This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Topic: Why Obuma Lies


Obama: Dossier of a Shadow

By Craig Andresen


A sociopath is typically defined as someone who lies incessantly to get their way and does so with little concern for others.  A sociopath is often goal-oriented (i.e., lying is focused – it is done to get one's way).  Sociopaths have little regard or respect for the rights and feelings of others.  Sociopaths are often charming and charismatic, but they use their talented social skills in manipulative and self-centered ways.

Compulsive Liars.

A compulsive liar is defined as someone who lies out of habit.  Lying is their normal and reflexive way of responding to questions.  Compulsive liars bend the truth about everything, large and small.  For a compulsive liar, telling the truth is very awkward and uncomfortable while lying feels right.  Compulsive lying is usually thought to develop in early childhood, due to being placed in an environment where lying was necessary.  For the most part, compulsive liars are not overly manipulative and cunning (unlike sociopaths), rather they simply lie out of habit – an automatic response which is hard to break and one that takes its toll on a relationship.

Pathological Liars.

A pathological liar is someone who consistently lies (about anything- from the most mundane subject to detailed stories). They are very insecure people who lie to present themselves better than they really are.

A pathological liar often believes the lies he is telling, he manages to convince himself they are true, in comparison to a compulsive liar who will lie for any reason, and knows they are lies but apparently can't stop himself from doing so.

When the lie is more difficult, a pathological liar may not know he lies, he may believe himself to be as honest and trustworthy as anyone else. But a liar in general lies to make himself sound better and to avoid confrontation, and disappointing people.

A pathological liar might exhibit the following behaviors:

*Lie to control and get their own way
*Often change stories
*Exaggerate, lying about almost everything.
*Not value truth
*Live in their own reality most of the time
*Behave defensively when questioned or challenged
*Lie for sympathy
*Don't admit they lie
*Contradict what they say because they don't remember their lies, although there are exceptions.

These are 3 distinct categories of liars. 3 separate categories of disorders.

[To be fair, the 3rd...Pathological not specifically defined by The DSM-IV TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, Revised Text, BUT...the DSM DOES state that Pathological Lying can be a symptom of OTHER psychiatric disorders...

ESPECIALLY...Antisocial Personality Disorder or APD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD

All 3 Are Definitions of one, Barack Hussein Obama.

A Partial List of Evidence.

Obama's statements regarding the attack in Benghazi are a web of lies.

Obama says he has Israel's back. That's a lie.

Obama said Obamacare was not a tax. That was a lie.

Obama said Obamacare wouldn't raise anyone's taxes a single dime. That was a lie. It contains 21 brand new taxes.

Obama swore to uphold and defend the Constitution. That was a lie.

Obama said he had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. That was a lie. He exerted Executive Privilege over it.

Obama said he couldn't enact the "Dream Act" on his own. That was a lie.

Obama claimed to be the 4th best President in history. That's a lie.

Obama claimed that he would walk the picket lines with unions. That was a lie.

Obama says we're better off than we were 4 years ago. That's a lie.

Obama said his "green energy" investments were good investments. That was a lie.

Obama said he'd cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. That was a lie. He's added 6 Trillion dollars TO it.

Obama said that when he became president, Muslim violence against America would end. That was a lie.

Obama wrote his memoirs and asserted they were fact. That was a lie. His story is full of composite characters and events that never existed.

Obama said he never really knew Bill Ayers or Reverend Wright. Those are lies.

Obama says the national security leaks did not come from the white house. That's a lie.

Obama said small business owners did not build their own businesses. That's a lie.

Obama told us that the fence between the U.S. and Mexico was nearly complete. That was a lie.

Obama says the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes. That's a lie. The rich pay nearly 70% of all taxes.

Obama said, "Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place." That was a lie.

Obama said, "We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil." That's a lie.

Obama said he was not somebody who promotes same sex marriage. That was a lie.

Obama said unemployment would not rise above 8% if he were granted a $787 Billion Dollar stimulus. That was a lie.

Obama said he would have the most transparent administration in history. That was a lie.

Obama said he would close GITMO. That was a lie.

Obama said, "When a bill lands on my Desk, The American people will have 5 days to review it before I sign it." That was a lie.

Obama says he's an American citizen but, he told Columbia he was a foreign student. One of those two claims has to be a lie.

