This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A Letter To The Wise....

Because Barack Hussein Obuma says he wants his administration to look more like America, he recently appointed Raffi Freedman-Gurspan to be the director of the White House Office of Personnel.  I'm not sure what that title means, either, but that's not really important.  What matters is that Mr. Freedman-Gurspan is the first transgender to ever be a White House official.  At least his/her/its being a transgender makes that goofy hyphen slightly more appropriate than is usually the case.

So it is that one more item gets scratched off Obuma's bucket list.  It does raise the question, though, why it is necessary that this freak be given a slot in the White House, when there are, fortunately, only a handful of these critters in the entire nation.  On the other hand, there are tens of millions of conservatives, and yet Hussein has resisted the urge to give any of them a cushy job.

But, then, this is the same guy who is always Johnny-on-the-spot with a phone call and a shout-out whenever a homosexual athlete ventures out of the closet.  One gets the feeling that if he thought he could get away with it, Obuma would turn the White House into a replica of a San Francisco bathhouse.

One has come to assume lunacy in places like New York, Massachusetts and California, but apparently the liberal virus is more virulent and fast-moving than the notorious bird flu.  For instance, in Connecticut, the state Supreme Court has ruled that all executions are unconstitutional.

As if that's not bad enough, seven years ago an 11-year-old girl, who was a next door neighbor, had her two best friends, along with their mother, raped and murdered.  But, today, as radio talk show host Dennis Prager recently pointed out, at the age of 18, she has been brainwashed so successfully by the media and her teachers that she insists it would be wrong to execute the two barbarians responsible for the crimes.

Meanwhile, in Tennessee, a state court has insisted that the designation of Mother and Father on birth certificates be replaced by Parent One and Parent Two, all because homosexuals, who represent 4% of America's adoptive parents, must be accommodated.

In the nation's mad rush to concern itself with the tender sensibilities of minorities, the majority are being compelled to live in a bizarre universe where black thugs, illegal aliens and sexual oddballs, are treated with the sort of coddling generally reserved for little babies, sacred cows and the Ayatollah Khamenei.

Although I don't make it a practice to tune in on Rush Limbaugh, some of my friends do.  One of them let me know that Rush recently said that if he had the opportunity to interview Hillary, he would say: "Mrs. Clinton, let me mention seven names: Paula Jones, Juanita Broadrick, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Beth Dozoretz and Denise Rich.  Now tell us: How can you look at anyone with a straight face and talk to them about family values, when it takes a village to satisfy your husband?"

I know that a lot of people on our side of the aisle have been going after Megyn Kelly because she dared to ask Donald Trump one of the many questions he would prefer not to be asked.  I thought it was a fair question, but, then, I haven't signed on to be a member of Trump's Praetorian Guard.

That's not to say that I am totally on board with Megyn.  At times, I regret to say, she has shown signs of morphing into a diva ever since Roger Ailes placed her front and center on Fox.  There are times I can't help thinking she is devoting more time to selecting her wardrobe than to selecting her guests.

Frankly, I had assumed that nobody could be worse than those idiots Bill O'Reilly regularly sprang on us.  But there are times when I look back on Bob Beckel, Alan Colmes, Juan Williams, Leslie Marshall, Marc Lamont Hill and Geraldo Rivera, almost with a sense of unmitigated nostalgia.

I have no idea where Ms. Kelly dug up the arrogant Richard Fowler and the downright spooky Robert Zimmerman, but she should get busy with that shovel and bury them before anyone at Forest Lawn notices that they're gone missing.

Speaking of wardrobes, Fowler, who is identified as a nationally syndicated radio host, although nobody had ever heard of him, must have a bigger closet than Imelda Marcos.  He always shows up dressed to the nines, as the old saying goes.  But like a cheap Christmas gift that tries to fool you with the wrapping, he is nothing but a second-hand Marc Lamont Hill, black and full of himself.  Like Rand Paul and Kirsten Powers, he is obviously a graduate of the American Academy of Smugness.

