This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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The U.S. Government Is Borrowing About 8 Trillion Dollars A Year

By Michael Snyder, on September 29th, 2014

NOW... multiply that by *8*

I know that headline sounds completely outrageous.  But it is actually true.  The U.S. government is borrowing about 8 trillion dollars a year, and you are about to see the hard numbers that prove this.  When discussing the national debt, most people tend to only focus on the amount that it increases each 12 months.  And as I wrote about recently, the U.S. national debt has increased by more than a trillion dollars in fiscal year 2014.  But that does not count the huge amounts of U.S. Treasury securities that the federal government must redeem each year.  When these debt instruments hit their maturity date, the U.S. government must pay them off.  This is done by borrowing more money to pay off the previous debts.  In fiscal year 2013, redemptions of U.S. Treasury securities totaled $7,546,726,000,000 and new debt totaling $8,323,949,000,000 was issued.  The final numbers for fiscal year 2014 are likely to be significantly higher than that.

So why does so much government debt come due each year?

Well, in recent years government officials figured out that they could save a lot of money on interest payments by borrowing over shorter time frames.  For example, it costs the government far more to borrow money for 10 years than it does for 1 year.  So a strategy was hatched to borrow money for very short periods of time and to keep "rolling it over" again and again and again.

This strategy has indeed saved the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars in interest payments, but it has also created a situation where the federal government must borrow about 8 trillion dollars a year just to keep up with the game.

So what happens when the rest of the world decides that it does not want to loan us 8 trillion dollars a year at ultra-low interest rates?

Well, the game will be over and we will be in a massive amount of trouble.

I am about to share with you some numbers that were originally reported by CNS News.  As you can see, far more debt is being redeemed and issued today than back during the middle part of the last decade...

Redeemed: $7,546,726,000,000

Issued: $8,323,949,000,000

Increase: $777,223,000,000

Redeemed: $6,804,956,000,000

Issued: $7,924,651,000,000

Increase: $1,119,695,000,000

Redeemed: $7,026,617,000,000

Issued: $8,078,266,000,000

Increase: $1,051,649,000,000

Redeemed: $7,206,965,000,000

Issued: $8,649,171,000,000

Increase: $1,442,206,000,000

Redeemed: $7,306,512,000,000

Issued: $9,027,399,000,000

Increase: $1,720,887,000,000

Redeemed: $4,898,607,000,000

Issued: $5,580,644,000,000

Increase: $682,037,000,000

Redeemed: $4,402,395,000,000

Issued: $4,532,698,000,000

Increase: $130,303,000,000

Redeemed: $4,297,869,000,000

Issued: $4,459,341,000,000

Increase: $161,472,000,000

The only way that this game can continue is if the U.S. government can continue to borrow gigantic piles of money at ridiculously low interest rates.

And our current standard of living greatly depends on the continuation of this game.

If something comes along and rattles this Ponzi scheme, life in America could change radically almost overnight.

In the United States today, we have a heavily socialized system that hands out checks to nearly half the population.  In fact, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that gets direct monetary benefits from the federal government each month according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  And it is hard to believe, but Americans received more than 2 trillion dollars in benefits from the federal government last year alone.  At this point, the primary function of the federal government is taking money from some people and giving it to others.  In fact, more than 70 percent of all federal spending goes to "dependence-creating programs", and the government runs approximately 80 different "means-tested welfare programs" right now.  But the big problem is that the government is giving out far more money than it is taking in, so it has to borrow the difference.  As long as we can continue to borrow at super low interest rates, the status quo can continue.

But a Ponzi scheme like this can only last for so long.

It has been said that when the checks stop coming in, chaos will begin in the streets of America.

The looting that took place when a technical glitch caused the EBT system to go down for a short time in some areas last year and the rioting in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri this year were both small previews of what we will see in the future.

And there is no way that we will be able to "grow" our way out of this problem.

As the Baby Boomers continue to retire, the amount of money that the federal government is handing out each year is projected to absolutely skyrocket.  Just consider the following numbers...

-Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid.  Today, more than 70 million Americans are on Medicaid, and it is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

-When Medicare was first established, we were told that it would cost about $12 billion a year by the time 1990 rolled around.  Instead, the federal government ended up spending $110 billion on the program in 1990, and the federal government spent approximately $600 billion on the program in 2013.

-It is being projected that the number of Americans on Medicare will grow from 50.7 million in 2012 to 73.2 million in 2025.

-At this point, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars over the next 75 years.  That comes to approximately $328,404 for every single household in the United States.

-In 1945, there were 42 workers for every retiree receiving Social Security benefits.  Today, that number has fallen to 2.5 workers, and if you eliminate all government workers, that leaves only 1.6 private sector workers for every retiree receiving Social Security benefits.

