This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Sharyl Attkisson To Lou Dobbs:
Reporters Skip Scandals to Avoid Looking Like
'Right-Wing Nuts'

By Jackie Seal | June 20, 2014 | 11:54

Thursday evening on the Fox Business Network, host Lou Dobbs of Lou Dobbs Tonight was joined by Emmy award winning reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who recently signed on with the Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal website as a senior independent contributor. The two discussed the recent news surrounding the ongoing IRS scandal and the liberal media's apparent uninterest in the story.

Dobbs asked Attkisson why the liberal media refuses to report the story and rather insists on "behaving much more like lap dogs" instead of doing their job and serving as a "watch dog." Attkisson argued that the media is being run by a "propaganda interest" that insists any coverage of any scandals involving the Obama administration are "phony" and perpetrated by "right-wing nuts."

The relevant portion is transcribed below:

Fox Business Network
Lou Dobbs Tonight
June 19, 2014
7:18 p.m. Eastern

LOU DOBBS: Sharyl, the question becomes what are the powers of Congress? We've seen this Congress stonewalled at every turn. Whether its Fast and Furious, whether it is spying on journalist, whether it's IRS targeting, Benghazi. The list goes on and on and on. Yet the national liberal media, as I often style it, simply will not rise up to the level of a watchdog for the state. Instead they are behaving much more like lap dogs. It is, to me, mind boggling.

SHARYL ATTKISSON: They're just not terribly interested or their interests often lie elsewhere in other stories. That in the limited time they have on television to tell stories they can find plenty of other ways to fill in the space then to look into some of these controversies. I think to some degree they have been played by propaganda interests who suggest that if these stories are covered they are simply phony scandals and Republican generated. Which they're not, in my opinion. From a neutral viewpoint there are many important questions to be asked and implications here. But the propaganda campaign says that if you're interested in the story you're a conservative and a right-wing nut. And media should not be swayed by that but, I think to some degree they are.

DOBBS: If your last name is Rhodes, one of you works to run CBS news and other is working national security in White House that just happens to be a familial matter that is of no interest to the nation. You have had your phones tapped, you've had your computers hacked. This has got to be chilling to you?

ATTKISSON: Well, to some degree, obviously it is disturbing, it makes me angry. It doesn't chill me. It doesn't dissuade me from doing the job that I need to do. I was never intended to find out this was happening. I found out by happenstance and luck. I think they are trying to find out what I was about to report on, what sources were speaking to me, and how much I knew about the controversial stories I was reporting on at the time.

Read more:


Official New Obamacare Application Forms

Please enter your real name, you will have an opportunity to make up names later

Do you have access to a car or other vehicle?
Don't know/don't remember

If No, do you know how to hot-wire an ignition?

If Yes, how many homeless vagrants or illegal aliens can you transport?
0-1 Coupe
2-4 Sedan
5-7 Minivan
9-11 Conversion van
12-99 Schoolbus
100-199 Semi with empty trailer

Do you know any dead people?

If you had to make up names for some reason, which do you prefer to use?
Dead people
Disney characters
Members of the Dallas Cowboys/NFL team
Cast of Beverly Hills 90210
Cast of Star Trek
Superheroes like "Batman" or "Underdog"
Other cartoon characters like "Tin Tin" or "Jonny Quest"
Names of cheap beers, malt liquors and wines
Series of random letters like "Aasdfasdf Aasdfasfs"

Please check any relevant experience?
Intimidating bank employees
Slashing tires
Breaking and Entering
Armed Robbery
Mail fraud
Wire fraud
Real estate flipping, mortgage fraud
Rating subprime debt tranches "AAA"

How would you prefer to be paid?
Cigs (menthol)
Cheap beers
Cheap malt liquors
Cheap wine (specify red, white or gray)
Crack cocaine
Cans of mackerel

When can you start work?
Tomorrow after 3pm

If tomorrow, do you need written directions to remember how to return here?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



(The following article is WHY I think that the "Hildebeest" will not run for president in 2016... and to tell you the truth, I was surprised she had a Heart.  BTW, her new book has fallen out of the Top Ten after only a week.  President??  Nah!


