This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Illegal Aliens Get All Expenses Paid Trip To Hawaii... On Your Dime

(We get screwed, while they get lei'd)

Via Watchdog:
HONOLULU — Although 2,500 miles from the continental United States, Hawaii has joined the list of states temporarily housing unaccompanied minors from Central America who have illegally crossed into America through the Southwest border.

Who's paying the freight? You, the taxpayer.

Some 60,000 Central American youths fleeing their home countries have come to the United States in the past few months. That number could reach 90,000 by the end of the year. Politicians, border agents and social service workers call the migration a "humanitarian crisis."

Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesman the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, told that "between January 1 and July 7, a total of eight minors were discharged from the unaccompanied alien children program to sponsors in Hawaii."

Wolfe couldn't offer any details on the ages and countries of origin of the children, where the children are now living, or who is sponsoring them in Hawaii. However, he added the sponsors are "mostly family members of the child. In fact, more than half are parents of the minor."

Federal taxpayers cover the cost of transportation and housing for the refugee children, including airfare to Hawaii, Wolfe said.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Bear Is Loose! Obuma Drops By LA Diner To Brag About His
Basketball Skills, "I Usually Make 8 Out of 10 Shots"

(Alternate headline: World burns, Obuma talks hoops... and fails at that, too!!!)

Via The Hill:
President Obama made an impromptu stop at a Los Angeles diner on Thursday to have lunch with four people who have written him letters.

But he also had a chance to talk about his hoops game.

During the diner drop-by, Obama was asked about how he's faring in basketball these days by two older gentlemen, according to a White House pool report.

"My shot's broke," Obama said, as he held up his arm and did a mock free throw.

"It's my elbow," he continued. "It's my age. I get the chicken wing."

Obama said he makes 8 out of 10 shots, "but not in one game."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


This Is What Is Going To Happen If Ebola Comes To America
By Michael Snyder, on July 30th, 2014

If the worst Ebola outbreak in recorded history reaches the United States, federal law permits "the apprehension and examination of any individual reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease".  These individuals can be "detained for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary".  In other words, the federal government already has the authority to round people up against their will, take them to detention facilities and hold them there for as long as they feel it is "reasonably necessary".  In addition, as you will read about below, the federal government has the authority "to separate and restrict the movement of well persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill".  If you want to look at these laws in the broadest sense, they pretty much give the federal government the power to do almost anything that they want with us in the event of a major pandemic.  Of course such a scenario probably would not be called "martial law", but it would probably feel a lot like it.

If Ebola comes to America and starts spreading, one of the first things that would happen would be for the CDC to issue "a federal isolation or quarantine order".  The following is what the CDC website says about what could happen under such an order...

Isolation and quarantine are public health practices used to stop or limit the spread of disease. 

is used to separate ill persons who have a communicable disease from those who are healthy. Isolation restricts the movement of ill persons to help stop the spread of certain diseases. For example, hospitals use isolation for patients with infectious tuberculosis.

Quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of well persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if they become ill. These people may have been exposed to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not show symptoms. Quarantine can also help limit the spread of communicable disease.

Isolation and quarantine are used to protect the public by preventing exposure to infected persons or to persons who may be infected.

In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine also are "police power" functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society.

"Isolation" would not be a voluntary thing.  The federal government would start hunting down anyone that they "reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease" and taking them to the facilities where other patients were being held.  It wouldn't matter if you were entirely convinced that you were 100% healthy.  If the government wanted to take you in, you would have no rights in that situation.  In fact, federal law would allow the government to detain you "for such time and in such manner as may be reasonably necessary".

And once you got locked up with all of the other Ebola patients, there would be a pretty good chance that you would end up getting the disease and dying anyway.  The current Ebola outbreak has a 55 percent percent mortality rate, and experts tell us that the mortality rate for Ebola can be as high as 90 percent.

Once you contracted Ebola, this is what it would look like...

Sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. That is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function and internal and external bleeding.

The "external bleeding" may include bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and just about every other major body cavity.

So how is Ebola spread?

Well, medical authorities tell us that it can be spread through the blood, urine, saliva, stools and semen of a person or animal that already has Ebola.

If you are exposed to the disease, the incubation period can be from anywhere from two days up to 21 days.  But the average is usually about eight to ten days.

In other words, you can be spreading it around for over a week before you even know that you have it.

There is no vaccine for Ebola and there is no cure.

Not everyone dies from the virus, but most people do.

Needless to say, this is about the last disease that you want to catch.  And the doctors that are treating Ebola patients in Africa are going to extreme lengths to keep from getting it...

To minimise the risk of infection they have to wear thick rubber boots that come up to their knees, an impermeable body suit, gloves, a face mask, a hood and goggles to ensure no air at all can touch their skin.

Dr Spencer, 27, and her colleagues lose up to five litres of sweat during a shift treating victims and have to spend two hours rehydrating afterwards.

They are only allowed to work for between four and six weeks in the field because the conditions are so gruelling.

At their camp they go through multiple decontaminations which includes spraying chlorine on their shoes.

