Warph's Prediction: Romney Beats Obuma: 281 to 257

Started by Warph, September 11, 2012, 08:35:25 PM

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Diane Amberg

Sorry Flint, his rantings and making up rules for the forum just really frost me. Nobody makes him read anything I say and if it's too much for him he should just move on rather than picking on someone who he clearly feels inferior to. I've never said or hinted that anything here is "better "than there. I  don't feel that way. It's just conversation. That's all in his own head and insecurity and being out of his own comfort zone...speaking of playground bullies, he better get some speech therapy for  that lisp or he'll be the one getting picked on!
I was invited to join before he came around and was asked to tell about myself, this area and what it's like to live in an eastern college town. There were lots of good chats back and forth and nobody was mean, just poked sometimes in jest, including the political forums.I'd love to know what happened. It's like the black death swept over.  I will not be a door mat for him.I guess he 's mad because his candidate didn't win. Now even Red says they're all a bunch of socialists too Now that's really funny! Talk about a poke in the political eye.


Diane you hang right in there. You make more sense than Patriot does. Flint that was a post that made me laugh because Patriot will not like it. According to his posts if you disagree with him you should not post your opinion.


Quote from: flintauqua on November 08, 2012, 01:33:21 PM

Why don't you answer her not so subtle question.

Why is it so wrong for her to comment on things in Deleware, but it's okay for people from California, Texas, and Arizona to post about their regions?

And for someone that sure hates being called names that you feel are unwarranted, you can sure throw a bunch at others!


What is it about my direct answer, quoted below, that went so far over your head?

Quote from: Patriot on November 08, 2012, 12:54:26 PM
Those in say California or any other state like Oklahoma or Texas or Mo. don't waste near as much time on matters related to their local areas as you do.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 08, 2012, 02:57:00 PM
I was invited to join before he came around and was asked to tell about myself, this area and what it's like to live in an eastern college town. There were lots of good chats back and forth and nobody was mean, just poked sometimes in jest, including the political forums.I'd love to know what happened. It's like the black death swept over.  I will not be a door mat for him.I guess he 's mad because his candidate didn't win. Now even Red says they're all a bunch of socialists too Now that's really funny! Talk about a poke in the political eye.

And you've been 'telling about' your eastern college town since July 01, 2007.  I wouldn't expect you to be a doormat, and my 'anger' has nothing to do with who did or didn't win an election.  My indignation has everything to do with the clear lack of understanding and usurpation inflicted by you and your ilk on the Constitution in the name of your religion... the creation of some kind of a utopian, 'all for the children/save the baby whale' heaven on earth by elites who think they are greater than the masses.  But, you go ahead with your personal attacks and feigned victim status.  If you understood the idiologies involved, your humor might be tempered with sober understnding.  Ultimately, time will be the test.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: proelkco on November 08, 2012, 02:57:21 PM
Diane you hang right in there. You make more sense than Patriot does. Flint that was a post that made me laugh because Patriot will not like it. According to his posts if you disagree with him you should not post your opinion.

So you find humor in the simple ASSumption someone won't like something.  Fascinating.  It says much about your character.  As to the latter part of your post.... it's a lie.  

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from: proelkco on November 08, 2012, 06:37:17 PM
You  know nothing about my character.

Yet you seem to know about mine.... more double standards?  Tsk tsk
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Quote from: proelkco on November 08, 2012, 06:46:14 PM
No double standards. You are just obvious.

Just to clarify... did you mean oblivious?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Kinda funny aint it ? "They" wanted all the vile people out of their beloved Coffee Shop, so for the most part the "negative people "left it---now I guess the Coffee Shop aint exciting enough so here "they" come to the politics thread to jump on you like a chicken on a June-bug. Can't have that daily pity-pat party if there aint someone to argue with and "be mean" to her---I mean them. I'm starting to think there are a few on here aint gonna be happy until you move to the Obituary thread ;)

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