This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Fun Fact Of The Day: Supreme Court Has Ruled Unanimously Against Obuma 13 Times Since 2012

(MSNBC claims it's because Obuma's black in 3... 2... 1...)

Via NRO:

Did you know the Obama administration's position has been defeated in at least 13 – thirteen — cases before the Supreme Court since January 2012 that were unanimous decisions? It continued its abysmal record before the Supreme Court today with the announcement of two unanimous opinions against arguments the administration had supported. First, the Court rejected the administration's power grab on recess appointments by making clear it could not decide when the Senate was in recess. Then it unanimously tossed out a law establishing abortion-clinic "buffer zones" against pro-life protests that the administration supported (though the case was argued by Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley).

The tenure of both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has been marked by a dangerous push to legitimize a vast expansion of the power of the federal government that endangers the liberty and freedom of Americans. They have taken such extreme position on key issues that the Court has uncharacteristically slapped them down time and time again. Historically, the Justice Department has won about 70 percent of its cases before the high court. But in each of the last three terms, the Court has ruled against the administration a majority of the time.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Climate Change

Making up the Apocalypse:
The truth about the science in
Obama's National Climate Assessment
By  Daniel B. Botkin
·Published June 26, 2014

The Obama administration's National Climate Assessment, released with much fanfare in May, warns that we are beginning to experience drastic effects from human-induced global warming. The report depends heavily on "consensus reporting," the agreement of a large number of scientists that the statements are true or that new information "increases confidence" of the large group of authors.

But as someone who has studied climate and its effect on biology for 45 years, I know this way of expressing science is, in fact, deeply unscientific. Consensus reporting is in reality a way of avoiding or obscuring the facts, most especially in science, where the disproval of previously held truths is the central aim. A close examination of the assessment shows that many of the dire forecasted effects that consensus aims to buttress are highly selective, mostly unproven or simply made up.

Consensus reporting is in reality a way of avoiding or obscuring the facts, most especially in science, where the disproval of previously held truths is the central aim.

Few things in the climate assessment are more emotionally explosive than its conclusions about various species around the globe—in a word, about life itself. As with many technical reports, the sources of many of the statements that lead us to believe life is profoundly threatened by climate change are buried in the footnotes. But the footnotes often differ greatly from the conclusions published in the main body of the report. Here are some examples, taken from a summary section of the report on "Biological Responses to Climate Change" on pages 203-205 of the climate assessment report:

1. The claim: Population fragmentation of wolverines in the northern Cascades and Rocky Mountains is expected to increase as spring snow cover retreats over the coming century.   The idea is that less snow cover means smaller and more fragmented areas where the wolverine lives in winter.  But the paper cited as the source for this (citation 123, page 214) states to the contrary that: "Large (greater than 1000 sq. km.) contiguous areas of wolverine habitat are predicted to persist within the study area throughout the 21st century for all projections."  And the analysis is based on forecasts of snow cover from climate models, which are acknowledged even by their authors to be weakest in forecasting precipitation.

2. The claim: As temperatures got warmer over a 40-year period, songbirds at a bird-banding station in western Pennsylvania were being recorded as measurably smaller in relation to the "mean regional temperatures from the previous year." But in the study used to produce that statement (citation 85, page 212), the authors do not mention body size change at all, and just make a general statement that there is  "a complex and dynamic annual cycle in songbirds, with responses to climate change differing among species and migration seasons."

3. The claim:
Warmer and drier conditions during the early growing season in high-elevation habitats in Colorado are "disrupting"—a loaded term-- the timing of various flowering patterns, while birds, bees, and other pollinators were not tracking that timing; as a result there are "potential impacts" for flower propagation.   On the contrary, the authors of the underlying study (citation 77, page 211) conclude that such timing changes are "unlikely to threaten population persistence for most species in our study area." 

4. The claim: Warmer springs in Alaska have caused earlier onset of plant emergence, and decreased the variation in growth and availability of forage to breeding caribou. This ultimately reduced calving success in caribou populations.  The implication is that warming will necessarily have a negative effect on caribou. However, the  paper cited (citation 138, page 215) is much more cautious, stating that such an adverse effect is conceivable but a lot more study is needed. Wildlife populations can and do adjust to changes, but this can take some time.

5. The claim: Variation in the timing and magnitude of precipitation due to climate change was found to decrease the nutritional quality of grasses, and consequently reduce weight gain of bison in the Konza Prairie in Kansas and the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma. In fact, the publication underpinning the statement (citation 124, page 214) says that "Greater late-summer precipitation increased bison weight gain . . . greater midsummer precipitation decreased weight gain."  This is neither negative nor positive in terms of global warming, because the climate models are weakest in forecasting rainfall even annually, let alone seasonally.

