This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Nanny State Teacher Sends Note Home To Parents Informing
Them The Lunch They Packed For Their Daughter Wasn't Nutritious Enough

(The Teacher, a big Mooch Obuma fan, no doubt...)

Via ABC News:

A fed-up Missouri father posted a photo of the letter he received from his daughter's substitute teacher who criticized the girl's lunch.

One problem: the teacher didn't see her whole lunch.

Dr. Justin Puckett was asked to sign a note sent home with his daughter Alia after the teacher saw her eating marshmallows and chocolate at lunch earlier this week.

He refused to do so, and posted it online instead, saying that it was just the latest in what he sees as a growing trend of overreaching by authorities.

"I think that this was just the straw that broke the camel's back for me," Puckett told ABC News.

The substitute teacher wrote in the note sent home on Tuesday that a cafeteria employee said that her lunch consisted of four chocolate bars, a bag of marshmallows, Ritz crackers and a pickle.

"Please see that she packs a proper lunch tomorrow," the teacher wrote. An attempt to reach the teacher for comment wasn't immediately successful.

Puckett told ABC News that, since the note was addressed to "Dr. and Mrs. Puckett," it was clear that the teacher knew he was a physician which he said "just adds to the irony of it all."

What the cafeteria worker and the substitute missed, however, was that the 8-year-old also had four pieces of ham and a low fat string cheese rather than a sandwich, since "we don't eat a lot of bread," said Puckett, who is double board certified in osteopathic family medicine and obesity medicine.

"We leave it up to her and she looks at the school menu and she packs her own lunch and she's a very independent second grader," he told ABC News.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Morning Spew   @TheMorningSpew 
According to Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer,  Bergdahl to be charged with desertion.

6:21 PM - 26 Jan 2015

20 Retweets   8 favorites


Shaffer was on the Bill O'Reilly show. He said Bergdahl's attorney has been informed Bergdahl, is being charged with desertion, that the attorney has received the charges. Bill O'Reilly said the White House has had this information, that the charges have been ready for awhile but the White House has been delaying it under the auspices of Ben Rhodes, Assistant National Security Advisor. You may remember Ben Rhodes who featured prominently in the construction of the Benghazi talking points.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


What really pissed me off was
Obama's disrespect for the men
Berdahl deserted on.
Read the story for a reminder.

Source Says the Bergdahl Decision is in;
And Obama has Some Major Explaining to do
January 26, 2015 By Matthew Burke

U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban between 2009 and May 2014, will be charged as a deserter, says retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer on Monday.

"Bill, the Army has come to its conclusion and Bowe Bergdahl," Shaffer said, appearing on FOX News' "O'Reilly Factor" with Bill O'Reilly. "Sergeant Bergdahl will be charged with desertion," he proclaimed.

Bergdahl was released after Obama, who referred to Bergdahl as a hero, swapped five leading Islamic terrorists, who had been held at the Guantanamo detention facility.

Other sources contented that Bergdahl was actually a traitor, who was collaborating with the Taliban, and that the Obama Regime had been intimidating Bergdahl's former platoon members and high level Pentagon officials into silence.

One Obama Regime apparatchik even referred to Bergdahl's platoon members, in an Alinsky-style attempt to demonize them into silence, as being "psychopaths."

Nevertheless, Bergdahl's former platoon members referred to Bergdahl of being at best a deserter, even though some were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements by the regime.

"I have been told and confirmed by two other sources that his attorney was given what we call a charge sheet," Lt. Col. Shaffer told O'Reilly. "A charge sheet is the results of the investigation listing out the articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that have been violated. The key violation is desertion. And this is, has been done. The decision has been made," he asserted.

"Let me be clear," Shaffer continued. "As a corporate entity, the Army has decided that they want to pursue Bergdahl for this violation."

Looks like Obama and Eric Holder, who seem to have Islamic terrorists' interests over those of America's, have some serious explaining to do.


CBS Panel Blasts Obama's 'Extraordinary Disconnect On Foreign Policy,'
'Question If WH Knows What's Going On'

(It has taken six years for the light to come on...)


Via WFB:

It's obvious that President Obama has no idea what he is doing when it comes to foreign policy. The President took his State of the Union address and used it to promote broadband internet and free community college. There was no mention of Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, or Yemen.

President Obama continues to put his efforts and focus into other issues but continues to be drawn back into events happening in the Middle East. His efforts to ignore the Middle East show his disconnect with what is happening.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Wicked Witch Of The East,
Hillary Rodham Clinton

"We cannot let a minority of people — and that's what it is, it is a minority of people — hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people... We're going to have to do a better job protecting the vast majority of our citizens, including our children, from that very, very, very small group that is unfortunately prone to violence and now with automatic weapons can wreak so much more violence than they ever could have before." ~Hillary Rodham Clinton

Obviously, Hillary, who appears to be in full campaign mode for the 2016 Presidential election, thinks that the "gun-rights" crowd in this country is such a "very, very, very small group" that she isn't going to waste the time pretending she likes or supports them so as to garner some of their votes.  Well, isn't that a breath of fresh air?  A politician that refuses to lie to get votes from people she loathes?  Who would have thunk it?  But there are certain ironies in what she did say that I would like to take a moment to point out.