Obama claimed that his mother and father were married and he has said he was born to a single mother. One of those two claims has to be a lie.

It's a long, LONG list and I am just scratching the surface.

Ask Barack Hussein Obama to tell the truth and he'll borrow a line from Hollywood:


From talk show couches to the white house press room to the U.N. podium...From his book to his campaign speeches to his State of the Union addresses...Barack Hussein Obama lies.

To the American people and to our allies...Barack Hussein Obama lies.

About his childhood...About his father's "service in our military during WWII"...About who his friends are...And about his policies...His goals...And his beliefs...Barack Hussein Obama lies.

If one were to ask him if the water was wet...God only knows what he'd say but...Without any resemblance to rational thought...Those who intend to vote for him will tell you the water most certainly is NOT wet because Barack Hussein Obama walks ON it.

Useful Idiots Willing to Lie FOR Him.
Hillary Clinton. Eric Holder. Janet Napolitano. Susan Rice. Tim Geitner. Tony Rezko. Van Jones. John Clapper. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. David Axlerod. Rahm Emmanuel. Valerie Jarrett. Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi...This list is as endless as the list of lies.

And then, there are those who have lied...for a price. Sen. Ben Nelson...The Cornhusker Kick Back, Mary Landrieu... The Louisiana Purchase, Congressman Sam Farr...The California Gold Rush, The AARP...The Geezer Gotcha, Big Labor...Waivergate.

Birds of a feather all.

The Enablers.
From network anchors to reporters...From pundits to analysts...this skulk of rabid foxes standing guard over the henhouse are flexible enough to kiss their own asses when they're not licking his and more than willing to spread his propaganda faster than Obama wants to spread YOUR wealth.

The Kool Aid Inebriated.
As for those who adhere to Obama's litany of lies...They simply accuse others of what they, themselves do.

Mark Twain was right when he stated: "Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason."

In this great nation, we have that opportunity and so far, we do it with the power of the vote. Other countries are not that fortunate and THEIR dictators are even less so.

Most "leaders" who exhibit the psychological profile that so well fits Obama ARE dictators and Barack Hussein Obama is a case study for the ages.

A Compulsive liar... A Pathological Liar... A Sociopath.
At every turn, on any topic and with nearly every utterance... Barack Hussein Obama has turned his back on the truth.

Unlike other dictators in recent history, we can remove him from office by the vote in little more than a month. We must. It's up to US to see to it that HE faces the FACTS.

Wake Up America... This is NOT a drill. This is our last chance. This is for the future of the republic.[/font][/size]

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."




The U.S. economy is in a massive amount of trouble.  There aren't enough jobs.  There isn't enough money to go around. 

Business activity is slowing down again.  Household wealth has been falling.  Food prices have been rising.  Many state and local governments all over the country are flat broke and are drowning in debt. 

The federal government has been rolling up unprecedented amounts of debt in an attempt to keep things going, but everyone knows that kind of borrowing is simply unsustainable.  So where do we go from here?  We consume far more than we produce and we use debt to make up the difference. 

40 years ago the total amount of debt in America (government, business and consumer) was less than 2 trillion dollars.  Today it is nearly 55 trillion dollars. 

How in the world did we let the total amount of debt in the United States grow more than 27 times larger over the past 40 years?  Our economic system is fundamentally broken, but most Americans don't realize it yet because times are still relatively good.

However, the next great economic crisis is going to wake a whole lot of Americans up.

And when they realize what has happened to our future, they are going to be really, really angry.

Enjoy the good times while they last.  The next recession is rapidly approaching, and it will not be pleasant.

The following are 20 signs that all point to the exact same thing....

#1 The unemployment rate in the U.S. has been above 8 percent for 40 months in a row, and 42 percent of all unemployed Americans have been out of work for at least half a year.  As I wrote about recently, there are never going to be enough jobs in America ever again.  As bad as things are right now, they are about to get even worse.  So what is our country going to look like once the unemployment rate starts shooting up rapidly once again?

#2 35 percent of all unemployed workers have had to dip into retirement savings in order to make ends meet over the past year.

#3 Since 2008, the U.S. economy has lost 1.3 million jobs while at the same time 3.6 million more Americans have been added to Social Security's disability insurance program.

#4 A recent survey conducted by the National Association for Business Economics found that only 23 percent of all U.S. companies plan to hire more workers over the next 6 months.  When the same question was asked a few months ago that number was at 39 percent.

