This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Bill Whittle: 'Book Burners Afraid of Matches'

Bill Whittle delivers a commencement address to the Class of 2015:

A must-see Video:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Baltimore Social Justice Warrior Catches Hell From Mom

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Pandering to Perverts

Check out the Hillary logo on her Twitter page:

Homosexuals make up about 3% of the population, and the vast majority of them would vote for Shrillary anyway, if only as a gesture of contempt toward traditional values.

But weak-minded fools brainwashed by the media into believing that they are good people so long as they revere homosexuality are of course more numerous.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Praise the Lord & Pass the Ammunition - Intellectual Froglegs 4.28.15


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


11 Examples Of How Evil Is Growing In America Like A Cancerous Tumor

By Michael Snyder, on April 30th, 2015

Have you heard of "arterial tapping", "flakka" or "cyberextortion"?  In America today, just about every conceivable type of evil that you could possibly name is growing, and we are even inventing new kinds of evil that the world has never seen before.  It is very easy for us to point to the looting and violence in Baltimore and call that evil, but there is far more to the social decay of America than just that.  The foundations of our society are rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways, and our biggest problem as a nation is what is found inside our own hearts.  We have rejected the values and principles that were handed down to us by previous generations of Americans because we believed that we knew better than they did.  But now look at us.  Our country is falling apart all around us, and we only have ourselves to blame.  The following are 11 examples of how evil is growing in America like a cancerous tumor...

#1 It has become trendy for alternative lifestyle parties in America to become as "edgy" as possible.  But even some of those involved in these parties are now speaking out about an extremely alarming practice known as "arterial tapping"...
A fetish party attendee is blowing the whistle on a bondage-themed event she says would shock even the authors of "Fifty Shades of Grey."

Photos from inside the edgy, recurring party called Cirque de Plaisir seem to show a fetish practice called "arterial tapping," whereby a dominant partner taps a submissive partner's artery, controlling his or her blood flow. It appears that very blood is sometimes sprayed over a canvas as art.

"Some people just do blood play where they just get some kind of rush out of releasing blood from their arteries," said the fetish party insider, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear people would judge her alternative sex life.

#2 A school principal in Wisconsin is in hot water for approving a poster that encourages young men to protect the character of the young women they are taking to prom.  In the old days, this would only be common sense.  But these days, the poster is being condemned as "sexist" and has created a national scandal...

Students at a Wisconsin high school have been left outraged after 'sexist' prom posters appeared on the school's walls the week before the event, suggesting that the night should be seen as an opportunity 'to protect her character'.

The posters, which were put up on the walls of Lincoln High School in Manitowoc, depict the silhouette of a woman wearing a gown which is made up of words such as 'charming', 'fearless' and 'ambitious', while a banner printed above her head reads: 'A night to protect her character.'

'It's basically just saying your character depends on whether or not you have sex,' senior Kelsey Schindl told Mashable. 'And if you have sex, you won't have any character.'

#3 A synthetic designer drug known as "flakka" is causing massive problems down in Florida.  This drug is very cheap, very easy to get, and it causes many of those that take it to behave like zombies...
One man, Kenneth Crowder, ran naked through a Florida neighborhood, tried to have sex with a tree and told police he was the mythical god Thor.

Another, Matthew Kenney, ran nude down a busy city street in broad daylight, convinced a pack of German shepherds was pursuing him.

Two others tried separately to break into the Fort Lauderdale Police Department. They said they thought people were chasing them; one wound up impaled on a fence.

The common element to these and other bizarre incidents in Florida in the last few months is flakka, an increasingly popular synthetic designer drug.

#4 How evil do you have to be to break into someone's computer, steal private images, and then blackmail that person with those images?  Well, according to CNN, federal law enforcement officials say that this has become a major problem on the Internet...
Hackers are breaking into webcams and emails and social networks to gain access to intimate images. They then threaten to make the images public, and share them with the victim's friends and family, if she does not comply.

A federal law enforcement official who asked not to be named said these sites mostly target younger women.

"They know they're easy to extort," he told CNNMoney. "[They] catch them in a provocative photo and say they're going to send this to all your friends if you don't do x, y, z."

