This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Democrat Party Threatens Registered Democrats in Mailer: "If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not"

The intent of the letter is obvious.  The message within the letter speaks to exactly what mindset the modern Democrat party holds:

Democrats: Vote or we'll Kick your Ass

By Carl Campanile and Natalie O'Neill - NYPost

Democrats are telling voters that they had better head to the polls — or else.

The New York State Democratic Committee is bullying people into voting next week with intimidating letters warning that it can easily find out which slackers fail to cast a ballot next Tuesday.

"Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record," the letter says.

"We will be reviewing voting records . . . to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014."

It ends with a line better suited to a mob movie than a major political party: "If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not."

The letter and accompanying post card was criticized even by party members, with one Democratic consultant saying it was the wrong way to inspire votes.

"It's a threatening letter. It's a scare piece that is unnecessary and inappropriate," the insider said.

Brooklyn and Manhattan residents who received the note Wednesday were furious, calling it an attempt to browbeat them into showing up at the polls.

"I'm outraged. Whether I vote or not is none of your business!" said a Manhattan voter, who was so incensed that she complained to a local Democratic leader.

"The letter is ludicrous and menacing," said the voter, who requested anonymity.

The woman also received a report card of her voting record, pointing out that she had failed to vote in two of the last four elections.

Overall, the notices were sent out to 1 million registered Democrats who had failed to vote in previous midterm elections, according to the group.

The committee — chaired by former Gov. David Paterson — defended the scare tactic, calling it standard practice throughout the country.

"This flier is part of the nationwide Democratic response to traditional Republican voter-suppression efforts, because Democrats believe our democracy works better when more people vote, not
less," said Peter Kauffmann, a committee spokesman.

"The difference between Democrats and Republicans is they don't want people to vote and we want everyone to vote."

Paterson declined to comment.

The mailer has a phone number on it that goes to Election Protection, a nonpartisan voting organization.

The organization said it had received a "significant" number of calls about the letter.

Such attempts to shame people to vote — what politicos call "social pressure" or peer pressure — has become more common place and was used by the Obama campaign in 2012, sources said.

A Yale University study in 2008 found that voter participation increased substantially after lazy voters received letters telling them their spotty voting history was a public record that would be scrutinized.

The notice includes a "vote report card" rating New Yorkers' voting records as "excellent," "good," "fair" or "incomplete."

"Many organizations monitor turnout in your neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors," it says.

The letter came a week before heavily favored Democratic Gov. Cuomo faces off against Republican Rob Astorino.

Cuomo was not behind the shame letters, party sources insisted.

But Astorino scoffed, "Andrew Cuomo's thuggish tactics just crossed the line into creepy territory . . . Threatening and intimidating people is not how honorable elected leaders operate."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


CAGW Praises Sen.Tom Coburn's 'Wastebook 2014'

(Washington, D.C.) –  Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) reacted with enthusiasm to the release of the Sen. Tom Coburn's (R-Okla.) 'Wastebook 2014: What Washington Doesn't Want You To Read,' the last edition before his early retirement from the Senate after a decade of outstanding public service in the Senate and six years in the House on behalf of the citizens of Oklahoma and all American taxpayers.  The popular report, which Sen. Coburn has released every year since 2010, details 100 examples of the federal government's unnecessary, duplicative, and low-priority programs totaling $25 billion. 

Noteworthy expenditures in the 'Wastebook 2014' include:

•$4.2 billion vaporized annually by the Internal Revenue Service when the agency pays out fraudulent refunds to thieves who stole the identities of unsuspecting taxpayers;

•$3 billion lost when beneficiaries of the Department of Agriculture's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) traded their benefits for drugs, alcohol, and cash;   

•$468 million thrown away after the Department of Defense scrapped a fleet of 16 G222 planes for $0.6 per pound of steel, recouping a mere $32,000 for aircraft that were supposed to be an integral part of the Afghan Air Force;

•$19 million wasted on troubled and underperforming government employees who received paid administrative leave after abusing the taxpayers' money by purchasing alcohol, sending explicit images on government-issued computers, and passing out on the job after a night of partying;

•$856,000 blown on an eight-month National Science Foundation study to teach three captive mountain lions to use a treadmill;

•$387,000 squandered to research how Swedish massages affected 18 New Zealand white rabbits who were euthanized upon the study's completion; and

•$47,000 frittered away on undergraduate "comedy" courses at two U.S. public universities to explore "the nature of human laughter and humor."

