This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on March 22, 2015, 12:06:12 PM

We ought to be pro-American and Confederate heritage is American.  Let's hope that the bureaucrats (socialists) in Texas will get right and approve the Texas Confederate plates.

Lets hope so... after all, these great States did... we'll know in late June.  Not sure about Florida:


Lee's Namesake School to Remove Confederate Flags

Washington and Lee University agrees to students' demand

(Newser)  – Robert E. Lee is giving up his flag one more time in the South. Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., has acceded to the demands of a group of law students and will remove Confederate flags that adorn Lee Chapel on the campus, reports the Roanoke Times. In an email to students and faculty, university President Kenneth Ruscio said that the replica flags were there for historical purposes only but that they would be taken down. He added that the school "will continue to study its historic involvement with slavery," which he called a "regrettable chapter of our history."

The law students found the presence of the flag especially vexing because W&L students take an honor-code pledge in the chapel. Lee served as president of what was then known as Washington College beginning in 1865, and the school added his name after he died. Both he and the school owned slaves at one point. Ruscio defended Lee as an "imperfect person living in imperfect times" and likened his situation to that of slave-owner Thomas Jefferson. At Above the Law, Elie Mystal applauds the black law students who pushed for the change. W&L could have continued to ignore its own history, he writes. "The only thing that will stop them from ignoring it is for good people to demand better."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Reason POS Obuma Regime Left Iran And Hezbollah Off Terrorism List?  DNI Clapper: "Change In Formatting" On Report

(This would be laughable, if it wasn't so damn seriously disturbing... this pretty well proves that Obuma is the top Terrorist in this fiasco!!!...)

Via Fox Insider:

John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., sounded off tonight on the news that Iran and Hezbollah were omitted from the latest U.S. terror threat list.

This year's Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Communities doesn't include Iran or Hezbollah in the terrorism section. Catherine Herridge reports that the office of National Intelligence Director James Clapper cites a change in formatting as a reason for this removal.

"It's a flat lie [...] the people who would say this is a format change are weasels," Bolton said.

Bolton said he thinks Iranian negotiators told American negotiators to "go easy on us on this terrorism stuff." Bolton explained that Iran wants to be free of sanctions imposed because of its state sponsorship of terrorism.

The omission of Iran and Hezbollah from the report was likely a concession by the administration in nuclear weapons negotiations, Bolton said. He wondered: How many other concessions has this administration made in an effort to get a deal done?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Why Some Feminists Can Be Very Scary... this crazy nutcase below.  She'll do anything to sell more magazines...

These women are not "feminists", as in celebrating and honoring women and their worth. My mother and my grandmother were feminists, working to support families and fulfill their own talents, while also raising children. Valuing and honoring women, breaking glass ceilings, while not man-hating on their way there.

These women don't honor women. It's just another cause for those on the left to exploit to create division and attack the evil 'system' of patriarchy and of course capitalism (it always comes back to that).

Now if Robin Morgan were just any random loon, one might well just dismiss it.

But Robin Morgan was the editor-in-chief of MS magazine, has a weekly hour long radio show on CBS Radio, broadcast on WJFK, and she's still a leading light in the "feminist movement".

This is only one of the many rather disturbing quotes that are attributed to her, more may be found here.  One can see from that link, that she is not alone in the feminist crazy.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Boston Globe Goes Native-American: Lib Rag Runs Editorial,
Three Op-Eds Urging Warren To Run For President

(Hillary relegated back to breaking glass coffee table tops... Tough choice between a bitch or a nut.  Princess Spreading Bull must sit with Boston fathers and smoke buffalo dung.  Think to cross many creeks under many moons to become Big Chief in the Great White Teepee.)

Via NewsBusters

Look no further for a textbook example of why the Boston Globe is seen by critics as kneejerk liberal.

