This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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DC Dems + DC Republicans = The Government Party:
Organized Crime never had it so good

Just like our federal government as a whole—the federal level Republican Party is now completely DOA.  It's gone. Liberals now control the GOP, like they control the courts, the schools, the media, Make your own list at home.

Washington DC is a massive sewer of crooked lawyers, serving their own interest by serving the interests of their Anti-American corporate masters with endless pockets...from General Electric and Boeing to the epitome of evil himself, George Soros—the Jew who infamously turned in his fellow Jews during WWII for the reward.

Senators-who-voted-for-non-budget At a time when our economic foundation is rapidly crumbling before our very eyes—- 18 crooked Republicans led by Mitch McConnell voted at 3AM to pass a massive and insane debt deal—- basically giving the Marxist Obama an unlimited credit card.

The deal was railroaded through the House on Wednesday, as part of a rush by Republican leadership to get it done as quickly as possible, leaving no time for scrutiny—and certainly no notice to the American people.

The final Senate vote came at 3 a.m. Friday morning, meaning it was sped through in less than 100 hours. Proving not everything the government does is slow.

The 144-page budget-busting deal averages $558 million in NEW SPENDING per page.

The level of 'deception in broad daylight' that we've witnessed over the course of the republican majority's first year is jaw-dropping.

There's only one party in DC:  The Government Party.  And organized crime never had it so good....

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Today's Profile: Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, AZ, to talk about his career and initiatives. He discuss's a number of his achievements in law enforcement, including his "Tent City" jail, his reinstitution of chain gangs and the local volunteer posse.

Sheriff Joe talks about illegal immigration, telephone scams and the problem of drugs coming in from Mexico, his upcoming campaign and his no-nonsense stance on criminals.

Arpaio is also the author of two books, America's Toughest Sheriff and Joe's Law: America's Toughest Sheriff Takes on Illegal Immigration, Drugs, and Everything Else That Threatens America.

Find Sheriff Joe on Twitter: @RealSheriffJoe

Follow him on Facebook: or at

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Ladies And Germs: The (cough, cough...) Democratic Debate

Anderson Cooper: Can anyone find Syria on a map?

Hillary Clinton: Well Anderson, as a woman...

Anderson Cooper: Can you find Syria on a map?

Hillary Clinton: As a woman...

Anderson Cooper: Syria on a map. Can you find it?

Hillary Clinton: As a woman...

Anderson Cooper: Never mind. Senator Sanders, do you agree with the Secretary?

Bernie Sanders: SYRIA? Why are we talking about Syria when 41 PERCENT OF 99 PERCENT of all the money is going to the 1 PERCENT.

Anderson Cooper: Can you just answer the question.

Bernie Sanders: Syria is CONFUSING. Lots of PEOPLE fighting. Economics is SIMPLE. You just take away all the money from all the people who have the MONEY.

Anderson Cooper: The question is about Syria.

Bernie Sanders: Right NOW the 1 PERCENT are eating BABIES. They have piles and PILES of babies in their MANSIONS and on Wall Street and they're chowing down on them like hungry dogs.

Anderson Cooper: Governor Chafee, you recently suggested making Syrian dictator Assad into the Governor of New Mexico. Do you still stand by that idea?

Chafee: I was always against the Iraq War

Anderson Cooper: This is about Syria

Chafee: I knew the Iraq War was a mistake from the beginning.

Bernie Sanders: I knew the Iraq War was a mistake even earlier. You want opposition to the Iraq War, I was OPPOSED.

Jim Webb: One minute. I was opposed to the Iraq War in 1992.

Bernie Sanders: 1992? I opposed the Iraq War in 1922. I opposed the Vietnam War. I opposed WW2. I opposed WW1. I opposed the Mexican War. I opposed the War of 1812.

Lincoln Chafee: Edward Snowden is a hero. We should make a national memorial to the Rosenbergs. Let's apologize to the British for Bunker Hill.

Bernie Sanders: I was opposed to Bunker Hill. I said back then that the Revolution is all about putting money in the pockets of the 1 percent like Paul Revere and George Washington... WHO EAT BABIES!

Martin O'Malley: I need to say something very important here... in a slow sonorous voice... as if I'm trying to sell you car insurance... over the phone. Somewhere in the audience... is Paul Bigmann who fought in the Iraq War. After the war... he couldn't get a job... until I paid him to come here and applaud my speeches... if I am elected president... I will pay all Iraq War veterans to come and applaud everything I say. For America.

Anderson Cooper: The question is about Syria.

