Elk County Commission: To tree, or not to tree!

Started by Patriot, September 12, 2012, 07:04:50 PM

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Fire Elk

Quote from: the shadow on September 13, 2012, 07:56:49 PM
Well, FireElk, you asked why people are making a big deal out of cutting down a diseased tree. That was NOT what the thread was started for; that was only a part of the discussion. The bigger problem at hand is the fact that a commissioner told a county employee NOT to do something that was voted and agreed to. Therefore, I don't believe you are well aware of what the topic is on this thread, if you are still going to stand by your statement of "why people are making a big deal out of cutting down a diseased tree." You may be new to the forum, but look at any topic in the Politics section and you will see petty bickering and name calling. That's what happens when one person believes they are right and someone else believes they are wrong. Pretty simple. Nothing new.


Kent I did not ask why people are making a big deal out of cutting down diseased tree. (your words not mine.) Go back and read my post.  I told you my thoughts, I did not ask any questions.  I stand by my original thoughts. Don't make up words for me that I never posted.

the shadow

Quote from: Fire Elk on September 13, 2012, 06:53:19 PM
I am trying to figure out the lay of the land being new to the forum. I see a lot of petty bickering and name calling. So let me maybe get off topic and be petty with the rest of you.  The topic is on cutting down a diseased tree and you all are making it into a big deal. You all have too much free time on your hands! You all need to go outside and play. You spend too much time on the computer. Sorry, for the poor intro. but you all are really petty and mean to each other. Thought I would join the club for one post.

My mistake. I am old. "The topic is on cutting down a diseased tree and you all are making it into a big deal." You did not ASK. I stand corrected. I explained why it is a big deal. I stand by my thoughts as well. Goodnight. Time for this old codger to get to bed.

The Shadow knows!

Fire Elk

Kent Goodnight, you princes of Maine. You kings of New England, and you old codgers of Elk County.(Misquoted from The Cider House Rules) :laugh:

I look forward to talking to you again even if we disagree.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 13, 2012, 01:46:53 PM
         Southern pine beetles have attacked pine trees in this area and they introduce a fungus which grows in the tunnels they make. The two of them together kill the tree. No remedy for them but to cut the tree down quickly before they spread to adjacent trees and do the same. I don't know if they attack cedars though. I haven't heard of it.

       It would seem to me the commissoners would consult our county extension agent about it.

Actually bullwinkle, thats not true.  Being one that lived and was rasied in southern pine beetle area there is a treatment for it but its not cheap.  You have to spray from about 10' from the ground upwards into the branches of the pine and that will kill the beetle.  Problem is that you have to do each tree with a truck you can't spray it from the air as it will not penetrate the branches. 

The best way to manage pine beetle is to grow your pine ina chessboard pattern.  black squares = pine and white squares = fallow land.  The reason for this is if pine beetles break out you can cut down the affected area and keep them from spreading to the other areas whereas if they were planted in a continuous forrest they would just move. 

Tons of ways to stop southern pine beetles.  The other way is to plant 15 year crops, cause southern pine beetles dont' attack young pines they get the 15-30 year old pines. Thats why you don't find yellow pine much anymore they have devestated those species.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 13, 2012, 04:09:30 PM
       I think she walked through the same door as Alice. Guess the mushrooms are on her OK list.  :P

Ohhh wheres the shrooms.  :O  i need some for my pizza.ooooohhhh love the colors!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Fire Elk on September 13, 2012, 06:53:19 PM
I am trying to figure out the lay of the land being new to the forum. I see a lot of petty bickering and name calling. So let me maybe get off topic and be petty with the rest of you.  The topic is on cutting down a diseased tree and you all are making it into a big deal. You all have too much free time on your hands! You all need to go outside and play. You spend too much time on the computer. Sorry, for the poor intro. but you all are really petty and mean to each other. Thought I would join the club for one post.

Quote from: the shadow on September 13, 2012, 07:20:18 PM
Fire Elk, Please go back and read what this thread is about.

Quote from: Fire Elk on September 13, 2012, 07:26:28 PM
Shadow, I am well aware of what the topic is on this thread. I still stand by my statements.

Fire, to the casual reader, you appear to be standing by statements that contradict reality.  Either you do know what the theme of this thread was about, or you don't.  As the person who started it, I'll clarify:  It is NOT about tree cutting.  Sorry you misunderstood.  I did go outside, and this thread reflects another of many instances of foolish leadership I've observed on the playground of public policy.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


        But, Skruz, once the fungus is in , the tree's a goner. ( according to Auburn U.)


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 14, 2012, 08:08:34 AM
       But, Skruz, once the fungus is in , the tree's a goner. ( according to Auburn U.)

And, Steve, one honest look at the trees in question would answer most questions.... the same goes for the commissioner involved.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 14, 2012, 08:08:34 AM
       But, Skruz, once the fungus is in , the tree's a goner. ( according to Auburn U.)
well no shit on that, when the pine beetles bore they girdle the water carrying layers thus cutting off hydration to the top of the tree. The fungus then grows and clogs up the rest of the layers that transport water. NOTE that fungus cannot grow unless conditions are right therefor the pine beetle has to do its damage first before the fungus can gain control. The p;ine can't usually survive the dual attack.

You have to spray before its attacked.  And when pine beetles infect the pines cut them down before they can spread elsewhere

You can kill the beetle at a certain point before it does irreparable harm. But most people don't pay attention.  first sign of a infestion occuring is that you can hear them.  The tree will make a squeek type sound from the bugs chewing
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Patriot on September 14, 2012, 08:13:08 AM
And, Steve, one honest look at the trees in question would answer most questions.... the same goes for the commissioner involved.

I haven't notice them before, don't pay any attention to the courthouse myself.  but yeah you will know when the tree is toast.  its not that hard to figure out. Especially when the bark starts coming off. when your needles are dead thats pine beetle.  The tops will die first and end up dried up before the main trunk dies.  ehh about the only thing you can do is mill it for some bug pine.  IT looks rough but is fully useable but not store pretty.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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