This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Defeat: Obama Won't Fight Court Ruling Halting His Executive Amnesty

(He knows he'd lose because it would be strict Constitutionalist Justice Scalia deciding if the court were to hear it...)

The Obama administration revealed today that it will not take the fight over executive immigration amnesty to the Supreme Court, essentially admitting defeat in its fight to lift a court-ordered stay placed by a Texas judge.

Obama's executive actions still have to be settled in court, but yesterday's decision prevented the administration from moving forward in its efforts to sign up illegal immigrants for the amnesty programs.

"The department believes the best way to achieve this goal is to focus on the ongoing appeal on the merits of the preliminary injunction itself," said Patrick Rodenbush, a spokesman for the Justice Department to the New York Times. "Although the department continues to disagree with the Fifth Circuit's refusal to stay the district court's preliminary injunction, the department has determined that it will not seek a stay from the Supreme Court."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



This is absolutely Brilliant .......
"A Government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have." Thomas Jefferson"

From a former Navy fighter pilot and a retired UAL Captain:

We are all flying on the Germanwings plane, with a twisted pilot at the controls.  Will we just wait, and assume the "Crash Position?"

The 'real' pilot was locked out of the cockpit.

That set of circumstances finally revealed the full horror of the crash of Germanwings flight 9525. Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz waited for the pilot to leave the cockpit, then locked the door to prevent his re-entry. Then Lubitz, for reasons unknown and perhaps unknowable, deliberately steered the jet into a harrowing 8-minute plunge ending in an explosive 434 mph impact with a rocky mountain side. One hundred fifty men, women and children met an immediate, un - thinkable violent death.

Lubitz, in his single-minded madness, couldn't be stopped because anyone who could change the jet's disastrous course was locked out.

It's hard to imagine the growing feelings of fear and helplessness that the passengers felt as the unforgiving landscape rushed up to meet them.

Hard ... but not impossible:

Because America is in trouble.  We feel the descent in the pits of our stomachs.

We hear the shake and rattle of structures stressed beyond their limits. We don't know where we're going anymore; but, do know it isn't good. And above all, we feel helpless because Barack Obama has locked us out.

He locked the American people out of his decision to seize the national healthcare system.  Locked us out when we wanted to know why the IRS was attacking conservatives.  He locked us out of having a say in his decision to tear up our immigration laws, and to give over a trillion dollars in benefits to those who broke those laws.

Obama locked out those who advised against premature troop withdrawals.  Locked out the intelligence agencies who issued warnings about the growing threat of ISIS.  He locked out anyone who could have interfered with his release of five Taliban terror chiefs in return for one U.S. military deserter.

And, of course, Barack Obama has now locked out Congress, the American people, and our allies as he strikes a secret deal with Iran to determine the timeline (not prevention) of their acquisition of nuclear weapons.

Was Andreas Lubitz depressed, insane, or abysmally evil when he decided to lock that cockpit door and listen to no voices other than those in his head?  Did he somehow believe himself to be doing the right thing?

The voice recordings from the doomed aircraft reveal that as the jet began its rapid descent, the passengers were quiet.  There was probably some nervous laughter, confusion, a bit of comforting chatter with seatmates, followed by a brief period in which anxiety had not yet metastasized into terror.

It was only near the end of the 8-minute plunge that everyone finally understood what was really happening. Only near the end when they began to scream.

Like those passengers, a growing number of Americans feel a helpless dread as they come to the inescapable conclusion that our nation's decline is an act of choice rather than of chance. The choice of one man who is in full control of our 8-year plunge.

Lubitz was a nutcase.  But now we are on a 'plane' piloted by a narcissistic megalomaniac who has locked everyone out of his cockpit.

    It is very sad that our first African American President will be judged in history as the most inept, corrupt, wasteful, subversive, destructive, and divisive President ever. A man twice elected because of the color of his skin rather that the content of his character.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."    Ronald Reagan


Desperation is a Killer

Obama was taught about the "Cloward-Piven" plan, which was designed to destroy capitalism and American exceptionalism by overwhelming the system with "spending, entitlements, regulations and debt."

