Top 10 reasons to write-in Ross for County Commissioner

Started by flintauqua, September 04, 2012, 12:45:04 PM

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Amen to that.  You and I will catch hell for our statements.

Diane Amberg

 Make that three! 
   Ross...did your grasp of simple spelling fall off somewhere? I know when you are trying to be funny, but adulter? Are you an adulterer? adulterate?  Naw, I don't think so. Your tenses don't agree in several places either. Might wanna work on that too. Perhaps "alter" might fit your needs. How about "drivel' instead of dribble? Poke poke. 8) ;D
Ross, intelligent people don't get distracted from one thread or post to another. Write in Mr. Ross! Write in Mr. Ross! See? No distraction. Write in Mr.Ross.


      If picking on someone's spelling or context is all you've got, then maybe you should go back and "fix" your own. You might not want to hitch your wagon to others just to have someone to help you run down Ross. Try standing on your own without all the "dribble" in the corner of your mouth.


That aint dribble---that is foam like from the mouth of a rabid dog. Poke Poke

Aw shit, am I in trouble now. My reference to a rabid dog directed at a lady will be used against me by the PC crowd. A female dog is known as a bitch and in no way did I mean it in that way  :angel:


Fascinating.  To sit and read comments from so called moderates.  Let's see.... looks like a play straight from the liberal playbook.... if you can't refute arguments with fact, engage in personal attack.  And if you can attack when a person is already down, so much the better.

While I doubt that Ross personally hates either of the Kommissioners referenced, that is an unrelated issue. I'm fully behind his constitutional rights to criticize government officials.  To assume we elect people and then must trust them blindly, is asinine at best.  Open criticism of government actions is a major function that makes America unique among nations.  Much more noble & acceptable than attacking private citizens, IMO.  What is it about that distinction that escapes the lib leaning thought process?  Amazing.  Perhaps most offensive is that some of the sharks here have the audacity to call themselves conservative leaning.  Not even close. 

Sadly, jarhead has hit the mark.... hypocrisy.  Touting one set of values while demonstrating an opposite set. Anything but independent thinking.  Groupthink at its best.  To say one thing and do the opposite is a lie by any definition.  Right Diane?

As for write in votes... we already have two announced.  I'm sure that's quite enough.  Trying to further muddy the waters in the hope of further splitting the vote... a shameful tactict, IMHO.

Charles... as a footnote, a truce is a delicate thing.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

You seem to have missed why I picked up on the write in thread. First of all, I think it's very funny. Yes, I have a warped sense of humor and secondly Ross recently ripped me a new one when I was really being sincere and it hurt. Then he even lied about what I had said so he could get all puffed up and indignant. Phooey!
  Does he get criticized for his unnecessary personal attacks? NEVER. Once in awhile I get tired of it and toss it back. If you don't like it ....tough! You never seem to pay attention to the "when.'' I'm usually playing defense and am rarely the aggressor, but you don't want to see that do ya?
  You are expecting me to tread a much higher road than anyone else. Why? I tried to do just that for a very long time. Why the double standard? I am so often put in the position of defending myself and that is hardly hypocrisy or a lie. Besides that sword cuts both ways. Apply that same statement to yourselves and get down off the high horse .You aren't exactly a good role model now are you?  I try to ignore most of the put downs and just consider the sources, but once in awhile I bite back. I have run out of cheeks...again.
  Do you ever just disagree without making it personal?  Does everything have to be on a win/lose basis?   Don't expect me to roll over and change my beliefs just because you hammer me. Take what I say out of context and use it against me if you must...that's mean, but if that's how you must play, many people here aren't surprised.  Some real politicians do it quite often.The difference is, once the election is over they shake hands and go back to work together. Or at least they used to. As far as here on the forum, it's not the questioning of Gov't....that is usually a good thing, it's the nasty, disrespectful, ugly, way it is done by some.
  I'm going to have to go all the way back and do some reading, but it seems to me that some of Ross's questions, that even had answers, were addressed.Then he fired off more questions because he thought he had them trapped by coming on the forum. I'll have to check. I might have the wrong person. Regardless, I don't blame them for not subjecting themselves to the kind of treatment I get. They may well have planned to come on here quite often, but when it turned into the cesspool of rudeness, I'd have gone a different way too!  That is just so disrespectful!
  It's been almost 15 months and the same questions are being posted. I'd have thought anyone who was really interested in answers would have tried another way when the forum connection wasn't working out. There are a few decent questions there, but the attitude sucks.  One would think someone with 8 years in Elk County would want to run for office if he has all the answers, but I guess he has his reasons. OK ,no more write in comments.


I swear, Diane, every time you get on your political broomstick all I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher.... "Wah wah, wah wahwahwah. Wah, wah, wah, wahwah." 

Good lordy, woman, there are something like 3086 counties & parishes in the United States.  Isn't there one in Montana or somewhere that deserves your uninformed meddling in local political affairs more than we do?  I'm sure you've got lots to offer regarding pink underwear in Maricopa County, Arizona.  If not, then I'll look forward to seeing your smiling face at the next local Elk county commission meeting collecting facts and figures as opposed to background rumors, propaganda and long distance misinformation.  Heaven knows, we've got enough resident propaganda protagonists here already.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Actually I'm all about pink tents for the sheriff out in AZ. He is amazing!
   What makes you think I'm uninformed? I have lots of information sources and it's not misinformation. I hear from people who you have no idea I even know.  I have e-mail. a telephone, and face book and they all work.
  Remember, I still have family and other friends out there. Not as much family as there once was of course, but you just don't know who I'm related to. ;D   I  also have friends who are not on the forum at all ,but are very much a part of Elk County and not all from the Howard area either. 
  Some really laugh at all the politics and how some just can't get past it. ( They are all a mix of political parties.) It just really isn't important to us every day of the week. I've been able to watch both conventions and watch for the real meat and potatoes and wonder if any of them can do what they promise during their campaigns. I'll be watching Pres. O tonight to see what he has to say. Will any of you?
  Don't think I'm not informed, you'd be wrong. Some of my friends feel much as you do on some things, but are very civil and respectful of how we can agree to disagree. One friend said she couldn't understand why a few are so publicly rotten to me. She said she actually looked up to me..I don't know.. Maybe because I'm spunky and don't give up easily.?
   Patriot, I'm sorry your attention span is so short. As far as political meddling, I've asked questions, which Ross says is fine, but I've never suggested how any of you should vote on anything or anyone or in any particular way. That final say, of course, is up to you all.
I do admit to not understanding how you can get anything done without at least 5 people on your county council.I know it has to do with population, but it sure lends it's self to problems. IMHO.
I'll try not to hiss so much if some of you will please lay off.


Charlie Brown:  "What did she say, Linus?"

Linus: "Wahwah wah, wah wahwahwah. Wah, wah, wah, wahwah." 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Well, I guess you won't lay off will ya? OK, just for you, I'll use easier vocabulary and fewer syllables. If you change your hearing aid battery that might help also. :P

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