There is no doubt that humanity has put many environments and species on our planet under stress, but global warming is far from the foremost of those pressures. What the assessment ignores, in its bid to bring all of these challenges under one big climate tent, is the real history of life itself:  endlessly changing, highly adaptable, and never subject to the kind of stasis that the climate change consensus imagines, wrongly, to be Nature's ideal state.

Daniel B. Botkin is Adjunct Professor of Biology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla., and Professor (emeritus), University of California, Santa Barbara.  His most recent books are "The Moon in the Nautilus Shell," (Oxford University Press 2012) and "Powering the Future: A Scientist's Guide to Energy Independence" (FT Press Science). He was a designated expert reviewer of the White House Climate Change Assessment. For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter @danielbotkin.


Somebody will one day have to explain to me why we or the Israelis ever imprison terrorists.  If we're not going to execute them, why capture them at all?  Why bother feeding and clothing them until the day comes that the bad guys capture one of ours in order to trade him in for five, 500 or a thousand of theirs?   In the case of Israel, they've even been known to swap hundreds of jihadists in exchange for a single corpse.

I understand that by simply executing the bad guys, some would argue that we would be fueling their recruitment programs.  But we hear that about everything from keeping Gitmo open to airing "Dancing with the Stars."  If we merely order a BLT, we're told that ten thousand more pinheads have signed up to murder us for disrespecting their dietary laws.  For a change, let's just see if we can kill them faster than they can recruit replacements.  I mean, we all know that the human race will never be able to exterminate every last rodent and cockroach, but that's no reason to stop trying.

While addressing a group of homosexuals, Eric Holder recently attacked the Boy Scouts because they refuse to have openly gay Scout leaders.  My question is why is the Attorney General pandering to homosexuals?  With all the scandals brewing in Washington, why is he even giving speeches?  If he has so much time on his hands, wouldn't it be better spent trying to hunt up those two years of email messages between Lois Lerner and the White House that the IRS insists have gone missing?

Besides, last year the Scouts were sued and lost a $16 million lawsuit because a Scout master molested one of his charges on a camping trip.  I know that gays hate to be lumped with pedophiles, but the sad truth is that while all gays don't go around molesting young boys, those perverts who do just happen to be homosexual.  So unless America's homosexuals or its attorney general stand ready to indemnify the Boy Scouts against such lawsuits, it's time they just shut up.  If they want to start the Gay Scouts of America, nobody's stopping them.

Americans often tend to be very naïve.  It's not the worst thing to be, but it can denote a severe degree of stupidity.  For instance, whenever some nut pops his cork and shoots up a movie theater or a classroom, his friends, neighbors and relatives, can nearly always be counted on to remark, "Gee, he seemed so quiet and polite," as if a sure sign of insanity is being noisy and obnoxious.

Naiveté can also be fatal at a time of war.  And unless you've been living in a cave since before 1978 when the Islamic creeps in Iran took Americans hostage; before our embassies and Marine barracks were attacked; before an airliner was blown up over Scotland; before the Twin Towers were brought down; before Major Hasan killed or maimed over 40 people at Fort Hood; and before the Tsarnaev brothers massacred Boston marathoners; a war has definitely been underway.  And saying that you know some perfectly nice Islamic shopkeepers and taxi drivers changes nothing.  I'm sure there were some perfectly nice Germans who didn't care for Hitler, but they still went along for the ride.

When you realize how few Muslims even here in America are willing to speak out against the scum who holler "Allah Akbar" while burning churches, stoning women to death for being Christians or hacking off the heads of so-called infidels, you'll pardon me if I don't regard all those soft-spoken shopkeepers and taxi drivers as salt of the earth.  For my part, I don't trust them any further than I can toss the 9/11 Memorial.

Fortunately, there are still heroes among us.  A few of them were the former members of Bowe Bergdahl's Army platoon.  In spite of being called liars and even psychopaths by those Obuma acolytes who are trying to put lipstick on the swap of five jihadists for one deserter and calling it a sweetheart of a deal, the ex-GIs have stuck to their guns in demanding that Bergdahl be court martialed.

A less likely hero is Donald Sterling. Instead of rolling over and taking whatever the politically correct hypocrites felt like dishing out, rumor has it that he's hired private investigators to dig up dirt on ex-NBA Commissioner David Stern, current Commissioner Adam Silver and the 29 other team owners.

