This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Obuma Dirty Politics - More Evidence POS Obuma Regime Interfering In Israeli Elections:
Jose Biden And Lurch Kerry (TOTAL A$$HOLES, BOTH) Meet With Opposition Leader Rather Than Netanyahu

(This after having former ObuttHead campaign operatives go to help the opposition.  This is what's happening:

In 2011, Boehner sent a notice to the WH stating his intention to invite Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. The White House never responded (spite? incompetence?) and Boehner proceeded to extend the invitation to Netanyahu. Netanyahu accepted the invitation and spoke. The White House did not express any outrage in 2011.

So there was a precedent set then, and no reason for Boehner or Netanyahu to assume there was any problem when the White House didn't respond with any objections this time.

The resulting fracas was simply kabuki outrage manufactured to create a negative impression that Israel had somehow 'disrespected' an American president. And of course, to assist Netanyahu's political enemies in the coming election...where the Obama Administration has already sent a crack campaign team and millions in campaign funds for the same purpose. The shotgun wedding of Labor's Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni lost no time in trying to spin this to show that 'Netanyahu was destroying Israel's relationship with the U.S.'

Funny VIDEO - Bibi Sitter Ad:

Via Israel Today

Is the Obama Administration interfering in Israel's upcoming elections? Recent statements and moves by America's leaders sure would seem to suggest so.

Last week, both Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry announced they would not be in attendance when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of the US Senate dedicated to the threat of a nuclear Iran.

The White House has been furious with Netanyahu over the planned appearance, which Obama officials insist had breached protocol by being organized without their approval and involvement.

Just days after letting everyone know they wouldn't be on hand to greet and listen to Netanyahu, both Biden and Kerry met with Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog on the sidelines of a security conference in Munich, Germany on Saturday. And this just a month before Israel's March 17 elections.

Their actions may be having the opposite effect, however. Polls suggest that the Obama diss is making Netanyahu more popular in Israel...


***Benjamin Netanyahu Schools Obuma***


Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the press after meeting with President Obama regarding the Israeli borders. Obama said in his speech that Israel's new borders should be according to the 1967 war, but it appears that the Obama team jumped the gun on the announcement. Obama made the speech just one day before Benyamin Netanyahu visits the White House. Obama threw Netanyahu and the nation of Israel under the bus in favor of Hamas and the Palestinians.

In this clip, Benjamin Netanyahu looks like a professor and Obama like a student nipping at his heels. Netanyahu makes it clear who is the real leader and makes Israel's case in no uncertain terms that Israel WILL NOT adjust its borders or give up the Golan Heights. This was a stunning event and it is obvious that Obama is extremely upset. While Netanyahu was courteous and professional, it is clear that he will not be bullied by President Obama.

On May 20, 2011

Bibi & Butthead VIDEO 
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Gas Station Manager 'Average Mohamed' Launches YouTube Attack On The ISIS Propaganda Machine



(Will Mohamed Ahmed end up arrested for causing the growth of ISIS same as the producer of the Innocence of muslims?...)

Via Huffington Post

Mohamed Ahmed, a gas station manager who moonlights as an anti-terror propagandist, is ready to launch another strike against Islamic State terrorists.

He's just waiting for his tax refund to do it.

Frustrated by a slick social media campaign on the Internet by the Islamic State that authorities say has helped lure dozens of young Muslim Americans to the fight in Iraq and Syria, Ahmed has poured thousands of dollars of his own money over the last six months into producing a series of animated cartoon messages to rebut the extremist group's messaging.

The cartoons, which Ahmed posts on his website and YouTube, star a character named Average Mohamed, a plain-spoken Muslim who speaks out against his religion's being misinterpreted by terrorists.

The bearded and gap-toothed Average Mohamed argues that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is "about genocide" and quotes the Quran in making the case that Muslims who see suspicious activities should alert authorities.[...]

Ahmed, 39, a father of four young children, is just one of many Muslim parents and leaders in the U.S. who are struggling to find the answers to cure what they see as a plague of Islamic radicalization.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Lyin' Brian Williams Stares Down A Thug's Snub-Nosed .38 While Selling
Christmas Trees Out Of The Back Of A Truck –
2005 interview with Esquire magazine

(Lester Holt had his back with a guest appearance by Gary Busey...)
Via NY Post

Long before Brian Williams was caught lying about his chopper coming under fire in Iraq, he claimed he'd stared down the barrel of a bandit's gun as a teenager in sleepy Red Bank, NJ.