But despite all of those extraordinary measures, multiple doctors have already gotten sick.

For example, one of the doctors leading the fight against Ebola, Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan, died on Tuesday...

A doctor who was on the front lines fighting the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone has died from complications of the disease, Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday.

Dr. Sheik Humarr Khan fell ill early last week while overseeing Ebola treatment at Kenema Government Hospital, about 185 miles east of Sierra Leone's capital city, Freetown.

He was treated by the French aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres -- also known as Doctors Without Borders -- in Kailahun, Sierra Leone, up until his death, spokesman Tim Shenk said.

And two American doctors that went over to Africa to help fight the disease are now battling for their own lives...

Dr. Kent Brantly, who was treating victims of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, is currently being treated in an isolation unit in the Liberian capital, Monrovia, the AP reported Tuesday.

"I'm praying fervently that God will help me survive this disease," Brantly said in an email Monday to Dr. David Mcray, the director of maternal-child health at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. The Texas-born Brantly, 33, completed a four-year medical residency at the hospital, the AP said.

Brantly's wife and two young children left Liberia to return to Abilene, Texas, days before he began to show symptoms of Ebola. They are being monitored for any signs of fever, a City of Abilene spokeswoman told the AP.

A second American, aid worker Nancy Writebol of Charlotte, N.C., is also stricken with Ebola, according to CBS/AP. Writebol had been working as a hygienist to help decontaminate people at an Ebola care center in Monrovia.

This is not like other Ebola outbreaks.

Something seems different this time.

But instead of trying to keep things isolated to a few areas, global health authorities are going to start sending Ebola patients to other parts of the globe.  For example, one German hospital has already agreed to start receiving Ebola patients...

A German hospital has agreed to treat Ebola patients amid widespread fears of a possible outbreak of the deadly disease in Europe. Over 670 people have already been killed by the disease in West Africa with doctors struggling to control the epidemic.

A German hospital in Hamburg agreed to accept patients following a request from the World Health Organization (WHO), Deutsche Welle reports. Doctors assure that the utmost precautions will be taken to make sure the disease does not spread during treatment. The patients will be kept in an isolation ward behind several airlocks, and doctors and nurses will wear body suits with their own oxygen supplies that will be burned every three hours.

Will Ebola patients also soon be sent to hospitals in the United States?

And of course there are many other ways that Ebola could spread to this country.  For instance, all it would take would be for one infected person to get on one airplane and it could all be over.

Federal authorities seem to have been preparing for such an outbreak for quite a while.  As my good friend Mac Slavo has pointed out, "biological diagnostic systems" were distributed to National Guard units in all 50 states back in April...

The Department of Defense informed Congress that it has deployed biological diagnostic systems to National Guard support teams in all 50 states, according to a report published by the Committee on Armed Services. The report, published in April amid growing fears that the Ebola hemorrhagic fever virus might spread outside of West Africa, says that the portable systems are designed for "low probability, high consequence" scenarios.

Some 340 Joint Biological Agent Identification and Diagnostic System (JBAIDS) units have thus far been given to emergency response personnel. The systems are "rapid, reliable, and [provide] simultaneous identification of specific biological agents and pathogens," says executive officer for the DOD's Chemical and Biological Defense group Carmen J. Spencer.

Let us certainly hope for the best.

Let us hope that this latest outbreak fizzles out and that we won't even be talking about this by the end of the year.

But experts are warning that if a major global pandemic does break out that millions upon millions of people could die.

If that happens, many people will go crazy with fear.

And we got just a little taste of some of the paranoia that an Ebola epidemic in America would create in Charlotte, North Carolina earlier this week...

A corridor of Carolinas Medical Center – Main's Emergency Room was roped off on the first floor, near the entrance Wednesday.

A security guard was posted outside, to prevent anyone from crossing the line.

During a 4 p.m. press conference Katie Passaretti, who is an infectious disease specialist with CMC, said precautions were put into place when patient was brought in Tuesday night.  The patient was traveling from Africa and arrived at the hospital around 11:30 p.m.

Around 3 a.m. the security precautions were put into place at the hospital, Passaretti said.

Passaretti said they determined the patient did not have Ebola.  The patient has been discharged home.

It is not too hard to imagine forced quarantines and people being rounded up and shipped off to Ebola detention facilities.

In fact, if Ebola were to start spreading like wildfire in this country, many people would actually start demanding such measures.

For example, one member of Congress is already proposing that citizens of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone (and any foreigner that has recently visited those nations) be kept out of the United States...

