This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Al Crapton Meets With OButtHead At White House On 3 Year Anniversary Of Trayvon Martin Shooting

(I'll take a wild guess and say they talked about Racism, Butterflies and Unicorns...)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Mr. Spock: You Are and Always Will Be... of the great fictional characters of all time

Leonard Nimoy, who brought the inimitable logician to life, the half-Vulcan, half-human who preferred the "concrete, the graspable, the provable,"
rest in peace

Mr. Spock the Logic Man

Spock Dies SCENE - Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan MOVIE (1982) - HD

Live Long and Prosper: The Jewish Story Behind Spock, Leonard Nimoy's Star Trek Character
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


(The bill is expected to pass the House, which is in recess until March 4th. 
Governor Brownback has not said whether he will sign the bill, 
but the senate votes are far more than necessary for a veto override.)

Kansas Senate Passes
Constitutional Carry
Posted by Dean Weingarten on 02/26/2015

The Kansas Senate has passed SB 45, the bill that moves Kansas into the constitutional carry status of Arkansas, Arizona, Alaska, Wyoming, and Vermont.  If the bill passes the house and is signed by Governor Brownback, a person who can legally own a firearm and who is 21 or over will be able to carry a firearm concealed without fear of prosecution.   The bill, SB 45 had 26 cosponsors and was introduced by the Majority leader, Terry Bruce, of Hutchinson.  The bill passed with an overwhelming, veto proof, bi-partisan margin of 31 to 7.

The seven members that voted against the bill were: Faust-Goudeau (D), Francisco(D), Hawk(D), Hensley(D), Holland(D), Pettey(D), and Kay Wolf(R).

Two Senators McGinn(R) and Schmidt(R) were present but did not vote.

Two Democrat Senators Haley and Kelly, voted for the bill.

Kansas has been in the forefront of restoring second amendment rights for a several years.  In 2010, the state voted to provide greater protection of the right to keep and bear arms in its constitution, with 88% of the vote.  in 2013, Kansas counties were required to do away with gun free zones in public buildings, unless they actually enforced them with metal detectors and armed guards.  In 2013, Kansas reformed their antiquated knife laws.  In 2014, Kansas strengthened its firearms preemption statute, which reinforced open carry rights in the state, and included broad knife preemption law.  The legislature also required that Chief law enforcement officers sign the required forms when people applied to pay the federal tax on short barrelled rifles, shotguns, and gun mufflers.

All of this is quite appropriate, as Kansas is the state where the whole mythology that the second amendment is only a "collective right" that applies to a militia, started.  The Kansas supreme court created the concept out of thin air in1905, as the "Progressive" movement gained cultural power and clout.

Here is what Courthouse News says about SB45:

Senate Bill 45 repeals the permit requirement to carry a concealed handgun but "leaves all other regulations and the permitting process intact," Stoneking said. "In essence, this bill simply allows for law-abiding citizens, aged 21 and over, to carry a concealed handgun without having to pay the government for permission."
S.B. 45 is sponsored by a majority of the Republican-controlled Senate and House.

Here is what the  NRAILA has to say about bill:

Authored by Senate Majority Leader Terry Bruce (R-34), SB 45 recognizes Kansans' freedom to legally carry a concealed firearm without the burdensome requirement of acquiring a Kansas concealed carry handgun license (CCHL).  This is a necessary update to concealed carry in Kansas, allowing law-abiding gun owners the ability to better protect themselves and their loved ones.  In Kansas, it is already legal to carry a firearm openly, as long as the individual is not prohibited by law from possessing a firearm.  However, under current law, if a firearm becomes covered by a coat or if a woman prefers to carry a firearm for self-protection in her purse, he or she would need to possess a CCHL.

The bill is expected to pass the House, which is in recess until March 4th.  Governor Brownback has not said whether he will sign the bill,  but the senate votes are far more than necessary for a veto override.

©2015 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.
Link to Gun Watch


Republicans - no surprise there.  That's what yer Republican majority is all about.


We all know how you feel about Republicans ,  so how do you like Rand Paul, son of your hero Ron Paul? Just curious because Rand is a Republican, like almost 77% of Elk county voters


Rand Paul is not his dad.  Rand Paul will have to demonstrate that he's Republican in order to get the Republican nomination.  In other words, just be a Republican. 

Republicans never change - they just trick us into thinking that they will.

Jar, are you a Republican?  Just asking.


Yes Red I am a Republican. When I first registered about 100 years ago I signed on as Democrat. Was completely ignorant of most political stuff but at the time I thought a donkey was a little more cool than an elephant---and the fact that George Wallace had been a democrat. When they re-elected Slick Willie, a draft dodger, I said enough is enough so I jumped ship. For the record, I was never a liberal like 99 % of demorats, but always a conservative. Like you I have no use for a hell of a lot of republicans but the alternative really sucks and when me and millions more cast our vote for Ross Perot I realized then to vote for a 3rd party candidate, you just as well put a check mark by the dummyrats name. I have told you before there was a hell of a lot I liked about your hero, Ron Paul but I don't think I could keep my sanity listening to his whiney voice bitching about "all these wars " all the time. Example---"Ron, what do you think is causing the decline of the prairie chicken population in Kansas ?"
"It's these damn wars---using all the milo and soy beans to feed the troops instead of feeding the prairie chickens---did I say it's these damn wars ?"
And finally---a Purple Heart looks real nice on a Marines dress blues and without wars, aint no way a Marine can get one---so no vote for Ron Paul from me. :D
Are you a democrat Red---just asking.


Jar, I've been a Democrat and have never re-registered or joined to anything else - yet.
Been asked to be a Republican about 10 or 12 years agio but would not do that.  Besides Republicans being what they are for 150+ years, I don't want any part of being connected to them.  Republicans have a liberal and un-American history - they changed this country with their victory in 1865 and Obama is their product, not the product of the un-reconstructed Democrats.

If you read the interviews with former slaves, you'll get the idea where we got idea of yankee war that many cling today - and you'll see the black support for the South.   Here's the slave narratives from South Carolina:

I've read the slave narratives from Oklahoma (IT) and they're much alike the SC slave narratives.  Southern blacks and whites used to know what the War was all about, but the government schools have changed blacks and whites for more than 100 years - including you and me.

Slick Willie may be a draft dodger but it is his kind who got us in Vietnam to contain communism.   His kind = reconstructed Democrats and Republicans, who will not contain communism, (or immigration or much else) in this country.  They discuss war possibilities for the USA involvement all over the world while stealing our liberties here at home.  Lincoln was a tyrant and so are Obama and the Republicans.  Socialists!  A modern term for them is neocon.

I don't ever recall George Wallace advocating war.  He was pretty much an un-reconstructed Southerner much in line with the beliefs of the Confederates and the founding fathers.  He was wrong about segregation in government/schools.  Good man and we need more like him.

Here's what President Jefferson Davis said:     We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice save that of honor and independence; we seek no conquest, no aggrandizement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated; all we ask is to be let alone; that those who never held power over us shall not now attempt our subjugation by arms.

Republicans don't like that kind of talk and they never will.  That's why they are Republicans and Obama and his buddies are more like Republicans than ever to be like the real Democrats.

I hope that I've answered your question.  Enjoy your posts and stay right in there.

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