In a 2005 interview with Esquire magazine, Williams said a thief drew on him in the 1970s — leaving him "looking up at a thug's snub-nosed .38 while selling Christmas trees out of the back of a truck."

He told the tough-to-believe story at least four times, claiming he was trying to help a local church when the thief snatched his money on West Front Street and Riverside Avenue.

"That wasn't a bad job, until a guy came up and stuck a .38-caliber pistol in my face and made me hand over all the money. Merry Christmas, right? Of course, I suddenly appreciated the other jobs I thought I hated," he told New Jersey Monthly in 2008.


Les Carbone, 85,...

"Don't listen to Brian Williams," he said. "He's going to tell you a lot of things. I doubt he was robbed at gunpoint. I was born in Red Bank, there were no crimes like that. Tell Brian Williams to stop lying."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Lyin' Brian Left Medal Of Honor Convention In Lurch For "Pressing Engagement'...
To Be On SNL

(Whew... The more you dig, the worse you find...)

Via Boston Herald:

Back in the fall of 2006, long before Brian Williams confessed to "conflating" his helicopter adventures over Iraq, Neal Santangelo knew the NBC news anchor was a fraud.

Santangelo, a Boston firefighter, former president of Local 718 and a proud veteran of the Navy submarine service, served on a committee that brought the Congressional Medal of Honor Society to Boston that year for its national convention.

About six months before the society's gala banquet at the Convention Center, Williams agreed to serve as master of ceremonies.

But when he arrived on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006, Williams told committee members Tom Lyons and Neal Santangelo that a "pressing engagement" back in New York prevented him from doing much more than greeting the audience of more than 1,000 guests ... and leaving.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Malia Obama Goes College Hunting: Community Colleges Not In The Hunt

(Will the empty chair legacy continue?...)


Last summer, news outlets took notice when Malia Obama toured Stanford and the University of California-Berkeley. Now, heads are turning once again after Malia and her mom, Michelle Obama, were spotted on private tours with multiple universities in New York City on Friday.

With such well-known people touring campus, it was no surprise that many students shared their excitement on social media. From tweets to blog posts, many shared their enthusiasm with the prospect of having Malia as a classmate.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Judge Jeanine Has Been Mystified by Obama's Behavior for 6 Years.
Suddenly, It All Makes Sense.

Judge Jeanine Pirro has been an ardent critic of President Obama for years. But Obama's remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, which the president's most reliable defenders claim is a non-controversy, has her seeing the president's behavior during America's war with Islamic terrorists in a whole new light.

Here is how Pirro made her opening statement:

"You know I've been watching this president for six years. And after this week's prayer breakfast, it all came together. It finally made sense to me: Barack Obama is comfortable with extremism. He's okay with it. He's nonplussed. It's part of what happens.

It explains why he goes golfing within minutes of announcing the beheading of an American. It explains why he didn't join 40 world leaders in France to denounce 'Islamic terrorism.'

It explains why he doesn't attend certain funerals. Why he does nothing about the wholesale slaughter of Christians in the Middle East. Or the raping, beheading, crucifying and burying alive of children there. Why he doesn't get excited about people who cross his 'red lines.' And it explains why he so easily pivots to healthcare after announcing the burning alive of a coalition pilot."

For some context, the president's controversial remarks came just two days after a video showed the Islamic State burning captured Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. This is the president's line that has drawn attention:

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Judge Jeanine Pirro interprets these remarks to mean the president is generally nonplussed about Islamic extremism – it doesn't really perturb him. The Judge then gives numerous examples of how the president's inexplicable behavior following terrorist attacks can now be seen in an entirely new light.

Whether or not one agrees with the entirety of Pirro's remarks, one thing is clear: approximately 70% of Americans lack confidence in the president's ability to take on ISIS terrorists, while only 38% of approve of his handling of foreign policy in general.

The president at times appearing emotionally detached following terror attacks – even making equivocations to medieval Christian atrocities carried out centuries ago – is unlikely to change that perception.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


If it's taken her 6 years to catch-on to Obama, how many more years will it take for her to see what the Republicans are? 

The media is pro-Obama and pro-Republican (and pro-neocon).  They like 'em all.  They're all going the same direction. 

And who spends advertising money with them?  The Democrats, Republicans and the government.  The campaign season has been over for about 3 months so now we view and listen to government "public service" annoucements paid for by your favorite bureaucracy or the military.