"This blatant waste of tax dollars, while written in an entertaining and cogent manner, is no laughing matter.  Sen. Coburn and his tireless staff, who work year-round to put the 'Wastebook' together, have been steadfast fiscal watchdogs identifying alarming amounts of government waste, exposing fiscally irresponsible federal agencies, and demonstrating just how out of touch Washington is with the real needs of taxpayers,"  said CAGW President Tom Schatz.  "Each 'Wastebook' has vividly illustrated the challenges taxpayers face when official Washington chooses to protect and expand mismanaged government spending programs and allies itself with the special interests rather than those of the people who pay their salaries.  Sen. Coburn has never forgotten that the hard-earned money of every taxpayer deserves to be spent effectively and efficiently rather than wasted on frivolous expenditures.  CAGW is extremely proud to have been his ally in that cause and plans to carry that banner forward."

Citizens Against Government Waste is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Oh, the outrage... Some no-account Middle Eastern "scholar" stated today that compared to Benjamin Netanyahu, Dear Leader Obuma might as well be Pee-Wee Herman!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Ok, We Meet At The Old Mill, We Ride At Midnight –
Finally Someone Gets It Right !

This ad smacks directly into the heart of the beast.  TRUTH holds no agenda:

This approach does not come without controversy.  The professional "right", the establishment branch of 'cocktail class Republicans", think this is the wrong approach because it pushes the media sentiment toward the opposition.

To that argument I say BULLPUCKY!  The media is already in the camp of the opposition, idiots.  Now is the time to call the baby ugly!


Tea Party Support May Put GOP over the Top in Elections of 2014.

Richard Viguerie, Chairman of "When the GOP has a big victory this coming Tuesday night, they will owe a big debt to the Tea Party conservatives."

"GOP leaders failed to present an alternative to the Obama Democrats' failed policies in this election," Viguerie told Breitbart News. "But Tea Party conservatives stepped into this vacuum and provided the leadership needed to nationalize the election around 3 issues: amnesty, national security, and the Obama Democrats culture of corruption, lies and lawlessness."

Tea Party activists who vote on Tuesday will overwhelmingly support Republican candidates, but it is still unclear if their turnout levels will be high, moderate, or low.

On election night we will learn if the purported Democratic ground game superiority, along with the inevitable associated fraud, is sufficient to overcome the growing national antipathy to the policies of President Obama and the Democratic Party.

Lets hope That The Tea Party Support Will Be Enough but, just in case,
Go Vote!!!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A Pair Of Fools

Have any of you heard of Michael Lewis... any of you?  Well, it seems this leftist-loon that's stuck on stupid, has this notion that after Barack 'Insane' Obama is out of office everyone is going to miss the hell out of him, including all the the accomplishments he's made while in office... Anyway folks, this fool is just one of many that live in an alternate universe... totally blind to reality, and filled with nothing but rampant ineptitude.  Nevertheless, we all know the leftist MSM in power will have the same attitude as this nutcase does and they will never stop talking about their icon... after-all, they put their messiah in office and still bow to him every single chance they get... with the exception of a few.

They also refuse to see the forest from the trees when it comes to the midterm elections that's about to take place in a few days... they will never blame the major crash that's about to take place on Dear Leader and his dictatorial ways, but that's a given.

To cut to the chase, here's what was said below...see what you think:

On Thursday, Moneyball author and former New Republic editor Michael Lewis spoke with Charlie Rose about the legacy of Barack Obama and displayed a level of tonedeaf zealotry rarely seen outside places that demand such allegiance like North Korea and the like.