Some libertarians have tried to split hairs with Hillary over the exact proportion of Americans that believe in their right to own weapons, but I think the simpler answer can be found in the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,..." and among these unalienable rights is "the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."  Now the last time I checked, "all" is equal to 100% which I think is the largest fraction one can derive from a single grouping which would therefore make that a clear majority.  Now my area of expertise is not Advanced Mathematics so if someone who is more versed in the calculation and crunching of numbers and statistics can explain to me where my error is, I would be willing to listen.

Secondly, Hillary says, "We cannot let a minority of people... hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of (the people)..."  But isn't that the very essence of government?  For what is government but a small group of fallible human beings who have decided to "live long and prosper" at the expense of a large number of their fellow human beings who they terrorize and intimidate through fear of prosecution and punishment for disobedience.  And we all know that Hillary and her family have prospered quite well (contrary to her own opinion on the matter) by being at the top of the food chain in that certain organized criminal enterprise.

Thirdly, Hillary, who has claimed in the past that she always sticks up for the "little guy," now appears to advocating for trampling on the rights of the minority as long as a majority of the voting electorate (but not necessarily of the affected population) agrees with her.  Socialists of all types.... Communists, Fascists, Nazis, and Progressives, as Hillary has described herself... have always embraced absolute, unfettered democracy as it worked for them to achieve total control over a nation, but not after they have obtained the pinnacle of power they desired.  This was what Jefferson referred to as the "Tyranny of the Mob."

Unfortunately for them, the United States federal government was not established as a democracy, but rather as a Constitutionally-restricted Republic, where the powers of the government are few and limited while the rights of the people, particularly the small groups that are different from the larger population, are limitless and respected and protected by the government (supposedly, at least).  It seems that Hillary wants to reverse this so if she gets the political backing of 50% plus one, she can then dispense with the Constitution and the restrictions placed on the powers of the government contained within.

Last, but not least and most certainly the most ironic point so far, is that the very type of firearms that Hillary is whining about here - what she calls "automatic weapons," though fully automatic firearms have been heavily regulated since 1934, and other ignoramuses (or is that "ignorami?") call "assault weapons," which is a meaningless political term and not a genuine classification - are the best type of weapons to use when dealing with a criminally aggressive and unruly mob.

Imagine for a moment that a whole village is aroused to storm Dr. Frankenstein's castle.  There they are marching up his driveway with torches and pitchforks in hand when suddenly Dr. Frankenstein (or his monster) steps out on the front porch (or is that a "portico?") with a Colt AR-15 at the ready with a standard-capacity magazine inserted and fully loaded and a dozen more securely attached on or about the good doctor's person.  Can you not see one member of this crowd, realizing that Dr. Frankenstein has enough ammunition to deal with each and every person present twice over, shouting, "Hey everybody,  'America's Got Talent' is on in five minutes!"  Then the whole mob disperses as everyone rushes home to watch television (and some people say you have to fire a gun to make it stop criminals in their tracks...hmmm?).

Now Hillary, the presumptive Presidential candidate for the Democrat party in 2016 (for some the presumptive next President in 2017), strikes me as a reasonably intelligent woman and she has to remember what happened to the Democrats during her husband's reign of terror in the White House after the 1994 "Assault Weapons" (sic) Ban was passed, so why would she hitch her wagon to the gun control/victim disarmament horse this early in the race for the Presidency and draw the ire of those who would vote against her on that issue alone?  Two divergent, but possible paths come to my mind at this point.

The polls, or the Powers-that-be, have told Hillary that the job is hers for the asking and all she has to really do is show up on Inauguration Day.  The fix is in and it's not who votes that counts but who counts the votes.  In that case Hillary doesn't have to lie or otherwise engage in subterfuge to win any particular voting bloc.  We can just consider her to be warming up the American people to be more accepting as she installs the Fourth Reich in our halls of government.  Or...

The polls, the Powers-that-be, or her personal physician have told Hillary that she will not make it to the White House.  Therefore, as a dutiful party member, she is running interference for a more moderate candidate to step forward.  In the role of the "bad cop," she calls for more restrictive gun control laws as another candidate from either party, as long as he or she is a Progressive, will play the role of "good cop" by saying, "I respect the Second Amendment and I only ask for some reasonable laws that help keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands."  What goes unsaid is that this candidate considers the "wrong hands" to be those at the end of our arms.