Under this plan, the "economy comes to halt, full-time jobs are killed, businesses fail in record numbers, the middle class is murdered financially, the debt implodes and the economy is overwhelmed,".

Part of the success of the plan would depend upon a majority of the public being distracted and feeling overwhelmed. When citizens feel helpless, they end up begging the government to save them.

All the while the government is destroying them.


Tyrants.  Tyrants.  Tyrants.


Being Reasonable in a World Where That's the Craziest Option

Hey look, we made Doonesbury!



Sen. Rand Paul Releases Newest Edition of 'The Waste Report'

Uncovers a U.S. Government Funded
Afghan Cricket League

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul today released the fifth edition to 'The Waste Report.' 'The Waste Report' is an ongoing project to catalog egregious examples of wasteful spending throughout the U.S. government.

The newest edition of the 'The Waste Report' uncovers a U.S government funded cricket league in Afghanistan. Grant data from the U.S. State Department shows the Afghan cricket league will cost American taxpayers half a million dollars this year alone.

'The Waste Report' can be found HERE or below.

The U.S. State Department Waste – Afghanistan Cricket League

Imagine if the federal government funded a major U.S. broadcaster to put on a baseball tournament, featuring MLB players, and all in the name of combating gang violence?

Surprisingly, the U.S. State Department (State) is doing almost exactly that in Afghanistan, by propping up the Sixers Cricket League. Last year the federal government gave One TV, a for-profit Afghan television station, roughly $350,000, to "support the development of a national cricket league [principally a tournament] in Afghanistan," In addition to sponsoring the league, this grant helped train personnel on sports broadcasting and production. [1]

Just last month, State published a new grant opportunity to put on the same tournament this year and again, includes training "Afghans in the production of professional sports broadcasts (specifically cricket)."  This time, the grant is for up to $500,000 with an option for a one year extension. Applicants must demonstrate their ability to work with the Afghan Cricket Board (which is the sport's governing body), but also One TV, as they retain the exclusive broadcasting rights to the tournament. [2]

The idea behind the cricket league is to provide an outlet for young men who may be susceptible to extremism in Afghanistan.[3]  But instead of something like a little league, these at-risk youths mostly get to watch on TV, which may be hard given only 0.003 percent of the population have TVs.[4] Instead, the league is comprised of five regional teams[5] and is to feature well-known Afghan cricket players such as Mohammad Nabi Eisakhel, who last year captained the Bandi Ameer Dragon as well as the successful Afghan National Team.[6]   

[2] Department of State, Men's National Cricket League in Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan. April 2015, Grant Id No. SCAKAB-15-CA-008-SCA-04222015
[3] Ibid
[4]  Basic Data- Afghanistan,, Web: May 2015;
[5] Ibid


Only Losers Whine About
"White Privilege"
That Doesn't Exist

Remember when you were young, bratty and complaining about something stupid? Maybe your brother got to stay up later than you because he was older, maybe you were upset because nobody would watch you dive into the swimming pool or maybe you were even angry because your sister's hot dog was cut into 5 pieces while yours was cut into only 4 pieces.
So, you unleashed the favorite complaint of small children, "That's not fair!" Then, almost inevitably, some adult responded by saying, "Life's not fair. Get used to it."

Now, if you were denied that formative experience, maybe it would explain why you're one of the losers who runs around crying about "white privilege." I say that because whining about "white privilege" is nothing more than the liberal equivalent of saying, "Life is not fair." That's pretty appropriate since liberals like to think of themselves as sophisticated, but their thought processes are as simple as those of children.

Supposedly, white people have all these "privileges" which are so trivial they're practically meaningless. Here are some very representative "white privileges" I actually took from a liberal article that scored high in the Google search rankings with my comments following.

I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time. (Wait, what?)
I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. (Hooray, it's all the Hillary Clinton, Bruce Jenner and Lena Dunham we can stand!)
I can easily buy posters, post-cards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys and children's magazines featuring people of my race. (Wow, what a burden this must be.)
I can take a job with an affirmative action employer without having my co-workers on the job suspect that I got it because of my race. (Well, let's stop discriminating against white people with Affirmative Action and no one will have to wonder about that.)
I will feel welcomed and "normal" in the usual walks of public life, institutional and social. (That sounds like a personal problem, not a race problem.)
Of course, it's very easy to blow holes in this silliness.