Martin O'Malley: Syria is a very serious issue... very serious. That's why I'm committed to making all the electricity green by 2050.

Anderson Cooper: No one even knows what that means.

Martin O'Malley: We need to rip all the ugly dirty fossil wires out our walls and replace them with clean green wires made by a company that gave me a lot of money... So this never happens again.

Anderson Cooper: Does anyone have anything to say about Syria?

Hillary Clinton: I know all about Syria. I personally negotiated a ceasefire with Assad that ended the war. Because I get things done. I'm a progressive moderate who is consistently changing her views like any normal person who hides private email servers in a bathroom in the Fuhrerbunker.

Anderson Cooper: There's no ceasefire in Syria. The fighting is still going on.

Hillary Clinton: When I flew into the Damascus airport under fire, I remembered what my late mother told me...

Anderson Cooper: None of that ever happened

Hillary Clinton: I had already negotiated an end to the fighting in Israel, Ireland and Yugoslavia...

Jim Webb: No, you didn't.

Hillary Clinton: And so I said to Assad, cut it out. Stop killing all those people. Because that's what real leadership is. And I'm a real leader. As a woman...

Bernie Sanders: SHUT UP. Look, this is real simple. Assad is the 1 percent. We kill all the 1 percent and there will be WORLD PEACE. We kill the 1 percent in America and Syria and all over the world in some sort of...

Anderson Cooper: International worker's revolution?

Bernie Sanders: Exactly, for the middle class, which is the backbone of our country. Until we DEBONE them and put them in GULAGS.

Chafee: I support twice as many gulags as Senator Sanders. And make them twice as cold.

Martin O'Malley: Under my leadership, we actually made gulags in Maryland. I passed the Right to Gulag Act and we had overflowing gulags. Except we called them prisons and they were full of black people and green electricity.

Anderson Cooper: Alright, what the hell. Secretary Clinton, do you believe we should send the middle class to Gulags.

Hillary Clinton: Anderson, as a woman and a leader who is respected by donors around the world, I believe that we need to come together around solutions that work. Gulags for the middle class are just not realistic. I appreciate Bernie's passion for Gulags. I know he loves Gulags from my time working with him in the Senate. And I know many people think we need Gulags.

Anderson Cooper: Are you for or against sending the middle class to Gulags?

Hillary Clinton: It's not a simple issue. I believe we can get the same effective results as Gulags without the Gulags by raising tax rates for everyone whose last name isn't Clinton to 100 percent, abolishing the Constitution and forcing everyone to move to Madison, Wisconsin.

Anderson Cooper: The audience isn't applauding. It seems to want Gulags.

Hillary Clinton: As I've always said, I'm for Gulags, but we can't get the Gulags done without experienced leadership and no one has more experience with Gulags than I do. I've seen Gulags in North Korea and China and I believe we can do better. We don't just need Gulags, we need Smart Gulags. We need Gulags that will be role models for our children as they are raised by the Gulags.

Bernie Sanders: TALK, TALK, TALK. A Bernie Sanders administration isn't going to talk about sending political dissidents to GULAGS. It's ACTUALLY going to do it. Bernie Sanders will fight to Gulag everyone opposed to his policies. Bernie Sanders will Gulag Wall Street. Bernie Sanders will Gulag the Wall Street Journal. Bill Sanders will Gulag you, if you don't vote for him.

Anderson Cooper: Do you really think that sending everyone to Gulags is an electable platform?

Bernie Sanders: HELL YES. We just need millions of people coming together to Gulag everyone who doesn't want to give them free college, free pot and free Gulags. RIGHT NOW there are 100,000 community organizers at centers around the country drawing up lists of who to Gulag.

Anderson Cooper: Do you see any obstacles to this plan to put 50 percent of the country in arctic prison camps?

Bernie Sanders: Global Warming. If the ice melts, how are we going to keep them in the Gulags?

Bernie Sanders: And Hillary, If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Impeach the "D E S T R O Y E R"  Obama now before it is too late.
Like many initiatives that come out of the U.N., there has been a media blackout on coverage of the potential for a new world tribunal that would make binding decisions on a host of issues critical to the U.S. economy. The draft text has been available on the Internet since Oct. 20 for all to see.
Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US   NOW!


Stealth agenda to issue rulings on debt, finance, tech transfers
Published: 4 hours ago

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an "International Tribunal of Climate Justice" giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

What do YOU think? Should the U.N.'s climate tribunal have power over U.S.? Sound off in today's WND poll.

According to the proposed draft text of the climate treaty, the tribunal would take up issues such as "climate justice," "climate finance," "technology transfers," and "climate debt."