I, for one, am delighted that Sterling wasn't wasting his time at all those basketball games, and finally came to realize that the best defense is a good offense.

And if I know anything about professional sports, those investigators are likely to dig up enough dirt on those 31 shmucks to fill in the Grand Canyon

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


***An Ocean Of Failure***

by Dan Greenfield

"This was the moment," Barack Obama had told the cheering audience in St. Paul, Minnesota. "When we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war."

St. Paul has an Ocean Street. It has an Ocean Spa and Salon. It even has an Oceanaire Seafood Room.

It does not however have an ocean. But with ObamaCare an unpopular subsidized failure, the few new jobs around being confined to a local McDonald's and Al Qaeda taking over Iraq; Obama has nothing left to do but to go back to his old promise of defeating the rise of the ocean.

With Al Qaeda pressing in on Baghdad, Obama ruled out air strikes. He did however order the Department of Defense to assign a senior official to the vital task of fighting mislabeled seafood.

While the Iraqi government was begging for air support, Obama instead issued an order in the name of the authority vested in him "by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America" to "ensure that seafood sold in the United States is legally and sustainably caught." The United States Constitution does not have much to say about sustainable seafood. The Founders liked their flounder and they disliked kings and emperors telling them where to fish.

King George III responded to Patrick Henry's cry of "Give me liberty or give me death" with the Fisheries Bill which banned the fishermen of New England from the North Atlantic. A letter sent to a sea captain denounced it as, "A Bill so replete with inhumanity and cruelty... an everlasting stain on the annals of our pious Sovereign."

But not even King George III would have contemplated creating a "national monument" consisting of 782,000 square miles of water. And despite being a monarch, he did not unilaterally issue a ban, rather parliament did. Even during the American Revolution, King George III was a more lawful and democratic monarch than Obama's unilateral reign of royal executive orders.

Three percent of American tuna from the western and central Pacific comes from the waters of the latest national monument to Obama's ideology. That means rising tuna prices which will hit working Americans, who already have trouble affording basic staples, even harder in the wallet.

The average price of albacore in 2008 was $1.14 per pound. In 2011 it hit $1.94 per pound. It was amazing how much of a difference three years had made. And not just in the price of tuna.

In 2008, Al Qaeda in Iraq was on the run and its leaders were being killed off one by one. Now that same organization is besieging Baghdad under a terrorist leader released by Barack Obama.

Obama has declared war on fishermen in the Pacific Ocean, but the Constitution, which Obama had been ignoring as thoroughly as Al Qaeda in Iraq, mentions providing for the "common defense". And it isn't talking about sending out the troops to save the tuna from the fishermen.

While ISIS Jihadists were tweeting photos of severed Iraqi heads, John Kerry was tweeting photos of himself with Leonardo DiCaprio. It was hard to decide which was more gruesome, the corpses or the sight of the country's top diplomat fawning over an environmentalist movie star while the greatest terrorist crisis of his administration was reaching a critical point.

As the Iraqi government begged for air strikes against Al Qaeda, Kerry instead held a Twitter chat to discuss the real national security threat.

Rising oceans.

Water level rise had begun slowing anyway, for reasons having nothing to do with Obama. That may have been why Obama refused to acknowledge it.

Secretary of State John Kerry convened #OceanChat on Twitter to take questions about the great wavy threat of tidal terrorism. Most of the questions however came from people wondering why he was talking about the ocean and Leonardo DiCaprio instead of Al Qaeda.

"How is it you have time to chat with Iraq in flames?" one user asked him. "What happens to our ocean is int'l security issue," Kerry replied.

Forget the terrorists and let's fight the flounder.

"Any awareness of climate change in Iraq-Iran?" PBS' Bill Nye asked him. "There is awareness in the Middle East - a number of countries engaged in transition," Kerry replied.

The Middle East is certainly in transition, but not to Global Warming awareness. Al Qaeda is building its own state, but it doesn't have a policy on Global Warming. It does however have one on murdering Americans.

The rising oceans have yet to swallow St. Paul, Minnesota, but they have swallowed the Obama agenda. Obama has given up on doing the little things, like jobs, health care and defeating Al Qaeda, three things he was taking credit for just last month, and has refocused on the truly grandiose, controlling the oceans.

King Xerses, known to most Americans as the bejeweled self-proclaimed deity of the movie 300, ordered the whipping of the sea when it wouldn't obey him. But Obama wants to whip the ocean.
Mere mortals like Bush might fight Al Qaeda. Obama wants to take on an enemy that can be trusted not to fight back because it doesn't even know that he's there.