(Note that the Globe is wholly owned by the New York Times... the same NYT that is slipping all those little tidbits about Hillary's naughty self dealing activities while in charge at State into the public sphere, while the Globe is leading the cheering section exhorting 'Fauxcahontas' to run for the presidency.  It looks like a twofer for 'Pinch' who bought the Globe originally to impress same sex marriage on the State of Massachussetts and is now using it to launch a full spread torpedo salvo at the Hillary Clinton candidacy. 
Never the less, all puppet strings lead back to Comrade Hussein Obuma.  We need to remember that she has about a trillion dollars to use for her election. She didn't go from being a third tier law school graduate to a professor at Harvard law without a lot of money provided by the left's favorite palindrome. Yes Harvard needed a woman from a minority at that point, but the question is who gave Harvard the money to take her and her quasi Indian heritage when there were many qualified Black woman who could have been given that slot...)

In today's paper, most of the cover and two full inside pages within the "Ideas & Opinion" section (eight pages in all) are devoted to a single cause — urging Elizabeth Warren, a Bay State senator and the Democrats' most ardent class warrior, to run for president.

The lead editorial is titled "Senator Warren, step up and run," next to a huge photo of a contemplative Warren on the first page of the section. Adjacent to the editorial is a column by Anna Galland, executive director of Civic Action, with the headline, "Her message for the middle class resonates across the spectrum."

ust in case Globe readers miss the message that the broadsheet is bonkers for Warren, two more op-ed columns inside amplify the point. American Prospect co-founder Robert Kuttner, a Brandeis professor and HuffPo contributor, writes a piece titled "If she does run, she'll surprise the skeptics."

Making it four for four is an offering from Bloomberg Businessweek columnist Joshua Green, headlined "Party needs a credible threat to Clinton in the primaries."

Even the most Warren-besotted lefty can't avoid discerning a pattern — the Globe's lead editorial and not one, not two, but a trio of pro-Warren for president columns, and not a single dissenting voice. In other words, the kind of debate she relished in the faculty lounge at Harvard.

Hold on a sec, there is dissension in the ranks, though easily missed unless you squinted. There on the bottom of one of the inside pages is a pull-quote from the only conservative in the mix, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer. His observation — "What you're feeling now is Early Onset Clinton Fatigue. The CDC is recommending elaborate precautions. Forget it. The only known cure is Elizabeth Warren." Yes, even the steely-eyed Krauthammer apparently isn't immune from Warren's alleged charm.[...]

If Warren did join the race, she would take the party rank-and-file by storm. There is a hunger for a candidate who can articulate all the frustrations felt by middle- and working-class people, and especially by the young. The Republican Tea Party types get to play that role only because of the vacuum on the Democratic side.[...]

Hillary Clinton's protean tendencies make it hard to know exactly where she will come down on economic and financial-regulatory matters.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Israel: Beware Of Obuma

(It's not naiveté... Israel knows who the serpent is and his name is Obuma)

Via NY Post:

First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.

He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican "enemies." He abandons our ­allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ­adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.

Now he's coming for Israel.

Barack Obama's promise to transform America was too modest. He is transforming the whole world before our eyes. Do you see it yet?

Against the backdrop of the tsunami of trouble he has unleashed, Obama's pledge to "reassess" America's relationship with Israel cannot be taken lightly. Already paving the way for an Iranian nuke, he is hinting he'll also let the other anti-Semites at Turtle Bay have their way. That could mean American support for punitive Security Council resolutions or for Palestinian statehood initiatives. It could mean both, or something worse.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Yemen Dissolving Into Civil War, Shi'ite Rebels Capture Key City And Airport

(Experts are reporting all U.S. friendly-intelligence sources going dark in the country, as they are forced to flee or go underground.  Thanks Mr. President! Another rousing success...)

Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) - Rebels seized a Yemeni airport and set up checkpoints throughout the area Sunday as a U.N. envoy warned that the country was at "the edge of civil war."

