This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Nutty Article Of The Day

No Joke: Arizona State Univ. Students Say "Walk-Only Zones"
Are A "Microaggression" Against Disabled People

(Are you kidding.  When I was in college worrying about "microaggressions" or any other form of liberal PC nonsense was the last thing on my mind.  Getting drunk and making sure I passed my classes took up 99% of my time...)

Via Campus Reform

Arizona State University students are petitioning the university to change the name of its pedestrian walkways as its current name—Walk-Only Zones—might be a "microaggression" and "offensive" to people who cannot walk.

The public university enforces these Walk-Only Zones on its Tempe, Ariz., campus during the weekdays in certain areas around campus in order to "enhance pedestrian safety" and "ease vehicle congestion," according to the university's website. During the enforcement period, during which students are paid to patrol, wheeled vehicles (including bicycles, delivery vans, landscaping vehicles, golf carts, scooters, Segways, skateboards, etc.) are banned from the area.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

These kids don't have enough to do. ADA took care of this long ago.Wheel chairs of all kinds, knee scooters and motorized scooters used by the disabled are exempt from this by law. Same thing for service dogs. They are not restricted anywhere.


Quote from Diane:
Now I'm going to make a statement and I don't care if certain self important judgmental people like it or not.That North East corridor is by far the busiest railroad in the entire US. Allowing it to have areas that haven't been updated and upgraded for many years due to lack of funding and help from Congress is such a travesty, it borders on criminal.That curve could and should have been straightened out a very long time ago. I'm just glad we haven't had more serious incidents before this and it was lucky so few died.. It will be interesting to see what the final report has to say.

What a shame. The bodies from the Amtrak crash aren't even in the ground yet but the Liberal Democrats are already screaming, "Throw more money at an ( already)  bloated, incompetent govt. bureaucracy. Money fixes everything "
Maybe that curve would be OK if you didn't try to take it at 100+ MPH.


Quote from: jarhead on May 14, 2015, 08:52:52 PM
What a shame. The bodies from the Amtrak crash aren't even in the ground yet but the Liberal Democrats are already screaming, "Throw more money at an ( already)  bloated, incompetent govt. bureaucracy. Money fixes everything "
Maybe that curve would be OK if you didn't try to take it at 100+ MPH.

Good Common Sense, huh jarhead?


Teens Rally After South Carolina High School
American Flag in Parking Lot

A teenager from a South Carolina high school is rallying his fellow students after school administrators banned the American flag he was flying from his truck in the school parking lot.

Peyton Robinson of York Comprehensive High School was shocked to learn that the school administration was banning the large U.S. and POW flags he was flying from his pickup truck and in response to the banning he called for his fellow students to support his right to flay Old Glory despite the school's rules.

As to why the flags were banned, the administrators claimed that the flags were a "safety concern."

But he posted a Facebook post that complained about the decision.

I've been told by 2 administrators at my school this morning that I can't have an American Flag on my truck because other people have complained about it. Well let me tell you something, I have every right to fly an American flag. It will not be coming off of my truck. This really pisses me off. I ask that everyone that sees this post that attends York Comprehinsive flys an American flag of some sort on whatever they may drive to school tomorrow to prove a point. I will not let this go down without a fight. "#America #fightforourright

The teen also told the media, "I've had family in the military and I have had friends who have had family members that didn't come home," Robinson told NBC Charlotte of the reason why he flies the flag. "School says they want us to have American pride, let us fly our flags."

There is a video at:


Next Door to York Comprehensive High School
which is in York County

Residents advised to ignore 'sounds of gunfire,' vehicles in streets
Published: 11 hours ago. Updated: 05/14/2015 at 2:31 PM

A joint exercise of Fort Bragg special operations troops and sheriff's deputies in Richland County, South Carolina that's due to wrap Friday has set the Internet on fire, with bloggers and watchdogs – already upset with the looming Jade Helm 15 military training mission set for seven states this summer – decrying what they perceive as a Posse Comitatus violation.

The Posse Comitatus Act was passed in 1878 to limit the federal government from using U.S. military forces to enforce laws against American citizens. As one blogger at D.C. Clothesline wrote, though: Many are concerned recent and upcoming military training exercises that pair the federal forces with civilian police officers are treading dangerously close to that Posse Comitatus line.

"The fact that the police and military are engaging in joint drill exercises in violation of Posse Comitatus and a long-standing American tradition of separation between domestic policing and military activity is concerning," the blogger wrote.

The comments come in context of discussing a Fort Bragg-initiated special forces training with Richland County civilian law enforcement officials that began a week ago.

