This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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E-mails expose IRS,
DOJ collusion targeting conservatives
Dec. 15, 2014 - 4:12 - Are e-mails evidence of a cover-up?

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Muslim Imam Allowed to Praise Allah on House Floor

Tim Brown - November 14, 2014

The United States House of Representatives allowed a Muslim imam to give the opening prayer on Thursday morning, in which he praised Allah, the demonic god of Islam, who is the enemy of Christ and America.

Imam Hamad Ahmad Chebli of the Islamic Society of New Jersey was invited by Democrat Rep. Rush Holt (NJ).     

Chebli praised Allah as, "The most gracious, the most merciful" and then declared "Praise be to Allah, the cherisher, the sustainer of the world; the most gracious, the most merciful master of the day of judgment."

He then went on to declare, "Thee do we worship and thine do we seek. Guide us to the safe path."


Inconsistent with the biblical prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ, Chebli deceptively said that Allah is the "god of the prophets and the messenger says in the koran, he does not place a responsibility on you greater than you can bear. Everyone will receive the good they have earned and vice versa."

Then, the imam finally got around to his prayer.

"O god, bless us as we begin a new day," he said. "Bless this assembly. Bless the people and nation it represents. O god, at this time in our history, the challenges for our nation and the world are many. O god, grant these men and women the wisdom, the guidance and the strength to pursue compassion, justice and sound judgment. O god, in your wisdom, you have placed upon them great responsibility and honor. O god, please help them with your guidance and your light."

He concluded, "O god, O god, improve the well-being of all inhabitants of this great nation and beyond. Amen."

How can a false, non-existing god do any of these things, especially in light of the history of Islam? Their history is replete with violence, tyranny and bloodshed as they have been commanded to perform in the Koran.

America, Islam is your enemy, not your friend. America has invited the judgment of God into its government and now thinks it appropriate to call upon a god promoted by a demon possessed, murdering, thieving pedophile named Mohamed. America's leaders have not lifted a finger to stop the infiltration of Muslims into key positions in our government and only a few are willing to call them out.

Men like Chebli hold to the same ideology as those who are killing your sons and daughters overseas. They are of the same ideology as those who have murdered your fellow Americans on our own soil. Are we just going to stand by and watch this disgrace without a peep? You know the email addresses of your representatives. You know their phone numbers. You know their address. Demand that Islam be banned from entering the House or Senate ever again and that their be a forthcoming apology to the American people and repentance before God for bringing such a man into Congress.

There are professed Christians in the House of Representatives and yet, not one peep from them while a demonic deity was praised and petitioned. Shame on you!

Elijah would have been mocking this man and then calling for his removal and subsequent execution by the people (1 Kings 18). The longer Islam is tolerated in America, the more dangerous for the people and the more we provoke the true and living God to wrath against us.

Where is the Church? Where are her cries here as they have been against the lesbian mayor in Houston? Where is the outrage America that the "religion of pieces" is allowed to utter anything in the halls of our government? And don't give me "freedom of religion" or any such nonsense of an appeal towards the First Amendment, recalling that none of that was purposed in its writing.

This came just ahead of Friday's first ever Muslim call to prayer at the Washington National Cathedral.

America, judgment is at the door and you continue to sleep thinking that God will not bring the hammer down. Arise, wake from your slumber and put down the enemies of God and our country while there is still time to do it. Repent!


An Open Letter To Obuma:

Just Sharing Some Historical POS!

To: Traitor Obuma:

It was you who told an Islamic dinner - "I am one of you."

It was you who on ABC News referenced - "My Muslim faith."

It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.

It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -"I will stand with the Muslims."

It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that - "I am a Muslim."

It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi king.

It was you who sat for 20 yrs in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.

It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.

It was you who purposefully omitted - "endowed by our Creator" - from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.

It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the 'HOLY' Quran.

It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America.

It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.

It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH.

It was you who ordered both Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited adjust their decor.

It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.

It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.

It was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an outreach to Muslim communities.

It was you who as an Illinois Senator were the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.

It was you who were the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.

It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.

It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.

It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women and children throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.

It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.

It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.

It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.

It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help "empower" the British Muslim community.

It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.

It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.

It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadam.

It is you who departs for Hawaii for 17 days over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.

It was you who was un-characteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, formerly one of America's strongest allies in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.

It  was you who attended school in Indonesia where your school records listed your religion as "Islam".

It was you who, while living in Indonesia, attended the Mosque with your stepfather on Fridays.

It was you who appointed s your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett , who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

It was you who freed five Muslim terrorists from GITMO without giving Congress a thirty day notice as required by a law that YOU signed.

Do we really need to go on?

Barack, you may be a lot of things; but, for certainty, you are no Christian.