-Right now, there are approximately 63 million Americans collecting Social Security benefits.  By 2035, that number is projected to soar to an astounding 91 million.

-Overall, the Social Security system is facing a 134 trillion dollar shortfall over the next 75 years.

-The U.S. government is facing a total of 222 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities during the years ahead.  Social Security and Medicare make up the bulk of that.

Yes, things seem somewhat stable for the moment in America today.

But the same thing could have been said about 2007.  The stock market was soaring, the economy seemed like it was rolling right along and people were generally optimistic about the future.

Then the financial crisis of 2008 erupted and it seemed like the world was going to end.

Well, the truth is that another great crisis is rapidly approaching, and we are in far worse shape financially than we were back in 2008.

Don't get blindsided by what is ahead.  Evidence of the coming catastrophe is all around you.

What the U.S. National Debt looks like!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


To me this story reads the equivalent of a lot of if's and maybe's which points to instability of the situation and agency's inolved. I have a lack of faith in the whole situation. They have no idea how many prople he had contact with. The answer of just a hanfull tell me they don't have a clue. Be cautious people.

Man in Dallas
With Ebola
Initially Sent Home
With Antibiotics

Oct. 1 (Bloomberg) -- A man with Ebola in Dallas was initially sent home from the hospital with antibiotics after seeking treatment for an unknown illness, officials said.

The man, whose name wasn't released, is the first case of the deadly viral infection to be diagnosed outside of Africa. He traveled from Liberia and arrived in the U.S. on Sept. 20, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said yesterday.

The man is being kept in isolation in an intensive care unit. He had no symptoms when he left Liberia and began to show signs of the disease on Sept. 24, the CDC said. He sought care on Sept. 26, was hospitalized two days later at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital and is critically ill, said CDC Director Thomas Frieden. The agency is working to identify anybody who had contact with the man and track them down, he said.

"There is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here," Frieden said at a press conference in Atlanta.

A CDC team of epidemiologists will follow anyone who has had contact with the man for 21 days, Frieden said. If they develop any symptoms, they'll immediately be isolated, and public health officials will trace their contacts. The diagnosis was first confirmed by a Texas lab based on samples of the man's blood and confirmed by the CDC.

Ambulance Workers

The man was traveling to the U.S. to visit family and was staying with them. He was exposed to only a "handful" of people during the time when he had symptoms, including family members and possibly some community members, according to Frieden, who said there was little risk to anyone on his flight.

"Ebola doesn't spread before someone gets sick, and he didn't get sick until four days until after he got off the airplane," Frieden said. "So we don't believe there was any risk to anyone on the flight at that time."

The patient wasn't involved in helping contain the Ebola outbreak effort, according to Frieden, who declined to give further details on the man's nationality or travels. CDC researchers said because Ebola is spread through human fluids, he had to have had close contact with someone in Liberia who had the disease or had recently died from it.

After the patient sought medical care on Sept. 26 and was sent home with antibiotics, he returned in an ambulance to Texas Health Presbyterian two days later and was admitted, said Edward Goodman, an epidemiologist at the hospital. The ambulance workers and other health-care professionals who treated him are being monitored for symptoms, Goodman said.

Obama Briefed

The CDC and Texas doctors are discussing the use of possible experimental treatments, Frieden said, though no decision has been made.

President Barack Obama was briefed about the patient by Frieden, the White House said in a statement. They discussed the patient's treatment and what was being done to trace the people the man might have contacted.

U.S. authorities didn't disclose the flights or airlines the patient took from Liberia. No airlines serve Africa from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, the main domestic and foreign gateway to North Texas, and none of the major U.S. carriers with overseas networks -- American Airlines Group Inc., United Continental Holdings Inc. and Delta Air Lines Inc. -- flies to Liberia. Delta dropped operations last month in Monrovia, the country's capital.

Traveler's Itinerary

That left open the possibility the traveler arrived in the U.S. from somewhere else in Africa or via a connection in Europe, and may have stopped elsewhere on a domestic flight before reaching Dallas.

Another suspected Ebola case is being evaluated at a National Institutes of Health facility, U.S. officials said, the 13th such possible infection in the U.S. All others have tested negative.

A traveler from Africa showing up in the U.S. with Ebola "is not at all surprising," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. "We are going to see more cases show up around the world."

Osterholm said that while it is possible the patient may have infected other family members or close contacts before he was diagnosed, it is unlikely there will be any more people infected with Ebola in the U.S. as a result of the case, thanks to good infection control procedures here.

West Africa

"There shouldn't be any new infections from this point on," Osterholm said. "We are going to shut this down."