WLTX described the training this way: "Military and sheriff's department vehicles will be traveling in the Lower Richland County community near Eastover and Hopkins ... The sheriff's department says people in those areas may also hear ordinance being set off or shots being fired. They say those will be simulations or blanks and do not pose a risk to the community."

"Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare Is Becoming Our Reality" chronicles how America has arrived at the point of being a de facto police state, and what led to an out-of-control government that increasingly ignores the Constitution.

WLTX also reported the sheriff's department Special Response Team was tasked to partner with the 3rd Special Forces Group from Fort Bragg to stage simulated scenarios for the military. But Infowars reported a more startling scene.

In a report filed earlier this week, Infowars said: "Special forces out of Fort Bragg are training with SWAT officers in Richland County, South Carolina, this week for house-to-house raids, another unnerving sign of the militarization of domestic law enforcement. The late night and pre-dawn exercises ... have been running since May 8."

Infowars also posted a video from YouTube that claimed to be images of special forces conducting night raids in civilian spots in the county.

The Fort Bragg operation comes as social media posters are fueling fires about the upcoming Jade Helm, a special forces operation involving all four branches of the military, the FBI and DEA and various local law enforcement agencies in seven different states. Texas, Utah and portions of California have been deemed "hostile" zones for the purposes of this two-month training operation, set for this summer. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, in response to numerous citizen complaints, has alerted the state's national guard to watch over the training and make sure nothing nefarious or unconstitutional occurs.

Some of Jade Helm's sharpest critics say it's a backdoor attempt to acclimate the American people for a federal declaration of martial law. Jade Helm operational authorities, meanwhile, have held several town hall and local meetings to calm the fears and inform officials: We're just conducting necessary military training in urban areas to prepare our troops for overseas operations.

The Richland County-Fort Bragg joint training exercise was held last year, also. Then, Sheriff Leon Lott said that operation was crucial to helping deputies prepare for tragic situations that could occur in Columbia, the Associated Press reported.

Meanwhile, another video that's recently surfaced shows a U.S. Marine training operation in Arizona from a month ago of troops chasing citizens inside a mock internment camp.

Infowars reported the exercise took place in Yuma, and involved Marines with the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.

Two Video at


10 Pictures That Show How America Is Becoming A Lot Like Nazi Germany

By Michael Snyder, on May 14th, 2015

The history books tell us about how evil and wicked the Nazis were, so why aren't we more alarmed that the United States is becoming more like Nazi Germany with each passing day?  More than three years ago, I wrote an article entitled "25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany" which got a ton of attention.  Unfortunately, nothing has gotten better since I first published that piece.  Government control freaks are still watching us, tracking us, recording our phone calls and monitoring our emails.  TSA thugs at our airports are still fondling the private parts of our women and children and laughing while they do it.  Our police and our military are still training for civil unrest and martial law in America.  And even though our politicians are socializing our economy and destroying our constitutional freedoms, the American people keep sending most of them back to Washington time after time.  It is an incredibly sad thing to watch the country that you love slowly die right in front of your eyes.

At the heart of Nazism was a desire to control everyone and everything, and that is exactly what we are seeing in America today.  Most of our "leaders" are psychotic control freaks that want to micromanage every aspect of our lives.  For example, a bill that was just introduced in Congress would force all children in public schools nationwide to be vaccinated with no exceptions whatsoever.  Other new legislation that was just introduced would ban all sales of ammunition over the Internet and require ammo dealers to report all bulk sales to individuals to the government.  Our founders intended for this nation to be a place where individual freedom and liberty were maximized, but today we literally have millions of laws, rules and regulations that wrap us so tightly in red tape that we can hardly breathe.

To say that we are becoming just like the Nazis is a very strong statement, but I think that after reviewing the evidence you will agree with me.  The following are 10 pictures that show how America is becoming just like Nazi Germany...

#1 - It surprises most people to learn that the Nazis were actually radical leftists that had great animosity for free market capitalism.  For example, National Socialist theologian Gregor Strasser once made the following statement...
We National Socialists are enemies, deadly enemies,
of the present capitalist system with its exploitation
of the economically weak ... and we are resolved
under all circumstances to destroy this system.

With that in mind, I want you to check out the following political cartoon from 1934.  The same kinds of things that helped the communists rise to power in Russia and the Nazis rise to power in Germany are happening in the United States today...

#2 - Just like in Nazi Germany, political leaders in America tend to foster cult followings.  At this point, there are millions of Americans that would support Barack Obama and believe whatever he had to say even if he was sacrificing children on the White House lawn.  These kinds of followers are called "sheeple" for a reason...