As for Mr. Zimmerman, who looks as if he has never seen daylight and can only be killed with a silver bullet or a wooden stake through the heart, is apparently a P.R. man who works for the DNC.  The way he postures and preens, one would assume that at some point he had given serious thought to pursuing an acting career.  It's probably just as well that he didn't because he would have been typecast as a zombie or a purveyor of child porn.

Finally, a friend, who is even more cynical than I am when it comes to the political scene, wrote to say that there is no candidate on the horizon who will be acceptable to the majority of American voters.  "This," he pointed out, "is usually fertile ground for a political coup."

I replied: "Hey, this is still America, buddy!  Keep 2008 and 2012 in mind.  It's pretty obvious that when we want a coup, we elect a coup."

.....Burtrum Leroy Smatters
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A Letter To The Wise....

Y'know . . . it's a shame, but Liberals actually believe:

....that Obuma is trying to do what's best for the poor and disadvantaged in the US by throwing welfare and food stamps at them in perpetuity.  No way you can convince them (or the blacks themselves) that blacks were better off before he took office than they are now;

Yep.  Libs believe that the way to solve poverty is by giving poor people money.  We've been doing that for the last fifty years.  How has that been working out?  We still have the same number of people living in poverty but now the poverty is more palatable.  Our "poor" live better than the majority of people on the planet but they still whine that it's not enough while they sit on heir butts and no nothing.  The social safety net has turned into a hammock.  As for blacks, they are doing far worse under Clown Obuma Downgrade than under Reagan and both Bushes.  Black unemployment is at record levels.

.....that it was the GOP house which denied budget increases at consulates and embassies who caused the slaughter and desecration in Benghazi. They're convinced that the video was as much to blame as anything else and the investigations into Hillary's e-mail account are simply a witch hunt;

But just imagine the howls of outrage if Thunder Thighs Hillary were a Republican.  She would be disgraced and there would be no way that she would be running for president.  Remember, Dimorats can get away with murder, like the Floater did with Mary Jo Kopechne.

.....that Bush43 is the source of all arms used by ISIS to systematically wipe out Christians throughout the morally corrupt Middle East.  They are quick to say that if you want to see the face of those who are responsible for the deaths of Kurds and other minorities over there, look in the mirror;

.....that the American people are tired of supporting Israel and fighting their wars for them. They genuinely believe that Obama has been very supportive of Israel and reasonable in his handling of Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Iran;

Clown Obuma can do no wrong.

.....that the Clown Obuma nuke "deal" with Iran is as good a situation as we can have with Iran right now, and that without it we would inevitably be drawn into war with them, sooner than later;

Just like they blame North Korea getting nukes on Bush43 when it was due to BJ and Madeleine Notsobright.

.....that beginning with Nixon, all US presidents have been guilty of giving away the store to China, even with military secrets, since they've all extended "Most Favored Nation" to them;

.....that the previous administrations were responsible for our caving to Russia, especially with removal of our nuclear missile shield in Poland;

And the Recharge button that Thunder Thighs presented to the Russians was a great success.

.....that the GOP's insistence on starting wars based on lies is the primary source of all the problems our veterans are having today and that Clown Obuma has continued to update and modernize our sophisticated weapons systems and is doing his best to "fix" the problems with the VA;

This would be funny if it weren't so serious.

.....that the figures claiming how much King Clown has increased the debt are false and that Bush43/Cheney were even worse at deficit spending than he has been because he's had to dig us out of the hole they caused with their wars of aggression and the collapse of the economy they brought upon us;

Even though the housing bubble was caused by misguided Dimorat policies continued by Bush43 that poor people should be allowed to own homes and redlining by banks was racist.  Banks redlined for a reason.  They didn't want to make loans to people who couldn't afford them.  When the gummint forced them to make those loans, they had to charge high interest rates to cover the loans they knew would default.

.....that Clown Obuma is not to blame for ruining our credit rating; that's the GOP House's fault;

Of course it is.  The Republicans are always at fault, even when they don't control Congress or the White House.  When King Obumbler (or BJ) was president and the gummint was shut down, it was the fault of Republicans in Congress.  When Reagan was president and the gummint was shut down it was the fault of the White House.  It is never the Dimorats' fault.  It's nice when the media is the propaganda arm of your party.

