This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Bumper Sticker Of The Day

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Soldier With PTSD Killed In Standoff With Police,
After Being Told He'd Have To Wait 30 Days For VA Care

This is Issac Sims, a veteran of the Iraq War and his dad, Adrian, also a vet who did tours of duty in Vietnam

Issac is dead now after he was denied VA care when he needed it, despite the fact that the care was court ordered. Unbelievable

Via Washington Examiner:

Iraq War veteran Issac Sims was killed Sunday by Kansas City, Mo., police after a standoff at his family home. Sims suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and been told he could not get care from the local Veterans Administration center for another 30 days.

Sims, 26, had gotten into an argument with his father Sunday and reportedly fired off a gun multiple times inside and outside the home. Police responded to reports of the shooting and subsequently called in the SWAT team. When Sims emerged from the house 5 hours later with a rifle, he was shot dead. Officers stated he pointed the gun at them.

The soldier, who served tours in Iraq during from 2008 through 2010, had sought care at the Kansas City Veterans Affairs Medical Center for his PTSD. Parents Adrian and Patricia Sims had been told by the center that Sims would have to wait 30 days for bed space, according to the Kansas City Star.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obuma Violated Law In Prisoner Release Without Consulting Congress

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two Republican lawmakers on Saturday accused President Barack Obama of breaking the law by approving the release of five Afghan detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in exchange for a U.S. soldier believed held by Islamist insurgents for five years.

The White House agreed that actions were taken in spite of legal requirements and cited "unique and exigent circumstances" as justification.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 28, of Hailey, Idaho, was handed over to U.S. special operations forces by the Taliban. In return, five Afghans who were held at a U.S. detention facility in Cuba were released to the custody of the government of Qatar, which served as a go-between in negotiations for the trade.

"Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk," they said.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said in a statement that "the safe return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is an answer to the prayers of the Bergdahl family and a powerful reinforcement of our nation's commitment to leave no service member behind."



They were among the Taliban's most influential commanders — five men whom the United States succeeded in removing from the battlefield.

Khair Ulla Said Wali Khairkhwa  - Khairkhwa was an early member of the Taliban in 1994 and was interior minister during the Taliban's rule. He hails from the same tribe as Afghan President Hamid Karzai and was captured in January 2002. Khairkhwa's most prominent position was as governor of Herat province from 1999 to 2001, and he was alleged to have been "directly associated" with Osama bin Laden. According to a detainee assessment, Khairkhwa also was probably associated with al Qaeda's now-deceased leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al Zarqawi. He is described as one of the "major opium drug lords in western Afghanistan" and a "friend" of Karzai. He was arrested in Pakistan and was transferred to Guantanamo in May 2002. During questioning, Khairkhwa denied all knowledge of extremist activities.

Mullah Mohammad Fazl  -  Fazl commanded the main force fighting the U.S.-backed Northern Alliance in 2001, and served as chief of army staff under the Taliban regime. He has been accused of war crimes during Afghanistan's civil war in the 1990s. Fazl was detained after surrendering to Abdul Rashid Dostam, the leader of Afghanistan's Uzbek community, in November 2001. He was wanted by the United Nations in connection with the massacre of thousands of Afghan Shiites during the Taliban's rule. "When asked about the murders, he did not express any regret," according to the detainee assessment. He was alleged to have been associated with several militant Islamist groups, including al Qaeda. He was transferred into U.S. custody in December 2001 and was one of the first arrivals at Guantanamo, where he was assessed as having high intelligence value.

Mullah Norullah Noori  -  Noori served as governor of Balkh province in the Taliban regime and played some role in coordinating the fight against the Northern Alliance. Like Fazl, Noori was detained after surrendering to Dostam, the Uzbek leader, in 2001.Noori claimed during interrogation that "he never received any weapons or military training." According to 2008 detainee assessment, Noori "continues to deny his role, importance and level of access to Taliban officials." That same assessment characterized him as high risk and of high intelligence value.

Abdul Haq Wasiq  - Wasiq was the deputy chief of the Taliban regime's intelligence service. His cousin was head of the service. An administrative review in 2007 cited a source as saying that Wasiq was also "an al Qaeda intelligence member" and had links with members of another militant Islamist group, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin. Wasiq claimed, according to the review, that he was arrested while trying to help the United States locate senior Taliban figures. He denied any links to militant groups.

