This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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There's plenty of energy in this world except the government is limiting it due to the Fed's intervention.  Some people (liberals) believe government must intervene or we'll run out of energy.  It's not just Republicans who believe that, Obama is just like 'em.


NEW STUDY: Obamacare Will Actually Increase The Number Of Uninsured

( Oh yeah.... implosion coming, paving way to single payer.   So he screwed up the greatest healthcare system in the world, spent billions of dollars on websites that don't work, ruined millions of health insurance polices for hardworking Americans... killing a few people in the process, by the way, and legislated the largest single tax increase in world history... for what?)

Via IJR:
A study was released that shows that Obamacare will both increase the cost of health insurance and increase the number of uninsured.

Stephen Parente from the University of Minnesota did an analysis of Obamacare and its projected effect on the number of uninsured over the next ten years. He found that the number of uninsured will go up starting in 2017 due to the declining purchasing power of the government subsidies.

Parente also found that health insurance costs will increase by nearly $1400 for those individuals with "silver" plans and $4200 for families with "silver" plans.

A few other important notes in the Parente study:

Arkansas residents can expect:
•$1,277  Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•$4,186 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•30,300 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

Iowa residents can expect:
•$ 1,306 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•$4,417 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•94,600 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

Louisiana residents can expect:
•$1,385 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•$4,000 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•81,100 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

North Carolina residents can expect:
•$1,384 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•$4,131 Cost increase of a family exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•224,100 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

Oregon residents can expect:
•$1,269 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•$4,306 Cost increase of an individual exchange health plan within 5 years (Silver)
•64,600 Increase in the uninsured within 5 years (2019)

All of these states have Senate seats that are currently held by Democrats and are up for election this year. And guess what? All of them voted for Obamacare.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Over 75% of West Point Cadets Refuse to Stand for Obama

(They may have to salute him, but they don't have to like the man)

President Obama was welcomed by the Black Knight of the Hudson for his speech at West Point on Wednesday, but less than 25 percent of the cadets gave him a standing ovation upon his introduction, the Wash. Times reported:

"Receiving tepid applause and a short standing ovation from less than one-quarter of the audience upon his introduction, Obama argued for a contradictory foreign policy that relies on NATO and the United Nations while insisting that 'America must always lead on the world stage,' the paper reported.

It would seem that Obama's Messianic Aura is losing its luster, even for his Liberal base:

Obama said he believed strongly in American exceptionalism, but he continually used straw men in his address by implying that critics of his vision of foreign policy always advocated first and foremost for military action.

A panel on MSNBC's Morning Joe criticized the president for his announcement to fully withdraw American troops from Afghanistan by 2016, and even liberal Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson ripped Obama for giving a convoluted speech Wednesday.

And just for the record, here is how a real leader is received at West Point.

Notice that not only did President Bush's Standing Ovation comprise 100% of the cadets, the only reason the applause dies down is because after a half a minute, the President stops it, saying, "Thank you. Please be seated."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Mooch Attacks House Republicans For Trying To "Undo" Her "Accomplishments"

(As far as I can tell the only accomplishment she has achieved is getting millions of kids to stop eating school lunches)

Via Daily Caller:
First lady Michelle Obama used the pages of The New York Times Thursday to slam Republicans who she believes have stood in the way of her Let's Move! campaign to fight childhood obesity.

"When we began our Let's Move! initiative four years ago, we set one simple but ambitious goal: to end the epidemic of childhood obesity in a generation so that kids born today will grow up healthy," wrote Obama. [...]

In her Times op-ed, Obama resumed the attack, slamming the GOP-led Congress for what she sees as attempts "to undo so much of what we've accomplished on behalf of our children," citing proposed tweaks to the Women, Infants and Children program, known as WIC.

She accused the GOP-led House of wanting to "override science" by mandating that white potatoes be included in a list of foods women can purchase under WIC.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


UNREAL: Obama Admin Flies 400 Illegals Caught In Texas To Arizona, Released By Dropping Them Off At A Greyhound Station


AZ Central

Scores of undocumented immigrants from Central America have been released at Greyhound Lines Inc. bus stations in Tucson and Phoenix over the past several days after they were flown to Arizona from south Texas, officials acknowledged.

Andy Adame, a spokesman for the Border Patrol in Tucson, confirmed that over the weekend federal officials flew about 400 migrants apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas to Tucson to be processed. He said the migrants were flown to Arizona because the Border Patrol does not have enough manpower to handle a surge in illegal immigrants in south Texas.