#5 An important measure of U.S. manufacturing activity has fallen to its lowest level since June 2009.

#6 Hundreds of thousands of federal jobs at civilian agencies will likely be lost if Congress allows the automatic federal budget cuts to go into effect next year.  The following is from a recent article posted on

A report released Tuesday suggests that several hundred thousand federal jobs at civilian agencies would be on the chopping block within the next year if Congress lets the automatic budget cutting process known as sequestration go into effect.

The study, authored by George Mason University professor Stephen Fuller, adds a new dimension to a budget debate that's so far been centered on sequestration's effects on the military...

#7 The teen unemployment rate in Washington D.C. right now is 51.7 percent.

#8 Gallup's U.S. Economic Confidence Index is now the lowest that it has been since January.

#9 The median net worth of U.S. households in 2007 was $126,400.  By 2010, it had fallen to just $77,300.

#10 Pensions at S&P 500 companies are more under-funded than they have ever been before.

#11 According to the New York Times, state and local governments across America "shortchanged their pension plans by more than $50 billion" between 2007 and 2011.

#12 The city of Compton, California is evaluating whether or not it should declare bankruptcy.  If it did, it would become the fourth California city to declare bankruptcy this year.

#13 The percentage of U.S. households that are spending more than half their incomes on housing is at an all-time high.

#14 For the first time in modern history, Canadian households are wealthier than American households are.

#15 One recent poll found that 42 percent of all Americans believe that China is the leading economic power in the world while only 36 percent believe that the U.S. is still the leading economic power in the world.

#16 According to the federal government, the price of food rose much faster than the general rate of inflation did during 2011.  Just check out these rates of food inflation for 2012....

Beef: +10.2%
Pork: +8.5%
Fish: +7.1%
Eggs: +9.2%
Dairy: +6.8%
Oils and Fats: +9.3%

If that happened during a somewhat "normal year", what will food prices look like after we are done with the drought of 2012?

#17 The price of a bushel of corn has risen by 54 percent since mid-June.

#18 According to one survey, 42 percent of all American workers are living paycheck to paycheck.

#19 A different survey found that 28 percent of all Americans have absolutely no emergency savings at all right now.

#20 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke made the following statement to Congress on Tuesday: "At this point we don't see a double dip recession. We see continued moderate growth."

Do you remember that old Seinfeld episode when George Costanza decided that he would "do the opposite" of everything that his instincts were telling him to do and everything started working out great for him?

Well, when it comes to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, the key is to "believe the opposite" of everything that he says.

And since Bernanke does not believe that a double dip recession is going to happen, that probably means that we are about to hit another recession.

If you doubt this theory about Bernanke, check out his track record.

Okay, so if our economy is in big trouble shouldn't our leaders be doing something about it?

Well, it is election season now so I wouldn't expect anything from Barack Obuma.  He is too busy raising money in France and in China.

I wouldn't expect anything from Obuma's economic advisers either.  In fact, Obuma's much-ballyhooed "jobs council" has not even met in six months.

Not that the "jobs council" was ever going to do anything substantive anyway.

The truth is that it was just for show and most of the CEOs on the council have been sending jobs overseas anyway.

Well, what about the SEC?

Shouldn't they be doing something to fix the financial system?

No, they are too busy investigating the Amish.

It looks like we are on our own.

Soon, even more parts of the country will start looking like Detroit or Baltimore or Cleveland.

This country is rapidly falling apart, and the federal government is not going to save us.

That is why we need to focus on preparing to weather the coming storm on a family and community level.

There is hope in being prepared.  The coming economic crisis will wipe out many Americans because they will never even see it coming.  But that does not have to happen to you.

If you work really hard right now to prepare your family for the storm that is on the horizon, then you will have a much better chance of making it through to the other side.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Dr. Strangelove Wacko Politicians

Chicago,legendary home to crooked politicians, wants a gun offender' list.  There already is one because criminal records show who used unlicensed, unregistered and usually stolen guns in committing crime.  And there are charges for using them.

I think they should have a registry for crooked self involved, war mongering Dr. Strangelove politicians instead.  It would include almost every single politician in the world.

