Self Absorbed Smart Guy.

Hmmmm !!!!

Just doesn't look right, does it jar?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

If you think I care, you are sadly mistaken. Go ahead fire away, I'm wearing NOMEX.   When you set the tone, if I'm in the mood, I'll respond in kind.I sure don't have to be perfect when you don't ever try. Now go bully someone else. I've got some new interns to work with. And what I called Pat is a condition,and a state of being, not a name.

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