Battles are quantifiable things that have undeniable outcomes. You can instruct your press corps to claim victory when you are actually running away, as every ruler exercising unlimited power has, and as Obama did in Iraq and Afghanistan, but when the enemy takes the territory that you claimed was safe, it becomes harder for your media minions to claim that you actually won.

Unlike Al Qaeda, oceans don't throw victory parades. They rise and fall as part of a rhythm that predates the kingdoms of man. They will persist in their rhythms uncaring and unheeding of the bureaucrats and regulators, the peddlers of Green Luddite science, the celebrities and politicians who claim to control their waters.

The ocean does all this without press releases. The Pacific will never mock Michelle Obama on Twitter the way that ISIS has and the Great Southern Ocean will never tweet photos of drowned Global Warming researchers who went to their deaths in its icy depths certain that the ice had melted. The mockery of the great deep is a more subtle and more enduring thing.

That is why it is politically safer to hit the beach than Al Qaeda. It's easier to grandstand on saving the world from an imaginary catastrophe (at the bargain price of a few mere trillion) than to deal with a real threat.

After failing at jobs and health care, and abandoning the world to tyrants and terrorists, Obama has hitched up his pants to take on the ocean. And if the ocean doesn't do what he tells it to, he can always send out the EPA's crack SWAT team to have it whipped.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Election Coverage 2048 - Al-CNN

As the election of 2048 approaches, the candidates from both parties continue to exchange strong views on the issues that affect the lives of Americans. The Party of Democracy and Justice (Hezb-Al-Dimukratie-Wa'al Adalah) continues to maintain that the election will come down to social justice issues.

"With 34 percent unemployment and the price of goat so far out of range of most working families that they have been forced to switch to chicken, it is time that our opponents stopped dodging the issues and took a serious look at the economic consequences of their policies," Bashar Mohammed Hussein Al-Hamdani, said during a campaign stop at a HalalBurger in Peoria, Illinois.

However the ruling Freedom and Religion Party (Hezb Al-Hurriyah Wa'al Allah) denounced this as class warfare. Still preoccupied with the ongoing occupation of the Netherlands and Greece, the party has taken criticism for ignoring the economic problems of the United States while being preoccupied with waging foreign wars in the name of Islam.

Nevertheless President Mohammed Al-Thani, fresh off a pilgrimage from Mecca, vigorously defended his record while conducting a photo op at a San Diego Madrassa. "The Freedom and Religion Party believes in creating opportunities, rather than offering hand outs. Our subjugation of infidel nations has opened up new territories to be dominated by the believers and our vigorous drive for national morality has revived the family unit as an economic force. Our program of heavily fining women who go out with their naked hair exposed and raising the Jizya tax on the People of the Book has also raised billions of dollars that will go toward repaying the nation 93 trillion dollar debt."

The high Jizya tax has provoked outrage in some parts of the United States, but the continuing decline of the nation's non-Muslim population has made the Christian vote much less of a factor in the election. Hamdani has promised to cut the Jizya tax by 20 percent if elected, but it is unclear whether conservative elements in his own party will allow him to do it. National surveys show that since making the proposal, Hamdani's ratings have gone down 9 points in Illinois and 14 points in California.

President Al-Thani's advisors view the 2 million conversions to Islam since the Jizya tax was tripled as a major benefit to the party which lost its Christian support during the Great Transition. Since then the Freedom and Justice Party has picked up a Christian and Jewish bloc vote, but the value of that bloc has not held up well over the last two elections.

Christian rights activists attribute the decline of American Christians to the Jizya tax which has made it impossible for many Christian families to earn a living. They also blame the bloody 2045 Riots which marked the end of the Christian presence in former strongholds such as Nashville and Cedar Rapids, as well as rumors about the kidnapping and forced conversion of Christian girls.

However popular talk show host and pundit, Abdul Greene countered that the decrease was best explained by the large scale immigration of Christians out of the country. "The Christians are too bigoted to live in the same country with us, just like their parents and grandparents. If they can't control the country, they refuse to live here and accept our laws."

Christian rights activists have accused Greene of playing a major role in stirring up the 2045 Riots which torched Christian areas in major cities across the United States after a Christian man was accused of having an intimate encounter with a Muslim woman. Greene however insists that the Christians are the ones to blame. Greene's support of the Freedom and Religion Party has been controversial, but President Al-Thani has refused to disavow him.