Sun Jun 22 2014 18:01:30 ET

A new provocative work by bestselling author Ed Klein claims Hillary Clinton's health problems are much more severe than she has publicly revealed!

"She had managed to keep her medical history secret out of fear that, should it become public, it would disqualify her from becoming president," writes Klein in BLOOD FEUD.

'BLOOD FEUD' hits the street this week [it ranked #89 on AMAZON Sunday afternoon.]

Page 193

The true story of what happened to Hillary, which is being recounted in these pages for the first time, was radically different from Reines's version.

To begin with, Hillary fainted while she was working in her seventh-floor office at the State Department, not at home, as Reines told the media. She was treated at the State Department's infirmary and then, at her own insistence, taken to Whitehaven to recover. However, as soon as Bill appeared on the scene and was able to assess Hillary's condition for himself, he ordered that she be immediately flown to New York–Presbyterian Hospital in the Fort Washington section of Manhattan. When Reines subsequently released a statement confirming that Hillary was being treated at the hospital over the New Year's holiday, it naturally intensified speculation about the seriousness of her medical condition.

While she was at the hospital, doctors diagnosed Hillary with several problems.

She had a right transverse venous thrombosis, or a blood clot between her brain and skull. She had developed the clot in one of the veins that drains blood from the brain to the heart. The doctors explained that blood stagnates when you spend a lot of time on airplanes, and Hillary had clocked countless hours flying around the world.

To make matters worse, it turned out that Hillary had an intrinsic tendency to form clots and faint. In addition to the fainting spell she suffered in Buffalo a few years before, she had fainted boarding her plane in Yemen, fallen and fractured her elbow in 2009, and suffered other unspecified fainting episodes. Several years earlier, she had developed a clot in her leg and was put on anticoagulant therapy by her doctor. However, she had foolishly stopped taking her anticoagulant medicine, which might have explained the most recent thrombotic event.

"The unique thing about clotting in the brain is that it could have transformed into a stroke," said a cardiac specialist with knowledge of Hillary's condition.

Page 195
According to a source close to Hillary, a thorough medical examination revealed that Hillary's tendency to form clots was the least of her problems. She also suffered from a thyroid condition, which was common among women of her age, and her fainting spells indicated there was an underlying heart problem as well. A cardiac stress test indicated that her heart rhythm and heart valves were not normal. Put into layman's language, her heart valves were not pumping in a steady way.

When the author attempted to contact the Clintons' cardiologist, Dr. Allan Schwartz, he refused to comment, which made it impossible to determine the exact nature of Hillary's medical status or its long-term significance. However, sources who discussed Hillary's medical condition with her were told that Hillary's doctors considered performing valve-replacement surgery. They ultimately decided against it.

Still, before they released Hillary from the hospital, they warned Bill Clinton: "She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


'I hate that man Obama more than any man I've ever met,
more than any man who ever lived.'
- Bill Clinton in 'Blood Feud'

(Whoa Bubba...)

The Feud Between The Obumas and 'Hildebeest'
By Edward Klein..June 21, 2014

In his new book, "Blood Feud," journalist Edward Klein gets inside the dysfunctional, jealous relationship between Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama — and how it could explode in 2016.

Outwardly, they put on a show of unity — but privately, the Obamas and Clintons, the two power couples of the Democrat Party, loathe each other.

"I hate that man Obama more than any man I've ever met, more than any man who ever lived," Bill Clinton said to friends on one occasion, adding he would never forgive Obama for suggesting he was a racist during the 2008 campaign.

The feeling is mutual. Obama made ­excuses not to talk to Bill, while the first lady privately sniped about Hillary.

On most evenings, Michelle Obama and her trusted adviser, Valerie Jarrett, met in a quiet corner of the White House residence. They'd usually open a bottle of Chardonnay, catch up on news about Sasha and Malia, and gossip about people who gave them heartburn.

Their favorite bête noire was Hillary Clinton, whom they nicknamed "Hildebeest," after the menacing and shaggy-maned gnu that roams the Serengeti.

