This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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One of the most common misreadings of Obama is that he's an intellectual who doesn't like campaigning, but loves being immersed in deep thought. He hates the business of politics because he's an introvert.

The latest sample of such delusional thinking comes from Rosa Brooks, 'I Should Have Voted For Hillary":
["Rosa Brooks is a weekly columnist for Foreign Policy and a Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation. She is also a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, where she teaches courses on international law, constitutional law, failed states and atrocity law."]

"Obama's an introvert: Unlike your husband Bill, who draws energy from crowds and loves a good political brawl like other men love football, Obama's clearly happiest within the small circle of people he knows and trusts. The tide of idealism that swept him into the White House sustained him through those hard months of campaigning, but wasn't enough to carry him through the tedium of governing. He likes to read and write and think, but he doesn't much want to shake hands, curry favor with grandstanding congressmen, or sit through ceremonial meetings with foreign dignitaries.

Look at his tight body language; listen to the undertone of irritation in his voice. Barack Obama is a man who almost always looks and sounds like he'd prefer to be somewhere else. He's a politician who hates politics.

Obama loves campaigning. It's not a tide of idealism that draws him to crowds and photo ops. If Rosa was paying any attention she would have noticed that.

Obama runs a permanent campaign. He is not interested in sitting in a room and reading books. Like a lot of Ivy Leaguers he's good at faking intellectualism, at having read all the right books at the right time, or at least gotten summaries of them, so he can claim to be a thinker."

But Rosa is right. Obama doesn't like people. He likes being admired by people. He loves the attention, but he's paranoid about the terms on which he gets it.

That undertone of irritation comes into his voice when he's challenged or question or even asked for something. Then he becomes surly.

Obama doesn't hate politics. He likes power. He hates compromise. That's not idealism though, it's ego. He wants everything his way. And he can't stand even the slightest challenge.

Think of the brat with too much self-esteem who begins to pout if the teacher corrects a mistake and throws a fit when mommy won't buy him the thing he wants right now. That's Obama in a nutshell.

It's not being an introvert. Narcissists don't like people because they like themselves too much. Introverts like people, but are uncomfortable around them.

If Obama had been an introvert, he would have never been elected. Like most modern politicians, he's an extrovert. And like many of them, he has an obsessive need to be admired and adored, and very little empathy and tolerance for others. He's good at playing a role, but the more his ego is fed, the less patience he has for the playacting.

People like Rosa Brooks have spoiled him rotten. And the more he's spoiled, the less he feels the need to put up with anything.

(Narcissism is defined as the love of self, and Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma has no self to love.  The comparison to a brat with too much self-esteem is inapt.  Obuma lacks a self and therefore lacks the power of self-esteem, and by self-esteem I mean self-confidence in his power to deal with the problems of life through reason.  He's an empty vessel, a zero, a non-entity, existing only as a reflection of the people around him.  That's why he's so touchy about criticism, why he's paranoid, why he surrounds himself with sycophants, and why he will do anything to avoid real work.  An honest effort at his job would expose his considerable limitations faster than anything else he could do.  He's bored as President of the United States?  Of course he's bored: He brings no more understanding or context to that job than a third-grader could to a post-graduate organic chemistry class.

He is paranoid.  He has to be.  He's a liar who knows he's lying, a cheater who knows he cheats, an underachiever who knows he's accomplished nothing... but look at all the liberals who proclaim his greatness.  He's going to stop the rise of the oceans, sprinkle peace dust wherever he walks, they say.  He's brilliant and intellectual, they say.  He knows he's not, but their acclaim supersedes facts to him.  If other people say it, it becomes true.  He exists through others and only through others.  Without someone else to make him into something that he's not, he wouldn't have risen to the level of night sweeper in a convenience store.  No one would know his name.  He couldn't even write his own autobiography, and you think he has a sense of self?  The only thing he has is the power to deceive, and he can't even do that without an army of confederates. He's no egoist: He depends on the people over whom he seeks power as thoroughly as a burglar or a gangster depends on his victims.  An egoist in the true sense of the word...a rational, independent, efficacious man... has no need to seek or exert power over others and rejects indignantly the idea that he should.  Obuma's "ego" can never be satiated because where his ego should be there's a yawning abyss of self-doubt, self-contempt, and terror.  People like him would be objects of pity, if they weren't self-made.  As it is, they're objects of contempt.
... Dr. Warph)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Emphasis is mine.

Americans Oppose
Increased Immigration

Political pundits attributed House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning defeat in the GOP primary largely to his support for increasing the number of skilled foreign nationals who can immigrate to the United States.

A new Gallup poll confirms the pundits' conclusion that Americans are opposed to increased immigration — less than a quarter of those surveyed favor it.