The latest round of attacks by Greek guerrillas on liberation forces in Athens led to smaller attacks on Christian businesses in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles last month. They also accentuated the debate over the continuing occupation of Greece which began in 2031 when the United States government intervened to protect the territorial claims of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. Much as in the Netherlands, the intervention to protect a Muslim community turned into a full blown occupation and a war against an insurgency that is believed to be backed and supplied by rogue states such as the breakaway Arctic Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Zionist Entity.
The Freedom and Religion Party under President Al-Thani continues to take the position that American prosperity is closely linked to the welfare of the rest of the Muslim world. In the State of the Union address the president stated that, "We cannot repeat the folly of the Americans of the pagan period who believed that they could have material wealth without religion. Our prosperity comes from Allah and it is only by spreading the way of Allah and conducting our Jihad in the way of Allah on behalf of our endangered brothers and sisters in Europe and Asia that we will be deserving of Allah's bounty."

Hoping to exploit the widespread economic dissatisfaction, Hamdani, a former Wisconsin governor, has promised to withdraw troops from Greece within two years and the Netherlands within five years with the majority of remaining liberation forces being drawn from other Muslim countries. "We can best aid our fellow believers in the Muslim world by being a model of stability and a beacon of tolerance."

Yusuf Al-Amiriki, a member of Hamdini's foreign policy defense team and a first generation convert descended from two American presidents, courted controversy with a proposal to set up a coalition government of Muslim and moderate Christian groups in the Netherlands. Such governments had been tried in Europe before during the 2030's, but invariably fell apart. Leading Senators from the Freedom and Justice Party accused Hamdani of selling out Muslim interests in order to court the Christian vote. Hamdani's spokeswoman, Aisha Zubedi, has refused to comment on the Amiriki proposal except to say that Hamdani was open to any solution that would restore peace to the people of the Netherlands and protect the rights of European Muslims.

Hamdani courted further controversy by appearing at the funeral of former President Bob Thompson. Thompson had served two terms and while his administration had worked hard on outreach to the Muslim world, he also engaged in the targeted murder of Muslim religious leaders and provided aid to the Zionist entity. For these reasons, President Al-Thani chose not to appear at his funeral even though President Thompson had been a member of the pre-transition Freedom and Religion Party, which was then known as the Republican Party.

Despite the official disapproval, Thompson was viewed positively by many in the Muslim community. Tens of millions of Pakistani-Americans remember how after the India-Pakistan war, the Thompson Administration generously opened its borders to victims of the nuclear fallout in Pakistan. Without that step it might have taken decades more before America achieved a Muslim majority.

During the beginning of his second term, Thompson became the first president to take the oath of office on both a Bible and a Koran declaring that he wanted to make no separation between the books of god. At the Thompson funeral, Hamdani appeared to promise that he would repeat that gesture, but his spokeswoman quickly disavowed any notion that he would ever take an oath on a text that was not the Koran.

"No American president has taken an oath on a bible in over a decade, all that the governor meant was that he would keep both Christians and Muslims in mind as the people of Allah when he takes his oath to protect and defend the Sharia," Aisha Zubedi said.

While the Democracy and Justice Party has often appealed to the poor, its missteps have raised concerns in traditional Muslim communities that Hamdani is going too far in pandering to non-Muslims. "Next thing you know he'll say we should let the Jews come back to America," Congressman Mohammed Mogabe declared. "If Hamdani wants votes out of Cleveland then he is going to show he will fight for us, not for the enemies of the prophets."

Hamdani has hurriedly scheduled an upcoming visit to the Ground Zero Mosque, but it may not be enough to improve his image in the eyes those who have accused him of flirting with apostasy. While the Mosque is a traditional stop for presidential candidates, Hamdani is unlikely to pay tribute to the souls of the 19 martyrs as Al-Thani did during the previous election.

Hoping to refocus attention on his economic program, Hamdani called for higher corporate taxes and accused some corporations of abusing Islamic banking, in particular Hibah payments, to avoid paying taxes. Such charges are not new, but particularly galling at a time when over a third of the country is out of work and tycoons like Ahmed Shalafi and Sheikh Johnson have used their connections with the Al-Thani government to become billionaires.
To counter Hamdani, Al-Thani's economic advisers have offered up a stimulus plan that raises the Jizya tax on infidels for the second time in a year and vowed to cut spending even further without affecting subsidies to Islamic schools or military preparedness for the Global Jihad. Though the election is still some time away, the Al-Thani campaign has also rolled out a series of ads targeting poor communities which accuse Hamdani of plotting with Jewish and Christian tycoons to subvert the Islamic system of finance through freemasonry and Communist class warfare tactics.