#5 Speaking of the Internet, there is an epidemic of porn watching among employees of the federal government.  But even though they get caught, thanks to endless red tape it is extremely difficult to ever fire them.  For example, CBS News discovered that a top level employee at the EPA is still on the payroll even though he would watch porn at work between two and six hours a day...
In the private sector, if you're caught viewing porn on company time or intimidating a co-worker, you'd probably be fired immediately; not so if you're a federal employee.

A CBS News investigation looks at how hard it is for the U.S. government to discipline or fire employees who behave badly. With examples ranging from extravagant to explicit, civil service rules meant to protect public workers from political pressure may be backfiring, and costing you big, reports CBS News correspondent Don Dahler.

At the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), red tape is preventing the removal of a top level employee accused of viewing porn two to six hours a day while at work, since 2010. Even though investigators found 7,000 pornographic files on his computer and even caught him watching porn, he remains on the payroll.

#6 Americans just continue to become more obese.  According to USA Today, obesity in America has more than doubled over the past 25 years...
The obesity rate increased from 27.6% to 29.4% of adults, Nearly a quarter of people report doing no physical activity or exercise in the last 30 days, which may be partly to blame. That number increased from 22.9% in the 2013 report to 23.5% in this year's report.

Obesity, a leading contributor to death in the USA, has more than doubled over the last 25 years, the report shows. Obesity is also closely tied to chronic, costly diseases including diabetes and high blood pressure, which are bedeviling the health care system.

#7 Would you steal cookies from the Girl Scouts?  Perhaps not, but a lot of Americans are actually doing this.  The following are a few examples of this very disturbing trend...
Across the country, several incidences of cookie theft have been reported. In St. Louis, Missouri, $1,200 worth of Girl Scout cookies were stolen from a 6-year-old girl and her Army veteran father. The cookies were stolen from the family's SUV when it was parked in a downtown garage during a weekend trip to the city. In Bloomington, Indiana, $400 worth of Thin Mints and Samoas were stolen from the SUV of a kindergartner and her troop leader mom. The young girl's mom had been driving all over town delivering cookies over the last week, so she's not exactly sure when or where the theft took place — she just knows the cookies are missing.

And the reports keep rolling in.

A 10-year-old scout in San Jose, California, had a cash box ripped out of her hands as she and her troop sold cookies in front of the local grocery store. And in the city of Spartanburg, South Carolina, 5,000 boxes of girl scout cookies — worth about $19,000 — were stolen from the warehouse.

#8 The next time you "pay at the pump", you might want to be very careful.  Criminals are putting credit card skimmers on gas station pumps all over the nation in order to steal credit and debit card information...
Florida consumers filling up at the gas pump may have had their credit card information stolen.

Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam said Thursday that a sweep of more than 6,000 gas stations led to the discovery of "skimmers" in 81 locations. The devices enable someone to illegally obtain credit card and debit card information.

The devices were found on gas station pumps stretching from Miami-Dade County all the way to Florida's Panhandle.

#9 Decades ago, a restaurant named after the male sex organ would have been absolutely unthinkable in most parts of this country.  But now a new restaurant named "Tallywackers" is going to open up in Dallas, Texas...
If you're more into six-pack abs than Bunday Monday, a restaurant named Tallywackers promises to open next month in Dallas, perhaps in time for Mother's Day.

Inspired by Hooters, the "breastaurant" chain that opened its first location in 1983 in Clearwater, Fla., this eatery will feature guy eye candy with its appetizers, hot dogs, pasta dishes and what its owner called "comfort foods."

#10 So much of our social decay is rooted in the decline of the American family.  Sadly, the truth is that our families have been steadily deteriorating for decades.  The following comes from a recent article by Dennis Prager...
Nearly half (48 percent) of American children are born to a mother who is not married. Forty-three percent of American children live without a father in the home. About 50 percent of Americans over 18 are married, compared to 72 percent in 1960. Americans are having so few children that the fertility rate fell to a record low 62.9 births per 1,000 women in 2013. And in an increasing number of states, there are now more deaths than births.