For example, who's more "privileged?"  Eric Holder or the white guy working as a greeter at Wal-Mart? Who has more "privilege" in life, Sasha Obama or a white child of the same age whose father is a gardener? Who's the more privileged one? Oprah Winfrey or one of the white housewives who watches her show? Spike Lee or a white guy who delivers his pizza? Al Sharpton or a white factory worker who'd go to jail if he didn't pay his taxes for years?

This is where most people stop when they talk about "white privilege," but there's a more important point to be made. Not only is life not fair, it's unfair for so many different reasons that it's impossible to make it fair. There's no way to make life into a video game where every person starts at the exact same point, with the exact same resources.

For example, if you want to talk about privilege, what about "black privilege?" Barack Obama wouldn't be President of the United States without it. So, what are some "black privileges?"

* How about being more likely to be hired for diversity purposes if you're good?

* You're less likely to be fired if you're a terrible employee because businesses feel like they need a longer paperwork trail to fire a black guy.

* You can chalk up complaints made about you by white people to racism.

* Affirmative Action and race-based preferences mean you may get jobs or get into universities over more qualified applicants.

We could go on and on with this – and we could do this for just about every group you can imagine. For example, what about "female privilege?"

* Men are expected to pick up checks on dates.

* You're more likely to graduate from college if you're female.

* The homicide rate is much higher for men than women.

* You're more likely to get the kids after a divorce.

Of course, you could just as easily do the same thing with men.

* You can have sex with a lot of different women without being labeled a slut.

* You don't have to worry about being raped on a date.

* You're more likely than a woman to be chosen as a leader.

* You don't need to wear make-up to look your best.

On the flip side, we could just as easily come up with disadvantages for almost every group. For example, pretty much anyone who's poor or middle class would rather be rich. That's understandable. But, rich people have issues, too.

* They're more likely to be audited by the IRS.

* They don't always know if their friends or partners like them for themselves or for their money.

* People are always trying to talk them into loaning or giving them money.

* Having plenty of money can demotivate people and make them lazy.

Of course, we can go even further than that. What about genetic gifts or luck?

* If Lebron James was 5′ 8″ instead of 6′ 8," not only would he not be a great basketball player, he wouldn't even be in the NBA.

* Talented though she may be, if Megyn Kelly were a 5 on a 10 scale instead of looking like a Greek goddess, she wouldn't have a show on Fox News.

* If Albert Einstein didn't have a genius level IQ, he would have just been some eccentric guy with weird hair.

* If Bill Gates had been fascinated by trains instead of computers, chances are he'd be an executive at a railroad today instead of a billionaire who revolutionized computing.

If you want to go even further, if you're at college, you're privileged compared to the people who only have high school educations. Having two parents? That's a much bigger factor than any racial or sexual difference. If you really want to get down to the nitty gritty, you can say EVERYONE living in America today is privileged. How does living here compare to being in, let's say, Afghanistan? We also live in an incredible point in history where we have opportunities that would boggle the mind of previous generations. If you were born 1000 years ago, you'd probably be a subsistence farmer hoping to scratch a living out of the dirt for one more year because that's what almost everybody did.

This is why it's so silly to talk about "white privilege." It requires you to block out a hundred other pluses and minuses you have in your life, narrowly focus on a so-insignificant-you-can-barely-see-it set of advantages you think someone else has, and then hold a little pity party for yourself.
It really is the adult equivalent of the four year old crying that he got "less" than his sister because her hot dog was cut into five pieces while his was cut into four. Children who do that just need to be educated. Adults who still think like little children instead of taking responsibility for their own lives are losers. So, don't be a loser. Stop obsessing over how many hot dog pieces someone else has, take responsibility and do something great with your own life instead.


Warph I miss your post. I hope you come back soon.

The holy Islamic month of Ramadan will start on 18 June and finish on 16 July 2015.