When Rose asked about Obamas unpopularity, Lewis offered an odd explanation and laughably claimed that we would "miss him" when he was out of office.

Rose asked why Obama's presence presents such a "liability" to Democrats, to which the current Bloomberg View contributor jumped to claim that it was "unfair" and, "I think history is going to be very kind to him...the year after he's out people are going to miss him."

Lewis also blamed the people for Obama's lack of popularity, saying,

"People, when they're unhappy, they blame the President." Lewis added before stating that the American people are "Not sitting where he's sitting, seeing what he's seeing. They don't see the complexity of the decisions he's gotta make. And I think that a lot of what's wrong in the world is not, it's not actually his fault."

Lewis is correct in that we are not all privied to the same intelligence offered to President Obama... then again, the president skips nearly half of his intelligence briefings, so in many ways, he's making these decisions with hardly more than the same intel as a CNN viewer.

The fawning interview did not stop, but continued on as Lewis praised the president like a teenage girl at the height of Beatlemania.

"I feel like I'm happy the country is in his hands. I think his heart's in the right place. I think he's really smart."

"He's got disadvantages for someone in that office and one of them is his temperament. He's got the temperament of a writer – more than a politician. He's really not that interested in you. He's, he's interested in justice."

There are many things in which the president is interested (such as golf), but "justice" is hardly one of them.  Under this regime, the American people have been saddled with insurmountable debt, have been polarized and divided, have been spied on, intimidated and abused by bureaus in a way that makes Nixon's administration look serene and Obama's so-called Department of Justice has been radicalized in a fashion that has pitted the government against the American people by creating an abusive and adversarial relationship.

It is unknown from what rock Lewis recently crawled out from under, but I suggest he return to his pit of delusion and ignorance; it sounds peaceful compared to the reality that the rest of us are forced to face under this despicable regime.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Texas Tech's new student political organization PoliTech goes to campus to see how much our students know about their nation's politics!
You might be surprised.

I just saw this video but it is like so many other videos from other so-called institutions of higher learning where students are basically morons. If this is the state of our university systems, we should close them all and save us taxpayers our money.

Here's our future leaders from Texas Tech:

How do these kids get into college?  They should be in community colleges at best!  I could tell you everything about our system of government, our leaders, world current events when I was in high school.  But that was in the 1950's when our high schools still required studying!

Here's kids who can't even tell who won the Civil War wasting our tax dollars!   But, we're happy to know, they can tell you everything about Snookie and Brad Pitt!

College has become the biggest scam in America!  Costs go up to educate students but they graduate being nothing more than mouth-breathing idiots! Unless this video was severely edited for effect, shame on Texas Tech for admitting these morons!  I bet every one of these geniuses votes Democrat!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on November 03, 2014, 01:37:57 AM

Texas Tech's new student political organization PoliTech goes to campus to see how much our students know about their nation's politics!
You might be surprised.

I just saw this video but it is like so many other videos from other so-called institutions of higher learning where students are basically morons. If this is the state of our university systems, we should close them all and save us taxpayers our money.

Here's our future leaders from Texas Tech:

How do these kids get into college?  They should be in community colleges at best!  I could tell you everything about our system of government, our leaders, world current events when I was in high school.  But that was in the 1950's when our high schools still required studying!

Here's kids who can't even tell who won the Civil War wasting our tax dollars!   But, we're happy to know, they can tell you everything about Snookie and Brad Pitt!

College has become the biggest scam in America!  Costs go up to educate students but they graduate being nothing more than mouth-breathing idiots! Unless this video was severely edited for effect, shame on Texas Tech for admitting these morons!  I bet every one of these geniuses votes Democrat!

Government education is a scam.  It's one of the earliest scams created in America.  Social Security and Food Stamps were much later.  Now they're gearing up for ObamaCare. 

Nowadays people actually believe that the government owes everyone an education.  Just listen to the Kansas Republican and Democrat candidates' political ads voicing their support for education by and through the State.  Tyrants!

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