.....that Bush43 caused more African-Americans to lose their jobs than The Obumbler has;

As I said before, blacks did far better under Reagan and Bush43 and black unemployment is far worse under King Oblunder.  It is at record levels.  Also, the official unemployment numbers put out by the gummint are bogus.  The real unemployment in this country is over 12%.  In fact, during the Clowns years we have been in an unemployment recession.  I'm sure the official GDP numbers are bogus as well... my opinion, anyways.

.....that Bush43 caused more increases in welfare spending than King Bumbler has;

Because Bush43 loved poor people so much.  You just gotta love liberal logic.

.....that Bush43 policies made it legal to kill American citizens in foreign countries who were doing things he didn't like;

Which president is it that has a kill list to determine which dudes will be killed by drone strikes?  The Obumbler do!

.....that Guantanamo is a huge mistake and that we need to either bring those "terrorists" here for trial if they are indeed criminals or just send them back where they came from if they're not;

.....that the reason Congress doesn't get any legislation passed is their refusal to meet the President halfway on issues;

.....that the House has lurched too far to the right and won't consider compromise on big issues;

Compromise is when Republicans cave to Dimorats.  There is no word to describe when Dimorats cave to Republicans because it never happens.  Oblamebush refuses to meet Republicans halfway on any issue.  It's his way or the highway.  Remember what he told Republicans right after the election?  "I will trump you on that because I won."  Wouldn't it be nice if he were as tough on our enemies as he is on Republicans?  They mug him with impunity while the Stupid Party lets him mug them.

.....that King Obuma's use of Executive Orders has been in the best interests of the country and has not violated or eliminated any individual rights or Constitutional law.  And THAT's why they'll continue to vote for whoever has a drea "D" after his name on the ballot.  There's a lot more to tell, but you get the point.

Remember when the libterds screamed about Bush43 tearing up the Constitution?  Compared to Obumbi, Bush43 is a strict Constitutionalist.  I have never seen in my lifetime a president who disregards the Constitution as much as this a**hole.  Of course, calling him on this and trying to stop this power grab is deemed raaaaaaacist.

My problem with all that is that I don't know what to believe because we simply cannot trust what comes out of Congress and/or the Oval Office.  Some, or even most, of what many liberals think might be valid, but I will never be able to assess the situation accurately.  They'll give us what they want us to hear, whether it's true or not, and we have no way of knowing the difference.

I will vote against a Hillary because I firmly believe that she belongs in jail and if elected will do only what's in HER best interests.  She's interested only in the spotlight, the power trip, the bennies, and the book sales when she achieves emeritus status.

But the PIAP is too big to jail.  Both Clintons belong in jail.  They have become an organized crime family and the Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a giant money laundering scheme.  They're doing this stuff out in the open and they are getting away with it. Amazing!

I voted against Obuma because I thought he was ineligible and unqualified, and he's proven it with his the-dog-ate-my-homework administration.  Hillary has already demonstrated her fallback with her the-server-ate-my-emails gambit.  Why should we expect her to do anything different as PotUS?

I'll vote against Sanders if she's arrested and Sanders gets the nod; why?  Because he's a loon who actually thinks that the poor would be better off if we confiscate all the wealth available and spread it out equally amongst the people.

Because that has worked everywhere it's been tried, ya know, like the USSR.

But as to how correct my views are or how wrong most liberals' are, I haven't a clue except my gut feeling that Obuma is a fraud, Biden is a buffoon, Earnest is a professional liar, and Harry Reid is an irrecoverable a**hole.  I'd name the rest of the morons, but I gotta go to the potty.

Always feel better when I can spew this stuff out.

