This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Quote from: jarhead on November 22, 2015, 03:17:42 PM
Quote from frawin,
On Facebook this Morning there is a Post that says ISIS is going to Attack Atlanta Georgia today. I hope they do, because if they do our Marines will be there to meet them. They will be wiped out. . I hope I see some posts agreeing with me. I forgot to Mention that Jarhead will be at the front of the Pack leading the charge. I know he will hate that because he loves President Obuma so much'

I don't know where to really post this but I don't think it belongs in the Coffee Shop.
No Frank, I do not agree with you and surprised anyone would. To hope ISIS would attack anyone in the USA is not something I wish for----not ever  . For me to be leading any charge is not on my bucket list either. There may be some out there but I personally do not know any combat veterans who would relish the thought of doing it again.
I also keep reading of people saying how many guns they have and how much ammo but I know for a fact you can be manning a M-60 machine gun, firing 500-600 rounds a minute and it only takes a small piece of shrapnel to enter under your armpit and pierce your aorta and you are KIA,  so all the guns and ammo in the world won't keep you from being killed in a split second.

Very. very right on the mark Jarhead.

I agree no vet would wish for an attack on our home from an enemy foreign of domestic.
Boasting of the number of guns or how much ammo a person has proves nothing except boasting.
But I do believe if it were to happen most vets would live up to their oath's.


Ross and Jarhead I don't understand your Posts in response to my Post "ISIS".I never said I was wishing for an attack in the U.S. by ISIS. I said I saw on the news they were going to. What it said was that top U.S. Sources
had it by good sources they were going to. Are you advocating that we just let them attack and not be ready and/or not tell the people.  That sounds like something that Obuma would want. I received a lot more posts that were positive about my post than  negative, the only negative ones were from you two. Jarhead your Post really surprised me. I know that you are an EX Marine and served you Country with honor. You both have a right to think what you want. I also received several Emails in response to my  post, and they were all positive. My mistake was that I said ""I hope that do", I admit I said it all wrong, I should of said they are. To me the whole point was that they were going to and if they do the U.S. Military, Local Law Enforcement and probably Lots of Locals, would be there to do Battle. The great thing about America is that the Private Citizens are well armed. If Obuma had his way none of us would be armed and the news Media would not be allowed to release that they were coming. His term as President can't end soon enough, unfortunately if Hillary gets elected it won't be any better.


Quote from: ROSS on November 22, 2015, 03:38:37 PM
Very. very right on the mark Jarhead.

I agree no vet would wish for an attack on our home from an enemy foreign of domestic.
Boasting of the number of guns or how much ammo a person has proves nothing except boasting.
But I do believe if it were to happen most vets would live up to their oath's.


Quote from: frawin on November 23, 2015, 05:24:29 AM
Ross and Jarhead I don't understand your Posts in response to my Post "ISIS".I never said I was wishing for an attack in the U.S. by ISIS. I said I saw on the news they were going to. What it said was that top U.S. Sources had it by good sources they were going to. Are you advocating that we just let them attack and not be ready and/or not tell the people.
That sounds like something that Obuma would want. I received a lot more posts that were positive about my post than  negative, the only negative ones were from you two. Jarhead your Post really surprised me. I know that you are an EX Marine and served you Country with honor. You both have a right to think what you want. I also received several Emails in response to my  post, and they were all positive. My mistake was that I said ""I hope that do", I admit I said it all wrong, I should of said they are. To me the whole point was that they were going to and if they do the U.S. marines would be there to stop it. Again you were the only ones that took it that I was wishing for it.

LETS REVIEW since you don't understand, okay! OK!
You distinctly said, "I hope they do".

Quote from: jarhead on November 22, 2015, 03:17:42 PM
Quote from frawin,
On Facebook this Morning there is a Post that says ISIS is going to Attack Atlanta Georgia today. I hope they do, because if they do our Marines will be there to meet them. They will be wiped out. . I hope I see some posts agreeing with me. I forgot to Mention that Jarhead will be at the front of the Pack leading the charge. I know he will hate that because he loves President Obuma so much'

Quote from: frawin on November 22, 2015, 08:03:40 AM
On Facebook this Morning there is a Post that says ISIS is going to Attack Atlanta Georgia today. I hope they do, because if they do our Marines will be there to meet them.

Quote from: jarhead on November 22, 2015, 03:17:42 PM
No Frank, I do not agree with you and surprised anyone would. To hope ISIS would attack anyone in the USA is not something I wish for----not ever

Quote from: ROSS on November 22, 2015, 03:38:37 PM
Very. very right on the mark Jarhead.
I agree no vet would wish for an attack on our home from an enemy foreign of domestic.

Which means the same thing as, "I hope they do".

Quote from: jarhead on November 22, 2015, 03:17:42 PM
I also keep reading of people saying how many guns they have and how much ammo but I know for a fact you can be manning a M-60 machine gun, firing 500-600 rounds a minute and it only takes a small piece of shrapnel to enter under your armpit and pierce your aorta and you are KIA,  so all the guns and ammo in the world won't keep you from being killed in a split second.

Quote from: ROSS on November 22, 2015, 03:38:37 PM
Boasting of the number of guns or how much ammo a person has proves nothing except boasting.
But I do believe if it were to happen most vets would live up to their oath's.