The Ebola outbreak has been concentrated in the West Africa countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The outbreak has infected 6,574 and killed 3,091 people so far, according to the World Health Organization. U.S. public health officials have been isolating and testing travelers who returned from the region with symptoms of the disease.

"This incident shows the vast differences between our health system and what's available in West Africa," said Celine Gounder, an infectious disease doctor and a former assistant commissioner in the New York City Department of Mental Health and Hygiene. "The patient was isolated quickly. By isolating the contacts, we can eliminate risk of further spread."

Ebola has left Africa before, but only under controlled conditions. Aid workers who have fallen ill in the current outbreak have been flown to the U.S., the U.K., Spain and France for treatment. A researcher who fell ill in 1994 in Ivory Coast was taken to Switzerland for care.

Developing Vaccines

At least three American aid workers who were diagnosed with Ebola in Africa during this outbreak were evacuated to U.S. hospitals, treated and discharged.

There is no approved treatment for Ebola, though drugmakers are attempting to develop vaccines or medicines that could be used in this or a future outbreak. Current care involves isolating the patient so they can't infect others, and providing supportive treatment such as intravenous fluids and antibiotics to fight opportunistic infections.

U.S. health officials have downplayed the chance of a major outbreak of the disease in the U.S., saying the country's superior medical infrastructure would be able to quickly isolate the disease.

"It's not a potential of Ebola spreading widely in the U.S.," Frieden said on a July 31 conference call with reporters. "That is not in the cards."

U.S. and European governments have been criticized for being slow to respond to the situation in Africa, and much of fight against the outbreak has been conducted by missionary and charitable groups with personnel on the ground, including Doctors Without Borders, Samaritans Purse and SIM USA. The groups have said they are overwhelmed, don't have enough beds to treat patients and the outbreak is rapidly growing out of control.

Troop Effort

The U.S. Department of Defense has authorized sending 1,400 troops to Liberia to help fight Ebola in Western Africa, where the virus has crippled existing medical infrastructure.

The troops will supervise the construction of Ebola treatment units, conduct site surveys and provide engineering expertise, John Kirby, a press secretary for the department said yesterday at a news briefing. Half of the troops will come from the 101st Airborne Division while the remaining 700 will come from different parts of the Army.

The pledge to send troops was part of the U.S. effort to contain the spread of Ebola virus, and governments and international aid groups are sending money and personnel to help fight help outbreak. Leaders in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea urged the international community to do more to keep the epidemic, the worst in history, from killing their people and harming their economies.


Looking Back on the Life of King Barack Obama

(CNN) Celebrity News Network - Now with More Holograms! - August 13, 2038

He Taught us to Laugh, He Made Us Believe, and then He Took All Our Money

He was the first black President of the United States, and he also became its last President when in 2019, after his term in office had been extended indefinitely by HR:0666 or "The Hope and Faith in Obama's Everlasting Presidency Act" (Holo-Link), he was forced to leave office because the government had run out of money to pay for itself.

Though he lived a very public life, few could agree on even the basic facts of his life, such as where he was born, who his father was, or what his real name was, or even what race and gender he was. For a man who spent most of his life before the camera, his death leaves us with few answers about who Barack Obama (Holo-Link) really was. Obama himself did not help matters by using multiple names, multiple birthplaces and even passports.

The bestselling Presidential biographies of Obama, from Edmund Morris' "America's Greatest Con-Man" to Michael Beschloss' "Obama: Citizen of the World" cover the range of opinions on Obama's presidency. And long after the fall of the United States, there is still no real consensus by former Americans on who Obama really was.

Yet to many Barack Obama represents a nostalgic time in history, the last years when such diverse nations as the Confederate States of California (Holo-Link), the Republic of New Hampshire, the People's Republic of Minnesota, the Empire of Texas, El Reino de Aztlan and the Arch-Duchy of Upper New York were all part of one single nation that stretched from coast to coast.

His Life
Born in a hospital in Kenya or Hawaii, Barack would learn to use multiple names and identities from an early age. Traveling from country to country, the young Obama or Soetoro, would quickly become adept at blending in from one milieu to another. This skill would be crucial in his political career, allowing Obama to instantly invent new biographies and win the trust of his audience. If there is one thing his biographers agree on, it's that he had a genuine gift for sensing what his audience wanted to hear. Unfortunately like most con artists, he lacked the same ability for long term financial planning, that he did for short term schemes to extract money from an increasingly gullible American public.

There is no denying that Obama cheerfully used fraud and strong arm tactics throughout his political career, but the chief weapon in his arsenal was flattery.

Many of his supporters remember the special feeling of being made to feel that he was their friend. As one former aide wrote, "He taught us to laugh, he made us believe, and then he took all our money".