Adding further drama to the election is the possibility of a third party campaign. Andrew McMillan who has been running as an independent in elections for almost twenty years without appealing to anyone but the same racist groups who have been disavowed even by most Christians and Jews, but there is talk that McMillan's America Party might consider replacing the eccentric millionaire with sports star Ted March. As leading goalscorer who helped the United States win the 2042 World Cup, March is one of the most admired non-Muslims in the country. With him on the ticket, the America Party might be able to adopt a new moderate image that is no longer associated with bigotry and intolerance.

But frustrating his own party members, the septuagenarian McMillan appeared to an event commemorating the 2045 riots and gave a rousing speech which hit on many of the same old themes. "For thirty-six years I've been involved in politics and the only thing that I can tell you about politics is that it's all bunk. We weren't talking about the things that mattered thirty-six years ago and we aren't talking about them now."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Militia, Truckers & Bikers to Shut Down Border July 5th!
Mexican Military Helicopter Crosses Border,
Fires On Border Patrol.
Mexico Assisting Cartels?

Friday, June 27, 2014 9:35

*** Reports are coming from California, Texas and Arizona that citizen's militia, as well as truckers intend to participate in the shutdown of the U.S. Mexico border on July 5th.  Are citizens finally fed up enough to shut down the border?  The purpose is as follows:  Free USMC Sgt Tahmooressi, shut down Obama's flood of future Democrat votership (South American refugees seeking asylum in the U.S.), and make a final stand to get Obama out of office. 
Apparently, Mexico's invasion of the USA is not occurring fast enough for the Mexican Military, It looks like they are testing our resolve on the border now, by actually flying a military helicopter and firing on our border patrol.


Border Patrol Agents:
Cartels May Have "Rented" Cover From Mexican Military Helicopter
in Shooting Incident
Katie Pavlich | Jun 27, 2014

On Thursday morning between midnight and 6 a.m. at least one Mexican military helicopter crossed eight miles into the United States and shot at Border Patrol agents with lethal force before returning to Mexican territory. The incident occurred in an area notorious for violent drug cartel activity just west of the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation during a Border Patrol drug interdiction operation. The timing and location of the incident has prompted agents to believe the use of the helicopter by the Mexican military may have been on behalf of drug cartels operating in the area.

"Mexican military are oftentimes working hand in glove with the cartels. The Mexican military has routinely crossed the border in areas that Border Patrol agents are actively tracking or seizing drug loads. Inevitably the Mexican military claim they got lost, that the border was not clearly marked, or in extreme cases fire on agents to cover their retreat," National Border Patrol Council Spokesman Shawn Moran exclusively tells Townhall. "Ajo, AZ Border Patrol agents have had several incidents like this over the years where they have taken shots from the Mexican military. The cartels' resources are nearly limitless and it would not surprise me if they "rented" the cover by the Mexican military helicopter in this incident."

A Border Patrol agent stationed in Arizona, who asked to remain anonymous, backed up Moran's statements saying the Mexican military regularly works with cartels on the border and has been doing so for years.

The Mexican government has apologized for the shooting, but has not explained why the helicopter was in the area.


            A STRANGE WORLD

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obama Apologizes for Prisoner Swap, Judge Napolitano Says He Should Be Impeached

The AP has reported that the White House has apologized for not giving key lawmakers advance notice of the controversial Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap:

Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Democrat and Republican respectively on the Senate Select committee on Intelligence, said White House officials called them Monday to say the lack of notification had been an oversight. Feinstein said she received a call from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken.

The White House damage control comes as Republican lawmakers accused the White House of putting U.S. service men and women at risk by releasing the five top Taliban members being held in Guantanamo in exchange for Bergdahl.

An oversight?

How is that possible, when Obama himself signed the 30 day advance notice into law last year?

The administration is required to give Congress 30 days advance notice of any plans to release a prisoner from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, per section 1033 of the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act — signed into law by Obama in 2013.

Oh, that's right – King Obama can do whatever he damn well pleases. Remember, back in February he told French President Francois Hollande so on their Monticello visit:

"That's the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want."

Hell, even Feinstein is upset over this one.

From The Hill:

Feinstein also said leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence panels were almost unanimously against a prisoner trade when it came up in 2011.

She said the chairmen and ranking Republicans of the "connected committees" spent a lot of time in 2011 reviewing the possibility of a prisoner swap and came out firmly opposed to releasing senior militants from the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay.