'Michelle could be president'
The animosity came to a head in the run-up to the 2012 election, when Obama's inner circle insisted he needed the former president's support to win. Obama finally telephoned Bill Clinton in September 2011 and invited him out for a round of golf.

"I'm not going to enjoy this," Bill told Hillary when they gathered with a group of friends and political associates at Whitehaven, their neo-Georgian home on Embassy Row in Washington, DC.

"I've had two successors since I left the White House — Bush and Obama — and I've heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I've heard from Obama. I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever," Clinton said.

"I really can't stand the way Obama ­always seems to be hectoring when he talks to me," Clinton added, according to someone who was present at the gathering and spoke on the condition of anonymity. "Sometimes we just stare at each other. It's pretty damn awkward. Now we both have favors to ask each other, and it's going to be very unpleasant. But I've got to get this guy to owe me and to be on our side."

During the golf game, Clinton didn't waste any time reminding Obama that as president he had presided over eight years of prosperity, while Obama had been unable to dig the country out of the longest financial ­doldrums since the Great Depression.

"Bill got into it right away," said a Clinton family friend. "He told Obama, 'Hillary and I are gearing up for a run in 2016.' He said Hillary would be 'the most qualified, most experienced candidate, perhaps in history.' His reference to Hillary's experience made Obama wince, since it was clearly a shot at his lack of experience when he ran for president.

"And so Bill continued to talk about Hillary's qualifications . . . and the coming campaign in 2016. But Barack didn't bite. He changed the subject several times. Then suddenly, Barack said something that took Bill by complete surprise. He said, 'You know, Michelle would make a great presidential candidate, too.'

"Bill was speechless. Was Barack comparing Michelle's qualifications to Hillary's? Bill said that if he hadn't been on a mission to strike a deal with Barack, he might have stormed off the golf course then and there."

Blackberry snub
Bill Clinton would go on to campaign for Obama in 2012, but he felt betrayed when the president seemed to waver when it came to a 2016 endorsement of Hillary. Obama attempted to smooth things over with a joint "60 Minutes" interview with Hillary, and later a private dinner for the two couples at the White House.

And so, on March 1, 2013 — the very day that the $85 billion in budget cuts known as the "sequester" went into effect — the Clintons slipped unnoticed into the White House and sat down for dinner with the Obamas in the Residence.

Typically, once Obama decided to do something (for example, the surge in Afghanistan), he immediately had second thoughts, and his behavior during dinner degenerated from moody to grumpy to bad-tempered.

After the obligatory greetings and small talk about family, Obama asked Bill what he thought about the sequester: Would it turn out to be a political plus for him? Bill went into a long — and boring — lecture about the issue.

To change the subject, Hillary asked Michelle if it was true, as she had heard, that the first lady was thinking about running for the Senate from Illinois.

Michelle said that she was warming to the idea, though she had yet to make up her mind.

Bill shot Hillary a look of incredulity.

Bill then moved the conversation to Obama's vaunted 2012 campaign ­organization. He told Obama that it would be a good idea to fold the organization, along with all its digital and social-media bells and whistles, into the Democratic National Committee.

Obama's only response was a disparaging smile.

President Barack Obama acts cordial with former President Clinton but it's all for show, according to the new book "Blood Feud," by journalist Edward Klein. Photo: White House

"You have to use your organization to aid the candidate in 2016," Bill pressed Obama.

"Really?" Obama replied in a tone of undisguised sarcasm.

The two men went back and forth over the subject of where the money for Obama's campaign organization had come from and how to allocate funds for the 2016 presidential election. Bill raised his voice. So did Obama.

As Bill Clinton went on about his managerial experience, Obama began playing with his Blackberry under the table, making it plain that he wasn't paying attention to anything Clinton had to say. He was intentionally snubbing Clinton. Others around the table noticed Obama thumbing his Blackberry, and the atmosphere turned even colder than before.

Hillary changed the subject again.

"Are you glad you won't have to campaign again?" she asked Obama. "You don't seem to ­enjoy it."

"For a guy who doesn't like it," Obama replied tartly, "I've done pretty well."

