This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Creepy: Daily Beast Wants Corporations to Sign
'Loyalty Oaths' to Obama's
'Economic Patriotism'

August 5, 2014 By Greg Campbell

The left's infatuation with the anointed, made-for-primetime president, Barack Obama, has largely fizzled-out. Though there remains mindless stalwarts and Obamamaniacs, the world has largely recovered from the Obamamania of 2008 and 2009 that saw countless liberal zombies decked-out in "Hope" tee-shirts and adorning their walls with pictures of the left's messiah.


Joke of the Day

Feds Will Spend $450K to Help Native Americans Adapt to 'Climate Change'

Via CNSNews

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) plans to spend up to $450,000 in taxpayer dollars to teach Native American tribes in the Great Basin region "climate adaptation plans" for their hunting, fishing and gathering activities.

These 'Redskins' are cracking up over this article

"Due to climate change, the natural landscapes are becoming impacted," and the "traditional practices for hunting, fishing, and gathering for ceremonial purposes" can potentially create further impacts," according to BLM's Cooperative Agreement announcement.

"It is important to educate those who are engaging in these gathering activities to reduce impacts on public lands. If tribes are able to develop adaptation plans for their gathering activities, they would have a process to follow that could reduce negative impacts on the landscape," the Request for Applications (RFA) explains.

Native Americans who have been hunting and fishing for hundreds of years need some waffle-bottom a**holes from the federal government 'teaching' these 'poor ignorant savages' how to adapt to their non-crisis??  Give me a break!  This smells like that total lying bitch, Elizabeth Warren, the pseudo-indian creep from Mass., having alot to do with this laughable waste of our tax dollars... Lord, I hate this POS bitch and her lousy 'liberal speak.'
See, even Obuma's giving her the finger?  Wow.. ObuttHead can't stand her because she lies better than he...

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Illegals Told To Vote Democrat
Face Deportation
By Ronak Kallainpur on August 6, 2014

One of the most shocking allegations regarding this whole immigration ordeal has immerses thanks the Jo Anne Livingston.

She has been working with her husband, Luke, to take an extensive look at the on going border crisis as experienced by illegals themselves. After numbers interviews she recently reported a LARGE number of revelations that confirmed most of the conservative's suspicions.

Out of all the suspicions, the most notable one was the assertion that illegals were given voter registrations prior to the 2012 election and sent to states without voter identification laws.

Upon receiving the instruction, Livingston explained that they were informed that if they did not show up and vote democrat, they would be "arrested and deported".

What are the immigration judges doing about this? they respond that they are essentially operating with their hands ties since illegals skip their court date.

"The judo can only set another hearing and another hearing and another hearing, into infinity"

Livingston says she and her husband also sought to address the growing concern among U.S. citizens regarding illegals bring potentially deals illness with them across the border.

"We talked to a doctor about the diseases coming in unchecked by any medical personnel"

This is a developing story that we will be keeping an eye on. Here are local reports of voter fraud we think is tied to this exact story.

(There is a Channel 2 news video on the web site and which is also at )
I apologize for not being able to post the video)



CNN's Marc Lamont Hill Complains That Iron Dome
"Takes Away Hamas' Military Leverage" Over Israel

Via Newsbusters:

POS Marc Lamont Hill: But what the Iron Dome does is it also takes away all of Hamas's military leverage which is very different than say, 10 years ago or 15 years ago in other wars like Lebanon, et cetera. As a result, it not only serves a defensive purpose but de facto serves an offensive purpose. It allows Israel to essentially assault and siege Gaza without any retribution or response on the other side. So again, to some extent, they are not just funding defense, they are funding an offensive war and ultimately an occupation. That for me, is the problem.

Alternate headline: Marc Lamont Hill upset over lack of dead Jews

Through the double-standard of political correctness, black racists can openly disparage white people (aka crackas) without public retribution when crackas (aka white people) are ostracized by the mere disagreement with a person of color.  Remember you racist goat-ropers, the term 'colored people' is racist while 'people of color' is not.  It's so difficult to stay up with the ever changing doctrines of PC!  But, then again, we don't have PhD's in African-American Studies like Dr. Marc Lamont Hill!