Mohammad Nabi Omari – Omari was a minor Taliban official in Khost Province. According to the first administrative review in 2004, he was a member of the Taliban and associated with both al Qaeda and another militant group Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin. He was the Taliban's chief of communications and helped al Qaeda members escape from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Omari acknowledged during hearings that he had worked for the Taliban but denied connections with militant groups. He also said that he had worked with a U.S. operative named Mark to try to track down Taliban leader Mullah Omar.

Over and over, each detainee received a "recommendation for continued detention" by a military board at Guantanamo. But Bergdahl's kidnapping — and the prospect of a prisoner swap — meant those recommendations would have to be reassessed.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


...and then I saw this...

Holy shiite!!.... UNBELIEVABLE:

Father of American Soldier Freed From Taliban Deletes a Very Disturbing Tweet

On Saturday morning the Obama administration happily announced that we were now negotiating with terrorists and that Bowe Bergdahl would be freed in an agreement with the Taliban that would allow five dangerous terrorists to be released from Guantanamo Bay. Bowe's father Bob Bergdahl appeared with Obama for the announcement:


Tarek S. Fatah   @TarekFatah 
Follow: Is @BobBergdahl, father of Sgt. #BoweBergdahl a Muslim?
He opened his talk in Islamic greeting  6:55 PM - 31 May 2014

Robert Bergdahl   @bobbergdahl
To every single person who worked so hard to make this recovery possible, WE LOVE YOU! GOD IS GREAT AND HIS MERCY ENDURES FOREVER!
2:20 PM - 31 May 2014 Washington, DC, United States

But, as many have pointed out, he deleted this very controversial tweet he had posted a few days ago:

Given that there's a lot of doubt being cast on the official story, how does this change the calculation on whether Obama should have completed this trade?:

American Soldier Who Served With Bowe Bergdahl Casts Doubt on Official Story; Fears Reprisal From Obama Administration

Early Saturday it was announced by the administration that the only American prisoner of war in the Afghanistan was released in exchange for 5 Guantanamo Bay terrorists being set free to Qatar. The circumstances of the capture of Bowe Bergdahl had been in question long before his release – supposedly he had wandered off and captured by the Taliban. But a soldier on Twitter is claiming that the official story is untrue, and has posted his version of the events that led to Bowe's capture.

Towards the end of his story, he says he fears reprisal from the Obama administration, and asks for legal help. It must be noted also that he has a avatar that bears a picture of Bowe with the word "traitor" posted over it.

Here are the tweets telling his version of the story so far.  [At the end of the tweets by Cody, he stops. He seems to come under attack from threatening people. Another aspect of this story that seems rather alarming is what many are saying is a deleted tweet from Bergdahl's father. So what's really going on here?:


Click here for tweets:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


[Watch] EPA Rain of Terror 
Now Seizing Control Over Private Land
Thru Water, Ponds and Puddles

Posted on 30 May, 2014 by Rick Wells   

In a time when unconstitutional overreach has become synonymous with government and domestic terrorism is chiefly an enterprise carried out by alphabetic government agencies, public enemy agency number one is once again targeting innocent American citizens.

Arguably the most egregious offender, the EPA, has announced its latest attack on the American property owner and private property rights. This big government intruder is announcing their assertions of authority to seize control of any water which would happen to accumulate on private property. They also then become enabled to legally restrict or dictate usage and to mandate modifications in any manner they desire.

This is the condition we find ourselves in, where the chief antagonist of the American people is a tyrannical government which has no reservations when it comes to trampling upon our rights, freedoms and our Constitution.

Judge Andrew Napolitano makes some excellent points as to the illegality and the unconstitutional nature of this bureaucratic power grab.

Leftist Juan Williams somehow manages to blame a lack of action on the part of Congress as a justification for this tyranny. One has to wonder how he would feel if a Jackbooted EPA thug showed up at his house telling him that they had decided they didn't like a water puddle on his property and that he must fill it in and pay for a study to determine the proper composition and methods of the fill.

Charles Krauthammer accurately labels the action as insane and reminds Williams they aren't discussing the Mississippi. He says it won't be big agribusiness that is hurt by these regulations; it will be the little guy who will be forced out of business.