Houthi militants took over the airport in Taiz as they swept through the city and surrounding province, two officials with the Taiz provincial government said.

One civilian was killed and 82 others wounded when the rebels fired at local residents protesting their presence, the officials said.

The Shiite rebels have also seized security and intelligence buildings in Taiz, the officials said. Taiz, about 390 kilometers (240 miles) south of Sanaa, is Yemen's cultural capital.

At a United Nations Security Council emergency meeting on Yemen Sunday, a U.N. envoy said the country was in a "rapid downward spiral" at "the edge of civil war."

"I urge all sides at this time of rising tensions and inflammatory rhetoric to appreciate the gravity of the situation and to deescalate by exercising maximum restraint. ... Peaceful dialogue is the only way forward," said Jamal Benomar, the U.N.'s special adviser on Yemen.

On Saturday the State Department said the U.S. military had pulled its remaining personnel out of Yemen due to the deteriorating security situation.


Yemeni Mosque Bombing Victims Were Cursing Jews And Americans
At Moment ISIS Suicide Bomber Detonated Explosives

(Yemeni Mosque Bombing Victims Were Cursing Jews And Americans At Moment ISIS Suicide Bomber Detonated Explosives...)

Via INN:

Last Friday, terrorists who claimed to be affiliated with the Islamic State (ISIS) targeted two mosques affiliated with the Shiite Houthi rebel movement which has taken over the capital of Yemen, Sanaa.

The attacks, carried out by suicide bombers during the rush for Friday prayers, killed 137 people and injured 345 others, according to Al-Jazeera.

One of the mosques targeted was the Al-Hashoush Mosque. According to video footage posted to the internet and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the worshippers at the mosque were cursing Jews and wishing death upon Israel just as the suicide bomber detonated his explosive device.

Arutz Sheva chose not to present the video here due to its graphic nature.

The preacher is shown saying in the video, "Our belief in Allah will increase after today. We will triumph over their deceit and their arrogance. Allah is with us..."

The worshippers respond by chanting, "Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to Islam. Allah Akbar. Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse upon the Jews. Victory to..."

An arrow on-screen then points to a man walking through the crowd, a bomb goes off and worshippers cry out.

The Iranian-backed Houthis took control of the capital Sanaa in September, forcing the resignation of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi in January.

Iran is reportedly seeking to use the Houthis to gain control over Yemen in a similar way in which it has used its proxy terror group Hezbollah to gain control in Lebanon.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Ivy League Princeton Students Greet Obama With Chants Of "Four More Years! Four More Years!"...

(40 second mark):

(Your sorry college students hard at work trying to ruin America... Also, Princeton is Mooch's alma mater...)


Via The Blaze:

... But reportedly after offering a wave in the arena, Obama himself got a cheer from Princeton fans — and one he seemed visibly embarrassed over: "Four more years! Four more years!"

Hearing the chant, a smiling Obama tossed a gaze to the vocal portion of the crowd and immediately invoked the "cut it out" gesture, slicing his hand in front of his neck:

TIME reporter Zeke Miller notes the chants came from the Princeton student section.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



ALERT: 1st
Shariah Law College
Started Inside America... Located in THIS State

It finally happened. The first "Shariah law" college has been launched in the United States. The founders have a history of pushing Islamic tyranny in America as well as literal violence against "the Jews."

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges, one of the six main accrediting agencies for higher education in the U.S., has granted "initial accreditation" to Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California. This college offers a Bachelor of Arts program in "Islamic Law and Theology."

Read more at:


The Best Place To Live In The United States?  Here Are 9 Maps To Consider

By Michael Snyder, on March 23rd, 2015

If you could live anywhere in America during the tumultuous years ahead, where would it be?  This is a topic that is hotly debated, and the truth is that there is not a single right answer.  If you have a very strong family support system where you are, it might not be right to try to move 2000 miles away and start a new life from scratch.  And for many Americans, moving is out of the question in the short-term because they are completely and totally dependent on employment in their local areas.  But in recent years we have seen an increasing number of Americans strategically relocate to another region of the country.  They can see our society breaking down and they can see the storm clouds on the horizon and they want to do what they can to prepare themselves and their families for what is ahead. 