Respondents were asked: "In your view, should immigration be kept at its present level, increased, or decreased?"

Overall, nearly twice as many adult Americans think it should be decreased as those who favor an increase — 41 percent want it decreased and 22 percent want it increased, while 33 percent say it should remain at present levels and 4 percent have no opinion.

That means 74 percent — 41 plus 33 — oppose increased immigration.

Already there are more than 40 million foreign-born people in the United States, comprising 13 percent of the population, according to the Brookings Institution.

Republicans are most opposed to increased immigration. Fifty percent want it decreased, compared to 32 percent of Democrats and 43 percent of independents.

Just 14 percent of Republicans favor increased immigration, as do 27 percent of Democrats and 23 percent of independents.

Americans with a college education are more likely to favor increased immigration than those without one. Thirty percent of college graduates — up from 11 percent in 2000 — and 30 percent of those with a postgraduate degree now favor increased immigration, although 34 percent of college graduates and 28 percent of postgraduates want to see it decreased.

Among those with a high school degree or less, 47 percent favor decreased immigration and just 19 percent favor an increase.

"Support for increasing immigration has grown significantly more among Americans with college degrees — those more likely to be tuned in to the discussion about the need for importing highly skilled workers — than it has among those with less formal education," Gallup observed. (Wrong in my opinion, they want worker bees don't, so they don't have to be worker bee's. ---Ross)

Yet despite the resistance to increasing immigration, most Americans still view immigration in positive terms.

In the poll, 63 percent of respondents — including 55 percent of Republicans — said that immigration on the whole is a good thing for the country, and just 33 percent said it is a bad thing.

"Immigration is central to who Americans are as a people, and what the United States represents, and by and large Americans view immigration as positive for the country," Gallup concludes.

"But deciding how many new immigrants to welcome each year can be controversial, particularly when unemployment is high, and seeming competition for good jobs already fierce.

"Reducing immigration remains the far more popular choice, as former Majority Leader Eric Cantor might attest."



Concierge Medicine on the Rise

American doctors are increasingly turning to concierge medicine, where a patient pays a primary-care physician an up-front retainer and in some cases additional fees in exchange for special attention and enhanced care.

The American Academy of Private Physicians estimates that there are now some 4,400 concierge physicians, up 30 percent from last year.

And a recent survey cited by The Wall Street Journal disclosed that about 7 percent to 10 percent of physicians plan to transition to cash-only practices in the next one to three years.

"With doctors already spending 22 percent of their time on nonclinical paperwork, they will find more government intrusion under Obamacare regulations taking even more time away from patient care," according to the Journal article by Dr. Scott W. Atlas, a physician and a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

More Americans are likely to opt for concierge medicine as they experience more difficulty finding a doctor willing to treat them. The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates that the nation faces a shortage of more than 91,000 physicians by 2020.

Already, about one-third of primary-care physicians and a fourth of specialists have completely closed their practices to Medicaid patients, and more than half of physicians have limited Medicare patients' access to their practices, or are planning to.

Many of these doctors refuse patients due to inadequate payments from Medicaid and Medicare.

"At the same time," Dr. Atlas noted, "Obamacare is squeezing out the middle class from affordable private insurance that correlates with far better disease outcomes than government insurance.

"Unless Obamacare is drastically altered, America's healthcare will become even more divided, with rising inequality. Only the lower and middle classes in America will suffer the full consequences of Obamacare."


It Only Took This Army Vet 3 Minutes
To Destroy Obama's Gun Control Plan .


Fired Benjamin Moore Employee Sues Claiming Their Paint Names Are Racist

(Typical racial shakedown... wonder why he didn't mention the other colors... Gay pink,
Indian red, Brutha black, Lesbian lavender and Gang green.)

Via Daily Caller:
A black man in New Jersey has filed a lawsuit against his former employer, Benjamin Moore Paints, which he says named one of its paint colors after him and then fired him when he complained.

Clinton Tucker, who managed online sales for Benjamin Moore, which is owned by the conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway, said that he was bothered by the names of several of the company's paint colors, "Clinton Brown," "Tucker Chocolate," and "Confederate Red."

"Being a black man named Clinton Tucker, the plaintiff found this to be extremely racially offensive," reads the complaint, filed in Essex County Court.

Tucker claims that the company's executive management were aware of his displeasure with the color names, but failed to take his complaints seriously and then terminated — allegedly unlawfully — him in March 2014.

Tucker worked on a project to create a new line of paint colors. One of the shades was given the name "Tucker Chocolate."

The company already had a color named "Clinton Brown." A co-worker pointed out the names of the two paint colors, which together contained Tucker's first and last name, and thought it was funny, according to the lawsuit.

"Tucker found it to be repulsive," the complaint reads.