And then you have John McCain, legendary weirdo:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is continuing to criticize his fellow Republicans for their filibuster of incoming CIA Director John O. Brennan over drone policy. In an interview with the Huffington Post, McCain referred to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) as "wackos."

"They were elected, nobody believes that there was a corrupt election, anything else," McCain said. "But I also think that when, you know, it's always the wacko birds on right and left that get the media megaphone."
Asked to clarify, McCain said he was referencing "Rand Paul, Cruz, Amash, whoever."

The only wacko in this story is McCain himself who finds nothing wrong with killing American citizens without benefit of charges or trial.

Just piss on that Bill of Rights John-boy.

I should add that most political people around the world in all nations have the same bizarro world view.  We are lead today by self involved, money grubbing, war mongering nuts and wackos.

Here is where it will all end up:

Dr. Strangelove: [last lines] Sir! I have a plan! [standing up from his wheelchair] Mein Führer! I can walk!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Dancing at the Podium: WH Press Sec. Carney Spends 5 Minutes Spinning Obama's Comments That Secret Service, Not White House, Decided to Cancel Tours

White House Press Sec. Jay Carney spent nearly five minutes tap-dancing today explaining the White House tours being cut by the Obama White House.

In his belabored explanation, Carney tried to double-speak Obama's involvement in the decision and dumped as much blame as he could on the Secret Service for shutting off Americans' access to the "People's House" as a result of the president's proposed sequestration (which Obama has lied about and blamed others, as Forbes reported two weeks ago,).

(Poor Obama, don'tcha see, was held over a barrel by the Secret Service, he HAD to cancel those tours, but, no he didn't DECIDE to cancel them, well, yes he did.  Too bad Obama isn't in charge or anything like that....Warph)

Carney — "Tours vs. furloughs and cutting of overtime pay." Heck, those White House tours are LABOR INTENSIVE, people. No dialogue permitted about how much "labor-intensive" money is spent for the Secret Service entourage for Obama's many vacations, for his weekly post-election campaign jaunts in Air Force One, or for FLOTUS Michelle's extensive TV tour engagements for her "eat like I tell you to" Let's Move! program.

(Lying) Obama: No, actually, it was the White House who canceled public tours:

The GOP cut this clip earlier, now I'm seeing people tweet it as proof that Carney and Obama can't get their story straight on who's to blame for the cynical "Fireman First" decision that canceled White House tours over sequestration. O said that decision wasn't up to the White House; Carney says it was. Aha! But wait. Unless I'm misunderstanding, all Carney's saying is that the Secret Service forced the White House's hand. They decided they couldn't afford to staff the building for tours until the budget cuts are lifted; the White House then had no choice but to cancel the tours due to lack of security. They're both blaming the Secret Service ultimately. O, because of his severe allergies to any responsibility for bad developments, is just being a little more forceful about it.

The question isn't whether he and Carney are contradicting each other, it's whether the nonsense about the Secret Service being forced by cuts to cancel the tours is true. A former agent tells that it isn't:

Bongino, who served 12 years in the Secret Service including five years working directly at the White House before leaving to run as a Republican for U.S. Senate in Maryland, said Obama is lying because the Secret Service does not make such decisions.

"The Secret Service does not make political decisions," Bongino said. "The Secret Service makes security decisions. His statement that it was a Secret Service decision internal budget decision–and keep in mind, I'm not speaking for the Secret Service, I'm speaking from experience of being with them. All he'd have to do is cancel one or two of his political trips and his Martha's Vineyard vacation, which two years ago I was on and helped coordinate, he would save that money times ten. There was just no way this was a sound decision. To insinuate this is the first administration where the White House social office and the Executive Office of the President had no role in cancelling public tours at the White House, that he was the first president who was left out of the decision, is absolute nonsense."...

Bongino said the Secret Service is not correcting Obama because the agency has "a great, elite group of guys and they're always going to take it on the chin."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


US State Dept. and Army National Guard

For "OP Black Summer"

A group going by the name of the "Tunisian Cyber Army", claims that they, in coordination with the Al-Qaida Electronic Army (AQEA), have hacked four U.S. government sites within the last few days.  The sites allegedly hit included the U.S. State Department, the Army National Guard, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( and Office of Personnel Management (

The hackers says they identified and exploited vulnerabilities on two domains owned by the US Department of State and one for the Army National Guard.  The attackers claim to have obtained sensitive information, and the IP addresses of government computers and servers and are holding onto the information to work on hacking more IPs.