#11 If an attractive woman approached you on the street and asked you to have sex with her, what would you do?  Well, an experiment of this nature was recently conducted for a YouTube video.  Incredibly, 30 out of 100 men that were approached were ready to have sex with the woman within moments of meeting her...
The 19-minute-long edited video, which was filmed over seven days, shows the woman approaching a stream of men as they go about their daily business.

Dressed casually either in jeans or a pair of short denim shorts with a skimpy top, she outstretches a hand and introduces herself to the men.

After one or two comments are exchanged, she asks them: 'Would you like to have sex with me?'

The universal reaction from the men is largely bewilderment with many looking around to see if the question is a joke.

Of the 100 men asked, 30 agreed to her brazen request and the pair promptly walk off in the direction of her house.

What does this say about the moral state of the men in this nation?  You can watch the full video right here: VIDEO:  

Apparently those 30 men did not have the slightest concern about what the long-term consequences of their decisions might be.  They just saw an attractive woman and immediately wanted to have sex.

We like to think of ourselves as an "example" to the rest of the world, but it is certainly not a good one.

In fact, much of the world looks at us and our behavior with utter horror.  They regard us as immoral, classless "pig people", and they are right.  Our society has become an absolute cesspool of filth and corruption, and we desperately need to change our ways.

Jonathan Cahn, the author of The Mystery of the Shemitah, believes that America is making many of the very same mistakes that ancient Israel did...
"They drove God out of the government. They worshiped idols and served other gods. They celebrated immorality and they persecuted righteousness. The blessings of God were removed and replaced with judgments," he said.

Now, he said, "America has made the same mistakes."

Like Cahn, I believe that judgment is coming to America if we do not dramatically change our ways, and right now there are absolutely no signs that we intend to do that.

So what do you think?

Do you believe that judgment is coming to America?
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Incredible Story Of How Kim Kardashian's Ancestors Escaped The Armenian Genocide

By Michael Snyder

Between 1915 and 1917, 1.5 million Armenians (most of them Christians) were slaughtered by the Turks.  Armenians were systematically abducted, tortured and marched to their deaths just because of who they were and what they believed.  At one point, 60,000 corpses were found in a single mass grave.  It was one of the greatest genocides in history, but it didn't end in 1917.  Between 1920 and 1923, Turkey either deported or wiped out almost all of the Armenians that had survived the first wave of persecution.  This genocide was one of the most horrifying examples of how evil humanity can be, and yet to this day the U.S. government continues to refuse to call it a "genocide".  Because of the sensitive nature of our relationship with the Turkish government, Barack Obama absolutely will not use the "g word" when speaking of what happened to the Armenians.  And as I wrote about the other day, Obama also seems to care very little about the Christian genocide that is going on in parts of the Middle East controlled by ISIS today.  But whether Obama ever recognizes the Armenian genocide or not, it is vitally important that the world remembers what happened to those precious people.  One very prominent celebrity that is leading the call to remember the Armenian genocide is Kim Kardashian.  In this article, I am going to share the story of how her ancestors were able to escape the genocide.  I promise you, it is a story that you are not likely to ever forget.

If you are not familiar with the Armenian genocide, the following is a pretty good summary of what happened from the Washington Post...
One hundred years ago, in April 1915 as World War I raged across Europe, the government of the Ottoman Empire attacked its Armenian citizens. Over the next several years, it is estimated that as many as 1.5 million Armenians died. Able-bodied men were murdered or enslaved as forced labor in the army, and hundreds of thousands of women, children, the infirm and the elderly were marched into the Syrian desert to face death.

Supported by the Young Turks, an ultranationalist party that approved systematic deportation, abduction, torture, massacre and the expropriation of Armenian wealth, the German-allied Ottoman government used the excuse of war to initiate the forcible removal of Armenians from Armenia and Anatolia where they had lived for centuries.

But there is one fact in that article which is wrong.

The Armenians had not just been living there for centuries.  They had been living there for thousands of years.

In fact, Armenia was the very first Christian nation on the entire planet.  Shortly after the time of Christ, the early apostles visited Armenia and the gospel was eagerly accepted.  Many of the Armenian people actually had roots in ancient Israel, and many of them were still familiar with what the Hebrew Scriptures said about the coming of a Messiah.  Very quickly, Armenia was transformed into one of the early hubs of the Christian faith.