So is there a "best place to live" in the United States? 

Are there some areas that are preferable to others? 

The following are 9 maps to consider...

#1 Population Density

When the U.S. economy crashes and civil unrest starts erupting in our cities, ideally you will want to be living in an area with low population density.  In other words, the fewer people around the better.  The map below represents population density with a series of yellow dots.  As you can see, the west coast and the eastern half of the nation are generally very crowded.  So if you are looking for an area with lots of "breathing room", the area between the Mississippi River and the west coast is a good place to look.

#2 Average Precipitation

Unfortunately, the western half of the nation is also generally very dry.  So if you are planning to grow your own food during a time of economic and social turmoil, that is something to keep in mind.  There are a few areas between the Mississippi River and the west coast that do get plenty of rainfall (northern Idaho for example), but those areas are few and far between.

#3 Drought

The latest national map from the U.S. Drought Monitor is the next map that I have shared.  The multi-year drought in the state of California is already the worst drought in the recorded history of the state, and many scientists believe that it could stretch on for many more years.  But it isn't just California that has been suffering.  There are other areas in the Southwest that are starting to resemble the Dust Bowl days as well.  So obviously these areas are not ideal if you plan to be self-sufficient and grow much of your own food during a time of great crisis.

#4 Average Snowfall

If you don't like cold and snow, you will want to avoid the colored areas on this next map.  And if you do plan to live in an area that gets plenty of cold and snow, you will want to have a solid plan for heating your home if the electrical grid goes down and is not available for an extended period of time.

#5 Average Homicides

In the years ahead, crime in the United States is likely to rise dramatically.  If you are looking for somewhere safe, the areas that have relatively low crime rates right now will probably be better than areas that have relatively high crime rates right now.  In general, rates of violent crime are higher in our major cities and in the Southeast.

#6 Taxes

For a lot of people, tax rates are extremely important when choosing a place to live.  This next map shows the states where the state income tax rate is zero.  But please keep in mind that there are other reasons why some of these states may be undesirable during an emergency situation.

#7 Nuclear Power Plants

We have all seen what a single nuclear power plant disaster can do in Japan.  Well, in a future disaster scenario, we could potentially be facing multiple "Fukushimas" all at once here in the United States.  The map below shows where nuclear reactors are located throughout America.  You might want to think twice before moving in right next door to one.

#8 Tornadoes

A single giant tornado can absolutely shred the best laid plans of any family.  There are some that feel completely and totally comfortable living right in the heart of "Tornado Alley", and there are others that very much would like to avoid any area that is at high risk for tornadoes.  As you can see from the map below, the highest risk areas are generally in the Southeast part of the nation.

Of course tornadoes are far from the only natural disaster to consider when choosing a place to live.  For much more on all of this, check out these articles...

-"The New Madrid Earthquake That Will Divide The United States In Half"

-"East Coast Tsunami: If It Happens, MILLIONS Of Americans Could Die"

-"Why The Earthquake Near San Francisco Is Just The Start Of The Shaking In California"

-"Yellowstone Supervolcano Alert: The Most Dangerous Volcano In America Is Roaring To Life"

#9 Politics

For many Americans, moving to a politically-compatible area of the country is extremely important.  The map below uses red and blue to represent the average margin of victory in recent presidential elections.  The states that are very red voted very heavily for Republican candidates.  The states that are very blue voted very heavily for Democratic candidates.  The states that are purple were in the middle.  But it is important to remember that there are areas within each state that tend to be more conservative or liberal than the state overall.

Wherever you go, the truth is that no place is going to be perfect.

The following is how Joel Skousen, the author of "Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places", put it in one of his recent articles...