That could be part of the plan, as then the property becomes available to the expansive desires of big agribusiness such as Monsanto. Once again things "magically" seem to work in accordance with the UN Agenda 21 outlines.

Rick Wells is a conservative author who believes an adherence the U.S. Constitution would solve many of today's problems. "Like" him on Facebook and "Follow" him on Twitter.


Fellow Soldiers Call Bergdahl A Deserter, His "Selfish Act" Cost Lives

(Not only are they saying he deserted, but that he was 'seeking out the Taliban' and that after he was 'captured,' suddenly IEDs and ambushes against his unit were more accurate and successful
Great piece by Jake Tapper... why were his fellow soldiers made to sign "non disclosure agreements not to talk about his disappearance?'   What the heck is going on there?)

(CNN) –
The sense of pride expressed by officials of the Obama administration at the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is not shared by many of those who served with him — veterans and soldiers who call him a deserter whose "selfish act" ended up costing the lives of better men.

"I was pissed off then and I am even more so now with everything going on," said former Sergeant Matt Vierkant, a member of Bergdahl's platoon when he went missing on June 30, 2009. "Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him." Vierkant said Bergdahl needs to not only acknowledge his actions publicly but face a military trial for desertion under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

A reporter asked Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Sunday whether Bergdahl had left his post without permission or deserted — and, if so, whether he would be punished. Hagel didn't answer directly. "Our first priority is assuring his well-being and his health and getting him reunited with his family," he said. "Other circumstances that may develop and questions, those will be dealt with later."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


'How Many Other Prisoners Have Lasted 5 Years?'
Soldier Who Served With Bowe Bergdahl Concludes His Story and Allegations

This concludes the earlier post @:

...from an alleged compatriot of Bowe Bergdahl, the only prisoner of war captured in Afghanistan, now released through a deal with the Taliban. "Cody" claims to have served with Bowe when he deserted, which sours the official story, and puts into doubt the wisdom of the trade which freed five dangerous terrorists:

The next tweets will all be opinion and assumptions.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

PLT didn't find him and were never close. An amount of money was spent on assets trying to find B. Not going to name what was used.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

A huge thing in country is not building patterns. Well when you are looking for a person everyday that creates a pattern.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

While searching for him, ambushes and IEDs picked up tremendously. Enemy knew we would be coming.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

IEDs started being placed more effectively in the coming weeks. Ambushes were more calculated, cover and concealment was used
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

I will not disclose what a person of his rank could or would know at his point in the military. But it's enough.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

Cody seems to be implying that Bergdahl might have been supplying information to the enemy to aid their attacks on Americans.

So without B going missing we wouldn't have been in certain places
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

And without being in those places, 2 brothers wouldn't have given the ultimate sacrifice. They went out like f****** Hero's.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

"Risking their own to save another, have no greater love."
Risking their own to save another, have no greater love.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

Numerous others were killed in action during this time across the country, including our bat.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

How many other prisoners have lasted 5 years? Taliban and Haqqani are ruthless.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

Again, another implication that he could not have survived without collaboration with the enemy.

What I think: B knew what he was doing, pre-mediated desertion with out a doubt. Still a Federal Crime and Punishable by Death.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

Did he aid the enemy? Can't prove that, wasn't with him. Do I believe he have ore information than Name, Rank and Social? Yes.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

More information will come out, but that's all I can say now legally.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

I'm not doing this for any motivation outside of the truth coming out. On the legality side watching what I say due to slander/deformation
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

NDA we signed was not a written up by DOD. Nor was completed with the legal caveats not witnessed by an O4, also numerous people didn't sign
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

And simply threw them away.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

Take it as fact or take it as fiction. I just wanted to get some things off my chest.
— c (@CodyFNfootball) June 1, 2014

Couple this with the troubling tweets from Bowe's father, and one really has to wonder just what the real story is behind this precedent-setting agreement.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obama Adviser Susan Rice Refuses To Say If Bowe Bergdahl Deserted The Army When He Was Captured, "That's Not The Point"

(It's pretty clear he did, and it is the point because several American soldiers were killed looking for him and we just released five of the worst terrorists in Gitmo in exchange for him)

Via The Hill:
Top Obama administration officials on Sunday avoided question about whether Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was released by the Taliban in exchange for five detainees on Saturday, deserted the Army.