Buried on page 19 of the 34-page document is the critical text – still heavily bracketed with text that hasn't been completely resolved and agreed upon – reads:

[An International Tribunal of Climate Justice as][A] [compliance mechanism] is hereby established to address cases of non-compliance of the commitments of developed country Parties on mitigation, adaptation, [provision of] finance, technology development and transfer [and][,] capacity-building[,] and transparency of action and support, including through the development of an indicative list of consequences, taking into account the cause, type, degree and frequency of non-compliance.

The U.N. held a preparatory conference in September in Bonn, Germany, that drafted language to be approved at the upcoming Paris climate summit. At the Bonn meeting the U.N. brought together more than 2,000 participants from governments, observer organizations and the media.

But none of those media chose to report on the proposed new global tribunal.

The Paris Conference is mandated to adopt "a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the Convention applicable to all parties," which is to come into force in 2020, according to IISD Reporting Services, which tracks the global sustainable development movement.

Like many initiatives that come out of the U.N., there has been a media blackout on coverage of the potential for a new world tribunal that would make binding decisions on a host of issues critical to the U.S. economy. The draft text has been available on the Internet since Oct. 20 for all to see.
"The only mentions one is likely to find with search engines are alarms being sounded by critics, the climate realists who reject the apocalyptic predictions (and discredited pseudo-science – see: here, here, and here) of the multi-billion dollar global warming lobby," writes William F. Jasper for the New American magazine.

China, India behind the move

One such critic is the Craig Rucker, executive director and co-founder of CFACT.

Rucker points out that more than 130 developing nations – "led by South Africa and instigated by China and India" – are insisting they will not sign a climate deal in Paris unless it contains massive redistribution of wealth from developed to poor nations.

"Now they want the power to haul the U.S. and its allies before a U.N. Star Chamber to enforce compliance," Rucker writes.

He also notes that this is not the first time the U.N. has tried to insert language creating a global climate court into a U.N. climate document. It happened in 2011 at a summit in Durban but was stripped at the last minute when CFACT blew the whistle and some media outlets picked up the story.

But this time around, the globalists writing the text have substituted the world "tribunal" for "court" and insist the body will be "non-judicial."

"The slight edit to the terminology offers little comfort," Rucker said, cautioning that the word "tribunal" could get watered down further if it attracts too much attention.

"If the climate tribunal becomes the focus of public scrutiny, watch for the negotiators to pull a switch behind closed doors and try and accomplish the same thing by re-branding it an enforcement 'mechanism,'" he said.

Ceding sovereignty to U.N. bureaucracy

"Whatever they call it, countries who sign onto this agreement will be voting to expand the reach of the U.N. climate bureaucracy, cede national sovereignty, and create a one-way street along which billions will be redistributed from developed to poor nations," Rucker says. "Developed nations would be expected to slash their emissions while the 'poor' countries expand theirs. China, which holds a trillion dollars in U.S. debt, would be counted among the poor."

He said China and India are "delighted," with the prospect.

"They would like nothing better than a world where the West cedes the competitive advantages their free market economies created," Rucker writes. "They hope for a future where Asia does the manufacturing and the U.S. and Europe do the importing – until their wealth runs out, anyway."

Obama, Kerry 'desperate' to claim treaty as success

Rucker said President Obama and John Kerry are desperate to claim the climate treaty as a foreign policy "success."

"President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are mired in foreign policy failures," Rucker notes. "They desperately want to get this agreement signed so they can claim a victory for their legacies.

"How far are they willing to sell out American interests to get this ill-begotten agreement signed?"



Obama is not the only one.  There's Republicans are in this game too and it takes Republicans and Obama thinking and working together to socialize the world - New World Order.


* Joke Of The Day *

Obuma and Putin were walking around out in the country enjoying the scenery and
the mild fall weather.

On the trail they came across a sheep.

When the sheep tried to get away it got its head caught in the fence next to the trail and
was stuck.

Putin smiled, walked behind the sheep and dropped his drawers and had his way with it.

When Putin was done he turned to Obuma and said, "Go ahead it's your turn!"

Obuma eagerly walked over and stuck his head in the fence.

I respect the office of the presidency but I do not respect the
traitor who inhabits it.  He is a disgrace to America.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Ted Nugent on a Cruz Missile with Donald Trump

Intellectual Froglegs


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A Letter To The Wise....

It goes without saying, though I'll say it nevertheless, that it takes an enormous ego to imagine oneself the president of the United States.  Imagine waking up one morning and deciding that nobody in a nation of 320 million is better suited to be the most powerful man or woman in the world; or, if not the world, at least in the United States.