The group also says they had the assistance of "Chinese hackers".

The hackers claimed to have assistance from Chinese hackers during their #opBlackSummer, "Not only that we also have some important file we got after cookies stealing from the pentagon mail added to that there are some Chinese hackers who collaborate with us".

The group claims that this is all in prepation for #OpBlackSummer, an effort to attack US targets between May 31 and September 11.[/b]

They have contacted a few hacking media websites to present the evidence of their attacks, showing the links to the vulnerabilities that they claim to have exploited.

Those sites, E Hacking News, Hack Red and Ill Secure believe the claims to be valid. Softpedia also believes that the hacks are legitimate.

The group has not as yet provided pastebin evidence of data seized or other usual proof of successful attack, however. They claim to be holding 72GB of data that they say they will drop on May 31 at the start of #OpBlackSummer. They say they want to use some of that information to make further attacks.

The group has claimed responsibility for prior hacking attacks against CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) as well as against banks. They previously posted a pastebin of what appears to be data from a prior attack on a bank.

The government has not as yet confirmed these alleged attacks on government sites. However, if the government sites actually have the vulnerabilities cited, that would be troubling as they are things one would not think should be an issue in Dept of State or Defense websites.

The group says their next targets will be gas, petrochemical and possibly nuclear companies, and that they will be scheduling a "conference" soon to explain #OpBlackSummer.

At the end of #OpBlackSummer, (above) they make the following Tweeter threat:

TunisianCyberArmy1 @TN_cyberarmy 
@AnonymousOpsIRC this is the beginer after the data we got pentagon will be destroyed on the next 11 of september
9:59 PM - 09 Mar 13
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Pentagon creates 13 offensive cyber teams for worldwide attacks... starting may 31st through September 11, 2013 called OP Black Summer

Published time: March 13, 2013 17:27

The head of the United States Cyber Command says the US is developing 40 new teams of cyber-agents that will both protect America's critical infrastructure from hackers and as well as launch attacks against the country's adversaries.

Gen. Keith Alexander, who leads both the Cyber Command and the National Security Agency, told the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that the 40 online support teams should be ready for action by 2015, with 13 of those units existing specifically to attack other countries.

Alexander has been reluctant to go into detail about how the newly-designed teams will engage in cyber battle with America's enemies, but he did say that the 13 squads of offensive fighters won't be sitting around waiting for hackers from abroad to strike first. The NSA chief described the groups as ''defend-the-nation'' teams but also stressed that their role will be one that puts them on both sides of the action.

"I would like to be clear that this team. . . is an offensive team," he told reporters on Tuesday.

"The teams are analogous to battalions in the Army and Marine Corps — or squadrons in the Navy and Air Force," said Alexander. "In short, they will soon be capable of operating on their own, with a range of operational and intelligence skill sets, as well as a mix of military and civilian personnel."

Chris Strohm, a national security reporter for Bloomberg, says the units will "focus on missions such as protecting vital computer networks from attacks, supporting combat operations and keeping the Pentagon's information-technology systems secure."

The Associated Press reports that Gen. Alexander likened the teams' duties to "knocking an incoming missile out of the sky before it hits a target," and that they'd serve as defensive teams with added offensive capabilities. What offensive actions the teams will engage in exactly will likely remain unknown for now, however, as the US has continues to closely guard its secretive cyber operations. An order signed by President Barack Obama last year outlining the offensive capabilities of US cyber squads remains classified four months later, but it has been described as being the most aggressive cybersecurity directive ever. Meanwhile, the commander-in-chief and other administration officials have only said that attacks aimed at US infrastructure are increasing in frequency.

"What is absolutely true is that we have seen a steady ramping up of cyber security threats," Pres. Obama told ABC News during an interview filmed on Tuesday.

And while Gen. Alexander's 40 new teams won't be ready for either side of a cyberbattle until 2015, meanwhile Washington is looking for other ways to protect an onslaught of attacks. In addition to the classified order signed by Mr. Obama in November — Presidential Policy Directive 20 — the White House has also released an executive order that will pave the way for the country's private businesses to share threat information with the US government.