The release has drawn criticism from those on both sides of the immigration issue.

Border enforcement groups are concerned that the migrants will now disappear into the U.S., spurring even more to come illegally.

"This is a huge concern," said Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington, D.C.-based group that advocates for more immigration and border enforcement.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Documents: Obama's Africa Vacation Cost Taxpayers $2 Million For Lodging, Entertainment, Security Alone

(The kicker: This was during the time he was shutting down White House tours and monuments blaming it on the sequester)

Via Daily Caller:
The Obamas' 2013 trip to Africa cost taxpayers over $2,000,000 in lodging, entertainment, and security expenses alone, government watchdog Judicial Watch announced Thursday — a part of the total cost of approximately $100,000,000 taxpayers spent on the president's vacation, as estimated by The Washington Post.

Records obtained in response to a FOIA request filed last summer detail that nearly one million dollars were spent on hotel accommodations for the Secret Service–for one week. Preparations for a canceled Tanzania safari–yes, a safari they didn't even go on–cost over ten thousand dollars. The brief summer 2013 trip also cost over eight million in flight expenses.

"Keep in mind that this outrageously lavish excursion came at the very same time that the president was shutting down White House tours and blaming it on the sequester," noted Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. "As one congressional critic noted at the time, the White House could have 1,350 weeks of tours for the cost of the Obama family's trip to Africa."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Clawing My Way Thru The Obuma Scandals

While the Left buries us in lies and obfuscation, those on the Right can often be trusted to keep it short, sweet and revelatory. For instance, the following two sentences contain more honest commentary about our society than 10 years of the Congressional Record:
(1) We are told not to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics; and

(2) It seems we are constantly hearing that Social Security is running dry, but we never hear the same thing about Welfare, even though the folks in the first group worked for their money and those in the second group didn't.

I can't tell you how many times I've found myself longing for the good old days when the "axis of evil" referred to Iraq, Iran and North Korea, and not Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Eric Holder.

In a recent CNN poll, nearly 10% of respondents believed space aliens were behind the disappearance of the Malaysian jetliner. I'm not saying I believe that, but I certainly wouldn't object to waterboarding Harry Reid until he tells us where he stashed it.

Nancy Pelosi finally got around to naming the five House Democrats to be seated on Trey Gowdy's committee. Unfortunately, they aren't five of the seven Republicans who voted to form the committee in the first place. Instead they are among those who did everything in their power to prevent the Republicans from discovering the facts about the Benghazi massacre and the ensuing cover-up; in short, the dirty deeds of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Jay Carney and their various henchmen who lurk in the White House and the sewers of the State Department. Clearly, the role of the five will be to use whatever it takes, be it monkey wrenches or TNT, in order to derail the investigation and prevent King Barack and Queen Hillary from being tarred-and-feathered by the evidence.

I know there are some people who still aren't convinced that Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2016. But when you look at the Democratic bench, which pretty much consists of Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren, you know how desperate they are. The Republicans, on the other hand, are loaded for bear with Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Rick Scott and Ted Cruz, along with such reserves as Rand Paul, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Kelly Ayotte. It's a lot like comparing the 1927 Yankees to a Little League team.

On 9/11/01, the mainstream media was relentless in its flaying of George W. Bush because he took a few extra minutes leaving an elementary classroom in Sarasota, Florida, where he'd been reading a book to the children. However, on 9/11/12, when four brave Americans were being butchered in Benghazi and Barack Obama was AWOL for seven long hours – perhaps packing for his next day's fund-raising trip to Las Vegas or maybe fine-tuning his Al Green impression – the very same media never even cocked its collective eyebrow.

Because I like to provide solutions as well as call attention to problems, I believe I have come up with a way for environmentalists to be happy without our having to destroy America's economy. I suggest that Al Gore and all his wealthy chums in the Sierra Club move to Bangladesh. They wouldn't ever again have to worry their pointy heads about fracking, oil pipelines or coal-fueled power plants. They could live as one with Mother Nature in a latter day Eden bereft of such modern evils as air conditioning, automobiles and indoor plumbing.

One thing that the world would be better off without is the fairytale notion that democracy is a cure-all for the world's problems. Russia has the vote, and they elected Putin. Egypt has the vote and they elected the Muslim Brotherhood. The Palestinians have the vote and they elected Hamas. Outside of those few nations where the people subscribe to Judeo-Christian values, we would all be better off if a dictator friendly to or at least fearful of America, such as was the case with the Shah of Iran, Hosni Mubarak and even Muammar Gaddafi, once Reagan dropped a bomb on his tent, ran things.