"There were very strong views and they were virtually unanimous against the trade," she said.

Feinstein echoed the sentiments of many Americans when she expressed concern about Bergdahl:

"I certainly want to know more about whether this man was a deserter."

When asked if the White House might have avoided notifying Congress about the impending swap for fear of opposition, Feinstein said that was a possible reason:

"Yeah, it could be. But the White House is pretty unilateral about what they want to do when they want to do it. I think the notification to us is important and I think it would have been a much better thing to do because you do try to work together."

More damning evidence that the "oversight" was anything but comes from House Speaker John Boehner. In a statement, he said that serious questions about the possibility of a prisoner exchange were raised in talks with Congress in 2011 and 2012. CNN reports:

"Unfortunately, the questions and concerns we had were never satisfactorily answered and they remain today," he said.

Boehner said the administration "provided assurances" in late 2011, early 2012 and again in 2013 that talks with Congress over an exchange would resume if the possibility became credible again.

"There was every expectation that the administration would re-engage with Congress, as it did before, and the only reason it did not is because the administration knew it faced serious and sober bipartisan concern and opposition," he argued.

It is disturbing that Obama has decided to break a law that he signed and claim that it was an oversight – and that he expects anyone to believe or accept any of it.

You can bet that citizens who break a law will be held accountable – apologies will NOT be accepted. In fact, under the very law that Obama broke – the NDAA – American citizens can be indefinitely detained without being charged with or tried for a crime.

Will anything happen to Obama for this act of treason?

Probably not, but some experts say calling for his impeachment is justified:

In case you missed it, Judge Napolitano pointed out that Obama may also be guilty of helping terrorists, because the five Guantanamo prisoners released may return to terror:

"That's why I say the president may well have committed a federal crime," said Napolitano, "by giving material assistance to a terrorist organization. He knows — ought to have known — that that's what these guys will do."

"The president should be impeached for this," he said. "In my view, it's a very, very valid argument that people are going to start talking about."

And this administration continues its rogue, lawless reign over America. It is bad enough that Obama has stomped all over the Constitution. Now he's released prisoners who are likely a threat to this country.

How much more damage will be done before the King's president's term is over?

I shudder to think of it.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


How Much Do You Know? Questions About the United States Government

1. The fundamental beliefs inherent in The Declaration of Independence includes:

a. all men are created equal
b. the United States should be free from Great Britain
c. all men possess inalienable rights endowed to them by the Creator
d. to declare war against Great Britain
e. a and c

2. The original 13 Colonies declared independence from:

a. Great Britain
b. the divine right of the king and/or Parliament to reign sovereign over the Colonies
c. the Royal Governor residing in Williamsburg, Virginia, in 1776
d. all of the above

3. What are the three branches of U.S. government?

(1) ___________________
(2) ___________________
(3) ___________________

4. The President of the United States is elected to office by:

a. the people
b. the people who are registered to vote
c. the Electoral College
d. b and c

5. A United States Senator's term in office is:

a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 8 years

6. A responsibility of Congress is to:

a. create laws
b. impeach the President
c. initiate all bills for raising federal revenues
d. represent the people
e. all of the above

7. A more specific duty of the Senate is to:

a. propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills
b. confirm presidential appointments, ambassadors and cabinet members
c. assume legislative powers, along with the House of Representatives
d. appoint Supreme Court justices
e. a, b and c
f. all of the above

8. The total number of elected officials comprising the United States Senate is:

a. 25
b. 50
c. 100
d. 465

9. The number of representatives in the House of Representatives is:

a. 50
b. 100
c. 435
d. none of the above

10. If the President of the United States and the Vice President should die, the person to assume the highest office of the land would be the:

a. Secretary of State
b. Speaker of the House
c. longest serving Supreme Court Justice
d. President Pro Tempore of the Senate

11. The incoming President is inaugurated into office on which of the following days?

a. the first Friday after Thanksgiving
b. the first Tuesday in November
c. the 20th of January
d. the date of Presidents' Day in February every year

12. To be eligible to become elected President of the United States, a person must:

a. be a natural born citizen
b. have attained the age of 35
c. have been a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years
d. all of the above

13. The term of office of the President of the United States shall be:

a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 8 years

14. The branch of government which possesses the power to declare war is:

a. the Executive
b. the Legislative
c. the Judicial
d. b and c
e. all of the above

15. The introduction of the Constitution of the United States of America is called:

a. The Articles of Confederation
b. The Introduction
c. The Preamble
d. The Bill of Rights