This conflicted legacy helps explain Barack Obama's popularity, even after his corruption and abuses of power destroyed the United States government, ending the era of the United States for good-- he was ranked 4th on the prestigious Dow Jones' "Most Likable Celebrities in North America in 2019" index (Holo-Link).

It helped that Obama left the White House voluntarily after learning that there would be no more money left for his trips abroad, and that due to the failure of the Federal Reserve and the secession of 23 states from the Union, no national budget would be possible. He did of course leave with everything of value in the White House that his family and associates could grab or pry out of the walls, but by then most Americans were too busy dealing with the problems of the Great Partition to notice.

Even the farewell party that burned down most of the White House seemed a small thing in the wake of the Detroit Food Riots or the discovery of the Red River Gulag (Holo-Link).

Still his popularity afterward enabled Obama to begin several successful careers in the entertainment industry, including a long-running stint on the soap opera General Hospital, his own line of shammy infomercials and a music career with such nostalgia singles as, "Where's Da Money", "Where All Da Money Go" and "What Happen to All Da Money?"

Even today viewers watching old fashioned television can still catch commercials of Obama in his older years, holding up a shammy cloth, dipping it in a spilled pool of olive oil and telling the audience to have faith that the mess would be gone. Even his famous tagline, "At a price that won't bankrupt you, unlike me" was meant to be a good humored reference to his controversial two and a half terms in office.

America's Leaders Send Their Condolences

From the Confederate States of California's Prime Minister Perez Hilton (Holo-Link), to King Lamar Alexander II of the Constitutional Monarchy of Tennessee, and all across the nation, America's leaders sent their condolences on the death of the last President of the United States.

Even the combatants in New York's Twenty Year Civil War interrupted their fighting, as New York City President Al Sharpton and Arch-Duke Jesse Jackson sent their condolences.

In Arizona, Obama's former political rival, the 102 year former Senator, John McCain, sent his own condolences. Once considered too old compared to Barack Obama, McCain noted ironically that he had in fact outlived him, while also passing along the wishes of his now 126 year old mother. As well as his daughter Meghan McCain, off in space as the First Woman on Mars (Holo-Link).

From the United States of Alaska, to the Democratic People's Republic of Minnesota, from the bloody trench warfare of Westchester County to the farthest South American outposts of the Empire of Texas, the messages of sympathy came in tribute on the passing of the man who had made their existence possible.

Remembering Obama
All across the land formerly known as America, millions are choosing to remember Obama in their own way. From the vigils held in front of the Apollo Theater, where the musical, "Barack Superstar" has been running for almost three decades straight, even under artillery fire from Englewood during the Tri-State War, to the ceremonial million dollar burnings in the Republic of New Hampshire, where crowds burn the infamous "million dollar bills" with Obama's portrait on them that were issued during the 2017 devaluation which made ten thousand dollars equivalent to a single Euro, no one can ignore the death of America's last President.

CFN, the Celebrity Funeral Network, is reported to have won the bidding rights to the Obama funeral, and plans are underway to hold a three day funeral, to be broadcast from the spot where Chicago once stood. And corporate sponsors have already lined up to cover ad buys for the flowers, vehicles for the funeral train and logos for the coffin itself.

After the ceremonies, the speakers, the guest musical performers and the services by an Imam, African Liberationist Minister and Reform Rabbi, Obama's funeral plane is expected to fly low over every major American city still standing, inciting riots, mass panic and all the chaos and destruction necessary for a proper sendoff to the man who destroyed America.

A Complicated Legacy
Like the best of con artists, Obama had a way of reflecting people's expectations back at them. Despite living one of the most public lives of his generation, through millions of interviews, his own talk show and even a sex tape, no one could really claim to know him.

Survived only by one racist white granddaughter, Ariana Michaela Stover, a member of the New Klu Klux Klan, his real legacy remains the political and economic chaos he so cheerfully spawned. To his contemporaries, Obama became a symbol of hubris, a byword for the arrogance of a generation that valued style over substance, and allowed radical politics to outshout basic common sense. To a generation that has grown up after the fall of the United States, Obama is part of a baffling archeology of symbols and figures that have no value except for entertainment purposes. (Holo-Link)

In the end it may be that there was no real Obama, only a man who served as a metaphor for a culture that had lost touch with its roots and its own identity, that embraced change for the sake of novelty and had become incapable of paying attention to anything that was not sufficiently entertaining enough. Obama was a symptom of America's collapse, rather than its cause.

This has been another fine holo-cast from CNN Celebrity Network News. Stay with us for more coverage of celebrities. Their lives, their deaths, their weddings and their funerals. And remember our 1000th viewer today wins a special prize. So stay with us. Because you don't want to miss a thing.