In a letter addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Alan Grayson, a Florida Democrat, proposed that citizens of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, as well as "any foreign person who has visited one of these nations 90 days prior to arriving in the United States" be kept out of the country. He urged the secretaries to "consider the enhanced risk Ebola now presents to the American public".
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


85 Super Wealthy People Have More Money Than The Poorest 3.5 Billion Combined
By Michael Snyder, on July 27th, 2014

The global economy is structured to systematically funnel wealth to the very top of the pyramid, and this centralization of global wealth is accelerating with each passing year.  According to the United Nations, 85 super wealthy people have more money than the poorest 3.5 billion people on the planet combined.  And 1.2 billion of those poor people live on less than $1.25 a day.  There is something deeply, deeply broken about a system that produces these kinds of results.  Seven out of every ten people on the planet live in countries where the gap between the wealthy and the poor has increased in the last 30 years.  Despite our technological advances, somewhere around a billion people go to bed hungry every single night.  And when our fundamentally flawed financial system finally does collapse, it will be the poor that will suffer the worst.

Now, let me make one thing clear at the outset.

Big government and more socialism are not the answer to anything.  Big government and more socialism almost always result in increased oppression and increased poverty.  If you want to see where that road ultimately leads to, just look at North Korea.

What we need is a system that empowers individuals and families to work hard, be creative, build businesses and to take care of themselves.

But instead, we have a system where all power and all wealth are increasingly controlled by giant banks and giant corporations that are in turn controlled by the global elite.  The "financialization" of the global economy has turned almost everyone on the planet into "deft serfs", and the compound interest on all of that debt enables the global elite to constantly increase their giant piles of money.

As I have written about previously, the total amount of government debt in the world has increased by about 40 percent since the last recession.

And when you consider all forms of debt, the grand total for the planet is now up to a whopping 223 trillion dollars.

This enables the super wealthy to constantly become even wealthier.  It is like a giant vacuum cleaner that sucks wealth out of all of our pockets and transfers it to them.

It has been reported that the global elite have approximately 32 trillion dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe.

But that is only what we know about.

What we don't know about is probably far greater.

Just like most people don't realize that men like Bill Gates and Carlos Slim are not the wealthiest men on the planet.

The people that are really at the top of the food chain are masters at hiding wealth and they absolutely do not want their names being thrown around in the media.

Meanwhile, those at the bottom of the pyramid continue to suffer.

For example, it was been widely reported that there are more people in slavery today than ever before in human history.

That is an absolutely amazing statistic.  It is hard to comprehend how that could be possible, and yet it is.  A new UN report says that there are 21 million slaves around the globe right now...
Nearly 21 million people are working as modern day slaves, falling victim to trafficking, forced labor and sexual exploitation, a new UN report finds. The illicit market in exploited people generates billions of dollars in profit worldwide.

The report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), which draws on information gathered in a 2012 survey, also found that annual profits stemming from forced labor are three times higher than previous estimates.

"Put into perspective, the 21 million victims in forced labor and the more than US$150 billion in illegal profits generated by their work exceeds the population and GDP of many countries or territories around the world," the ILO says.

This is an utter abomination, but this is actually happening all over the planet.  The following is one story that I recently came across out of India...
Dialu Nial's life changed forever when he was held down by his neck in a forest and one of his kidnappers raised an axe to strike.

He was asked if he wanted to lose his life, a leg or a hand.

Six days earlier, Nial had been among 12 young men being taken against their will to make bricks on the outskirts of one of India's biggest cities, Hyderabad.

During the journey, they got a chance to escape and ran for it – but Nial and a friend were caught and this was their punishment.

And yes, he did end up losing his hand.

Fortunately, most of us are not facing that kind of oppression.

But that doesn't mean that we aren't slaves.  The borrower is the servant of the lender, and over the past four decades the total amount of debt in America has gone from about 2.2 trillion dollars to nearly 60 trillion dollars.  Many of us work as "debt serfs" our entire lives, and we never even know the names or the faces of those that we are making rich as we slowly pay off our debts.

And all of this debt is one of the primary factors destroying the middle class in America. 

Just this past week, the New York Times reported that the wealth of "the typical household" in the United States has declined by 36 percent over the past decade...
The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a 36 percent decline, according to a study financed by the Russell Sage Foundation. Those are the figures for a household at the median point in the wealth distribution — the level at which there are an equal number of households whose worth is higher and lower. But during the same period, the net worth of wealthy households increased substantially.

The Russell Sage study also examined net worth at the 95th percentile. (For households at that level, 94 percent of the population had less wealth and 4 percent had more.) It found that for this well-do-do slice of the population, household net worth increased 14 percent over the same 10 years. Other research, by economists like Edward Wolff at New York University, has shown even greater gains in wealth for the richest 1 percent of households.
Does that upset you when you read that?

It should.

And the outlook for the next generation is even worse.  Most of our young adults are absolutely drowning in student loan debt and other forms of debt, and wages for new college graduates are terrible.

Sadly, most people don't even realize how the global financial system works or why the gap between the super wealthy and the rest of us continues to grow so rapidly.

It has been estimated that the wealthiest one percent currently have 110 trillion dollars.  That is 65 times more wealth than the bottom half of the global population combined.

They are hoarding wealth as we approach some of the most unstable days in all of human history.

So how do you think all of this will play out?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Big government and more socialism are not the answer to anything.  Big government and more socialism almost always result in increased oppression and increased poverty.  If you want to see where that road ultimately leads to, just look at North Korea.