And Armenia remained strongly Christian for the most part up until the time of the Armenian genocide.  The Turks hated the Armenians (and still d0) and were determined to wipe them out.  This included the elderly, women and chidlren... 

"Rape and beating were commonplace," wrote acclaimed historian David Fromkin in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book on the Ottoman Empire's downfall, A Peace to End All Peace. "Those who were not killed at once were driven through mountains and deserts without food, drink or shelter. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians eventually succumbed or were killed."

An Armenian man in Istanbul, who as a schoolboy discovered his family was Armenian, told The WorldPost one story passed down to him by his parents: His grandfather, too exhausted to walk any farther in the death march toward the Syrian desert, refused to go on. He would rather drown than walk another mile to his death, he told the Turkish Ottoman guards. And so, the man says, they held his grandfather under the water until he was dead.

Sadly, much of the world continues to refuse to recognize this genocide.

This includes the United States government.

Could you imagine a president refusing to acknowledge the Holocaust?

Well, that is essentially what Obama is doing when he refuses to recognize the genocide that took place in Armenia.  The reason why Obama will not acknowledge the Armenian genocide is because he doesn't want to offend the Turks...
If President Obama decided to label the 1915 killings as genocide, already strained relations would likely only worsen with Turkey, where the United States has an important air base in the south, close to Syria. Turkey and the U.S. government have butted heads over the Syrian crisis, with a U.S.-led coalition targeting solely Islamic State extremists, while Turkey insists military efforts must also focus on bringing down Syria's Bashar Assad.

There are not words to describe what a disgrace this is.

Fortunately, there were some Armenians that were able to flee before the genocide.  Among them were the Armenian ancestors of Kim Kardashian.  The following comes from the Daily Mail...
Known at the time as the Kardaschoffs, in Russian style, the family made their way from their home village of Karakale in the late 19th Century to German ports. From there, they travelled to a new life in America on the passenger vessels SS Brandenberg and SS Koln.

By doing so, they escaped the triple horror of the First World War from 1914-18, the 'Armenian Genocide' starting in 1915 – exactly a century ago this year – and the Russian Revolution in 1917.

So how did they know to leave?

Well, if you can believe this, Kim Kardashian's ancestors actually belonged to a group of Christians known as the Molokans, and they fled Armenia and came to America due to a warning from an Armenian Christian prophet named Efim Klubnikin...
In the first years of the 20th century, Efim renewed the warning that he made to stunned believers in Karakale as a child, saying his premonition was now coming to pass.

'Efim called a meeting, he invited the elders from all the Molokan villages including the two elders of the Armenian Molokan church. He prophesied this was the time for them to leave Russia as there were terrible times coming, especially for the Armenians,' said Ms Keosababian-Bivin.

Thanks to this warning, large numbers of Armenians left their ancestral homes and were able to escape the horrors that were coming.  Here is more from the Daily Mail...
America was, he said, 'a land of the living' while mass slaughter would engulf their homeland.

Presciently, he urged them to go quickly – as he himself would do – and cautioned: 'The doors will close, and leaving Russia will be impossible.'

Many families sold up their homes and land at knockdown prices, or simply fled, to escape the coming horrors.

It is substantially due to the prophecy that many of Kim's forebears came to Los Angeles, a city where the clan thrived and made their name.

But many were jeered as they left Karakale, now known as Merkez Karakale, and mocked for their belief in the prophesy of coming doom.

And don't we see a similar thing happening today?

Those that are trying to warn Americans about what is coming are often jeered and ridiculed.

But if Kim Kardashian's ancestors had not listened to the warning that they received, they probably would have been slaughtered with the rest of the Armenians and Kim Kardashian would not be alive right now.