I just read this in one of the London Jewish papers. Apologies to those who have already heard it:

Barack Obuma was visiting a Jewish primary school in New York and popped into one of the classes.

They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.  The teacher offered the President to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy.'

The smooth talking President asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy.'

One little boy, Moshe, stood up: 'If my dog ran into the road and got run over, that would be a tragedy.'

'No,' said Obuma, 'that would be an accident.'

Little Leah raised her hand: 'Please Sir.  If a hurricane hit New York and swept us all away that would be a tragedy."

'Afraid not,' replied the President. 'That would be a great loss.'

The room went silent. Obuma searched the room. 'Can someone here give me an example of a tragedy?'  Finally at the back of the room, Netanyahu's nephew, Doron, raised his hand.

In a quiet voice he said: 'If Air Force One was carrying you Mr President, and was suddenly struck by a 'friendly fire' missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy.'

'Fantastic!' exclaimed Obuma. 'That's right. And can you tell the class hy that would be tragedy?'

'Well,' says the boy coyly, 'It's a tragedy because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss... and frankly, it probably wouldn't be an accident either.'

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Disturbing Report:
"Disaster Teams
Were Notified Months Ago
They Would Be Activated
in October"

A public tweet from a large government supplier of emergency response products specializing in "high risk events" says that Disaster Assistance Response Teams were told to prepare to be activated in the month of October. The shocking revelation, made on the Goldenstate Fire/EMS Twitter page, suggests that not only did someone know that the Ebola virus would be reaching America, but that they knew exactly when it would happen.

"What we are now hearing is just the tip of the iceburg as we enter October," noted the company's Twitter spokesperson. "Ebola virus will cripple EMS and hospitals."

When Future Money Trends, a follower of the page, asked what they meant by this statement, Goldenstate Fire/EMS responded with a shocking revelation.

"DART teams were notified months ago they would be activated in October. Timing seems weird. Source: current DART member."

Twitter exchange:

What we are now hearing is just the tip of the iceburg as we enter October. #Ebola virus will cripple EMS and hospitals. The wait is over!

— GoldenStateFIRE/EMS (@GoldenStateEMS) September 30, 2014

@FutureMoneyTren DART teams were notified months ago they would be activated in October. Timing seems weird. Source: current DART member.

— GoldenStateFIRE/EMS (@GoldenStateEMS) September 30, 2014

Be prepared to self quarantine yourselves if you experience flu like symptoms. Do not venture out as EMS & hospitals will be overwhelmed.

— GoldenStateFIRE/EMS (@GoldenStateEMS) September 30, 2014

There is speculation that this #DallasEbola case is not Ebola. DART teams were told months ago they would be activated in October.

— GoldenStateFIRE/EMS (@GoldenStateEMS) September 30, 2014

With the Ebola virus now having been confirmed on U.S. soil, speculation as to how it got here and how many others may have contracted it is mounting. The traditional thinking here is that the virus made its way to the United States simply by one infected individual coming into contact with another, and so on. But, a growing chorus of contrarian researchers suggests another possibility – the Ebola virus may have been weaponized by a government or rogue terror cell and it has been deployed as a bio weapon.

This may sound outlandish, but in August posted a video of a State Department official's remarks to reporters about developments in Africa. In her statement she specifically referred to the growing crisis as an "Ebola attack," suggesting that not only has the virus been weaponized, but that the U.S. government knew it was not a naturally occurring event.

Though such weaponization is difficult to achieve according to Dr. Joe Alton, it remains a distinct possibility.

As noted by Kurt Nimmo, who cites a 2013 Global Policy Journal report, if someone had the resources to make it happen, they probably could:

Although weaponization of Ebola is complex and unlikely, experts in the field say transmission of the virus by air has occurred between animals. They believe "with advancing knowledge about how to manipulate viruses, the traits that make these [hemorrhagic fever virus agents] difficult to weaponize might be a diminishing barrier."

Additionally, a "reverse genetics system provides a way to produce highly virulent mutated viruses for the purpose of biological warfare or biological terrorism," scientists believe, according to Teckman's research. (Infowars)

Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show notes that the U.S. Army is intimately involved in Ebola research, adding further fuel to speculation that it has been used to develop new bio weapon systems:

The fact that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) is involved suggests that either the Ebola virus, or the vaccine, or both, have been weaponized.

Weaponization aside, there is a third possibility and that is the virus did spread through the natural contagion effect, but that its entry into the United States is being facilitated by lax border policies and almost non-existent airport screening procedures, something that has Immigration and Customs officials terrified.

Over the last several years the U.S. government has been actively preparing for a widespread crisis scenario. Whether that crisis is Ebola or something else remains to be seen. But, what we do know is that they have stocked up not only armaments and ammunition, but tens of thousands of Hazmat suits, body bags and what are believed to be millions of disposable FEMA coffins.