What we need is a system that empowers individuals and families to work hard, be creative, build businesses and to take care of themselves.

Liberty is Constitutional, socialism is not.  Liberty empowers people, yet there are those whose desire is for government to take care of people and enforce their desires and power upon the folks.  Tyrants - ever hear that word to describe Obama or Republicans and their bureaucratic minions?


Obama Refers
to His Wife as

A very short video is at


Secret Service Agents:
Guarding Nasty Hillary Clinton"Worst Duty Assignment" In Service

Protect me not: If agents driving her went over a bump, she'd swear at them. She has a dual personality that changes when she¿s not making a public appearance, says author Kessler

(Not something the Secret  Service would like to go through again)

Her nasty treatment, her explosive temper and her imperious attitude toward those assigned to her detail have earned former first lady Hillary Clinton the title of the most detested person under the protection of the Secret Service.

And as a result, agents are all too happy to keep Hillary in the dark about Bill's buxom blonde love and her secret visits to their Chappaqua home, according to Ron Kessler in his explosive forthcoming book The First Family Detail, published by Crown Forum.

'Agents say being on Hillary Clinton's detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service. Being assigned to her detail is a form of punishment.'

And her nasty attitude goes all the way back to early days at the White House when Hillary and President Bill Clinton stepped out of Marine One helicopter and crossed the lawn holding hands.

But that was all for show. Once they were out of the public eye, it was a scream fest between the couple.

In response to a cheerful 'Good morning, ma'am', by a former uniformed officer, Hillary's response to him was 'F*** off'.

'Hillary was so mistrustful and vengeful,' a former agent told Kessler.

'We were basically told, the Clintons don't want to see you, they don't want to hear you, get of the way', according to a former Secret Service agent.

Via Daily Mail:

Hillary told one agent to 'f*** off' and another that his suit looked 'cheap.' Secret Service  staff say guarding the former First Lady was 'the worst form of punishment,' author reveals in explosive new book

***Author Ronald Kessler claims agents confess that being on Hillary's security detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service

*** If agents driving her went over a bump, she'd swear at them

*** 'When she's in front of the lights, she turns it on and when she's not she's a totally different person,' says one agent

*** Arriving at a 4-F Club in upstate New York while campaigning, she saw cows and people in jeans. She was enraged

*** She asked a staffer, 'What the f*** did we come her for? There's no money here'

*** She insulted White House counsel Vince Foster and told him that he would never be more than a hick-town lawyer and wasn't ready for the big time

By Caroline Howe
Published: 16:44 EST, 1 August 2014 | Updated: 02:18 EST, 2 August 2014

Her nasty treatment, her explosive temper and her imperious attitude toward those assigned to her detail have earned former first lady Hillary Clinton the title of the most detested person under the protection of the Secret Service.

And as a result, agents are all too happy to keep Hillary in the dark about Bill's buxom blonde love and her secret visits to their Chappaqua home, according to Ron Kessler in his explosive forthcoming book The First Family Detail, published by Crown Forum.

'Agents say being on Hillary Clinton's detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service. Being assigned to her detail is a form of punishment.'

In response to a cheerful 'Good morning, ma'am', by a former uniformed officer, Hillary's response to him was 'F*** off'.

'Hillary was so mistrustful and vengeful.' a former agent told Kessler.

'We were basically told, the Clintons don't want to see you, they don't want to hear you, get of the way', according to a former Secret Service agent.

Hush hush: When the cat's away, Bill Clinton will play. Kessler says Clinton's mistress comes calling when Hillary leaves their Chappaqua home and the Secret Service agents keep Bill's secrets

That means hiding behind drapes – anything not to be seen – and she was not to be spoken to as well when moving from one location to another in the White House, according to former FBI agent Coy Copeland.

She jumped all over agents working for independent counsel Kenneth Starr's investigation of the couple's involvement in the Whitewater real estate development deal.

And then she attacked one agent personally and suggested his suit looked 'cheap.'

Kessler maintains her mean spirited nature didn't end with agents.

White House deputy counsel Vince Foster, who committed suicide in June 1993,  was on the receiving end of a virulent verbal attack by Hillary.  She disagreed with a legal opinion he made and humiliated him in a meeting, stating he would never be more than a hick-town lawyer and wasn't ready for the big time.

'The put-down that she gave him in that big meeting just pushed him over the edge', Copeland says. She blamed Foster for all of the Clinton's problems and stated he had failed the couple.

Right hand woman: Huma Abedin, married to disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner, was Hillary's close confidante. She was as rude as Hillary, says the author

Foster was just one of many Hillary verbally attacked. She didn't like law enforcement officers or the military, former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman stated. 'She was just really rude to almost everybody. She'd act like she didn't want you around, like you were beneath her.'

She went years without speaking to some agents.

While publicly courting law enforcement organizations, privately she felt disdain. She wanted state troopers and local police to wear suits and drive unmarked cars. No military aides could wear their uniforms in the White House. If agents driving her went over a bump, she'd swear at them.