Cartoons used to be filled with little guys wearing bicorne hats, with their right arms stuck inside their vests, and we knew that the joke had something to do with crazy people laboring under the delusion they were Napoleon Bonaparte.  Today, those crazy people are all seeking the presidency.

Although we've seen plenty of egotists duking it out over the years... Lincoln and Douglas, Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and Wendell Willkie, Kennedy and Nixon.... I think they would all pale compared to a clash of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  To be fair, Trump at least has a bunch of tall buildings and golf courses on his resume, whereas all that Mrs. Clinton can point to is a marriage license.

If there wasn't a chance that Hillary Clinton could wind up in the Oval Office, it would actually be very comical watching her try to shake off the email scandal the way a dog tries to shake water off itself.  Even she must know how silly it is to suggest that the F.B.I., the New York Times, a couple of inspector generals, Obuma's highly partisan Justice Department and liberal icon Bob Woodward, are all a part of the vast right-wing conspiracy out to sink her candidacy.

I used to complain that Iowa had no business playing such an instrumental role at election time.  That still holds true because Iowa remains one of the least representative states in the Union.  The least representative, of course, is New Hampshire, both in terms of size and demographics.

But these days I have a more tolerant attitude because I'm getting such a kick out of watching all the candidates showing up, trying to pretend they grew up milking cows and tossing around cow pies.  I've even seen Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina showing up at the State Fair wearing their very first pairs of blue jeans.

But so far nothing beats Hillary Clinton munching on some revolting item called a pork chop on-a-stick.  I'm sure there must be worst-sounding foods, but unless it's a monkey burger, I can't imagine what it might be.

The question is whether in the off-years, Iowans get along with standard fare like hot dogs, hamburgers and cotton candy, and if they only roll out the deep-fried Milky Ways and the chocolate covered chunky bacon maple nougat on-a-stick for laughs when the political hucksters roll into town.

Proving itself to be the equivalent of a drunken sailor on leave, California passed the Clean Energy Jobs Act in 2012, which they swore would create 11,000 jobs-a-year for the foreseeable future.  In the three years since it was passed, 1,700 jobs have been created.  But when things are being run by the likes of Gov. Moon Beam Jerry Brown and his trained fleas in Sacramento, promising 11,000 jobs-a-year and coming up with 567 is what we in California have learned to call a darn good try.

When it comes to offering sanctuary to illegal aliens, California takes a backseat to nobody.  As if the reality weren't bad enough, those responsible for the madness continue to tell us that open borders are not only humane, but a financial boon for America.  How can it be humane that illegal aliens are stealing jobs from American citizens?  But when you realize that $338 billion a year is squandered by the feds and the states providing welfare, education and incarceration, for untold millions, it is even harder to spot the financial bonanza.

When you factor in the emotional cost of the murders, rapes and child molestations, committed by many of these interlopers, the big lie becomes even more apparent and far more tragic.

The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 for the purpose of granting legal status to ex-slaves who were brought to America against their will.  It has required generations of half-witted judges to decide it grants similar rights to the babies of women who snuck across our border to give birth.  It would make as much sense if an illegal alien snuck into your home to deliver a baby and then argued that the kid, and therefore his parents, are entitled to take up permanent residence.

The Smithsonian has seen fit to display a bust of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, in a place of honor.  This is the same woman who popularized eugenics, making a staunch believer out of Adolf Hitler with her insistence that those whom she deemed unfit to reproduce.... namely, blacks, Jews and Italians... should undergo mandatory sterilization.

The irony is that she is a hero to the Left, although if her plans had been carried out here in the States, no Demorat in the past 50 years would have been elected president.

When people demonstrated in Poland, Hungary, Iran, Syria and China, it was to seek freedom from tyranny.   In the United States, it's nearly always the mob that takes to the streets, whether it was Chicago in 1968, L.A. in 1992, or Ferguson and Baltimore in the past year.

Other nations saw freedom fighters confront the Soviet, Chinese and Islamic, despots; here it's the despots calling themselves Yippies, Occupy Wall Streeters or members of the Black Lives Matter movement, whose goal is nothing more than to create chaos, attack the police with impunity, and to turn the clock back on civilization.

In a sane world, these nitwits would be deep fried, stuck on sticks and served at the Arizona State Fair.

.....Burtrum Leroy Smatters
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."




American Embarrassment - Intellectual Froglegs


This VIDEO will blow your mind... it did mine, anyway.... Flying free as a Bird... WOW!!!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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