I sure do hope, this clarifies your misunderstanding for you.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 22, 2015, 02:40:08 PM
Frank, I understand what you mean I think, but I just can't wish an attack on anywhere.

See Diane even disagreed with you about, "Wishing an attack".

[quote author=Diane Amberg link=topic=17327.msg227477#msg227477 date=1448224808
Now Jar would probably be told to go some place safe "Old Man," and stay out of the way so nobody gets hurt trying to protect him.
Just funnin,' but at our age we forget the younger ones don't see us as we tend to see ourselves.

Remember they said the same thing about women in the military, don't you.
Joking or not, I do believe the able bodied "Old Timers" would jump right into the foray if there was an attack either foreign or domesticated in our country. Some even in wheel chairs would take a stand.

Why?   Because they wouldn't be near as worried about dying as they would about having their country under siege. Being old does not necessarily equate to being unable. Just saying.

I think you underestimate the older folk's abilities to man a gun.

But you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am.


Ross I told you I never said I wished an attack, I said I read where some Goverment agency said there was one coming. You are always trying to change what someone says. Lots of people fully read and agreed to what I said. You just can't avoid being Rude, do me a favor and either don't read my Posts or don't respond to them. I took you off of Block, because after what Teresa said I thought you would stop your Rudeness, I need to put you back on.


Quote from: frawin on November 23, 2015, 07:53:24 AM
Ross I told you I never said I wished an attack, I said I read where some Goverment agency said there was one coming. You are always trying to change what someone says. Lots of people fully read and agreed to what I said. You just can't avoid being Rude, do me a favor and either don't read my Posts or don't respond to them. I took you off of Block, because after what Teresa said I thought you would stop your Rudeness, I need to put you back on.

WRONG Here is your post once again:

Quote from: frawin on November 22, 2015, 08:03:40 AM
On Facebook this Morning there is a Post that says ISIS is going to Attack Atlanta Georgia today. I hope they do, because if they do our Marines will be there to meet them. They will be wiped out. OBUMA will  say that he is really pleased the Marines wiped them, but in his heart he will be disappointed big time. I have said it many times and I will continue to say it, " he is the worst President in my lifetime" Knowing the People in Elk County, I am sure most of you agree. knowing Teresa and Kjell, I know they agree big time. If they had their way they would both be there with their arsenal loaded and firing away. The best thing about Obuma is he took away the Honors Jimmie Carter had as being the worst President in History. I hope I see some posts agreeing with me. I forgot to Mention that Jarhead will be at the front of the Pack leading the charge. I know he will hate that because he loves President Obuma so much'

Quote from: frawin on November 22, 2015, 08:03:40 AM
On Facebook this Morning there is a Post that says ISIS is going to Attack Atlanta Georgia today. I hope they do, because if they do our Marines will be there to meet them

You said :
Quote from: frawin on November 22, 2015, 08:03:40 AM
I hope they do, because if they do our Marines will be there to meet them
I can not make what you said any clearer.

And then you knock Jarhead and myself for not agreeing with you, as if we are wrong about the issue.
You are the one wanting to change what you say, not me.

If instead of taking your error out on me, if that is what it is, simply post the fact that you meant some thing else. Problem solved. instead of attacking someone for having a different  opinion.

You did not say, that the article said, they hope they do !


Ross as usual you twist things the way you want, my comment that I wished they would attack was that if they did they would be wiped out, again that is just a figure of speech, granted, poor wording ,I have stated that I worded it wrong Again, you always twist things to make it the way you want, and so you can get what you think is great recognition. I have asked you to not respond to my Posts no matter how much you disagree. I would appreciate it if you would not respond to my posts in the Future. I need to Block you so I don't see what your posts are. I don't think anything I have said violates what Teresa  has said about negative postings. A big thank you to all of you that understood what I was saying and agreed and complemented my posting. Everyone have a great day.


When I read your reply this morning I thought maybe I misread your post so went back and read it again. It still reads , to me, that you wanted then to attack in Atlanta. I do accept that you say you should have worded it different but I don't think on initially reading it that "you hoped they did" that I twisted what you wrote. I'm glad you cleared that up.
Might be I was a tad touchy because I just had two dear friends leave Wichita to go back to Pennsylvania and will be switching flights in Atlanta---which sure seems out of the way but tell that to the airlines---BUT---they would rather take the flight to Atlanta and switch planes than fly out of Harrisburg and do the switching in Chicago.


Thanks Jar, I did word it badly, for that I apologize to everyone. As I said a lot of people took it like I meant it, I will be very careful in my Post in the Future. I am never Pleased to see our Military in Harms Way. I had 4 brothers in the Military, lots of Nephews and even a couple of  Nieces. I had lots of  Uncles in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. I had a Nephew killed in Vietnam. I signed up for the Military During the Vietnam War, went to KC by Train for my Physical, I was rejected, they said I had Flat Feet and was Hard of Hearing. I argued with them, they told me that was final I went back, to Howard and went to the Draft Board and asked to go back for another physical, they said no way, that the it was final. I really wanted to go as my 4 Brothers had served. I will be double careful to watch what I post in the Future. Jar, I really appreciate your post and your understanding.

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