Glad-handing on the road on her Senatorial campaign, when they arrived at a 4-F Club in the land of dairy cows in upstate New York, she saw cows and people in jeans. That enraged her and she asked a staffer, 'What the f*** did we come her for? There's no money here'.

She has a dual personality that changes when she's not making a public appearance.

Queen Of Mean: Kessler claims that White House deputy counsel Vince Foster committed suicide in June 1993 after a virulent verbal attack by Hillary. She disagreed with a legal opinion he made and humiliated him in a meeting stating he would never be more than a hick-town lawyer and wasn¿t ready for the big time

Running for Senate and on the campaign tour, she was appalled when they arrived at locations where the populace was poor. 'What the f*** did we come her for'? she stated.

While Chelsea comes off as an angel, very cordial and sweet, Huma Abedin, Hillary's deputy chief of staff at the State Department and traveling chief of staff during her campaign for the presidency, is considered as vile and rude as Hillary.

'Huma looked down on the agents and treated them as second-class citizens', a former agent stated. If she wasn't recognized, she would say, 'Do you know who I am'?

In response to her rudeness, they let her carry her own luggage – and the first lady's luggage as well. 'She'd have four bags, and we'd stand there and watch her and say, 'Oh, can we hold the door for you'?

When Hillary is out of their Chappaqua, New York home, writes Kessler, Bill's lover makes secret visits to some thirty-five miles north of New York City.

Dubbed 'Energizer' by the Secret Service on duty, the mistress has shown up within minutes after Hillary's departure. Someone made a phone call that Evergreen, Hillary's code name, was now out and the coast was clear for Bill's lover.
Hillary Clinton keeps mum on presidential intentions Presidential secrets: Author Ronald Kessler rips the lid off the private lives of the the presidents in his new book

'Her figure looks great, but her bust doesn't fit the rest of her figure; it is rather endowed'. Her breasts were 'very perky and very new and full'. They appear enhanced and don't match her face, according to the agents stationed at the guard gate who are instructed to just open the gate for her.

'You don't stop her, you don't approach her, you just let her go in.' 'I let her in many times at the front gate' another agent confesses. Normally we held a driver's license or other form of picture ID when visitors were in the residence. Not so in her case.'

Sometimes she brought homemade cookies for the agents, wearing a low cut top and leaning over giving them a full view of her amplified cleavage.

One agent sighted the former president and Energizer sitting on the swing at the back of the house sipping lemonade.

'Wheels down' is the forty-five minute warning for Energizer to make a quick getaway. Hillary's plane has touched down at LaGuardia and she'll be in Chappaqua directly. On one occasion, Hillary's agent neglected to make the call to Old House Lane in time creating a scramble and a catastrophic near miss.
No agent in the service wants to be sentenced to Hillary's detail – considered the worst form of punishment. They lay down their life for hers and there's no respect for that.

Read more
The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents: Ronald Kessler: 9780804139212: Books

Read more:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Clinton Corruption Bombshells

Judicial Watch Bombshell: Clinton State Department Racket
Hauled in $48 Million for Clinton Machine

Judicial Watch
AUGUST 01, 2014

So let me get this straight. Bill Clinton delivers 215 speeches around the globe while his wife is Secretary of State, hauling in $48 million for various Clinton family interests, and the Obama administration handed the Clintons an "ethical waiver" 100% of the time?

There was not one single speech that gave the administration pause? Not one?

That is what everybody is talking about in response to bombshell documents we released earlier this week, including more than 200 conflict-of-interest reviews by State Department ethics advisers. These "reviews" considered speaking engagements and consulting arrangements proposed by Bill Clinton speaking during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

(The documents were obtained as result of a federal court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department on May 28, 2013, a lawsuit that is still ongoing.)

These documents also show that the State Department approved a consulting arrangement with a company, Teneo Strategy, led by controversial Clinton Foundation adviser Doug Band. The Clintons ended the deal after only eight months, as criticism mounted over Teneo's ties to the failed investment firm, MF Global.

So we know that the Obama administration's judgment as to what constitutes a "conflict of interest" is skewed, to put it nicely.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Again, Mr. Clinton's office proposed 215 speeches around the globe during his wife's tenure at State. And 215 times the State Department stated that it had "no objection."

Let's take a quick look at where Mr. Clinton took his business and the types of companies that were involved.

Mr. Clinton's speeches included appearances in China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Central America, Europe, Turkey, Thailand, Taiwan, India and the Cayman Islands.

Sponsors of the speeches included some of the world's largest financial institutions—Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, American Express and others—as well as major players in technology, energy, health care and media. Other speech sponsors included a car dealership, casino groups, hotel operators, retailers, real estate brokers, a Panamanian air cargo company and a sushi restaurant.

And, again, zero objections from the Obama administration.

How the Obama State Department waived hundreds of ethical conflicts that allowed the Clintons and their businesses to accept money from foreign entities and corporations seeking influence boggles the mind. That former President Clinton trotted the globe collecting huge speaking fees while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy is an outrage.