Moreover, the President updated several Executive Orders over the last several years authorizing, among other things, forced quarantines and round-ups in the event of apandemic emergency and the appropriation of private resources like food, water and human labor.

That a major government supplier of emergency equipment has come out in the open to claim that their sources had foreknowledge of an emergency Disaster Response mobilization to occur in the United States in October of this year is an astonishing development considering what has transpired in the last 72 hours.



In Kansas,
it would seem one man carried out his dying wish
to give us a "grave" warning about the
Democratic Party.
123 years ago,
his last request was fulfilled and etched in stone.


During An Ebola Pandemic All Of Your Rights Would Essentially Be Meaningless

By Michael Snyder, on October 2nd, 2014

If there is a major Ebola pandemic in America, all of the liberties and the freedoms that you currently enjoy would be gone.  If government officials believe that you have the virus, federal law allows them to round you up and detain you "for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary."  In addition, the CDC already has the authority to quarantine healthy Americans if they reasonably believe that they may become sick.  During an outbreak, the government can force you to remain isolated in your own home, or the government may forcibly take you to a treatment facility, a tent city, a sports stadium, an old military base or a camp.  You would not have any choice in the matter.  And you would be forced to endure any medical procedure mandated by the government.  That includes shots, vaccines and the drawing of blood.  During such a scenario, you can scream about your "rights" all that you want, but it won't do any good.

In case you are tempted to think that I am making this up, I want you to read what federal law actually says.  The following is 42 U.S.C. 264(d).  I have added bold for emphasis...

(1) Regulations prescribed under this section may provide for the apprehension and examination of any individual reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease in a qualifying stage and (A) to be moving or about to move from a State to another State; or (B) to be a probable source of infection to individuals who, while infected with such disease in a qualifying stage, will be moving from a State to another State. Such regulations may provide that if upon examination any such individual is found to be infected, he may be detained for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary. For purposes of this subsection, the term "State" includes, in addition to the several States, only the District of Columbia.

(2) For purposes of this subsection, the term "qualifying stage", with respect to a communicable disease, means that such disease—

(A) is in a communicable stage; or

(B) is in a precommunicable stage, if the disease would be likely to cause a public health emergency if transmitted to other individuals.

In addition, as I discussed above, the CDC already has the authority to isolate people that are not sick to see if they do become sick.  The following is what the CDC website says about this...
Quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of well persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill. These people may have been exposed to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not show symptoms. Quarantine can also help limit the spread of communicable disease.

On a very basic level, we are already starting to see this happen in Texas.  Obviously Thomas Eric Duncan has already been "isolated", and now his family has been placed under mandatory quarantine and ordered not to leave their home for 21 days...
Texas health officials have placed the Dallas family of a Liberian national infected with Ebola under quarantine and ordered them not to leave their home or have any contact with outsiders for 21 days without approval of the local or state health department.

The "control order" also requires the family of Thomas Eric Duncan to be available to provide blood samples and agree to any testing required by public health officials. Officials said Thursday that the four or five family members could face criminal charges for violating the order, which was delivered to them in writing Wednesday evening.

Police have been stationed at the apartment complex to ensure residents' safety, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings told a news briefing Thursday afternoon

If we could all just stay in our homes during a national Ebola emergency, that wouldn't be so bad.

But if thousands (or even millions) of cases start popping up it simply will not be possible for law enforcement authorities to monitor so many homes.

This is a point that Mike Adams of Natural News made exceptionally well...
When just one family is suspected of carrying Ebola, they can be easily monitored in a "volunteer home isolation" scenario. But what happens when it's 100 families? 500? 1,000? At that point, there aren't enough state or federal workers to keep an eye on these people, and the quarantine effort will almost certainly shift to forced relocation into quarantine camps.

Those camps will, of course, be called something nice-sounding like "Community Health Centers." No one in government or media will call them camps, even though they are camps. The word "camp" brings up echoes of "concentration camps" and the government definitely wants to avoid that association.

If one particular town or city is hit especially hard with the virus, there is a likelihood of the entire town being quarantined. No one in, no one out. Everybody will be ordered to "shelter in place" in their own homes for at least 21 days while health workers wearing hazmat suits go door to door, identifying Ebola victims and "relocating" them to the "Community Health Centers."

If that sounds like "martial law" to you, that is because it would essentially be martial law.

For the moment, public health authorities are pledging that nothing like this will ever happen because they have everything completely under control.

Others are not so sure.

For example, on Thursday a doctor from Missouri named Gil Mobley checked in for a flight at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport dressed in a mask, goggles, gloves, boots and a protective white jumpsuit.  On the back of the jumpsuit, he had written the following words:  "CDC is lying!"