So the next time that you see something on the Internet about Kim Kardashian, you will know that there is a whole lot more to her story than just fashion, television shows and money.  Her family history is deeply rooted in one of the most persecuted groups of people in the history of the planet, and the story of how her ancestors escaped the Armenian genocide is quite incredible.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obama chooses Chicago to host his presidential library

The contenders were:

First Runner-Up:

AND THE WINNER IS... "THE P_ICK" located on the south side of Chicago
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Fun Facts About Freddie Gray

We have heard plenty about Freddie Gray in light of his death having been used as a pretext for riots. Yet as with Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, some highly salient information about him has not received the attention it deserves. Much of it still awaits confirmation.

One thing we already know for sure is that Gray was not an innocent victim, but a career criminal with a rap sheet a mile long. Only in a society deranged by moonbattery would he be running loose, predictably forcing the police to arrest him yet again. His curriculum vitae:

March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)

Be careful about sharing this information. When Pittsburgh radio DJ Mike Jax posted Gray's list of crimes along with the comment "he was pretty busy before he was unjustly killed at the hands of Baltimore P.D.," he was promptly suspended indefinitely by WAMO:

Jax has apologized for his post, saying it was not his intention to justify Gray's death, but to highlight that his arrest record does not justify it.

No use groveling, Jax. Disseminators of information that undermines The Narrative are thought criminals who must be punished.

Given the climate of political hysteria that characterizes Hope & Change and the irresponsibility of the establishment media, it will be a while before all the facts regarding Freddie Gray become clear. The official story is that racist police injured Gray's spine. But it could be that police unknowingly exacerbated an existing injury. He reportedly had spinal and neck surgery shortly before he was arrested.

However, this report has been disputed.

It is also possible that Gray injured his own spine:

A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray "banging against the walls" of the vehicle and believed that he "was intentionally trying to injure himself," according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

It is becoming increasingly evident that Gray sustained his injuries in the van, not during his arrest:

An investigation into the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray has found no evidence that his fatal injuries were caused during the videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

The sources spoke to ABC7 News after being briefed on the findings of a police report turned over to prosecutors on Thursday as well as preliminary findings made by the medical examiner's office.

This supports the theory that Gray killed himself.

When the smoke has cleared, we will know more. But by then the media will be whipping up feral mobs over some other dead criminal of politically preferred pigmentation.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Future Isn't What It Used to Be

Remember the shiny, industrious cities, miraculous inventions, and intergalactic exploration we used to associate with the future? Here's how the future looks from the Age of Hope & Change:

Fortunately it is not quite too late to change course.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Fun Facts About Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

Ding-Bat put in charge of a major city

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is not an easy person to take seriously, but her decision to give space to those "who wished to destroy" has at least made her interesting.

Her office says she was misunderstood regarding her alarming "space to destroy" remark. However, it has been revealed that she did order police to stand down so that the rioters could destroy her city:

Despite a firm denial by Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, a senior law enforcement source charges that she gave an order for police to stand down as riots broke out Monday night, raising more questions about whether some of the violence and looting could have been prevented.

The source, who is involved in the enforcement efforts, confirmed to Fox News there was a direct order from the mayor to her police chief Monday night, effectively tying the hands of officers as they were pelted with rocks and bottles.

Asked directly if the mayor was the one who gave that order, the source said: "You are God damn right it was."

To quote Ms. Rawlings-Blake: "Let them loot, it's only property."

She meant, "it's only other people's property" — and if she had any respect for that, she wouldn't be a Democrat.

Stephanie appears to be taking orders directly from Obama's top advisor (some would say supervisor). Valerie Jarrett has been in "regular contact" with her according to a White House spokesman.

Not just anybody gets orders directly from Obama's babysitter. Rawlings-Blake has a leadership position in the DNC. From 2013:

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake will become the secretary of the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday, giving her a prominent role in national politics.

The appointment, which has not been formally announced, will give Rawlings-Blake a voice in the party's national political apparatus...

This might explain why a mayor is implementing national policy regarding encouraging blacks to riot, as the Obama Administration did more directly in the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown spectacles.

Stephanie was one of three members of the Panel of Mayors involved in "The President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing (PDF)," a project intended to work toward the authoritarian objective of nationalizing local police. This is a prerequisite for transitioning from a soft to a hard tyranny, and goes a long way toward explaining the contrived and massively hyped crisis of "racist" police allegedly oppressing black criminals.

Community organized from the very top...
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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