"Well," Bill said, adding his two cents, "I was glad to pitch in and help get you re-elected."

There was another long pause. Finally, Obama turned to Bill and said, sotto voce, "Thanks."

After the dinner, and once the Clintons had been ushered out of the family quarters, Obama shook his head and said, "That's why I never invite that guy over."

Obama's mini-me
Lately, Bill Clinton has become convinced that Obama won't endorse Hillary in 2016. During a gathering at Whitehaven, guests overheard Bill talking to his daughter Chelsea about whether the president would back Joe Biden.

"Recently, I've been hearing a different scenario from state committeemen," Clinton said. "They say he's looking for a candidate who's just like him. Someone relatively unknown. Someone with a fresh face.

"He's convinced himself he's been a brilliant president, and wants to clone himself — to find his Mini-Me.

"He's hunting for someone to succeed him, and he believes the American people don't want to vote for someone who's been around for a long time. He thinks that your mother and I are what he calls 'so 20th century.' He's looking for ­another Barack Obama."

Excerpted from "Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas" by Edward Klein. Out this week from Regnery Publishing.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Map: The largest company
by revenue in every state

Here's the data Broadview Networks culled from Hoover's:



Top company by revenue

Revenue (billions)

Alabama Birmingham Regions Bank $5.89
Alaska Juneau Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation $4.44
Arizona Phoenix Avnet, Inc. $25.45
Arkansas Bentonville Wal-Mart Stores $476.29
California San Ramon Chevron Corporation $228.84
Colorado Englewood Arrow Electronics, Inc. $21.35
Connecticut Fairfield General Electric $146.04
Delaware Wilmington E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company $36.14
Florida Doral World Fuel Services Corporation $41.56
Georgia Atlanta Home Depot International, Inc. $85.53
Hawaii Honolulu Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. $3.23
Idaho Boise Micron Technology, Inc. $9.07
Illinois Decatur Archer Daniels Midland $89.80
Indiana Indianapolis WellPoint $71.02
Iowa Cedar Rapids Transamerica Life Insurance Company $19.64
Kansas Overland Park Sprint Communications, Inc. $34.56
Kentucky Louisville Humana, Inc. $41.31
Louisiana Monroe CenturyLink, Inc. $18.09
Maine Scarborough Hannaford Bros. Co. $3.98
Maryland Bethesda Lockheed Martin Corporation $45.35
Massachusetts Boston Liberty Mutual Holding Company, Inc. $38.50
Michigan Detroit General Motors $155.42
Minnesota Wayzata Cargill, Inc. $136.65
Mississippi Laurel Sanderson Farms, Inc. $2.68
Missouri St. Louis Express Scripts Holding $104.09
Montana Billings Stillwater Mining Company $1.03
Nebraska Omaha Berkshire Hathaway $182.15
Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas Sands Corp. $13.76
New Hampshire Portsmouth Sprague Resources LP $4.60
New Jersey New Brunswick Johnson & Johnson $71.31
New Mexico Albuquerque Presbyterian Healthcare Services $2.05
New York New York Verizon Communications $120.55
North Carolina Charlotte Bank of America $101.69
North Dakota Bismarck MDU Resources Group, Inc. $4.46
Ohio Dublin Cardinal Health $101.09
Oklahoma Oklahoma City Love's Travel Stops & Country Stores, Inc. $26.09
Oregon Beaverton Nike, Inc. $25.31
Pennsylvania Chesterbrook AmeriSourceBergen $87.95
Rhode Island Woonsocket CVS Caremark $126.76
South Carolina Hartsville Sonoco Products Company $4.48
South Dakota Sioux Falls Sanford Health $3.10
Tennessee Memphis FedEx Corporation $44.28
Texas Irving Exxon Mobil $438.25
Utah Salt Lake City Huntsman Corporation $11.07
Vermont Waterbury Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. $4.35
Virginia McLean Freddie Mac $81.22
Washington Issaquah CostCo Wholesale $105.15
West Virginia Morgantown West Virginia University Hospitals, Inc. $42.73
Wisconsin Milwaukee Johnson Controls, Inc. $42.73
Wyoming Gillette Cloud Peak Energy, Inc. $1.39;topic=14296.2960;last_msg=220468


No surprise to me.