Marc Lamont Hill is a PhD in Blackness, A PHONY POS!  Therefore, he has license to criticize and hate crackas without any fear of retribution.  Why?  Well.... you know.... slavery . A man of little talent other than hating crackas, Hill is a writer on PuffHo and is a semi-regular on the O'Reilly show.  There are many other 'blackologists' like Lamont.  You have your Toure's, Sharptons, Cornell Wests, and that stupid idiot female anchor on MSNBC whose name I'm too lazy to look up.  What do they do to contribute to the political conversation?  Criticize crackas while crying racism!

Hill has put together a list of the most... in his words... overrated crackas.  What would be the national outcry if a known white conservative was to put together a list of the most overrated black people?  They would be immediately labeled RACIST and ostracized by the left and the wussypants so-called conservatives looking to make a dime from the media.  Several major "conservative" blogs come to mind.

Here are some of Lamont's overrated crackas:

Elvis – say no more, junior!  Elvis is the King and will always be.  He writes "Despite being a cheap facsimile of Little Richard, he is still known as the "King of Rock 'n Roll."  Only in America..."  Well, maybe America wasn't ready for a homosexual freak-a-zoid male who wore make-up who sang three-chord songs like Little Richard.  Those racist Americans!  Elvis was handsome, charming, talented and a great performer.  Elvis had more talent in his hound dog than Little Richard had in his drugged-out, queer body!

Ronald Reagan – Lamont (wasn't he the guy on Sanford and Sons?) writes this blasphemy: "How easily we forget that Reagan was largely responsible for shutting down mental hospitals, bloating the military, shrinking benefits for the needy, sparking mass incarceration, and declaring ketchup a vegetable for our children's school lunches."

Lamont is too STUPID to realize that by "bloating the military" defeated the Soviet Union and repaired four years of presidential military malfeasance by the former SECOND worst president in history, Jimmah Carter... Obuma being the FIRST!  It's always the same old song and dance for libs... destroy the military and raise taxes.  Neither of which work!  Also, Lamont... Reagan created the most prosperous time in American history that lasted years after he left office by lowering taxes and allowing businesses to operate with minimal government intrusion.  Reagan had the economy humming along in 1983 at a 9.3% growth rate while Lamont's master, Hussein Hopenchange, can barely eek out 1.3%!  Barack Obuma couldn't carry Ronbo's jock strap, you imbecilic moron!

Tim Tebow – ahhh, yes! The white Christian good kid who blacks and PC libtards on ESPN love to hate!  "Tebow-hatred is a perfect example of what's wrong with America.  Tebow is a quality quarterback who (if I remember) led the University of Florida to a national championship.  He also led the Denver Bronco to several miracle comebacks.  Clean cut and chaste, he has all of the qualities libs love to hate!  No, much better Tebow had been a black thug who spreads syphilis convicted of dog-fighting.  Then he'd be a real star worthy of admiration!" 

The worst thing about Tim Tebow to libs?  He represents old-fashioned, American values.  Now we can't have that, can we?

William Shakespeare – Lamont really proves his genius here.  "There's no doubt that Shakespeare has a rightful place in the Western literary canon.  Unfortunately, thanks to sycophantic critics and narrow-minded educational systems, Shakespeare is the only person who seems to matter to the average person."  Would that be the same narrow-minded educational systems who endorse African American Studies as a legitimate field of study?  Face it, would Dr. Lamont be known to anyone if it weren't for "narrow-minded" academic frauds?

Dr. Lamont continues... "we ignore the fact that many aspects of Shakespeare's work.... such as the writing in Hamlet or the generally narrow range of female roles in his plays... just aren't that awesome." Oh, so plays written in 1600 don't carry all the prerequisite PC, womyn's study claptrap?  Of course not.  Plus, Shakespeare was probably a racist!

Donald Trump – Here's Lamont's brilliant analysis.  "The Donald was always obnoxious, but he dipped to new lows this year by jumping on the Birther train.  But that alone doesn't make him overrated.  Just racist and dumb."  Racist and dumb.  Brilliant, Lamont, brilliant!  Amazing to hear one of the doctors of African American studies crying racism!

