The Local Enemies Within Part 2

Started by Patriot, November 08, 2012, 10:03:30 PM

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Even more you should know.  Sounds painfully like the sources of Kommunity Konversations put on by Elk Konnected & Public Squares right here in Elk County.  

The Sustainable Death Of America

Every day in every way we hear how we are working to be "Sustainable." But do you know why this word, "sustainable," is showing up in everything in your life? Why is it used in every government regulation, every talking point on development, every initiative, and every working plan adopted by leadership at all levels of American life today? It sounds so cozy, so comforting, so reassuring. It's the latest craze, the latest buzzword, the latest word to explain how everything the government is doing is supposedly good for you. It goes with "green," "livable," "preservation," "conservation," "open areas," "recreation," "eco-tourism," etal. So hip. So now. So happening. So rad. So cool. So... necessary?

It is amazing what words can do to create a perception. People can be convinced of anything if the right words are used to do the convincing. Words can make you feel good. Words, when used for propaganda, are very powerful. And that is why you are hearing the cozy words; sustainable, green, conservation, preservation, livable, easements, visioning, partners, smart growth, equity, consensus, etc.

Your vote has not been requested. You are not included into the decision making process. There was no debate. Sustainable Development is being implemented without the consent of the governed. Plans, such as Gastonia 2020, were adopted without citizens' understanding of it. (similar plans have been distributed by regionalists for Agenda 21 and adopted in nearly every town in America.) Partnerships between government, businesses, and nonprofit organizations have been created without your consent. Taxes are being taken from you to support these partnerships, creating a binding contract with them that you did not sign onto...

And it gets worse:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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