Warph's Prediction: Romney Beats Obuma: 281 to 257

Started by Warph, September 11, 2012, 08:35:25 PM

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Quote from: jarhead on November 08, 2012, 09:14:09 PM
Kinda funny aint it ? "They" wanted all the vile people out of their beloved Coffee Shop, so for the most part the "negative people "left it---now I guess the Coffee Shop aint exciting enough so here "they" come to the politics thread to jump on you like a chicken on a June-bug. Can't have that daily pity-pat party if there aint someone to argue with and "be mean" to her---I mean them. I'm starting to think there are a few on here aint gonna be happy until you move to the Obituary thread ;)

buzz buzz buzz thunk thunk buzz <best Junebug imitation>

Yep, it's a hoot.  The only problem with my moving to Obits is that I could still piss em off.... I'm a vampire - walking dead ya know.  Oh, and I'm mean too.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


More like a zombie lookin for brains...Stay out of the coffee shop or you'll starve to death!---Robert




Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 08, 2012, 02:57:00 PM
I guess he 's mad because his candidate didn't win.

It took me all night to stop laughing over this one.  Had to try 3 video monitors just to be sure.  You're kidding, right?  We're watching some of the Lizkateer's heads explode right here on this thread, and it's me with the electus interruptus, separation anxiety problem?  Now that's rich!  Sick, but rich.  ROTFLMAO

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I think we have a very strong difference of opinion here.
 I don't consider anyone who writes about the state they live in and what they are up to wasting time, as was said.To me that is interesting social conversation. I have learned and enjoyed a lot about some people's families and homes and gardens, with photos and details...in states other than Kansas. Some of us get a lot of enjoyment from that and don't like being ridiculed for it. And to be called stupid for it? WOW! We all have a connection there or we wouldn't be interested.
 Why are a few of you so proud of wanting a reputation for being so tough, mean and hard to get along with on here? You want to put anyone who openly expresses their ideas as fair game for ridicule, and love it when people stand their ground or fight back. Door mats we are not! . Ya chased off a lot of people who just don't need the aggravation...as they say when we visit in other venues... with no hostility of any kind! I hope you are pleased with yourselves.
  Yes, this is off topic. Go back and see how that happened.
  Patriot, you know almost nothing about the real me. You jump to huge conclusions with no information. Being in emergency services and being a teacher says nothing about my personal feelings about the constitution or anything else.  You never stop ridiculing and showing off for your crew long enough to find out. Besides ,you said you aren't the least bit interested...so why bother reading me, let alone make smart mouth comments about my opinions?
 There seems to be a huge contradiction between making me very important in your life, so you comment on every word I write and hating me ,which means you'd never comment at all, don't ya think? Oh, Please!
  In the name of my religion? Good grief! I'm a very ordinary Presbyterian ,but not the mortar and brick kind..and from that you can extrapolate so much about who I am and how I think and what I do? Just who do you think you are?
 Perhaps you really are a vampire. Real people don't treat each other like that!
 Do you go throw rocks at other people's churches because after all you all know how THEY are! What's the matter, did you run out of rotten things to say, so now you'll pick on my faith? Have you no decent personality at all?  What in the world do you get out of this ? Some sort of perverted turn on? By the way, I meant "your candidate" as in Romney, not Liz. Now you'll get to spend another four years griping to anyone who will listen. I'm out of here.


You started out sounding so reasonable (and correct) in this one...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 09, 2012, 10:26:38 AM
I think we have a very strong difference of opinion here.

But then... the usual verbose rants: attack, deflect, defend, accuse.  Perhaps you posed some questions you might ask of yourself, Diane...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 09, 2012, 10:26:38 AM
Have you no decent personality at all?  What in the world do you get out of this ? Some sort of perverted turn on?

And then, yet again... like a child having exhausted their temper tantrum...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 09, 2012, 10:26:38 AM
I'm out of here.

Nonetheless, it made for a fair tongue lashing that surely a few will cheer.  I do hope you feel better now.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 09, 2012, 10:26:38 AM
I think we have a very strong difference of opinion here.
  I don't consider anyone who writes about the state they live in and what they are up to wasting time, as was said.To me that is interesting social conversation. I have learned and enjoyed a lot about some people's families and homes and gardens, with photos and details...in states other than Kansas. Some of us get a lot of enjoyment from that and don't like being ridiculed for it. And to be called stupid for it? WOW! We all have a connection there or we wouldn't be interested.
  Why are a few of you so proud of wanting a reputation for being so tough, mean and hard to get along with on here? You want to put anyone who openly expresses their ideas as fair game for ridicule, and love it when people stand their ground or fight back. Door mats we are not! . Ya chased off a lot of people who just don't need the aggravation...as they say when we visit in other venues... with no hostility of any kind! I hope you are pleased with yourselves.
   Yes, this is off topic. Go back and see how that happened.
   Patriot, you know almost nothing about the real me. You jump to huge conclusions with no information. Being in emergency services and being a teacher says nothing about my personal feelings about the constitution or anything else.  You never stop ridiculing and showing off for your crew long enough to find out. Besides ,you said you aren't the least bit interested...so why bother reading me, let alone make smart mouth comments about my opinions?
  There seems to be a huge contradiction between making me very important in your life, so you comment on every word I write and hating me ,which means you'd never comment at all, don't ya think? Oh, Please!
   In the name of my religion? Good grief! I'm a very ordinary Presbyterian ,but not the mortar and brick kind..and from that you can extrapolate so much about who I am and how I think and what I do? Just who do you think you are?
  Perhaps you really are a vampire. Real people don't treat each other like that!
  Do you go throw rocks at other people's churches because after all you all know how THEY are! What's the matter, did you run out of rotten things to say, so now you'll pick on my faith? Have you no decent personality at all?  What in the world do you get out of this ? Some sort of perverted turn on? By the way, I meant "your candidate" as in Romney, not Liz. Now you'll get to spend another four years griping to anyone who will listen. I'm out of here.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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