Awkward: Four former EPA heads
refuse to corroborate Obama's
global warming claims

Friday, Jun 20, 2014 at 10:49 AM CDT

There was a bit of an awkward moment in Wednesday's Environment and Public Works Subcommittee hearing when Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) asked four former EPA officials – point blank – whether they agree with President Obama's sensational global warming claims... and no one did.

"If you happened to see Senator Sessions on the Hill yesterday, he questioned four former EPA heads. These four EPA heads were invited to the hearing by the Democrats," Glenn said on radio this morning. "And, of course, the Democrats want you to know the globe is heating even faster than it was 15 years ago and we're headed towards climate crisis, climate chaos. We have to take care of this right away. Right?"

In November 2012 the President claimed, "the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago." He followed that up in May 2013 by saying, "we also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago."

After quoting President Obama, Sessions asked those testifying to raise their hand if they agree with the President's sentiment. No one did.

"So I would ask each of our former administrators if any of you agree that that's an accurate statement on the climate. So if you do, raise your hand," Sessions said. "Thank you, the record will reflect no one raised their hand."

Watch the awkwardness ensue below:

"That's incredible," Glenn said. "How is that not on the news?"


UK Columnist Booker: US Cooling Since '30s,
Data 'Fabricated'
Monday, 23 Jun 2014 11:32 AM

By Melanie Batley

Global warming data has been manipulated to grossly misrepresent warming trends, and scientists have suppressed climate records indicating that the 1930s was the hottest decade on record in the United States, says U.K. journalist Christopher Booker.

"When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the part played in stoking up the scare by the fiddling of official temperature data," Booker, author of "The Real Global Warming Disaster," wrote in a column for The Sunday Telegraph of London.

Booker said that while he found evidence of fiddled climate figures while writing his book seven years ago, Steven Goddard's blog "Real Science" has uncovered another example of it when looking at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's graph of U.S. surface temperatures.

The group, Goddard claims, has been "adjusting" its records by replacing real temperatures with data "fabricated" by computer models. The effect has been to make earlier periods seem cooler, while more recent temperatures have been inaccurately presented as higher to give the impression that the Earth has been warming much more than the actual data suggests.

Using actual temperatures, graphs indicate that the United States has been cooling since the '30s, Goddard has shown, according to Booker, even though the official graphs are showing that the the Earth has been warming at a rate equal to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.

"When I first began examining the global-warming scare, I found nothing more puzzling than the way officially approved scientists kept on being shown to have finagled their data, as in that ludicrous 'hockey stick' graph, pretending to prove that the world had suddenly become much hotter than at any time in 1,000 years," Booker wrote.

"Any theory needing to rely so consistently on fudging the evidence, I concluded, must be looked on not as science at all, but as simply a rather alarming case study in the aberrations of group psychology."


Trey Gowdy Nails The IRS Commisioner To
The Wall In Congressional Hearing

(Finally! A Republican who knows how to question a witness!
Trey Gowdy is a hell of a prosecutor)

Congressman Trey Gowdy tells the Maryland GOP about his dream.

(Second Gowdy video of the night.  Have to admit to being a big fan of this guy.

Here he is with little humor, with a nice rip on John Boehner and Lindsey Graham)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obuma Walks To Chipotle In D.C. For Lunch, Customers Ignore Him

Note the people in line are all focused on ordering their food instead
of the President of the United States who is just a few feet away:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


If The Clintons Are Worth 50 Million, Why Do They Get Nearly
A Million A Year From The Taxpayers?

By Michael Snyder, on June 24th, 2014

Since leaving the White House, the Clintons have earned at least 100 million dollars and currently have a net worth of up to 50 million dollars.  So why in the world do the taxpayers need to give Bill Clinton $944,000 to fund his extravagant lifestyle in 2014?  If ordinary Americans truly understood how much money many former politicians are being handed every year they would go bananas.  According to a Congressional Research Service report that was published earlier this year, the federal government has given a total of nearly 16 million dollars to Bill Clinton since 2001.  Each one of those dollars is a dollar that some U.S. taxpayer worked really hard for or that we had to borrow.  Yes, we don't want our former presidents to go broke for a whole bunch of reasons, but it is absolutely absurd that we are showering them with millions upon millions of dollars.

