Elk Road Dept Manhours... where are they working?

Started by Patriot, August 30, 2012, 01:47:58 AM

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no wonder the ditches don't get mowed,as for the trees sometime brains trumps brawn.And if its a women county commisioner that thinks cats are better then husqvarna some women aint smart


Quote from: upoladeb on September 15, 2012, 01:18:11 PM
no wonder the ditches don't get mowed,as for the trees sometime brains trumps brawn.And if its a women county commisioner that thinks cats are better then husqvarna some women aint smart
welll they got bigger problems than the ditchs.  Folks can't drive down road 10 today.  Mud is up to the belly of a vehicle.  two locations especially are starting at greenwood cty line going south about 300 feet or so its a mud pit. then past that down at turkey road i bottomed my pickup out in the mud, barely got through only because i realized it was deep and i stepped on it. and then that long hill up to settler road is a disaster.  Total fubar! 

I guess if someone gets stuck and has to call a tow truck they'll just bill the county for the fee cause the roads are impassable.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Hasn't your area always been that way though? I remember Daddy years ago talking about harnessing  Blondie to help pull some vehicles out during mud season. I also think I remember that rural owners got a  tax reduction for keeping their own ditches clear.


well they don't no longer if ever,sometimes i swear they hide and watch while i mow the 4ft tall weeds with my 22" push mower then come along with there 5 ft mower and mow .Let me tell ya the ridges they leave  when they drag(i won't call it grading) the road are ruff on the old doll!!!

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