Obuma, who refers to himself as: "A man of Africa", is precisely the type of 'divided loyalties" individual that our Founders attempted to prohibit from ascendancy to the presidency when they constructed our Constitution.[/b][/size]

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


NIH Has Spent $100.2 Million On Mindfulness Meditation


(I think they mean MINDLESSNESS Meditation!  $100.2 million Tax payer money!  This is such crap... pure unadulterated crap.   But when you are mindful of the fact that it is crap, you know that it is crap.  And by knowing that it is crap, you can avoid stepping in the crap.   And by avoiding stepping in the crap you don't have to put your shoes out on the back porch.  If your shoes are not on the back porch, they don't get taken by a raccoon.  And since the raccoon does not have your shoes and your shoe laces, he cannot hang himself in an autoerotic-asphyxiation accident.   Please tell me I'm making as much sense as this article)

Via WFB:

"The advantage of this is that it actually doesn't cost anything," said Karen May, a vice president at Google, explaining how her company offers "mindfulness" classes to its employees.

Mindfulness is a New Age kind of meditation that focuses on the present moment "non-judgmentally," tracing its origins to Buddhism. The growing phenomenon was the subject of a 60 Minutes segment on Sunday, for which May and other fans of the practice were interviewed.

"We're just asking you to sit and know that you're sitting," explained Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and author of the book Wherever You Go, There You Are. "When you're in the shower next time check and see if you're in the shower," he advised viewers.

The segment featured Rep. Tim Ryan (D., Ohio), a so-called "rock star among mindfulness evangelists" who earmarked nearly $1 million to teach mindfulness to preschool students in his district. The $982,000 project provided deep breathing exercises, and "Peace Corners" for kids in Youngstown, Ohio.[...]

While the NIH is exploring the possibilities of mindfulness for any and every ailment, Kabat-Zinn says mindfulness is not for everyone.

"It's not a big should," he said. "It's not like, 'Oh now one more thing that I have to put in my mind, now I have to be mindful.'"

"It's not a doing at all," Kabat-Zinn added. "In fact, it's a being. And being doesn't take any time."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Officer Shot During West Baltimore Traffic Stop, No Marches Or Protests Planned

(Back seat a$$hole refused to assume the hands up, don't shoot position.  hmmmm...  best thing to do with this worthless scum is put a bullet in his head and send him onto hell)

VIDEO at:   

    Police said they have charged a repeat violent offender in connection with the shooting of a city police officer during a traffic stop near Mondawmin Mall in west Baltimore on Sunday night.


    The incident started Sunday night when the suspect car was initially spotted by a different officer at a nearby gas station. Police said that officer smelled a strong odor of marijuana coming from the car and called it in.

    The car was pulled over a short time later by 27-year-old Officer Andrew Groman — a three-year veteran of the force — and five other officers, according to police. Surveillance video showed the car was surrounded by officers.

    "They did a car stop on suspicious activity, and they walked up to the car," said Police Commissioner Anthony Batts.

    Police said the driver followed instructions, but 19-year-old Donte Jones, who was in the back seat, wouldn't get out of the car and refused to show his hands.

    "One officer advised him that if he didn't comply he would be tased. At some point in time, there was the discharging of the firearm, and there was the firing of the Taser.

    Exactly which event happened first is still under investigation,"

    Baltimore City police Maj. Stanley Branford said. "We do know, however, that the suspect who was the only one who fired a weapon."[...]

    Jones' court records show he served time for a weapons conviction in 2013 and was on supervised probation when he was arrested on gun and drug charges in June.

    "This individual is a 19-year-old member of our community who, at the age of 19, is on parole, probation and has many contacts with the police. He is a violent, repeat offender. Many of his arrests were for gun violence," Rodriguez said.[...]

    Meanwhile, Batts said he hopes the shooting will get the same type of attention as the grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases that have led to protests around the country.

    "I'm not caught on the irony of the timing of the situation. We've had marches nationwide over the fact that we've lost lives in police custody. I wonder if we're going to have the same marches as officers are shot, too," Batts said.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Oberlin College Students Demand Black Students Be Exempt From Failing Because of Ferguson And Garner Protests – Update: School Denies Request, Moonbats Outraged

(To normal people this sounds crazy, but Oberlin is one of the most liberal colleges in America See: Lena Dunham )

Via Red Alert:

    Following the model set at several law schools, students at Oberlin College are pleading for leniency during final exams and the final grading period this fall semester in light of the grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases and the shooting of Tamir Rice.

    A petition has been circling around the school community President Marvin Krislov to suspend the standard grading system because students of color, especially black students, are at risk of failing.

    "I would really like to see the normal grading system suspended for this semester and replaced with a no-fail mercy period. Administrators should require professors to exercise complete flexibility in what students are saying they can produce academically. Require that every professor listen to what their students are saying and if that means rather than writing a paper students instead meet with their professor to simply discuss in groups their paper topics or if tests are taken collectively with professors there are ways to make sure we are learning what we are supposed to be learning in ways that are not so taxing in times like this," the petition reads.