Yesterday, I wrote about the trouble that Hillary has caused for herself by claiming that the Clintons were "dead broke" when they left the White House. (This & That & Whatever)

The way things have been set up, there is no way in the world that any former president is going to be "dead broke" ever again unless the law is changed.

According to the Washington Post, Bill Clinton has been receiving about a million dollars a year "for office space, staff, and a pension" since he left office...
According to an April report from the Congressional Research Service, Bill Clinton has received nearly $16 million in pensions and benefits from the federal government since leaving office. That includes $944,000 in fiscal year 2014 for office space, staff, and a pension.
That is insanely wasteful.

But wait, there's more.

George W. Bush is actually receiving more money from the taxpayers than Clinton is each year...

Bush the younger is costing taxpayers $1.28 million this year, and averages 4 per cent more annual than Clinton.

The government's General Services Administration inexplicably budgeted $102,000 for Bush's telephone expenses in 2014, and planned to spend $135,000 more on furniture, computers, office supplies and other miscellany.
How in the world is George W. Bush racking up $102,000 in phone expenses a year?

Does he have the world's worst calling plan?

And of course what we spend on our former presidents is peanuts compared to what we spend on our current president.

According to author Robert Keith Gray, approximately 1.4 billion dollars is spent on the Obamas every year.  Here are just a few nuggets from his book...
-The Obamas have the "biggest staff in history at the highest wages ever".

-Obama has 469 senior staff working directly under him, and 226 of them make more than $100,000 a year.

-There is always at least one projectionist at the White House 24 hours a day just in case there is someone that wants to watch a movie.

-The "dog handler" for the family dog Bo reportedly makes $102,000 per year and sometimes he is even flown to where the family is vacationing so that he can care for the dog.

Yes, the White House needs a large staff.

But at this point we spend more on our presidents than any nation on the planet does on their entire royal families.

Over the years, the political elite have tilted the rules of the game dramatically in their favor.  Neither political party objects because they both benefit from riding on the endless gravy train.

If you can believe it, there are close to 15,000 retired federal employees that are currently collecting federal pensions for life worth at least $100,000 annually.  This list includes names such as Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Trent Lott, Dick Gephardt and Dick Cheney.

And most people are astounded to hear that more than 4 million dollars a year is spent on the "personal" and "office" expenses of each U.S. Senator.

Not that they need the money.  As I wrote about recently, more than half of the members of Congress are millionaires at this point, and nearly 200 of them are multimillionaires.

Politics in America has become a game that is played by the elite for the benefit of the elite.  If it seems like they are "out of touch" with ordinary Americans that is because they are.

Meanwhile, things just continue to get even tougher for the middle class.  Even though money is flowing like wine in Washington D.C. for the moment, a brand new Gallup survey discovered that 58 percent of Americans believe that the economy is getting worse.

It is shameful that our politicians are living like rock stars while tens of millions of American families are suffering so deeply.  For example, consider the case of Andrew and Kristen Cummins...
Andrew and Kristen Cummins and their 8-year-old son Colton have been in and out of homelessness for the past four years.

It all started when Andrew moved to Indiana for a temporary warehouse job that was supposed to turn into a full-time job. But instead he said he was let go as soon as the company would have had to start providing him with full-time benefits.

Since then, he has worked at several other temporary jobs that haven't turned into full-time work either.

Kristen has been in the same position: She has also had temporary jobs, but nothing has stuck.

So for now, the three stay at a local homeless shelter called the Haven House. Since women and men are required to sleep in separate areas, Andrew doesn't get to see his wife or son after 9 p.m. each night.

There are millions of other families just like them that are scratching and clawing their way through life the best that they can.

Perhaps our politicians should actually do something to help them instead of sitting back and living the high life at our expense.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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