Meet the man who owns more land than Ted Turner

Started by flintauqua, September 29, 2012, 08:21:34 AM

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Fire Elk

Quote from: redcliffsw on October 01, 2012, 04:49:02 PM
Free market?  Where do you get that kind of idea? 

The USA is not supposed to be in the land and mineral business.
You'd better check further about Conservation Easements and
learn about 'em.   

It would be interesting to know where the County Fed's stand is
on Consevation Easements.  Are they for the landowners or
are they supporting the Fed's and the Nature Conservancy?

Who are you to tell me what I can do with my own property? If I want to give it to the government, Nature Conservancy, Ducks Unlimited, Boy Scouts, NRA it is none of your business. You sir need to better check out conservation easements.


Then give away your property rights to any of them if that's what you want to do.

However, I don't believe the Fed's ought to be buying Conservation Easements
or providing money to charities like Nature Conservancy to buy Conservartion Easements.

I've seen many Conservation Easements. 


Fire Elk

Quote from: redcliffsw on October 01, 2012, 05:37:08 PM
Then give away your property rights to any of them if that's what you want to do.

However, I don't believe the Fed's ought to be buying Conservation Easements
or providing money to charities like Nature Conservancy to buy Conservartion Easements.

I've seen many Conservation Easements.   

I did not give them away I sold them and was compensated. It was a money making venture. Plus, my will on that land will long outlast me and you.


Fire Elk

I get redcliffsw that you don't think the government should be buying conservation easements. There are many things the government does that we don't like. Yea, you don't like it. We are not a democracy we are a democratic republic, so those that we elect can do things we don't like. The constitution does not specifically prohibit the federal government from making investments, entering in to conservation easements. The Supreme Court has not forbid these either. They happen all the time. The best I can tell you is you have to follow the Constitution and bring it to the court's attention. I accept this as I have no problem with the way things are. I am a conservative. I support the status quo. If you want to change things being a regressive as you are you and the anarchists would do well by playing the system.


Quote from: flintauqua on October 01, 2012, 09:41:14 AM
So, just who are the 'real' conservatives?  Name a few, and please don't start your list with Ron Paul or Lew Rockwell, we are already well aware of your devotion to them.

And, I find it highly questionable that you are 'not much familiar with the Cato Insitute' since it was co-founded by Murray Rothbard and continues to be one of the nations most influential advocates for individual liberty and free markets.


Here's one on Cato from Rockwell:

Cato Attacks Ron Paul
Posted by Lew Rockwell on October 2, 2012 09:16 AM

The Cato Institute's foreign policy was always very weak tea as compared to Murray Rothbard's or Ron Paul's stand for peace. Still—though Cato was always unfriendly to Ron, since he was a colleague and friend of Murray's, and an opponent of the Fed—Cato was not as bad as DC neocon outfits like AEI and Heritage. However, now that the warmongering Randians have taken over, via the plutocratic, pro-Rand Koch brothers, that small distinction has disappeared. Here is the latest example.

Diane Amberg

Hey Red, why did you feel you needed to mention that Walter Williams is black? What difference does it make? What in your personality caused you to need to mention that? ;)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2012, 05:48:16 PM
Hey Red, why did you feel you needed to mention that Walter Williams is black? What difference does it make? What in your personality caused you to need to mention that? ;)

What is it about left leaners that causes them to always be so acutely alert for the cannon fodder necessary to fire the 'you're a racist' gun?  Always in the Obama/Biden mode.  I think shrinks refer to such personalities/behaviors as hypervigilant.  Interesting that hypervigilance is often associated with delusional or paranoid states. Which brings up the prospect of another defense mechanism.... projection.  Ann Coulter was correct.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I can't speak for Red but I thought he pointed out that the Walter Williams he was speaking of was black so we wouldn't be confused, thinking he was talking about ol Walt Williams  that lives near here.

Diane Amberg

Hyper vigilant? Better ask Ross .He invented it. He jumps on everything anyone says that disagrees with him..


Ross open carries a handgun, too, so he must be paranoid as well.  Not.  The truth is I've never seen him race bait like you did.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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