Among the many sure signs that the inmates are currently running our own asylum is the fact that so many people are doing cartwheels because Michael Sam recently became the first openly gay football player to be drafted to play in the NFL. My question is: how many more glass ceilings are we going to have to hear about? Frankly, I think it would be far more newsworthy if a heterosexual ever wins another Tony or a conservative is ever hired to join the editorial board of the NY Times.

To get an inkling of how divorced from the truth those on the Left are, you merely have to take an occasional look at Garry Trudeau's never amusing comic strip, "Doonesbury." He first created it while a student at Yale, and here in his mid-60s, he is still cranking out the same old uninspired left-wing claptrap.

When George Bush was in the White House, Trudeau was always carrying on about Bush's wars. He even devoted weeks of Sunday strips to listing the names of the fallen warriors. But once Obama moved into the White House, there was no indication that a far greater number of American soldiers were dying in Afghanistan.

Way back in 1985, the editors of the Saturday Review voted Mr. Trudeau "one of the most overrated people in American Arts and Letters" and their good judgment has been borne out by the fact that he's won Oscars and Pulitzer Prizes, and even got to marry the darling of the Left, Jane Pauley.

In a recent strip, Trudeau had a TV newsman touring an exhibit of G.W. Bush's paintings at his Presidential Library. After pausing to make a few predictable cracks about Bush allies Tony Blair and Angela Merkel, he moves on to a picture of Vladimir Putin ("In whose eyes Bush peered and sensed a soul, when everyone else saw only the dull, blank stare of a stone cold killer.") with nary a mention of Hillary's reset button or Obama's vow to be more flexible in his dealings with Putin after the 2012 election.

In the final frame, the reporter is standing in front of a blurry picture and saying, "Here we see the artist trying to wash away the stain of two wars." But, as usual with this hack, there is not or ever will be even a suggestion that the military deaths and injuries increased exponentially under Obama's reign.

Considering that Trudeau labors under the delusion that he speaks truth to power, wouldn't you think he would be at least slightly offended by the fact that not since Stalin perfected the big lie has any national leader fibbed as frequently or about such essential matters as the ex-community organizer?

Obama rode into the presidency on a cloud of malarkey and, thanks in good part to a lapdog media in which I would picture Chris Matthews as a pet poodle and Garry Trudeau as an annoying Pekinese, the mongrel in the White House has never been compelled to change his ways.

Even after all this time, the mutt is still dumping on the carpet in the Oval Office and blaming it, no doubt, on Bo.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


And they want to disarm honorable citizens
yet they can not disarm criminals!
How Come Home Invasions Like this Don't Make News Nationally?

3 shot, 1 killed in Orosi home invasion attempt

Investigators say the victim was shot multiple times in the upper body and was transported to a hospital where he's expected to survive.

By    Amanda Venegas  and    Jessica Peres 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The violence began after 5:30 a.m. Tuesday at a home on Road 140 near Avenue 424 northeast of Orosi in Tulare County.

The Tulare County Sheriff's Office and Crime Lab was still on scene late Tuesday morning. The children who were in the home at the time of the incident were taken to a safe location.

Mike Boudreaux, Tulare County acting Sheriff says this all started at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday when a 22-year-old in the house heard someone trying to break down the front door. He went and got a gun from another part of the house, then returned, and deputies say a gun battle ensued.

Investigators believe this was an attempted home invasion. When deputies arrived at the scene they found two suspects suffering from gunshot wounds. One of those suspects is dead, the other was still in surgery late Tuesday morning.

The 22-year-old suffered numerous gunshot wounds to the upper torso and is said to be recovering.

This all happened while the four children were home alone. Their parents work in the field and were already out of the house at work. The sheriff's office says the 22-year-old was absolutely fighting for his life and trying to protect his other family members who were 8, 13 and 18 years old.

Police said they believe there are still suspects out there, they could be driving a gray minivan or Astro Van with a silver ladder or rack on the back -- license plate number 7-C-H-R-1-9-0.

Deputies won't reveal how many more suspects they're looking for, but they are believed to be armed and dangerous. If you see the van or know anything about the suspects, you are asked to call the Tulare County Sheriff's Office.

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