....Burtrum Leroy Smatters

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


With Open Gates:
The forced collective suicide of European nations

Western Civilization is responsible for virtually every significant advance of the human race.  Millennia of struggle were required for it to evolve.  A single generation is putting an end to it:

The Black Plague was insignificant compared to the existential menace of the left-liberal rule that is using demographic warfare to irrevocably destroy Europe and North America.  Political correctness is the most destructive weapon ever devised.  The people wielding it are committing a crime unprecedented in human history.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Wins Pea Brain Award
Lids off to Melissa Click, the moonbat professor who called for "muscle" to deal with a nosy journalist who was poking into the activities of black supremacist activists and their gut-wrenchingly contemptible Caucasian collaborators in a public area of the University of Missouri that they had proclaimed to be a "safe space." She has been awarded the following high honor:


By now it should be obvious why moonbats are referred to as liberal fascists. This appalling demonstration of Romper Room–level authoritarianism has drawn enough attention to the University of Missouri (which just forced out the President and the Chancellor for being insufficiently enthusiastic about ultra-left ideology) that the school has backed off ever so slightly from doctrinaire moonbattery, even going so far as to force out Click — but not really:

The University of Missouri's journalism school praised a student journalist Tuesday after he stood his ground and asserted his First Amendment right to take pictures of a campus protest, despite aggressive pushback from a mob of students and faculty members. Video of the confrontation with the journalist, Tim Tai, went viral as the school distanced itself from a professor, Melissa Click, who was seen in the video calling for "muscle" to remove another journalist from the protest site. Late Tuesday night, Click resigned her courtesy appointment with the journalism school, although she remains an assistant professor at the university. That is, she resigned, but she didn't really resign.

I think they have a solid candidate to replace ex-President Tim Wolfe after public outrage dies down.

Check out her impressive academic background:

According to a university bio, Click serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Communication. "Her work in this area is guided by audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy," the bio states. "Current research projects involve 50 Shades of Grey readers, the impact of social media in fans' relationship with Lady Gaga, masculinity and male fans, messages about class and food in reality television programming, and messages about work in children's television programs." But she makes up for being a useless, frivolous moron by advancing the cause of Social Justice, which is all that really matters in "higher" education these days. As for the other exceedingly obnoxious female fascist in the video, she has been identified as the university's director of Greek Life, Janna Basler. A statement from three Greek councils on campus — the National Pan Hellenic Council, Panhellenic Association and Intrafraternity Council — said on Tuesday that the councils continue to support Basler, noting that she has a track record for advocating and defending marginalized students. That is to say, Basler too is a militant moonbat. "Marginalized" is Liberalese for "politically preferred." Looks like Mizzou has a prime candidate for the open Chancellor slot too.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



In 2004, eleven states, including Kentucky voted overwhelmingly to BAN gay marriage.  Eleven states voted, and all eleven states said NO to same-sex marriage...

For over a decade, it has been the law of the land.

As of 2014—just last year, 31 states had either constitutional or statutory provisions that explicitly defined marriage as between a man and a woman.

I have a simple question... where does the judicial branch get the power to over-rule state elections... aka the will of the people?

The tenth amendment is actually quite clear....

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."[/size]

Look.  It says anything not specifically delegated to the Federal government by the Constitution is reserved for either the states...or the people—nowhere does it even mention the judicial branch.

Additionally, and importantly... Words/phrases/powers not in, nor delegated by the constitution: Marriage, Healthcare, Abortion.

God bless.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


We all weep for France, but will that be the extent of it

We can say "it can't happen here", but it has and it continues to do so.

We can believe the media and their "mentally unstable lone wolf" pronouncements.

We can be shouted down by xenophobic pacifists whose "Co-exist" sticker now covers "Free Tibet".

We can withdraw our forces and proffer "consulting" and "peace-keeping" services instead.

We can pretend the coming storm will never arrive.

But it will.

And our offspring will curse us to their dying breaths for what we have foisted upon them. Because they... not us... will solve the problem once and for all and in the end, it will be the bloodiest blight on humanity in recorded history.

It will begin with vigilantism because our so-called leaders will continue to down-play what's happening all around us.  The line between Muslim and Islamist will blur to non-existence.  Pursuing terrorists to "bring them to justice" will be replaced by summary execution.  It will no longer be a question of "good vs. bad".  It will be "us against them" and it will run unabated until the threat is eradicated.... and then some.

And our children and grandchildren will never forgive us for what we made them do and what they had to turn into to do so.

