This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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(Birds of a feather....)

Obama Attacks Rand Paul During White House Correspondent's Dinner,
Tries To Link Him To Bundy Remarks

Obama at the White House Correspondents dinner was an unfunny uncomfortable attacking mess.

He was talking about Olympic snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in attendance at the dinner, saying he hadn't "seen someone pull a 180 that fast until Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner."

"As a general rule, things don't end well if the sentence starts with, 'Let me tell you something about the Negro,'" Obama said. "You don't really need to know the rest of it, just a tip for you." He then said "Speaking of Rand Paul," he brought up the legalization of marijuana and said he hoped it wouldn't lead to a lot of "paranoid people" who think the government is spying on them.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Former Top Obama Adviser David Plouffe Calls
Benghazi Critics A "Delusional Minority"

(Speaking of delusional... this clown is one of the worst!)

Stephanopoulos: David Plouffe, you're actually on that e-mail that caused so much trouble this week. It was an e-mail to you and several others from Ben Rhodes. And everybody keying in on this line in the e-mail to underscore the goals of the Sunday morning appearance, to underscore that 'these protests are rooted in Internet video, not a broader failure of policy.' A lot of Republicans saying this is the smoking gun. I know you dismiss that, but was it a mistake not to release this earlier?

Plouffe: No. I think, lawyers have spoken to this and it's out there. What Benghazi was was a tragedy. We have to figure out how to prevent it from happening again. And try and hold those accountable as we did with bin Laden — took a while, but after 11 years, we did. The USS Cole — 17 sailors died. The weeks before the 2000 election, what did then Govenor Bush say — it's time for the nation to speak as one voice. Now, you couldn't handle that in this party. This has been politicized like we've never seen before.

And I think what's happening — Richard Nixon talked about a silent majority back in 1968 — there's a very loud, delusional minority that's driving our politics, that's in control of the Republican Party. There is no conspiracy here at all.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Demo-nut Sen. Al Franken: I've Been An "Impeccable" Senator

(Al Franken's biggest fan . . . Al Franken)

Via Free Beacon:

JEFF ZELENY: What would comedian Al Franken say about Senator Al Franken's first term?

AL FRANKEN: He would say I did well (laughing), because I'm the same person. There aren't two different people.

ZELENY: Would he have fun with you though at some point?

FRANKEN: When I would make fun of politicians, it was only because they were screwing up in some way. I don't think I could find anything, frankly.

ZELENY: Nothing?

FRANKEN: Whoo. That would be a really hard subject to satirize. I've just been impeccable.

ZELENY: Impeccable?

FRANKEN: Yeah. I've made some small mistakes, I suppose.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Small town newspaper article hits nail on the head . . . priceless!

Where Is Tawas City, MI? It is on Lake Huron and has a population of just over 2,000!!



Kansas protest over
prairie chicken takes

AP Political WriterMay 2, 2014

Stuffed lesser prairie chickens are on display in a case at the Kansas Statehouse, Friday, May 2, 2014, in Topeka, Kan. State lawmakers are considering a bill declaring that the federal government has no authority to regulate prairie chickens after it declared the lesser one a threatened species.JOHN MILBURN — AP Photo

TOPEKA, Kan. — Kansas legislators approved a bill Friday night declaring that the federal government has no authority to regulate prairie chickens in the state as a protest against potential federal oversight of efforts to reverse a steep decline in the population of one species.

But the measure sent by the Republican-dominated Legislature to GOP Gov. Sam Brownback is not as strong as some state officials wanted because it wouldn't subject federal employees attempting to regulate prairie chickens or their habitats to felony charges or fines. Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who advocated an aggressive response, called it "more symbolism than substance."

The bill is designed to trigger lawsuits against federal efforts to regulate prairie chickens and their habitats by giving the attorney general or county prosecutors the authority to file them.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in March listed the lesser prairie chicken as a threatened species, but the bill also covers its larger, darker and more abundant cousin, the greater prairie chicken.

The listing allows federal oversight of efforts to revive the lesser prairie chicken population, and it affects five states with habitats for the bird — Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Kansas officials fear that federal officials could impose limits on agricultural and oil and natural gas industry activities, such as ordering farmers not to spray certain fields or directing ranchers to avoid grazing cattle in certain areas during the lesser prairie chickens' nesting season.

"I just talk about my ancestry and your ancestry. They came to America for freedom," said Rep. Sharon Schwartz, a Washington Republican and chairwoman of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. "Our property should be ours. We should be able to control our property, not the federal government."

The federal government said those five states had fewer than 18,000 lesser prairie chickens in 2013, down almost 50 percent from 2012. Kansas officials contend drought is the primary reason for the decline and say that the population will rebound.