Only time will tell for sure but I wanted to give all of you a heads up as to what to watch for over the next couple of years.  I hope you all appreciate the risk to life and limb I've taken here to post this little expose.  Like many powerful people, Hillary maintains an enemies list.  The good news is that it is a short list.  The bad news is that it is a short list because people are just dying to get off of it.  Maybe, if I'm lucky, she'll just throw a lamp at me...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Chutzpah: After Shutting Down GOP Senate Amendments For 8 Years,
Dirty Harry Greed Whines GOP Doing It To Dems

(Amnesia?  Nah, Harry's been suffering from oldtimers dementia for years...)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


San Fran Archbishop Hits Self-Proclaimed Devout Catholic Nancy Pelosi On Abortion:
Human Life Begins At Conception, No Exceptions

(Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone +1...)

Via CNS News:

Responding to statements made by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi–who would not say at her press briefing last week if a 20-week-old unborn child is a "human being"–Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco said that it is a "scientific fact that human life begins at conception" and that "no Catholic can dissent in good conscience" from Church teaching on the sanctity of life.

At her Jan. 22 briefing Pelosi said she had "great standing" to speak on the issue of abortion, noting that she was a "Catholic and a mom of five" and asserting that it was "true" she knew "more about having babies than the pope." asked Archbishop Cordileone about Pelosi's comments on human life, particularly in light her self-description "as a Catholic and a mom of five."

"It is a scientific fact that human life begins at conception," the archbishop said in a written statement to "This has been established in medical science for over 100 years. Catholic moral teaching acknowledges this scientific fact, and has always affirmed the grave moral evil of taking an innocent human life.

"This has been the consistent teaching of the Church from the very beginning, a teaching already discernible in the natural moral law, and so a teaching from which no Catholic can dissent in good conscience," he said.


Pelosi lives in Cordileone's archdiocese and represents San Francisco in Congress.

At her Jan. 22 press conference at the Capitol, twice asked Pelosi whether an unborn child 20 weeks into pregnancy is a human being.

Pelosi would not answer the yes-no question with a yes-no answer, but did say that a woman has "the right" to abort her child.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Feinstein And McCain Agree: Special Operations Forces
Needed On The Ground In Iraq And Syria Due To Weak Intelligence

(Scary times when those two old fossils agree...)

Via CNS News:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the former chair of the Senate intelligence committee, says she agrees with Republican Sen. John McCain that the U.S. needs Special Operations forces on the ground in Iraq and Syria:

"Let me tell you where I come down on it," Feinstein told CBS's "Face the Nation" with Bob Schieffer. "I think our intelligence with respect to what's going to happen in many of these countries is weak. Whether it's because we do not have adequate human intelligence or not, I don't know.

"But we have seen — McCain is right. We have seen this happen a number of times. We certainly saw it with the Ukraine and the taking of the Crimea and now what happened with the Houthis and–"

"In Yemen," Schieffer interrupted.

"In Yemen, right," Feinstein said.

"And with respect there, no one knows what is going to happen. The future is unknown, which really should not be the case. We know that the Houthis have said they would leave us alone, and yet their slogan is "Death to America, "Death to Israel." They have deposed the president. The military has separated off.

"We have less than 300 Yemeni military guarding our embassy. So, I think there are a number of priorities there. One is to see that our people are safe. The second is to take a good look at our policy with respect to Yemen.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


No Joke: Black Talk Radio Says Tom Brady Has "White Privilege"

(Good Lord, You can't make this stuff up...)


The Daily Caller:

"He seems most responsible for these balls being deflated, which gives people a competitive edge."

"He was asked a question by a black person. He asked Tom Brady, are you a cheater?"

"Or Russell Wilson, who Tom Brady will be facing in the Super Bowl...They would be calling for them to be suspended, oh Russell Wilson's a cheater...That's why he had to go to junior college, then to Auburn. He's a poor character. Those thugs they don't do nothing but cheat."

"Most of the people that graduated at the top of their classes and go on to their so-called Ivy League schools...they cheated their way through school...This is showing you white privilege in this country...The reality is a lot of people cheat their way to that success...The NFL is already investigating."


Tom Brady Deflategate - Body Language Expert Interprets Interview



"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Islamic State Threatens To Behead Obuma And Make America
A "Muslim Province" In New Beheading Video


Via Daily Mail:

Islamic State militants threaten to cut off Barack Obama's head and turn the U.S. into a Muslim province in the latest gruesome video to emerge from their self-styled caliphate.

'Know, oh Obama, that will reach America,' proclaims a black-clad militant. 'Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House, and transform America into a Muslim Province.'

The militant delivers his biblical-sounding tirade flanked by comrades and standing over a kneeling Kurdish soldier who, in a gruesome climax to the video, has his head cut off.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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