Warph's Prediction: Romney Beats Obuma: 281 to 257

Started by Warph, September 11, 2012, 08:35:25 PM

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Seeing as you like to tell people "I wasn't talking to you " ---Do you see your name in my post ?
Most times I read your crap and take it with a grain of salt (or should I say many grains of salt on the rim of my Margarita glass ) but on this day I don't really give a rats ass what happens to your socialist leaning state---or you---so go scratch your fingernail down someone else's blackboard


I have to agree with you there, Ronnie. I didn't see where you had called out the old sow with a dinner bucket. I could give a rats' ass less about Delaware, New York and all of DC needs to be flushed. Them states that are so damn perfect and wonderful to live there and according to the sow that everything in Delaware is so much better than anywhere else in the US or world. Let Delaware fix their own damn state. My tax money should stay here in Kansas. We take care of our own and they can take care of theirs. Stop panhandling in the midwest.---Robert




Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 07, 2012, 05:21:13 PM
Your humanitarianism is amazing! Gee thanks.  Does God punish you with tornadoes?

Not sure what your religion teaches, but the Bible is full of examples, from start to finish, about God visiting wrath on folks with hardened hearts.  So I guess the answer to your question would be... yes, it's very possible.  Though I doubt those with seared consciences would understand.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Who pray tell is ''panhandling" in the mid west?I didn't have my hand out. I've sent money out your way to support various things, but to my knowledge none of you have ever sent anything here, and all things considering, I wouldn't expect you to. Speaking of hardened hearts.... Even at that, your state leeches off us, not the other way around! We are a donor state, you are a receiver state, so ya might wanna be careful what ya say! Ya can't even take care of your state's needs with out help from states like us. I'd have never said that, but I'm sick of being attacked and ridiculed. Yes, I was called out since my state was also hit with the two storms..It is my business. Sow?  Now that's funny coming from someone who cooks and sells greasy stuff.  ;) Could ya be much ruder?
As far as thinking that here is better than there, that's all in your head. It's just different. I've talked about things here just as you all talk abut things there. We have a bunch of little towns of 500 or less and lots of farms downstate. Our state population is much smaller than yours. So what. I didn't know we were setting standards for excellence and you came out lacking.  That sounds like just plain old, totally unnecessary, green eyed jealousy, and I don't know why. Why so touchy?
Yes ,I am proud of Newark Charter School, but I hear nice comments out there about music and math awards etc. and I'd never belittle them. I'd always support that kind of thing where ever it is. As far as "grains of salt." That's your problem. I'm not the one with a bunker in the back yard!If you are pissed at Obama ,don't take it out on me! Sheesh!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 08, 2012, 11:19:39 AM
I've talked about things here just as you all talk abut things there.

Yes, you have talked about your local stuff.  Ad nauseam.  Silly woman... of course we talk about Elk County stuff... look at the top of the page.  It doesn't say "The Delaware Collective - Share your socialist collective drivel here".

The persecution you feel just might be due to local folks on a local forum not giving a damn about your incessant commentary about non-local matters or perspectives. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

It also doesn't say California or any other state like Oklahoma or Texas or Mo. either!
  So why are you picking on me? Are you self absorbed and mean?  Don't ya wanna put barbed wire around Elk County with armed guards so your version of Rif-raf can't get in? And you wonder if the county will ever recover? Why would anyone want to visit there to get a flavor of the place and see this kind of attitude.  "This is a closed county...go away."  Maybe you better take down your flag if that's how you really feel. Forums are supposed to be for two way conversations. If there are rules to the contrary, please  post them.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 08, 2012, 12:34:41 PM
It also doesn't say California or any other state like Oklahoma or Texas or Mo. either!
  So why are you picking on me? Are you self absorbed and mean?

Those in say California or any other state like Oklahoma or Texas or Mo. don't waste near as much time on matters related to their local areas as you do.  I suspect they reserve those efforts for folks in their communities to whom those things matter. 

Self absorbed & mean?  Meany meany!  What a sandlot chant! Save your ad hominem personal attacks for those who are still worried about being called names by a bloviating leftist.  I'm not.  Nor am I a racist, homophobe or xenophobe. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 So you never read what Larry has to say?  You skip those nifty historical tidbits he shares every day because they bore you Sounds like a personal problem of your own doesn't it?
So then you will never again mention 9-11 because it had nothing to do with you, now did it... and New York should be flushed anyway."Waste time?"  Hah! Don't send that beef east 'cause we don't want it, and send your corn somewhere else...kinda silly huh?
   Sorry I didn't die in the storms for your entertainment. You must have some sort of mental problem. Does it run in the family? Solve your own problem...DON"T READ WHAT I POST!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 08, 2012, 01:10:54 PM
So you never read what Larry has to say?  You skip those nifty historical tidbits he shares every day because they bore you Sounds like a personal problem of your own doesn't it?
So then you will never again mention 9-11 because it had nothing to do with you, now did it... and New York should be flushed anyway."Waste time?"  Hah! Don't send that beef east 'cause we don't want it, and send your corn somewhere else...kinda silly huh?
   Sorry I didn't die in the storms for your entertainment. You must have some sort of mental problem. Does it run in the family? Solve your own problem...DON"T READ WHAT I POST!

Paraphrasing Ann Coulter, "You know you're talking to a liberal when they begin blowing steam from every orifice in their body".

More personal attacks.  This time regarding my mental health.  That's rich.  Feel better Ms Lib? I was referencing your "local" subjects.. you know, youre spethial school, your spethial town, your spethial EMT training gropes, your spethial volunteer fur department, your stunted career as an allergy prone government school teacher... as if any of that has anything to do with Elk County, Kansas.  Or Obama vs Romney.  YOUR local drip, drip, drip has no comparison to 9-11... or corn.  Though it does resemble food products - post digestion.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Why don't you answer her not so subtle question.

Why is it so wrong for her to comment on things in Deleware, but it's okay for people from California, Texas, and Arizona to post about their regions?

And for someone that sure hates being called names that you feel are unwarranted, you can sure throw a bunch at others!
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

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