Dr. Lamont, one thing Trump has done that you'll never do.  Create wealth.  You're an academic amoeba who has a degree in a worthless, pseudo-major whose entire curriculum consists of crying racism and hating crackas for their accomplishments.

Bill Clinton – no argument here by Hill.

What is truly amazing about Dr. Lamont Hill is he is allowed to spew his small-minded, anti-cracka venom anywhere except some PC bastion waste of taxpayer dollars called academia.  Even the mouthy O'Reilly lets him on occasionally.  Maybe to just show the world how stupid and racist these black "academics" are.

Want to name the most over-rated black people next, Lamont?  Here's a few suggestions:

Barrack Insane-Hussein Obuma – any explanation needed here?

Congressional Black Caucus – any explanation needed here?

Every rapper in the world – any explanation needed here?

Whoopi Goldberg – combines a unique combination of utter stupidity and physical hideousness.  Any further explanation here?

Eric Holder – any explanation here?

Al Sharpton – any explanation here?

Hell, we could do this all night... but that would be racist, wouldn't it?  Because in the PC States of the Offended, any criticism of black people by crackas is off limits.  Only in Obuma's deteriorating America could such lunacy exist!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



What Trey Gowdy Just Did Could Be A Defining Moment For America,
I Was Stunned At 2:24

Ya gotta love what came out of Trey Gowdy's mouth on the House floor.  He minced nary a word, tells it like it is with gusto and class... and also received a standing ovation to boot.  The good lord knows we need more like Gowdy, no doubt about that!  Plus, ya gotta know he could care less about being politically correct.... mainstream media be damned!

Anyway folks, everything is self-explanatory from here on out... so, see what you think of what was said via this report and speak your mind afterwards:

Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) really delivered when he took a stand to uplift the House members, reminding them of the purpose in their roles as leaders.

Gowdy also discussed Obama's role as President of the United States, describing the way he has managed the duties and powers entrusted to him.

His speech is nothing short of thought-provoking.

"I want us to talk as colleagues, because our foundational document gave us as the House unique powers and responsibilities. We run every two years because they intended for us to be closest to the people. The President was given different duties and powers. The President was given the duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, so my question, Mr. Speaker, is what does that mean to you?"

"We know the President can veto a bill for any reason or for no reason," he continued. "We know the President can refuse to defend the constitutionality of a statute – even one that he signs into law. We know the President can issue pardons for violations of the very laws that we pass, and we know that the President has prosecutorial discretion as evidenced and used through his U.S. attorneys.

"Mr. Speaker, that is a lot of power. What are we to do when that amount of power is not enough? What are we to do when this president, or any president, decides to selectively enforce a portion of a law and ignore other portions of that law? What do we do, Mr. Speaker, regardless of motivation, when a president nullifies our vote by failing to faithfully execute the law?"

Gowdy continued to ask questions of the same nature throughout his address.

"You know, in the oath that brand-new citizens take, it contains six different references to 'the law.' If it's good enough for us to ask brand-new citizens to affirm their devotion to the law, is it too much to ask that the President do the same?

If a president can change some laws, can he change all laws? Can he change election laws? Can he change discrimination laws? Are there any laws, under your theory, that he actually has to enforce?

What is our recourse, Mr. Speaker? What is our remedy?"

He closed by explaining how a bill he has chosen to sponsor would permit Congress to ensure the Executive branch has to follow the laws.

"Maybe members of Congress would be respected more if we respected ourselves enough to require that when we pass something, it be treated as law."

"Mr. Speaker, the House of Representatives does not exist to pass suggestions," Gowdy concluded. "We do not exist to pass ideas. We make law. And while you are free to stand and clap when any president comes into this hallowed chamber and promises to do it with or without you, I will never stand and clap when any president – no matter whether he's your party or mine – promises to make us a constitutional anomaly and an afterthought. We make law."

The South Carolina Rep's impassioned proclamation left the room cheering and applauding, with many rising to their feet, clearly in agreement with his sentiments.

Well said, Trey. Well said, indeed. It's good to know you have America's back.

Please listen to him below on this video... I can guarantee you won't regret it for a second!:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Great Video and Great Post Warph.
Keep up the good work.
You may have just posted a great piece of history.

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