No wonder it took a court order to get these documents. What foreign policy issues were mishandled as top State Department officials spent so much time facilitating the Clinton money machine?  You can see the details for yourself by reading the documents we forced from this "transparent" administration. Just click here.

The Washington Examiner published a report this week on the documents analyzed by Judicial Watch Chief Investigative Reporter Micah Morrison and Examiner Senior Watchdog Reporter Luke Rosiak that dove into the specifics of these speeches and those in attendance.

Morrison and Rosiak note that Mr. Clinton "earned $48 million while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy, raising questions about whether the Clintons fulfilled ethics agreements related to the Clinton Foundation during Mrs. Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State."

And here are some of the specific Clinton activities that did not cause so much as a raised eyebrow within the Obama administration, per the State Department documents we uncovered:

•Mr. Clinton spoke before a UBS Wealth Management audience in Chicago in April, 2012. The State Department document notes that attendees would be "approximately 300-400 ultra-high net worth clients, prospective clients, and UBS Financial Advisers."

•Mr. Clinton spoke to an event hosted by Wells Fargo in San Francisco in October, 2011. The State Department document notes that the event is "being held for Wells Fargo Private Bank and Wells Fargo Family Wealth Group clients, which are clients that have at least $5 million and $50 million in assets respectively."

•At a "mutually agreeable date" in April 2010, Mr. Clinton was due to speak at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. "This would be a private speech of up to 350 friends and patrons of Mohegan Sun," the State Department document noted. "The event will not be open to the public. The event will not be publicly advertised."

•For a speech in Moscow in June 2010 sponsored by the investment bank Renaissance Capital, Mr. Clinton would address the theme of "Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States: Going Global." The document notes that "Renaissance Capital is an investment bank focused on the emerging markets of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and sub-Saharan Africa."

•At the Ritz Carlton in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, Mr. Clinton spoke at a March 2011 ticketed event targeting "the business community in Grand Cayman."

These documents clearly show how the Clintons turned the State Department into a racket to line their own pockets. Of course we all suspected this is how things would go down, with the Clinton machine getting its hooks into the Obama administration, which has corruption and lawlessness issues that would make Boss Tweed blush.

The potential for conflicts of interest between Hillary Clinton's role as Secretary of State and Bill Clinton's international ventures grew increasingly controversial in late 2008 when the former president released a list of donors to his library and foundation in what he termed "a deal between" Obama "and Hillary."

According to an AP wire story, "Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to $25 million to the foundation. Other government donors include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman ..."   CNN at the time warned that Clinton's "complicated global business interests could present future conflicts of interest that result in unneeded headaches for the incoming commander-in-chief."

Here's where CNN was off: This president doesn't get headaches over ethics.

Under established protocols of the State Department, and supplemented by a December 2008 Memorandum of Understandingbetween the Clinton Foundation and Obama Presidential Transition Team, a designated ethics official from the State Department's legal office was assigned to review any "potential or actual conflict of interest" for Mrs. Clinton while she served as secretary of state. Copies of all decisions were sent to a top adviser to Secretary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, who served as counselor and chief of staff at the Department of State.

Yes, that Cheryl Mills. Bill Clinton's former deputy White House counsel and a longtime Clinton family confidant, who, the Washington Postwrote in 1999 "endeared herself to the Clintons with her never-back-down, share-nothing, don't-give-an-inch approach ..."  After clearing Mrs. Clinton for the DOS job, Mills was named the incoming Secretary's Chief of Staff. Ms. Mills was a featured speaker at Bill Clinton's 2012 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting.

In an April 28, 2008, ruling relating to Ms. Mills conduct as a White House official in responding to concerns about lost White House email records, Judge Royce C. Lamberth called Cheryl Mills' participation in the matter "loathsome." He further stated Mills was responsible for "the most critical error made in this entire fiasco... Mills' actions were totally inadequate to address the problem." Ms. Mills is currently on the Board of Directors of BlackRock, a leading investment firm.  BlackRock is run by Larry Fink who reportedly wanted to be Treasury Secretary for Barack Obama and now, according to another report, is "angling for the job" in a Hillary Clinton administration.

Judicial Watch is not surprised that the Clintons cast aside any semblance of ethical bearing to fill their coffers, yet the breadth their scheme and the haul it yielded is truly shocking. And it bears repeating that, given concerns about potential corruption associated with Hillary Clinton becoming Secretary of State, she obtained her position based on promises of a rigorous ethics process by both her and the Obama administration.  The U.S. Senate was suckered by these promises because, as we've shown thanks to a court order, the promised ethics process was a joke.

The State Department has "found" more documents which they should soon be giving us, so we'll keep you posted on more developments as they arise.

...Judicial Watch


President Clinton wakes up one morning, looks out of the White House window and sees "The President Sucks" written in the snow in urine.  Furious, he calls in the FBI and demands the perpetrators be found.  Later that day the FBI agents return.

"Well sir," says the first agent, "the urine has been analysed and it's the Vice President's."  Clinton goes purple with rage and shouts, "Is that all?"

"Well no sir," says the agent, "It's the First Lady's handwriting."