    "Students in this moment should have complete access to alternative modes of learning while we process what's happening. Basically, no student especially black students and students of color should be failing a class this semester. A 'C' should be the lowest grade students can receive this semester. Professors should be required to work with students, who would otherwise be at risk of failing, to create alternate means of accessing knowledge."

    The petition has garnered more than 1,300 signatures, according to The Oberlin Review.

Update: Raaaacism!

(Taking a couple days off to protest should not result in failing a class you weren't already failing.  Gender up, Clowns.  The National Guard didn't open fire on your campus)

    Oberlin College is refusing to void any failing grades this semester despite demands from students who skipped classes and missed study time to protest the Ferguson, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner cases. A student petition, signed by more than 1,300, demanded for the college to institute a "no-fail mercy period" that would eliminate all failing grades and make a C the lowest possible grade a student could receive.

    President Marvin Krislov responded with an email to students on Sunday, saying he and the college's deans decided not to grant the request after giving it serious consideration.

    "We are in firm agreement that suspending grading protocols is not the way to achieve our shared goal of ensuring that students have every opportunity and resource to succeed," he wrote.

    Hundreds of students participated in demonstrations in Oberlin and Cleveland in the wake of the fatal police shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, the shooting death of Michael Brown by a suburban St. Louis officer and the death of Eric Garner in New York.

    "People's communities are being mercilessly murdered and beaten in the streets every day around the world," junior Kiki Acey, a student who helped draft the petition, wrote in a Facebook post, the student newspaper reported. "Others are being locked away by the millions for petty crimes. And many of us are still working every day just to be able to afford this education that fails to tell us how to free ourselves."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Jesse Jackson: It's Racist To Call Me
And Al CRAPton "Race Baiters"

Great picture of a Cockroach and a Baboon.

(No Jesse, you and Sharpton are more like MASTER BAITER'S)

Via Breitbart:

    Tuesday on NewsMax TV's "MidPoint," Rev. Jesse Jackson addressed accusations of race-baiting by black leaders such as himself and Al Sharpton by comparing them to race baiting allegations from infamous segregationist George Wallace towards civil rights icon Rev. Martin Luther King.

    "I will tell you there are people who have appeared on this show before, who every time we discuss the leaders of the black movement in this country, they take your name and they put it in the same sentence as Al Sharpton and they say the two of you, people have said this on our show, are race baiting and you are not doing it properly, and you are not serving the needs of the black community," host Ed Berliner said.

    Jackson replied, "You know Dr. King was accused of being a race baiter as he fought the forces of the south, as he fought George Wallace," adding, "they called him a communist at the same time."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


SNL: Welcome To Politics Nation

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Oberlin Students Upset School Will Not Cancel "F" Marks For Blacks Students
Who Didn't Study Because They Were Protesting Ferguson


Via Inside Higher Ed:

"I would really like to see the normal grading system suspended for this semester and replaced with a no-fail mercy period. Administrators should require professors to exercise complete flexibility in what students are saying they can produce academically.

Require that every professor listen to what their students are saying and if that means rather than writing a paper students instead meet with their professor to simply discuss in groups their paper topics or if tests are taken collectively with professors there are ways to make sure we are learning what we are supposed to be learning in ways that are not so taxing in times like this. Students in this moment should have complete access to alternative modes of learning while we process what's happening.

Basically, no student especially black students and students of color should be failing a class this semester. A 'C' should be the lowest grade students can receive this semester. Professors should be required to work with students, who would otherwise be at risk of failing, to create alternate means of accessing knowledge."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Picture of Che Guevara Hangs Behind Alan Gross As He
Prepares His Remarks After Arriving In America

(Something smells about this Obuma/Castro deal.  Gross just  released after serving 5 years in a Communist Prison and his American Lawyer is a freaking Communist?????   Didn't this guy learn anything?????   Hmmmm.... just had a light bulb moment.  What if this thing was a set up to get the release of the 3 Cuban Spies we were holding and that Mr. Gross wasn't in a Cuban Prison at all?????  Just saying.  Are they gonna zap him with the Ronnie Raygun laying on the desk and turn him into Robert Vesco?)

( This is my favorite picture of Che after the
7th Special Forces Group and their Bolivian
commandos nailed him)
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obuttma: Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner All Victims of Racist Cops

(Obuma has no problem smearing America's police officers if it excites his dwindling base...)

Via Inquisitr:

    Being a first hand victim of Racism, even as president, Barack Obama is determined to stop the trend and usher in a new and accepting America. He shared his concern with BET TV:

    "If you look at after what happened with Michael Brown, if you looked at what happened after Trayvon, if you looked at the decision after Eric Garner, I'm being pretty explicit about my concern, and being pretty explicit about the fact that this is a systemic problem, that black folks and Latinos and others are not just making this up..."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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