ABC News "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos asked National Security Adviser Rice whether such allegations would be "investigated."

"If it is found that he did, will he be disciplined or has he already paid the price?" he asked.

"Certainly, anybody who has been held in those conditions in captivity for five years has paid an extraordinary price, but that is really not the point," Rice said. "The point is he's back. He's going to be safely reunited with his family. He served the United States with honor and distinction."

"We'll have the opportunity to learn eventually what happened in the past years," she added. "But what's most important now is his health and well-being and that he have the opportunity to recover in peace and security and be reunited with his family which is why this is such a joyous day."

Some critics have charged that Bergdahl, a 28-year-old Idaho native, walked away from his base in eastern Afghanistan.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Bob Bergdahl Again Tweets Support For Releasing More Gitmo Terrorists

(Second Tweet since his son's release)

His first Tweet:

Bob Bergdahl On His Son: "I'm Proud of How Much You Wanted To Help The Afghan People, And What You Were Willing To Do To Go To That Length"

What makes that quote even more suspicious is this tweet from him:

BOISE, Idaho — The father of an American soldier just released from captivity in Afghanistan said Sunday that he is proud of how far his son, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, was willing to go to help the Afghan people.

Bob Bergdahl said he was proud of his son's patience, perseverance and ability to adapt during nearly five years as a prisoner of the Taliban. Bowe Bergdahl was freed Saturday in exchange for five Guantanamo terrorism detainees.

"But most of all, I'm proud of how much you wanted to help the Afghan people, and what you were willing to do to go to that length," Bob Bergdahl said, fighting back tears during a press conference in Boise. "I'll say it again: I'm so proud of how far you were willing to go to help the Afghan people. And I think you have succeeded."

Parents Bob and Jani Bergdahl didn't elaborate on what that meant.

The circumstances surrounding Bergdahl's capture remain something of a mystery. There has been some speculation that he willingly walked away from his unit, raising the question of whether he could face charges.

In 2012, Rolling Stone magazine quoted emails Bergdahl is said to have sent to his parents that suggest he was disillusioned with America's mission in Afghanistan, had lost faith in the U.S. Army's mission there and was considering desertion. Bergdahl told his parents he was "ashamed to even be American." The Associated Press could not independently authenticate the emails.

Bergdahl's parents declined to take any questions at the press conference, but they spoke about what they anticipate will be a long healing process as their son reintegrates into American society.

"We're talking like this because we haven't talked to Bowe yet," Bob Bergdahl told the crowd of about three dozen journalists and nearly as many supporters of prisoners of war and those missing in action at the Idaho National Guard's Gowen Field. "That's because Bowe has been gone so long that it's going to be very difficult to come back."

Bob Bergdahl urged Bowe to trust his military reintegration team, and Jani Bergdahl told her son to take all the time he needs to heal and decompress. They said they were grateful for the work that the U.S. government and other countries - including Qatar, which served as a go-between in the negotiations - did to bring their son home.

"You are from a strong tribe, you are even stronger now," Jani Bergdahl said. "Five years is a seemingly endless long time, but you've made it. ... You are free. Freedom is yours. I will see you soon, my beloved son."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Taliban Claimed Bergdahl Converted To Islam And Was Teaching Them Bomb-Making Techniques

(Doesn't sound like the Obama regime intends to even ask the obvious questions)

Via Breitbart:

In 2010, The Taliban claimed U.S. soldier Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl had converted to Islam and had taught them bomb-making techniques. Bergdahl had also changed his name to Abdullah, the Taliban claimed, though the mainstream media largely ignored the story, seeing it as comparable to the tale of Sgt. Brody in the fictional Homeland television series on Showtime.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) also dismissed the claims, insinuating that it was jihadist propaganda. But in the aftermath of Sgt. Bergdahl's release yesterday, more information has come to light, raising further questions as to whether the Taliban had in fact been telling the truth about Sgt. Bergdahl.

The circumstances behind the sergeant's disappearance and kidnapping remains suspect. Why he seemingly walked off of his forward operating base in 2009, an infringement upon basic standard operating procedures, has not been explained.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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