Besides taxing, borrowing and printing, where does the government get its money to tell us what to think? 


Amazing! Original Magna Carta Copy Found in Scrapbook

by Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor   |   February 09, 2015

An original copy of the Magna Carta has been discovered in a scrapbook in Kent, England.

The tattered document dates back to 1300, 85 years after King John of England was compelled to sign the first agreement limiting the rights of kings. This version was issued by King Edward I (King John's grandson), who was under pressure from the church and the barons to reaffirm good governance, said Sophie Ambler, a research associate with the Magna Carta Project.

"Nobody knew it was there," Ambler said of the damaged document. "This Magna Carta had been stuck into a scrapbook by a Victorian official from the British Museum at the end of the 19th century."

Limiting the king

The copy was then placed in the Sandwich archive in Kent, where it was forgotten, Ambler told Live Science. Its rediscovery was sparked by the efforts of researchers with the Magna Carta Project, who are investigating the history of the Magna Carta in the lead-up to its 800th anniversary this year. The leader of the project, the University of East Anglia's Nicholas Vincent, asked a historian in Kent to look up Sandwich's Charter of the Forest, a complementary document to the Magna Carta. In the process, the historian found the forgotten edition of the Magna Carta.

Often considered a precursor to modern constitutional law, the Magna Carta was first affirmed on June 15, 1215, by a beleaguered King John, who faced an uprising by a group of powerful barons upset over taxation. The charter limited the king's power and set limits on taxation, also establishing rights to justice. Four copies of the original 1215 Magna Carta survive, including a badly burnt document held at the British Library. [See Photos of the Burnt Magna Carta]:

Reaffirmed Charter

After King John, England's kings periodically reaffirmed and reissued the Magna Carta, as was the case with this version. The new copy brings the total number of surviving 13th-century versions to 24, Ambler said. The newly discovered edition is the seventh surviving copy from the year 1300.

The charter is more than 1.6 feet (0.5 meters) long, but about one-third of the text is missing, according to the Magna Carta Project. Water damage has eaten away at the paper, and the royal seal is missing. Nevertheless, the date of issue survives at the bottom of the document, Ambler said. Determining the authenticity of the charter was relatively straightforward, she added: The layout, handwriting and text all match what would be expected from a Magna Carta of this time.

The document's discovery in Sandwich reveals that copies of the Magna Carta were distributed more widely than ever known, Ambler said. Sandwich was what is known as a "Cinque Port," a coastal town given exemptions from certain taxes and oversight in return for maintaining ships for the kingdom's defense needs.

"The fact that we had one [delivered] to the Cinque ports adds a whole other audience" for the Magna Carta, Ambler said.

The fate of the newly discovered Magna Carta is not yet known, but it is likely to stay in Kent, Ambler said. The county council hopes to display the document as a tourist draw, she added. The Magna Carta is currently being held at the Kent History and Library Centre in Maidstone, Murray Evans, spokesman for the Kent County Council, told Live Science.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Planned Parenthood Cheers ObuttHead For Citing Ridiculous
Sexual Assault Claim During Grammys, "Right On"

Via Washington Examiner:

"Right now, nearly 1 in 5 women in America has been a victim of rape or attempted rape," President Obama said Sunday night in a message played during the Grammys. "And more than 1 in 4 women has experienced some form of domestic violence."

Wow, just wow.

Gone are the days that the president makes false claims that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted while in college. Now 20 percent of all women in America have been raped or nearly raped. And 25 percent of American women — not just college women — have experienced domestic violence.

Let's just think about that for a minute. The current population of the U.S. is 316.1 million, with women comprising about half. That means there are about 158 million women and girls in the U.S. If 20 percent of American women have been raped or almost raped, that's a total of 31.6 million women, which is somewhere between the populations of Texas and California.

These numbers are wildly out of line with national crime statistics, which don't show anywhere near that number of rapes in the past two decades. Those statistics show fewer than 2 million rapes being reported in that time frame. Even accounting for the fact that many rapes go unreported, the number Obama gave Sunday night is staggering. It would mean that just 6.3 percent of rapes and attempted rapes are reported.

This would also mean that, if Obama is right and 25 percent of American women have experienced domestic violence, then 39.51 million women in the country (which is more than the population of California) are victims of such violence.