PARIS –  World leaders are reacting to the deadliest violence to strike France since World War II. Some of their views:

   Obama is calling the attacks on Paris "outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians" and is vowing to do whatever it takes to help bring the perpetrators to justice.
   Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama said he would not speculate about who was responsible.
   He called the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity."



   Kerry is describing the attacks in Paris as "heinous, evil" and "vile," calling them "an assault on our common humanity."
   Kerry says the U.S. embassy in Paris is "making every effort to account for the welfare of American citizens in the city."
   He says the U.S. stands ready "to provide whatever support the French government may require."

   U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is condemning "the despicable terrorist attacks" in Paris.
   U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric says Ban "trusts that the French authorities will do all in their power to bring the perpetrators to justice quickly."
   The U.N. Security Council also condemned "the barbaric and cowardly terrorist attacks," and underlined the need to bring the perpetrators of "these terrorist acts to justice."

   Merkel says she is "deeply shaken by the news and pictures that are reaching us from Paris."
   The German leader issued a statement saying her thoughts were with the victims "of the apparent terrorist attack."


   Rouhani has sent a message to French President Francois Hollande condemning the terror attacks in Paris that killed over 120 people.
   The state-run IRNA news agency quoted Rouhani as saying Saturday that Iran "itself has been a victim of the scourge of terrorism" and the fight against terrorism must go on.
   Rouhani also canceled visits to France and Italy, due in a few days. France was one of the world powers involved in recent negotiations with the Islamic Republic over its contested nuclear program.
   Hossein Jaber Ansari, a Foreign Ministry spokesman, also was quoted by IRNA as saying: "Those terrorist groups that committed the Paris crimes do not believe in ethical principles and they are not loyal to any type of divine religions -- including Islam."

   Cameron says he is "shocked" by the Paris attacks and violence.
   Cameron said on Twitter: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help."


   In the United Arab Emirates, the state-run WAM news agency says President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan sent a telegram to French President Francois Hollande offering his condolences and pledging support for France. WAM says Al Nahyan also supported doing "what it takes to face terrorism and eliminate it."
   The ruler of tiny Kuwait, emir Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, says in a statement that he offered his condolences, while stressing that "these criminal acts of terrorism ... run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values."
   In Saudi Arabia, the state-run Saudi Press Agency quoted a Foreign Ministry official denouncing Friday's attack.

   Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei says China is "deeply shocked" by the attacks and pledged solidarity with France in combating terrorism.
   "Terrorism is a common challenge facing humanity. China resolutely supports France in maintaining its national security and stability and in attacking terrorism," Hong said.

   Japan's Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida says he is "deeply shocked and outraged" by the news of the terrorist attacks in Paris.
   Kishida, speaking to reporters Saturday in Hiroshima, said Japan stands by France, promising to cooperate in international fight against terrorism.
   "We strongly condemn the act of terrorism, which we do not tolerate for any reason," he said, expressing condolences to the victims and their families.


   Carter is calling the attacks in Paris "an assault on our common human dignity."
   The Pentagon chief says "the United States stands with the people of France and its vibrant, multicultural democracy."
   He is praising France as a NATO ally and a leader of the coalition fighting Islamic State militants in Syria.
   "Our hearts and thoughts and prayers go out to our French cousins in this dark and terrible time," Trudeau says.
   He says Canada has offered "all of our help and support to the government of France."
   Lynch says the U.S. stands "in solidarity with France, as it has stood with us so often in the past."
   "This is a devastating attack on our shared values and we at the Department of Justice will do everything within our power to assist and work in partnership with our French law enforcement colleagues," she said in a statement.[/size][/b]

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Check out this '100 year old' test for Kentucky 8th grade students....

So, do you believe American children are smarter than their counterparts in 1912?  And forget about computers... most of these kids didn't even have electricity.

The following Eighth Grade Exam is from the Bullitt County (KY) Schools in 1912.  Note that there are several typesetting mistakes on the test including a mistake in the spelling list. The word "eneeavor" should be "endeavor."

No Googling!  Begin.....NOW.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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