The more rural you are, the higher the cost of building, maintaining equipment and commuting to civilization—and, the higher your expenses for services including utilities, alternate energy and internet connectivity.  The more your priorities emphasize closeness to a community, the higher your risks will be during a social meltdown, and the more precise must be your preparations to bug out to a separate retreat. So, as you see, there are always compromises in life, no matter if you spend $50,000 on your property or millions, there is no perfect property that will meet all your criteria. Focus on what's most important for you, your family and/or group.

That was very well said.

No matter what other people are doing, you have to make the choices that are right for you and your family.


If you could live in any state in America, where would you go?  During troubled times like these, what is the best place in the United States to live?  A lot of people are asking these kinds of questions these days.  Our economy is on the verge of collapse, natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more intense, the U.S. population is becoming angrier and more frustrated by the day, our government has become incredibly oppressive and controlling, war could break out at any time and evidence that society is breaking down is all around us.  As our world becomes increasingly unstable, many families are considering moving somewhere else.  But what areas are best and what areas should be avoided?  Is there really a "best place to live" in America?  Well, the truth is that each family is facing a different set of circumstances.  If you have a great support system where you live, it can be really tough to pick up and move 3000 miles away from that support system.  If you have a great job where you live now, it can be really tough to move some place where there may be no job at all for you.  But without a doubt there are some areas of the country that will be far better off than others in the event of a major economic collapse.  This article will take a look at each of the 50 U.S. states and will list some of the pros and cons for moving to each one.

Not all of the factors listed below will be important to you, and a few have even been thrown in for humor.  But if you are thinking of moving in the near future hopefully this list will give you some food for thought.

A few years ago when my wife and I were living near Washington D.C. we knew that we wanted a change and we went through this kind of a process.  We literally evaluated areas from coast to coast.  In the end, we found a place that is absolutely perfect for us.  But different things are important to different people.

And if I gave your particular state a low rating, please don't think that I am trashing the entire state or all of the people who live there.

For example, there are some absolutely wonderful people that live in the state of California, and there are some areas of California that I would not mind visiting at all.  But for the times that are coming I am convinced that it is going to be a really bad place to live.

Not that I have all the answers either.  Hopefully this article can get some debates started, and hopefully those debates will help people that are thinking of moving to another state to be more informed.

The following are some pros and cons for all 50 states....


Pros: warm weather, southern hospitality, relatively low population density

Cons: hurricanes, tornadoes, crime, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: C+


Pros: great fishing, lots of empty space, low population density, great for rugged individualists

Cons: very high cost of living, earthquakes, volcanoes, extremely cold, short growing season, too much snow, potentially cut off from supplies from the lower 48 states during an emergency situation

Overall Rating: B


Pros: warm weather

Cons: illegal immigration, wildfires, return of dust bowl conditions, not enough jobs, not enough rain, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, gang violence, Phoenix

Overall Rating: D+


Pros: southern hospitality, warm weather, Ozark National Forest

Cons: tornadoes, Clintons, New Madrid fault zone, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: C


Pros: Disneyland, warm weather, Malibu

Cons: Screwball Nancy Pelosi, high taxes, Idiot Jerry Brown, earthquakes, mudslides, wildfires, gang violence, crime, traffic, rampant poverty, insane politicians, ridiculous regulations, bad schools, political correctness, illegal immigration, not enough jobs, air pollution, multiple nuclear power plants, possible tsunami threat along the coast, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Stockton, Sacramento, huge drug problem, high population density, the state government is broke, many more reasons to leave California right here

Overall Rating: F


Pros: Rocky Mountains, Colorado Springs

Cons: wildfires, illegal immigration, short growing season, not enough rain, too much snow, huge drug problem

Overall Rating: B


Pros: beautiful homes

Cons: high taxes, insane politicians, ridiculous regulations, political correctness, short growing season, multiple nuclear power plants, high population density