16. On July 4, 1776 the delegates to the Second Continental Congress approved which of the following documents:

a. The Declaration of Independence
b. The Articles of Confederation
c. The Bill of Rights
d. The Constitution of the United States of America

17. Since 1791, Congress has passed the following number of Amendments to the Constitution of the United States:

a. 10
b. 24
c. 27
d. 31

18. The four freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment are:

a. bear arms, vote, speech, religion
b. religion, speech, press, assembly
c. religion, speech, vote, sue
d. religion, speech, bear arms, privacy

19. The first person to sign the document that declared the United States of America's separation from Great Britain in 1776 was:

a. Thomas Jefferson
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. John Hancock
d. John Adams

20. The stars and stripes on the current flag of the United States symbolize:

a. 50 muskets that were fired at the Battle of Bunker Hill.
b. the 50 states and the 13 original colonies
c. liberty and justice
d. the 50 representatives to the Continental Congress and the 13 delegates to the first Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia

21. Which of the following states did not participate in the 1787 convention in Philadelphia when the Constitution was drafted?

a. Maine
b. Vermont
c. Rhode Island
d. All of the above

22. Who is considered "The Father of the Constitution"?

a. George Washington
b. Ray Charles
c. James Madison
d. J. Robert Oppenheimer

23. Which of the following rights are protected by the 14th Amendment?

a. All persons in the U.S. are entitled to equal protection of the laws
b. All persons born in the U.S. are citizens of the U.S.
c. States may not deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law
d. All of the above

24. What was the source of the following phrase: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"?

a. The Speech "I Have a Dream"
b. Declaration of Independence
c. U.S. Constitution
d. Gettysburg Address

25. The Bill of Rights explicitly prohibits:

a. Prayer in public school
b. Discrimination based on race, sex, or religion
c. The ownership of guns by private individuals
d. Establishing an official religion for the United States
e. The president from vetoing a line item in a spending bill

26. Which of the following statements is true about abortion?

a. It was legal in most states in the 1960's
b. The Supreme Court struck down most legal restrictions on it in Roe v. Wade
c. The Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that underage women must notify their parents of an impending abortion
d. The National Organization for Women has lobbied for legal restrictions on it
e. It is currently legal only in cases of rape or incest, or to protect the life of the mother

27. In his "I Have a Dream" speech, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

a. Argued for the abolition of slavery
b. Advocated black separatism
c. Morally defended affirmative action
d. Expressed his hopes for racial justice and brotherhood
e. Proposed that several of America's founding ideas were discriminatory

28. The First Amendment

a. Guarantees the Right to bear arms.
b. Guarantees the free exercise of religion
c. Prohibits the governmental establishing religion
d. Both B and C
e. Both A and C

29. The number of U.S. Senators in each state is

a. Dependent on the population of each state.
b. Could increase or decrease if the country passes a new Amendment.
c. Is fixed at two per State.
d. All of the above
e. Both B and C

30. Which of these Presidents were elected to more than two terms as President?

a. George Washington
b. Franklin Roosevelt
c. Thomas Jefferson.
d. None of the above.
e. Both A and B.

31. How many U.S. Presidents were Catholic?

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4 or more.

32. How does someone become a Federal Judge?

a. Be appointed by the President.
b. Upon appointment, confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
c. Obtain a law degree.
d. All of the above.
e. Both A and B.

33. What is the current tenure of a U.S. Federal Judge?

a. Ten years.
b. Life tenure (absent retirement or impeachment).
c. They can be removed at the will of the President.
d. They are elected every six years.

34. How many times may the same person be elected to the House of Representatives or the Senate?

a. More than five times.
b. More than ten times.
c. None of the above.

35. Under the U.S. Constitution,

a. Adult male African Americans were given the right to vote before adult women.
b. Until 1940, only a man could legally be elected President.
c. No person may obtain marijuana for medical purposes.
d. None of the above.
e. All of the above.

BONUS QUESTION: Name the original 13 colonies.

1. e

2. d

3. Executive, Legislative, Judicial

4. d

5. c

6. e

7. e

8. c

9. c

10. b

11. c

12. d

13. b

14. b

15. c

16. a

17. c

18. b
19. c

20. b

21. d

22. c

23. d

24. d

25. d

26. b

27. d

28. d

29. e

30. b

31. b

32. e

33. b

34. c, there are no restrictions to how many times someone may be elected to Congress.

35. a

Bonus: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, Virginia
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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