Lol... This is nothing compared to what Bill did AS President!

Clinton Gave China Chips for Nuclear War

Special Report to NewsMax. com by Charles R. Smith

September 30, 2003 ~ Note: The Newsmax 2003 archive link has been taken offline.

But the truth still exists. Go here for the full text.

www. tonyrogers. com/news/clinton_china_nukes. htm

Newly declassified documents show that President Bill Clinton personally approved the transfer to China of advanced space technology that can be used for nuclear combat.

The documents show that in 1996 Clinton approved the export of radiation hardened chip sets to China. The specialized chips are necessary for fighting a nuclear war.

"Waivers may be granted upon a national interest determination," states a Commerce Department document titled "U.S. Sanctions on China."

"The President has approved a series of satellite related waivers in recent months, most recently in November, 1996 for export of radiation hardened chip sets for a Chinese meteorological satellite," noted the Commerce Department documents.

These special computer chips are designed to function while being bombarded by intense radiation. Radiation hardened chips are considered critical for atomic warfare and are required by advanced nuclear tipped missiles.

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act, a Washington-based political watchdog group.

Several documents were withheld from release by the U.S. Commerce Department for commercial and personal privacy exemptions, but none of the documents were withheld for national security reasons. Judicial Watch is expected to appeal the withholdings.

Decade of Betrayal
U.S. intelligence sources stated that the newly released documents illustrate the extent to which the Clinton White House placed trade – and trade with China specifically – above national security.

"In all likelihood we will be glowing in the dark before we discover the true extent of the Clinton decade of betrayal," stated Rick Fisher, Asian Security Fellow at the Center for Security Policy.

"If it was indeed intended for a new PRC weather satellite, then it is possible that it was used for their new polar orbit weather satellites. This is significant because the Chinese themselves acknowledge that their polar orbit weather satellites directly contribute to their long-range missile targeting capability. This becomes even more important for their new smaller but more accurate warheads, used on their new DF-31, DF-31A, DF-5 Mod2 and JL-2 missiles. If they encounter significant weather, warhead accuracy degrades, reducing their utility," stated Fisher.

"Inasmuch as similar U.S. military weather satellites perform the same missions, the Clinton Administration had to have known they were assisting a PLA strategic military capability," concluded Fisher.

In addition, the Chinese military is clearly interested in acquiring advanced radiation hardened computer chips for its strategic nuclear arsenal.

U.S. Chips for PRC Nukes
Currently, China has only liquid fueled, long-range missiles, and the majority of them are based inside underground silos. These long-range rockets are reported to be "bore-sighted" – meaning the underground silos are aimed directly at target cities inside the United States.

The Chinese army is now attempting to shift its strategic nuclear arsenal to a solid-fuel "launch on command" capability. These new missiles are rail- and road-mobile and require sophisticated electronic guidance systems to accurately strike their intended targets.

As part of this upgrade, the Chinese army is also modifying its nuclear warhead designs to arm new survivable missiles such as the DF-31 and JL-2. Chinese engineers are planning to equip these new missiles with MIRV technology, allowing each missile to carry multiple nuclear warheads.

Again, the U.S. radiation hardened computer chip technology is a logical addition to the reconfiguration and upgrade of Chinese nuclear weapons.

Stolen U.S. Chips
Another critical element of the Clinton-supplied waiver is the fact that it took place during an investigation of Chinese espionage into missing U.S. radiation hardened satellite chips.

In February 1996, a Chinese Long March rocket carrying a Loral Intelsat satellite failed and crashed on lift-off. The Loral Intelsat payload was badly damaged. The Chinese intended to launch the Loral satellite into deep space as they had been paid to do by Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz.

However, fate took a twisted path, and so did the Chinese rocket. The Long March rocket failed on launch and crashed into a nearby Chinese village, killing over 200 innocent civilians. The failure of the Long March allowed the U.S. to recover the sealed satellite guidance box, which revealed the control board of radiation-hardened chips was missing.

The missing board from the Loral Intelsat satellite is no mystery. It quickly became obvious that Chinese engineers removed the special electronics and kept the board for examination. The stolen Loral electronics consist of radiation hardened, encrypted telemetry chips, stored in a secure flight control box similar to those found on airliners. The NSA changed all U.S. satellite codes as a result of the stolen Loral chips, costing American taxpayers millions of dollars.

1996 Illegal Campaign Donations
Another factor involved in the November 1996 waiver issued by then-President Clinton is the fact that illegal money entered the U.S. elections from the Chinese army. The money was donated to the DNC from a variety of sources including convicted Chinagate figures John Huang, Charlie "Yah-Lin" Trie and Johnny Chung.

The 1996 Clinton-Gore campaign readily accepted much of the money from the Chinese army sources without question, and in some cases took these donations in cash. The allegations of Chinese espionage and illegal campaign donations were never investigated properly.

The successful effort by China to obtain U.S. microchip technology included espionage, sabotage and perhaps bribery. The red intelligence windfall freed the Chinese army to more accurately target American cities with atomic weapons using advanced U.S technology.

