This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Diane, go back and read what I wrote---I will write it slowly----I---addressed---that---part---to---Flint.

Diane Amberg

It was still a diversion,had nothing to do with the subject.


What do you mean it has nothing to do with the subject ? What part of----(quote )"which also included derogatory comments about gays (unquote)---  do you not understand ? Then you have the gall to say I'm creating a diversion !! .

Diane Amberg

Just practicing what y'all do to me on a regular basis.  ;D ;D ;D Gall runs wild when you (plural) do it me..seems like fun, so I joined in. The teacher may not express his personal opinion on such matters. In some states it's even in the teacher's contract. I don't know about all.


Quote from Diane:
Just practicing what y'all do to me on a regular basis.

You make excuses like the one above and try to cover your tracks when you make a spelling error by saying you did it on purpose but then elaborate on how your typing needs more work and excuse after excuse .  When you make outlandish statements like that, do you know why about 99% of the forum readers think you are a bald faced lia------- not always being truthful ?

Diane Amberg

I guess that's their problem then, isn't it? Tolerate me or don't..your call. When I do make a real error I do say so. I've apologized when I've been wrong about things too. Saying "I'm sorry" is very easy for me, but I don't apologize when I'm telling the truth.
My typing is very poor. I've said so many times. Why does that bother anybody? My back ground is very broad and my interests are many. Yes, I do know a lot about a lot...runs in my family. I'm not perfect,I've said so many times. People keep accusing me of thinking that. Not true .
I'm not the only one who posts interesting things about their lives. Why bug me? I try to poke around and have fun with you and  I'm hated for it. A level playing field would be nice.
If this forum really is just for hard core conservatives, fundamentalists and current Elk County residents, then the administrators should say so, and several others should stop posting too. I've tried to call  a truce several time with no luck. (As I said, ya pick on me I will fight back.) I found the list of community events in the paper very interesting. I can't say if they are good value, but there were more than I expected based on what one person had posted.


Diane, Do you realize what you just wrote is what a poster said a bully was ? After someone stands up to you, you go crying about how you have many friends and family here and "just poking fun at y'all. Below is that posters description of a bully----------

"That is common talk among 9 year old bullies who poke and poke and say mean things until the child being bullied finally breaks and fights back. Then the bully, who always thinks what ever he says if justified,runs to someone else for help because he is being picked on."

Oh wait---that poster was you---that was your description of a bully. Hmmmmm !!!

Diane Amberg

Let's see now, who would I run to? This is cyber space, nobody is real. What you wrote makes no sense to me at all based on what I just wrote. My available time is up, got things to do...poof.


       Nobody is real. Now isn't that special.

     Also explains a lot about your BS.


Yet we, the unreal, have been accused of being mean, of ruining a 'real' county, of demeaning 'real' teachers, of dissing 'real' community leaders, and more.  I guess ghosts are more real than we thought.  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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