Overall Rating: C-


Pros: good fishing, Diane Amberg

Cons: Idiot Joe Biden, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, crime, high population density

Overall Rating: D


Pros: University of Florida Gators, oranges, low taxes, southern hospitality, Disneyworld, Gainesville, warm weather, beautiful beaches, Daytona

Cons: hurricanes, most of the state is barely above sea level, high population density, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, gang violence, illegal immigration

Overall Rating: C


Pros: UGA football, peaches, southern hospitality, warm weather

Cons: not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, gang violence, flesh eating disease, Atlanta

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: awesome beaches, warm weather, great vacation destination

Cons: vulnerable to tsunamis, very high cost of living, volcanoes, traffic, high population density, high taxes

Overall Rating: C-


Pros: awesome people live there, great potatoes, low population density, high concentration of liberty-minded individuals, low crime, Sandpoint, Coeur d'Alene, north Idaho has plenty of water compared to the rest of the interior West, beautiful scenery

Cons: cold in the winter, wildfires, short growing season, not enough jobs

Overall Rating: A


Pros: once you get away from Chicago things are not quite so bad

Cons: POS Barack Insane Obuma, drought, New Madrid fault zone, high population density, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, crime, gang violence, Chicago, East St. Louis, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, mob robberies, the state government is drowning in debt, and POS Obuma

Overall Rating: F-


Pros: it is in better shape than Illinois, good farming, high Amish population

Cons: drought, tornadoes, the city of Gary, relatively high population density, near the New Madrid fault zone, a "rust belt" state

Overall Rating: C-


Pros: low population density, low crime, good farming

Cons: drought, tornadoes, cold in the winter, multiple nuclear power plants, too much snow, very flat

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: low population density, low crime, good farming, KU

Cons: drought, tornadoes, return of dust bowl conditions, very flat, Wichita Shockers

Overall Rating: B


Pros: southern hospitality, great horses, Lexington, basketball

Cons: Oddballs Rand Paul & Mitch McConnell, New Madrid fault zone, not enough jobs, rampant poverty, Louisville

Overall Rating: C


Pros: southern hospitality, warm weather

Cons: hurricanes, New Orleans, not enough jobs, tornadoes, multiple nuclear power plants, oil spills, crime, gang violence, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: D


Pros: low population density, low crime, polite people

Cons: extremely cold, short growing season, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, too much snow

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: the Washington Redskins play there

Cons: Baltimore, borders Washington D.C., high population density, really bad traffic, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, gang violence

Overall Rating: C-


Pros: beautiful homes

Cons: high taxes, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, high population density, short growing season, almost everything is illegal in Massachusetts

Overall Rating: D+


Pros: once you get away from Detroit and Flint things get better

Cons: Detroit, Flint, Dearborn, extremely cold, short growing season, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, too much snow, a "rust belt" state

Overall Rating: D-


Pros: land of 10,000 lakes

Cons: extremely cold, short growing season, multiple nuclear power plants, too much snow, high taxes

Overall Rating: C


Pros: southern hospitality, relatively low population density, warm weather

Cons: hurricanes, tornadoes, not enough jobs, rampant poverty, crime

Overall Rating: C+


Pros: good farming, Branson

Cons: drought, tornadoes, New Madrid fault zone, not enough jobs, crime

Overall Rating: C


Pros: low population density, low taxes, high concentration of liberty-minded individuals, Missoula, Kalispell

Cons: extremely cold in the winter, wildfires, short growing season, not enough rain, near Yellowstone super volcano, rampant poverty, too much snow

Overall Rating: B+


Pros: low population density, good farming

Cons: tornadoes, drought, multiple nuclear power plants, cold in the winter, very flat

Overall Rating: B


Pros: low population density, lots of empty space, low taxes, warm weather

Cons: Dirty Harry Reid, Las Vegas, Reno, not enough water, not enough rain, wildfires, hard to grow food, not enough jobs, crime, gang violence, huge drug problem, Yucca Mountain

Overall Rating: D+

New Hampshire

Pros: low crime, beautiful homes

Cons: extremely cold, short growing season, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, too much snow

Overall Rating: C

New Jersey

Pros: anyone got something?