The legacy that President Clinton left for the 21st century is a modern Chinese army equipped for global nuclear war.
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To say North Korea has NOT benefited from Clinton's TREASON is dangerously naive.
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Google: Clinton, China, Loral, Betrayal
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Michelle 'pushed' Obama into 'siding with black people': First Lady urged president to pick sides in racial controversies claims new book on the hidden lives of Secret Service

*** New book claims that Michelle Obama asked President Obama to be vocal in support of African Americans

*** First Lady wanted her husband to back family of Trayvon Martin

*** 'The First Family Detail' delves into the secret world of president's personal guard

*** The Secret Service are underfunded and security lapses are more common

By Caroline Howe
Published: 3 August 2014

Secret Service agents rarely speak, but there's nothing wrong with their hearing.

Agents confessed to Ronald Kessler, author of an upcoming blockbuster book about the hidden lives of presidents,  that they have overheard Michelle Obama pushing her husband 'to be more aggressive in attacking Republicans and to side with blacks in racial controversies.'

And Obama did as he was told, says Kessler in The First Family Detail.

Protection: The first family of Barack and Michelle Obama, Sasha and Malia walk across the lawn of the White House guarded by Secret Service agents

When Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager, was shot dead by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida on the night of February 26, 2012.

'That could have been me thirty-five years ago', Obama stated.

Obama was also vocal about a Cambridge, Massachusetts police officer who arrested a black Harvard profession being noisy during a break-in investigation. He viewed it as an unnecessary and stupid arrest.

A former agent listening to the first couple's conversations in the presidential limo, believed Michelle's agenda goes back to a statement she made when Barack was running for president. 'For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.'

Significant: New book, First Family Detail, claims that Michelle Obama tried to push President Obama into being more vocal in support of the family of Trayvon Martin following his death at the hands of George Zimmerman

Beer summit: Vice President, Joe Biden, (left), Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Sgt. James Crowley and President Obama at the so-called Beer Summit at the White House 2009

As rude as Hillary is to the Secret Service, the current First Lady, code named Renaissance, is friendly, considerate and treats the agents with respect. She has twenty agents protecting her and she insists that they all call her by her first name.

'Michelle is friendly – she touches you', an agent stated and her mother, Marian Robinson, in residence at the White House to help care for their two daughters, goes out of her way to be gracious to the Secret Service as well.

Michelle even gave Father's Day cards to agents who were dads and working the shift on that day.

The Obamas invited agents to dinner two times at their Hyde Park home in Chicago while he was running for President, and he made sure the agents took time out to eat the chili.

While Bill Clinton was chronically late, Obama usually runs on time but if he's dragging, Michelle gets on his case and reminds him he is being disrespectful to the agents.
Gatecrashers: Michaele and Tareq Salahi attended a White House function without invitation in 2009 and were introduced to President Obama in one of the Secret Service's most notorious security breaches

Daughters Malia and Sasha get high marks for being 'great kids' and 'very respectable young ladies'.

While both Barack and Michelle are well liked and respected by the Secret Service, agents disclosed that laxness and undercutting of basic security protocols in this administration now threaten the life of the president as well as the First Lady.

Lax security has allowed guests into events without proper screening to detect firearms. Current agency protocols are not up-to-date and using the latest firearms and they have cut back on the size of counterassault teams.

Agents are also filling out their own test scores on their physical fitness tests as well as not following proper rules for firearm re-qualification.

This imposed cost cutting and lowering of standards first emerged when serial party crashers Tareq and Michaele Salahi and Carlos Allen were allowed into a White House state dinner in November 2009 while not on the guest list.

The'gatecrashers': Were subpoenaed by the U.S. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee to appear at a hearing to discuss the breach of security where they invoked the Fifth Amendment.

The lowered agency security standards surfaced again when agents were sent home in April 2012 and exposed as engaging prostitutes while traveling with Obama to Cartagena, Colombia.

Their sordid little affairs blew up when one belligerent agent refused to pay the prostitute her requisite fee.

If agents blow the whistle on any breach of security, they know they will suffer retribution from management so they keep quiet.

'The pressure not to rock the boat takes precedence over protecting the president from the jackal, the term agents use to refer to a potential assassin'.

Another major breach of security occurred on the night of the White House Correspondent's Dinner at the Washington Hilton in April 2013.

Special treatment: According to First Family Detail, Hollywood superstar Bradley Cooper was allowed to drive his car into a function attended by the president and exempted by security checks

While the advance security detail swept the hotel and grounds, agents received orders from a high-ranking agency official in New York to allow movie star Bradley Cooper's vehicle onto the grounds without screening.

Agents were shocked at the breach knowing that it could have been loaded with explosives, biological or chemical weapons.
The canine team was not even allowed to inspect the vehicle.

'Agents were told not to sweep the car. Just let it in and don't give Cooper any problems'. Cooper was given a free pass – 'and this was two weeks after the terrorist attack on our soil in Boston'.

'That's just one example of the arrogance of senior managers in the Secret Service. They think they're accountable to no one'

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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