Started by genealogynut, December 11, 2006, 01:50:35 PM

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AAADD- Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.

This is how it goes............I decide to do work on the car, start to the garage and notice the mail on the table.  OK.....I'm going to work on the car.....BUT FIRST I'm going to go through the mail.  Lay car keys down on the desk.   After discarding the junk mail, I notice the trash can is full.  OK......I'll just put the bills on my desk.......BUT FIRST......I'll take the trash out.....but since I'm going to be near the mailbox, I'll address a few bills.....yes, now where is the checkbook?.....Oops......there's only one check left.  Where did I put the extra checks?  Oh, there is my empty plastic cup from last night on my desk.  I'm going to look for those checks....BUT FIRST, I need to put the cup back in the kitchen....I head for the kitchen, look out the window....notice the flowers need a drink of water.  I put the cup on the counter......and there's my extra pair of glasses on the kitchen counter.  What are they doing here? I'll just put them away....BUT FIRST ...I need to water those plants.  I head for the door and......Aaaagh!  someone left the TV remote on the wrong spot.  Okay, I'll put the remote away and water the plants.  BUT FIRST I need to find those checks.  END OF DAY:  Oil in car not changed, bills still unpaid, cup still not in the sink, checkbook still has only one check left, lost my car keys......And when I try to figure out how come nothing got done today, I'm baffled because.....I KNOW I WAS BUSY ALL DAY!  I realize this condition is serious......I'd get help.....BUT FIRST.....I think I'll check my e-mail.

(Does this sound familiar to anyone??)


So true that if it weren't so funny it wouldn't be funny.   And what I just wrote makes sense to me.


What's scary is I understood what both of you were saying!

Janet Harrington

Me, too.  And I am positive that I am younger than any of the three of you. ;D


We might think it is funny, but---------it took me 30 minutes to make coffee because I poured in the water, noticed the printer cartridges that were still on the table, took them to the drawer where I keep such things, found that I now have 3 color cartridges and 2 black cartridges, besides the ones in the printer, put the cartridges away, talked to a daughter about moving some furniture, decided that I wanted a cup of coffee, discovered the lid up on the coffee pot, new coffee grounds had not been put in pot, finished fixing coffee pot and just now remembered that I haven't turned the coffee pot on.  I am going to go have a cup of cold coffee because there is still just enough in the pot.  I might even turn the pot on while I am there if I can remember to.


I wonder what age this AAADD starts attacking ones ability to "accomplish tasks."   I, too, have this problem.  And I think I am doing all kinds of "projects", but by the end of the day haven't completed a single one of them, but am totally exhausted, not to mention looking for things and trying to remember just exactly what it was that I started out to do. 

But I can sure go at things like a house afire----and have energy that won't quit until I fall down with exhaustion.  I am sorry that others suffer with this---but am sure glad that there are others who understand.

Now back to what I was doing.......I only came to my computer to address some Christmas cards while I let the paint dry in the kitchen, so that I can make some cookies for a Chiristmas party for which I need to wrap a gift that is upstairs in the guest room that needs swept.  I wonder if I can..............oh well. Here we go again.


YEA!!!!!!!!  I just made a pot of coffee in less than a minute.  Want some?  Come on over.

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