"Coupled with 'Tucker Chocolate,' it was racially offensive and demeaning to Clinton Tucker."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Store Where Armed Citizen Saved Employee During Stabbing Posts 'No Guns' Sign

(Gee... I wonder if they would've just posted a "No Knives Allowed" sign, none of this would've happened in the first place)

Via Guns

A convenience store that was the scene of a brutal stabbing back in March apparently has posted "No Guns Allowed" signs on the front door despite the fact that the suspect was stopped – and apprehended by authorities – thanks to an armed citizen with a concealed carry permit, Mississippi Gun News reported this week.

Lamont Williams, 29, walked into Keith's Superstore in Lumberton, Mississippi, on the morning of March 12, armed with a knife and began stabbing the store manager. According to local media, the manager previously had problems with Williams, who was believed to be a disgruntled former employee.

But on the day Williams attacked the manager, there was an armed citizen with a concealed carry permit inside the store. The armed citizen witnessed the events unfold and chased Williams as he tried to flee from the store, holding him at gunpoint until police arrived and arrested him.

The entire incident was captured on the store's video surveillance system. No shots were ever fired by the armed citizen, who was only identified as a white male in his 30s.

The store manager, who's identity was not released, survived a total of eight stabs to the neck, chest and arm.

Williams was taken to the Lamar County Correctional Facility where he faced charges for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, initially being held with a cash bond of $150,000.

The store manager confirmed after the stabbing that there were not any "No Guns Allowed" signs posted outside the store, which at the time were apparently being handed out somewhat freely following the passing of House Bill 2, which clarified language surrounding concealed carry laws.

It's unknown when the signs went up at the entrance of the store, but a picture taken by a local resident clearly shows two signs stating "No Guns Allowed in Store" despite the fact that it was a legally armed citizen who likely saved the store manager's life just three months ago.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Burgers Served, Second Amendment Style, With Pistol-Packing Waitresses

(Sounds like my kind of restaurant)

Via Biz Pac Review:

While establishments around the country are setting up gun-free zones, one Colorado restaurant is welcoming customers who are packing – and they're waited on by armed servers.

The restaurant's name: Shooters Grill, located in the gun-friendly town of Rifle.

Waitress Ashlee Saenz serves customers with a loaded Ruger .357 Blackhawk handgun holstered to her leg, Old West-style, and she knows how to use it, she told the Post Independent.

A sign on Shooter's front door says:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Mother savagely beaten as her toddler tries to help; bystanders do nothing

SALEM, N.J. (CBS) — A fast-food worker viciously attacked a young mother in front of the victim's young son and the entire attack was caught on tape.

The attack happened Tuesday afternoon in the city of Salem, New Jersey and video of the assault was later posted on Facebook. Mom Beaten by McDonald's Worker As Her Toddler Tries To Help | VIDEO

The Salem Police Chief posted on his Facebook page that the suspect has been identified and charges are being filed against the suspect.

In the video, a woman wearing what appears to be a McDonald's uniform is shown attacking another woman.
The victim falls to the ground and while on the ground, the suspect punches the victim approximately 20 times.

As the attack is going on, the victim's toddler son is pleading for the suspect to stop and tries to kick the suspect in an attempt to make her stop.

At one point during the video, the suspect can be heard saying: "You better get your son before I kick him in the face too!"

At the end of the video, the suspect appears to spit on the victim as she lays helplessly on the ground.
Adding to the shock factor of the video is that several bystanders do not intervene and instead take out their cell phones and record the attack.

Police were able to obtain a video of the attack off of Facebook before it was deleted.
The City of Salem Police Chief said once a judge sets bail, the suspect will apprehended and incarcerated.

Wanted: Latia Harris, 25, is facing charges of assault
and making terroristic threats

This is a brutal and savage video. What kind of country have we become when a woman is brutally beaten in front of her child, and all the men do is stand around and video the attack? Of course, if a bunch of white people had stood around while a black woman was beaten, there would be wall to wall media coverage on racism and hate in America. But since it's the other way around, most media outlets will probably never broadcast this video.


  "There is a moral and social breakdown in the fabric of our, society which is clearly evident when a woman gets pummeled in broad daylight in front of her child while a dozen people pull out their phones to record the incident instead of calling for help," Salem Chief of Police John J. Pelura III said, according to NJ.Com. "There is so little regard for human life — by the actor and the bystanders."

The attack occurred in a park Tuesday night as a woman — identified by authorities as Latia Harris, 25, of Salem — is violently and repeatedly striking a woman lying on the ground, the website reports.

The victim's 2-year-old son is standing nearby and, despite the adults present, is the only person trying to stop her. He makes several kicks at the attacker's direction, but it does not stop the assault on his mother

From CNN News

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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