Mobley believes that we are not being told the truth about the spread of Ebola.  And he is convinced that as Ebola continues to spread exponentially, that we will eventually "be importing clusters of Ebola on a daily basis"...
"Once this disease consumes every third world country, as surely it will, because they lack the same basic infrastructure as Sierra Leone and Liberia, at that point, we will be importing clusters of Ebola on a daily basis," Mobley predicted. "That will overwhelm any advanced country's ability to contain the clusters in isolation and quarantine. That spells bad news."

Mobley, a Medical College of Georgia graduate who had an overnight layover after flying to Atlanta from Guatemala on Wednesday, said that he feels that the CDC is "asleep at the wheel" when it comes to screening passengers arriving in the United States from other countries.

"Yesterday, I came through international customs at the Atlanta airport," the doctor told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "The only question they asked arriving passengers is if they had tobacco or alcohol."

Earlier on Thursday, there were reports of people being tested for Ebola in Hawaii, Kentucky and Utah.  None of those tests has produced a confirmed case of Ebola as I write this article.

Many Americans are still treating this Ebola crisis as if it was just one big joke.

But Ebola is no joking matter.  This is a very, very serious disease.

Just consider the experience of one British health worker that witnessed a young brother and sister both die one day apart...
'The next morning I came in and saw him lying as I had left him, on the bed.
'He wasn't breathing. I remember going up to him and looking at his face, his lips were drawn back in a grimace, and his eyes were vacant, lying in a pool of his own diarrhea.

'I lifted his hand to try, just to confirm things and his whole body turned rigid and cold.

'I put him in a body bag as his sister looked on.

'She seemed more baffled than anything, not really understanding what was happening. I carried his corpse outside with the others.

'The little girl, she deteriorated the next day. Overnight, the following night she had intravenous fluids and the line came out and she bled.

'I came in the following morning and she was covered in blood. She still had a very puzzled expression on her face and she wasn't breathing.

'So I put her in a bag and left her next to her brother. She was a beautiful little girl.'

Hopefully our medical authorities are correct and this virus will not spread easily in this country.

But at this point even some of our top politicians are wondering if we are truly getting accurate information.  For example, check out what U.S. Senator Rand Paul had to say on the Laura Ingraham Show just recently...
"I really think that it is being dominated by political correctness and I think because of political correctness we're not really making sound, rational, scientific decisions on this." Paul said referring to statements issued by the CDC last week that assured there was little risk of an outbreak occurring in the US.

"We should not underestimate the transmissibility of this," said Paul, a doctor himself, adding that medical workers have been contracting the virus even though they are taking precautions and covering themselves with gowns and masks.

"My suspicion is that it's a lot more transmissible than that if people who are taking every precaution are getting it. There are people getting it who simply helped people get in or out of a taxicab." Paul said.

Let's pray that this crisis fizzles out, because if it doesn't, we could truly be looking at the greatest health crisis that any of us have ever seen.

And along with countless numbers of people getting sick and dying, we would also have to deal with government-imposed medical martial law.

The stakes are extremely high, and so let us hope that this crisis does not escalate any further.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Fun with words: Eboli, Obi-gynee and Breat Awareness!

Talk about two peas in a pod!  These videos beat all... I kid you not!  Friends, what was said during each of them has to leave you shaking your heads and laughing at the same time.  And to think, both of these enemies within have power via the podiums they use to pound on, as we all know full well by now.

I have no words to add, hopefully many of you will, because the lapdog media certainly won't and does the usual and ignores all the gaffes... for one reason and one reason only, they're both dumb democrats!  And since the MSM doesn't criticize them, they both still think they're the sharpest tools in their respective sheds.... simple as that.

Have at it... you watch, you listen, you comment after doing so:

Obi-Gynee vs OBGYN:

Prompter Nation: Al Sharpton Wants You To Be Very Aware Of This:

Last night on Politics Nation, host Al Sharpton had another of his trademark gaffes when trying to do a segment on National Breast Cancer Awareness month, which is all month long every October.

"Finally tonight, a story of heroism and courage.  Today kicked off National Breast Awareness month, the annual campaign to bring attention to the horrible disease."

Finally someone is speaking out against that horrible disease: breasts.  He is right about courage.  It takes a spine of steel to come out against breasts.  Later this month, Stupid Sharpton will tackle the twin scourges of puppies and babies laughing.  Resist we much.

Of course, the Rev. meant to talk about breast cancer.  Breast Cancer Awareness month was started by the American Cancer Society, and is an international effort to drive funding for cure research and improved treatment options for the deadly illness that affects so many lives around the world and here at home.  You can also participate and contribute by visiting the National Breast Cancer Foundation or your preferred charity.