"I signed a new executive order that will strengthen our cyber defenses by increasing information sharing, and developing standards to protect our national security, our jobs and our privacy," Pres. Obama said during last month's State of the Union address. Moments later during his speech, he also urged Congress to act fast on their own "by passing legislation to give our government a greater capacity to secure our networks and deter attacks." One day later members of Congress reintroduced the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, and again this week Pres. Obama asked for lawmakers on Capitol Hill to act on it.

"There are ways that we can harden our critical infrastructure, our financial sector," Obama to ABC. "They need to get this done."

Gen. Alexander and Pres. Obama's statements come on the heels of a series of cyberattacks aimed at America's military computers, government servers, utility companies and banks. Iran has been largely considered responsible for a series of recent attacks on US banking websites, and China has repeatedly been linked to both cyber-espionage and cyberattacks on the US Department of Defense, Department of State and the private sector. Earlier this week, hackers claiming to be from the Tunisian Cyber Army took credit for hacking a handful of government websites, and say that, along with the al-Qaeda Electronic Army and a crew of Chinese hackers, will continue to attack US websites as part of Operation BlackSummer, or #OpBlackSummer.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


CNN's No-Talent Hack Piers Morgan on Tweeter: "Extraordinary To Me" People Would Mock Nanny Bloomberg...

  Piers Morgan        ✔ @piersmorgan  
Just extraordinary to me that people would mock a Mayor trying so hard to make his city safer and healthier. #Bloomberg #Guns #Soda
5:26 PM - 13 Mar 13

Forgive him, he's British... and an idiot.

Speaking of idiots...

Pelosi: George Washington Warned Against Conservatives

. . . "By and large,  the approach the Republicans take is that they are there to shrink the role of government to the point where it really recalls to mind a statement of President Washington who cautioned about a political party at war with its own government," Pelosi told reporters today in response to a question about the charm offensive.

Moments earlier, she had described Republicans as  "people who want to raise the [retirement] age and abolish the Affordable Care Act," in a reference to the the budget unveiled by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., which calls for the repeal of Obamacare.

Of course in reality George Washington would have warned against millionaire socialists like Pelosi.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


             "Where the hell is my Taster?"

WASHINGTON — Following President Obama's lunch meeting with Senate Republicans on Capitol Hill, Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins described the food served and the president's reaction to what was on menu.

"University of Maine recipe for healthy lobster salad — I pointed that out to the president in keeping with the first lady's initiatives and Fox Family Potato Chips made in Aroostook County where I'm from and wild blueberry pie full of anti-oxidants, see this was a healthy lunch as well. We did have a little ice cream on the pie too, also made in Maine, Gifford's Ice Cream. So in all seriousness this was well received," Collins told reporters on Thursday after the meeting at the Capitol.

"Unfortunately, you know, the president can't," said Collins when asked if Obama ate at the lunch meeting.

"He looked longingly at it," Collins continued. "He honestly did look longingly at it, but apparently he has to have essentially a taster, and I pointed out to him that we were all tasters for him, that if the food had been poisoned all of us would have keeled over so, but he did look longingly at it and he remarked that we have far better food than the Democrats do, and I said that was because I was hosting."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Olberdouche Settles Lawsuit With Current TV, Complains Nobody Will Hire Him...

Even better, Olberdouche got only 10% of what he wanted.  Olbermann sued for $50 mil, settled for 10% of that ($5 mil) of which his lawyers take 40% ($2 mil) and his Lord and Savior Obuma will take another 39% (approx $1.2 mil) leaving Keefus with $1.8 mil, which sounds like a lot, but between the male prostitutes and the experimental herpes treatments, he'll be back to being broke by Christmas.

Keith Olbermann has settled his $50 million lawsuit with Current TV, bringing an end to the almost year-long legal dispute over the outspoken host's dismissal from the liberal news network.

The terms of the settlement, which was reported earlier this week, were not released. But two sources familiar with the negotiations now tell POLITICO that during the mediation stage, Olbermann's legal representatives cited his inability to get a job at another network — a move one source close to the negotiations interpreted as an effort to gain sympathy for Olbermann.

"One of the cards his people played was hardship," the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told POLITICO. "He spent last fall talking to all the major networks, and he couldn't get a job. The idea was, this could be the last money he ever earned."

The source said Olbermann's lawyers used this as "a bargaining chip" to "appeal to the sympathy" of Current TV executives, but said it was unclear if that factored into Current TV's decision to agree to a settlement.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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