Video at

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) has gained access to radioactive material from hospital and research centers in territory it has seized in Iraq and Syria, prompting fears that it could develop a large "dirty" bomb, Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told The Australian.

Last Friday, Bishop warned that ISIS is recruiting "highly trained professionals" to develop chemical weapons.

She made those comments while addressing the Australia Group, an alliance of about 40 nations, plus the European Community, established 30 years ago to prevent the export of materials that can be used to develop chemical, biological and radiological weapons.

Bishop told The Australian that the concerns she alluded to during her speech stemmed from reports filed by Australia's Defense Department and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

NATO expressed concern about ISIS collecting radioactive ­material from hospitals and research centers that would normally only be available to governments, reportedly said Bishop, adding, "The insurgents did not just clear out the cash from local banks."

She said the threat is severe enough to have gained the attention of the Australia Group, which held a session on the subject at its summit last week.

"This is really worrying them," Bishop told The Australian.

In the latest edition of its propaganda magazine Dabiq, ISIS expressed interest in building a weapon of mass destruction (WMD).

"Indian defense officials have previously warned of the possibility the militants could acquire a nuclear weapon from Pakistan," notes The Independent.

These growing concerns about ISIS developing a WMD come as terrorism experts at the Institute for the Study of War, a U.S. think tank, warn that ISIS is likely planning major attacks in Iraq and Syria to mark the start of the Muslim holy period of Ramadan and the one-year anniversary of its declaration of a "caliphate."

"For the past three years, ISIS has conducted major offensive ­operations during the Ramadan holy month," it said. "ISIS is therefore likely preparing a surge of ­operations to try to achieve important campaign objectives...ISIS is likely to begin and end Ramadan with attempted spectacular military offensive actions in Iraq and Syria."


Charlie Daniels

An Open Letter to
President Obama - 2015
Jun 8 | Posted by: Charlie

Dear Mr. President,

This letter is not written in a spirit of hate, disrespect, nor is it motivated in any way by racial bias and is written with respect due the office and the awesome tasks that have been laid on your shoulders.

I write this letter because I am a tax paying American citizen who has experienced the American Dream and wants his children and grandchildren to have the same advantages and opportunities that he has had.

And no, Mr. President, I was not born into a one-percenter family, I come from a blue collar background, never went to college, have made a living doing manual labor and went into my chosen profession at ground level, worked hard and sacrificed to achieve success.

On April 13, 1967 I arrived in Nashville, Tennessee with a wife, a two-year-old baby, a twenty-dollar bill and the clutch out of my car.

I won't go into the mountains and valleys that I've traveled since then except to say that I have been successful and somebody did help me build the business I own. Almighty God, not the government.

I employ thirty people, good citizens and family people, hard-working people, the kind of gun-clinging, God-fearing folks who make America the greatest nation the world has ever known.

Mr. President, it seems to me that you have little faith in American ingenuity, American capability, American exceptionalism and even American patriotism.

You seem to think that America needs a monolithic, big brother type government to oversee and regulate every aspect of American life, that citizens are not competent to control their own affairs and make their own decisions without some oppressive bureaucracy to call the shots.

Mr. President, the answer is not government, conversely, the problem is government. A government that has doubled the national debt, increased unemployment, lowered take home pay, increased food stamp participation and disability claims and introduced socialized medicine.

You support teacher's unions which take political activism more seriously than education.

You intentionally lied to the American people about your stand on marriage being between a man and woman, and continue to lie when it is politically expedient for you to do so.

You surround yourself with inexperienced ideologues and political yes men and take the advice of individuals who are swimming in waters way too deep for them.

Your petulance is unbecoming, Mr. President, and your criticism of anyone who disagrees with you is downright unmanly. You come off like a spoiled child who has been denied his way.

And while you blame your shortcomings on opposing political parties, you had both houses of Congress and the White House in the first two years of your term. Plus an electoral mandate to do just about anything you wanted to, so the least you can do is cowboy up and take the blame for the messes you've made.

Your apparent disregard for the maintenance and morale of our armed services is extremely unwise and dangerous.

Read the rest at:

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