Last but not least... Eboli!:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Fired Oklahoma City Nursing Home Worker Charged With Terrorism Hoax

Jacob Mugambi Muriithi "confirmed he told the victim he was going to cut her head off," Oklahoma City police said. His defense attorney said he and the woman were mutually joking.

by Nolan Clay Published: October 2, 2014

A fired Oklahoma City nursing home worker admitted after his arrest that he told a co-worker he was going to cut her head off, a police detective reported.

The fired worker, Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, was charged Thursday with the crime of terrorism hoax, a violation of the state's anti-terrorism act.

Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater personally approved the filing of the felony charge. If convicted, Muriithi faces up to 10 years in prison.

Muriithi claims he and the co-worker were both joking around.

"It appears to be a case that the parties were mutually having a conversation and mutually joking," defense attorney Christian Zeaman said.

"It sounds just like they were mutually having fun with each other. They were both joking. I think the (police) report really indicates that. ...I'm investigating this hot and heavy. ...He is a Catholic, he goes to church, he has the support of the community. It was never a terrorist hoax," the attorney said.

Murriithi's arrest Sept. 26 attracted national attention because it came on the same day police in Moore reported an angry food processing plant worker had beheaded a co-worker.

Alton Alexander Nolen, a Muslim convert, is charged with first-degree murder in the beheading at Vaughan Foods in Moore on Sept. 25.

Court affidavit
Muriithi — who was born in Kenya — lives in Oklahoma City and was employed at the Bellevue Nursing Home in northwest Oklahoma City.

His attorney said he has never been arrested before.

The co-worker — identified as Monique Garrett — said Muriithi "was serious when speaking and never made any statements that he was joking or playing around," police detective Robert Wright reported.

The co-worker reported Muriithi threatened her at the nursing home on Sept. 13 — the same day Islamic State militants released a video of the beheading of British aid worker David Haines.

She said Muriithi identified himself as a Muslim and said he "represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians," the detective reported in the court affidavit. The two had not worked together before.

Garrett said she asked him why they kill Christians and he replied, "This is just what we do," the detective reported.

"The victim said Jacob asked her what time she got off work, and she replied by asking him in a joking manner if he was going to kill her," the detective wrote.

"Jacob told the victim, 'Yes,' he was going to cut her head off. The victim asked Jacob what he was going to cut her head off with and he said, 'A blade,' then told her after he did it he was going to post it on Facebook."

The woman reported Muriithi repeated the threat as she left work, saying in front of another employee that he was going to use a blade, the detective reported.

In an interview after his arrest Sept. 26, "Jacob confirmed he did in fact tell the victim he was a member of ISIS. Jacob confirmed he told the victim he was going to cut her head off. Jacob denied to me that he was a member of ISIS and (denied) that he was Muslim," the detective wrote.

Garrett reported the conversation to police three days later, on Sept. 16.

Muriithi was fired the next day.

Muriithi's attorney said it was important to note that the conversation was well before the beheading at the food plant in Moore.

State's law
Oklahoma's anti-terrorism act specifically prohibits joking about an act of terrorism against a population.

Prosecutors allege Muriithi violated the act because he intended to cause "the population of Christians in Oklahoma County" and Garrett personally to experience a disruption of personal security, fear and anxiety.

He remains in the Oklahoma County jail. Bail is set at $1 million.

(Give me a break!  Does anyone else find it a bit insane that this guy gets charged under the terrorism act, but Alton Nolen who actually beheaded Mrs. Hufford and stabbed Traci Jordan has, according to this same news agency, just committed "workplace violence", and has not been charged with terrorism?

This article also doesn't mention that other media did report the coworker did say that she thought he was joking at first, but only reported it to the police after hearing about the other beheading stories in media.  Murriithi wasn't a Muslim, much less ISIS)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Biden Overestimates Number Killed In Joplin Missouri Tornado By 160,839

(Oh Lord, he's at it again.... Joe being Joe)

Via Weekly Standard:
"161,000 brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents lost," said the vice president.

But as Reuters reported in 2011, the death toll was in fact 161:

The death toll from the May 22 tornado in Joplin, Missouri has been revised down to 161 with the discovery that one assumed victim died of other causes.

The city said in a statement that Kenneth J. Henson, a resident of Ottawa County, Oklahoma, did not die in the tornado. Jasper County Coroner Rob Chappel discovered the error while he was helping other officials compile a list of tornado victims for a six-month memorial service, the city said.

"Through this recent review, we are confident that the current list of 161 is accurate," the city said. The city gave no explanation for the Henson mix-up, and Chappel could not be immediately reached for comment Saturday.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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