#3 - The Nazis were well known for their brutal police tactics, and that is definitely true of us today.  The following photo is a powerful commentary on the transformation of police in America over the past several decades...

Just recently, representatives from 117 countries confronted the U.S. about all of this police brutality at the United Nations' Human Rights Council.  Unfortunately, I don't think that this is actually going to change anything...
The United States was slammed over its rights record Monday at the United Nations' Human Rights Council, with member nations criticizing the country for police violence and racial discrimination, the Guantánamo Bay Detention Facility and the continued use of the death penalty.

The issue of racism and police brutality dominated the discussion on Monday during the country's second universal periodic review (UPR). Country after country recommended that the U.S. strengthen legislation and expand training to eliminate racism and excessive use of force by law enforcement.

#4 - Why do so many of our police insist on dressing up like Darth Vader these days?  Yes, I know that body armor is called for in certain situations, but many believe that the primary goal of these outfits is to intimidate.  The following photo was submitted to Flickr by Elvert Barnes...

#5 - In recent years, the American people have become conditioned to seeing troops in our streets.  This next picture is from the Ferguson protests.  The fact that sharpshooters were deployed on rooftops during the unrest there is more than a little disconcerting...

#6 - Just like in Ferguson, when rioting started in Baltimore the police were initially ordered to stand down and allow it to spiral out of control.  Then after a few hours, National Guard troops were finally deployed to help restore order.  We are slowly getting used to the idea that martial law in our cities is a good thing...

#7 - Meanwhile, "progressives" continue to use our system of public education to launch a relentless attack on the values that this country was founded upon.  The Nazis were also big believers in "public education", and they used it with shocking efficiency.  Today, our children are being brainwashed to accept "progressive values", and most Americans don't seem to be too concerned about what is happening...

#8 - Yes, the Nazis loved gun control.  In fact, they eventually had everyone in the general population turn in their guns, and that is precisely what the "progressives" would love to see take place in the U.S. today.  But what would this country look like if that actually happened?  I think that this next photo which has been circulating on Facebook gives us a clue...

#9 - Under the Nazis, the Germans were taught to salute a new flag and to adopt an entirely new set of values.  In America today, it is not "politically correct" to display the American flag publicly or to show honor for it.  Instead, we are being trained to think of ourselves as "global citizens" and to never question the growing power of international institutions such as the United Nations.  Fortunately, there are many Americans that never plan to accept the "global governance" that the elitists have planned...

#10 -  In the end, the reason why the Nazis were so successful in Germany was because the vast majority of the German population simply complied with their demands.  As Americans, we are going to be faced with our own choices in the years ahead...

So what do you think?

Is America becoming more like Nazi Germany?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Crazy Liberal Calls for Death Penalty for Eating Meat and Dairy Products

(Normally liberals oppose the death penalty with self-righteous vehemence.  But they are willing to make exceptions for those who are truly undeserving of life.  Inconvenient unborn babies are one example.  People who eat a normal human diet including meat and/or dairy products are another... the only reason you are still alive is that nut cases like this don't have the political leverage to kill you yet...



"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Homosexuals Sue Airline Because Their Excrement-Covered Sex Toy Poked Out of Their Overstuffed Bag

The way to get ahead in a society run by stupid people is to be oppressed, which is easy to manage if you are homosexual.  For example, you can overstuff your travel bag so that an excrement-befouled anal sex implement sticks out, then sue the airline because you find it embarrassing.  No I'm not kidding:

Christopher Bridgeman and his husband [you read that correctly], Martin Borger, have sued United Airlines saying an employee intentionally maneuvered their duffle bag to expose a fecal covered sex toy. The purple sex toy was exposed as it traveled on an airport carousel in Virginia.

Intentionally maneuvered it?  No one makes plastic gloves that thick.  You might hope that even under our First Gay President, a case like this would get laughed out of court.  It did.


The judge dismissed the case in 2012 but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reinstated the case in 2013.

Obuma must be making plenty of judicial appointments.  The persons of politically exalted sexual deviancy are suing for "invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.":

They were humiliated when the purple sex toy soiled with fecal matter could be seen at the baggage claim at the Norfolk International Airport. The petition alleges the men have suffered anxiety and paranoia, sleeping problems, and have had weight fluctuation.

Who knows how much of someone else's money all that suffering is worth?  Prepare to pay more for airline tickets.  Here's what I don't get.  Homosexuals are always shrieking about the "pride" they take in the revolting sexual activities they use to define themselves.  So why are they embarrassed?

(Our sainted First Gay President.... The first Gay, Black and Muslim president [who has a transgender wife?)]  That's four protected elite minorities there.  No wonder ObuttHead is untouchable...)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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