Update to this post:

Air Force One charm offensive takes off

The White House's newest attempt to schmooze Congress includes invitations to ride on the president's plane.

By Anna Palmer and John Bresnahan

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Fourth Estate

***All the President's Explainers***

Interviews with the president are always useless.
Vox's was no different.

By JACK SHAFER - February 09, 2015

Read more:

(It is not just that interviews with O'buttHead are useless, the facts are O'buttHead IS useless!!!...)

A sit-down interview with the president of the United States must be the most overrated get in all of journalism. Obviously, few journalists would spurn a chance to touch the hem of his garment if offered the chance. But beyond a brief burst of positive buzz for the news outlet, these sessions produce little in the way of news, as Vox's Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias demonstrated anew Monday in their lengthy domestic and foreign policy Q&As with President Barack Obama.

Just tune your browser to Google News and see for yourself how little meat the hungry press corps was able to scrape from the bones of the Vox interview. CNN: "Obama 'hopeful' about partisanship, race relations"; Bloomberg: "Obama Says Wealth Accumulation Speaks to Need for Tax Shift"; National Journal: "In Vox Interview, Obama Sets Limits on What a President Can Accomplish"; Politico: "Barack Obama: Get rid of 'routine use' of legislative filibuster." Klein and Yglesias haven't gathered enough protein to make a decent news bouillon.

To be fair to Vox, even the most experienced White House reporters can be undone by the president in interviews. Bill O'Reilly of Fox News Channel, for one, has failed to puncture the White House shield in his "exclusive" Obama interviews. Presidents, after all, are playing on their home courts, where they set the rules and control the shot clock. A president is too well-briefed by his staff to be caught off guard by ingenious questions. No president will allow news to be made in an interview unless he wants to make news. Also, etiquette dictates that reporters not interrupt the president whenever he drones on like a slow leak out of a monster truck tire, which Obama does with Vox, at one point filibustering for 750 words—almost as long as this column!—in response to a shapeless labor question posed by Yglesias. An interview with the president may add to a journalist's prestige, but, like White House briefings, it's an empty ritual.

But that's not what bothers me about the Vox interview. Here, for me, is the real rub:

In the example of Klein and Yglesias, they're less interested in interviewing Obama than they are in explaining his policies. Again and again, they serve him softball—no, make that Nerf ball—questions and then insert infographics and footnotes that help advance White House positions. Vox has lavished such spectacular production values on the video version of the Obama interview—swirling graphics and illustrations, background music (background music!?), aggressive editing, multiple camera angles—that the clips end up looking and sounding like extended commercials for the Obama-in-2016 campaign. I've seen subtler Scientology recruitment films.

Explainer journalism, as practiced by Klein, purports to break down complex policy issues into laymen-friendly packages that are issued from the realm of pure reason. But as Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry succinctly put it last summer in The Week, "Vox is really partisan commentary in question-and-answer disguise" that "often looks more like a right-wing caricature of what a partisan media outlet dressed up as an explainer site would look like."

As a sometime partisan commenter, I venerate partisan commentary because it can cut through the protective Styrofoam cladding politicians love to wrap their messages in. But if you're going to be partisan about your journalism, if you're going to give the president an easy ride, you've got to be clean about it! You can't pretend, as Klein did when he founded Vox, that you're taking a neutral approach to news and that all you're doing is making the news "vegetables" more palatable by roasting them to "perfection with a drizzle of olive oil and hint of sea salt." Klein and Yglesias are like two Roman curia cardinals who want us to believe their exclusive interview with the pope is on the level.

It's a bad Obama interview, but not the worst. That honor goes to the interview New Republic owner (and onetime Obama campaign staffer) Chris Hughes and then-editor Franklin Foer conducted in 2013, serving Obama some of the most groveling and naive questions in White House annals. (See my friend Dan Kennedy's partial list of New Republic fawning questions, which include, "Can you tell us a little bit about how you've gone about intellectually preparing for your second term as president?" and "Have you looked back in history, particularly at the second terms of other presidents, for inspiration?")

Are there no upsides to interviews with the president, even toadying or hagiographic ones? I suppose durable White House contacts can be made by landing one, but will these contacts be useful in chasing real news? Not likely.

Next up in Obama's interview conga line is BuzzFeed News Editor in Chief Ben Smith, who will grill the president on Tuesday. Here's hoping that Smith, an experienced newsman, makes news with his questions even if he doesn't with Obama's answers.

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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