Cons: high population density, Camden, Newark, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, Atlantic City, crime, gang violence

Overall Rating: D-

New Mexico

Pros: low population density, warm weather

Cons: illegal immigration, wildfires, return of dust bowl conditions, not enough jobs, not enough rain, crime, gang violence, huge drug problem

Overall Rating: C-

New York

Pros: the entire state is not like New York City

Cons: New York City, Mayor Bloomberg, high taxes, cold in the winter, high population density, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, the "too big to fail" banks

Overall Rating: D

North Carolina

Pros: southern hospitality, warm weather, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Cons: hurricanes, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants

Overall Rating: B

North Dakota

Pros: low crime, lots of oil-related jobs, low population density

Cons: extremely cold, short growing season, too much snow

Overall Rating: B


Pros: the Cincinnati Reds, the Pro Football Hall of Fame, high Amish population

Cons: not enough jobs, cold in the winter, multiple nuclear power plants, high population density, Toledo, Cleveland, a "rust belt" state

Overall Rating: C


Pros: warm weather, good farming

Cons: drought, tornadoes, wildfires, return of dust bowl conditions, not enough rain, crime, Oklahoma City, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: C


Pros: tremendous natural beauty

Cons: high taxes, Portland, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, not enough jobs, huge drug problem, possible tsunami threat along the coast

Overall Rating: C-


Pros: high Amish population

Cons: high population density, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, a "rust belt" state

Overall Rating: C

Rhode Island

Pros: so small that most people don't notice their problems

Cons: the state is flat broke, short growing season, political correctness, ridiculous regulations, insane politicians, not enough jobs, high population density

Overall Rating: D+

South Carolina

Pros: southern hospitality, warm weather, Myrtle Beach

Cons: hurricanes, not enough jobs, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, gang violence, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: B

South Dakota

Pros: low population density, fun tourist traps, the Badlands, Mount Rushmore

Cons: extremely cold, short growing season, very flat, too much snow

Overall Rating: B


Pros: Nashville, Michael W. Smith, southern hospitality, warm weather, Gatlinburg

Cons: Memphis, New Madrid fault zone, multiple nuclear power plants, crime, gang violence, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: low taxes, warm weather, Austin

Cons:  drought, illegal immigration, tornadoes, wildfires, West Nile Virus, the Dallas Cowboys, return of dust bowl conditions, speed traps, oddball Ted Cruz, not enough rain, multiple nuclear power plants, crime

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: beautiful mountains, low crime, low population density

Cons: cold in the winter, wildfires, Salt Lake City, short growing season, not enough rain, illegal to collect rain

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: low crime, beautiful homes

Cons: cold in the winter, insane politicians, ridiculous regulations, short growing season, political correctness, not enough jobs, too much snow

Overall Rating: C


Pros: the University of Virginia, southern hospitality, Charlottesville

Cons: borders Washington D.C., high population density, multiple nuclear power plants, Richmond, really bad traffic in northern Virginia

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: the eastern half of the state is quite nice and much different from the coast

Cons: way too much rain along the coast, volcanoes, wildfires, insane politicians, ridiculous regulations, political correctness, not enough jobs, possible tsunami threat along the coast, Seattle

Overall Rating: C

West Virginia

Pros: beautiful mountains

Cons: not enough jobs, rampant poverty

Overall Rating: B


Pros: cheese, the Green Bay Packers

Cons: extremely cold, short growing season, multiple nuclear power plants, too much snow,

Overall Rating: B-


Pros: low population density, lots of empty space, low taxes

Cons: extremely cold, too windy, too flat, wildfires, short growing season, not enough rain, Yellowstone super volcano

Overall Rating: B-

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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