Brownback has not said publicly whether he'll sign the bill, but he's been a strong critic of the federal listing. Kansas also has joined Oklahoma in a federal lawsuit challenging the process that led to the listing.

The final text of the Kansas bill emerged from negotiations between senators and House members. Republican senators pushed first to make it a felony for federal employees to attempt to regulate prairie chickens and then, as a compromise, to fine them up to $1,000.

Schwartz resisted both ideas. She said she heard concerns from agriculture and energy industry groups, worried that an overly confrontational approach would jeopardize the environmental and other permits they need to operate or even endanger federal farm aid.

Senate Natural Resources Committee Chairman Larry Powell acknowledged that he wanted a tougher bill.

"This is the best we could do," he said.

Kobach, a conservative Republican and former law professor, said threatening federal employees with felony charges or fines would pull any federal regulatory action into court and give the state the right to defend its law. Kobach said that without a clear violation of state law, the attorney general or a county prosecutor might not have the standing to intervene.

"If there is not penalty impose on a federal officer, then the bill is essentially defanged," Kobach said.

But the Democrats involved in the negotiations over the bill, Sen. Marci Francisco, of Lawrence, and Rep. Ponka-We Victors, of Wichita, still found the bill to confrontational.

Both said the state should signal that it is willing to work with federal officials on conservation efforts, so that lesser prairie chicken numbers rise.

"We want to, as a state, to do everything we can to provide for the necessary habitat and have this listing reversed," Francisco said.



Text of the prairie chicken proposal:

Kansas Legislature:


Tornado Victim Sends Final Text To Mother: "Goodbye Mama"

(This is so sad)

VILONIA, AR – Some of the April 27 tornado victims may have never had the chance to say goodbye. One young man, however, when fear set in as he waited out the storm in a bathroom, had the chance to send one final message to his mother. It's something she'll hold on to forever.

"First he said mama, I'm so scared," said Regina Wood, Jeffrey Hunter's mom.

All Wood could think to do was tell her son Jeffrey Hunter he would be okay.

"He knew how bad it was, these say it's going to be a direct hit," said Wood.

From her home in Beebe 20 miles away from her son in Vilonia, Regina could only update Jeffrey through text on where the EF-4 tornado was headed.

It was headed straight for him and he knew it, telling his mom goodbye.

"I have a text on my phone as the tornado was hitting "Goodbye mama," says Wood.

Keep reading at:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Yikes.... Pic of The Day: Obama And Sebelius Share A... Errr .. Tender Moment

(Good Lord... get a room)

U.S. President Barack Obama and outgoing Health and Human Services Sec. Kathleen Sebelius attend the annual White House Correspondent's Association Gala at the Washington Hilton hotel May 3, 2014 in Washington, D.C. The dinner is an annual event attended by journalists, politicians and celebrities.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


14 Year Old Endia Martin Murder Weapon Illegally Sold, Falsely Reported Stolen

Update to a previous story. Continue to blame guns while not addressing the problem of "adults" raising the younger generation into living the thug life and a sense of entitlement as part of LBJ's Great Society. Time to take responsibility and stop making excuses, only then will the community organizers and agitators have no base to support them.

(Hey, it's not like Chicago already has the country's toughest gun laws, no, wait?)

Chicago Police Chief Calls For More Gun Control Laws In Wake of

CHICAGO, April 29 (UPI) — The killing of a 14-year-old girl, allegedly by another teen in a fight over a boy, shows that Illinois needs stricter gun laws, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said Tuesday.

McCarthy told reporters that Endia Martin was shot with a .38-caliber handgun stolen from a car. He urged a change in the law to require gun owners to store weapons securely, saying that a firearm was brought to what would otherwise have been a "fistfight."

"There was a legal gun that became an illegal gun," he said, saying state law should be changed to require guns to be kept more securely.

"In this case, the simple fact that the law states that you can store a firearm in a vehicle is absolutely insane," McCarthy said. "Those guns need to be in lock boxes, in safes, in people's residences or on their person."

The alleged killer, who is also 14, was charged as a juvenile with homicide Tuesday. Her uncle, 24, and another teenager, a 17-year-old boy, have also been charged in connection with the killing.


Via ABC 7
Two more people have been charged in connection with the shooting death of Endia Martin. Police announced felony charges against Robert James, 34, for unlawful delivery of a weapon and filing a false police report. Police have also charged Vandetta Redwood, 32, who is an aunt of the alleged 14-year-old shooter, with mob action and obstruction of justice.

Police said James is the legal owner of the weapon used to kill Endia Martin, and that he sold it to another individual in November of 2013. It is not clear who took possession of the weapon, but on April 15, 2014, James reported the gun had been stolen from his mother's car.

Dan Tieman, attorney for Robert James, said his client "never gave [the gun] to anyone who used it in the death of Ms. Martin. He was not involved in that at all."

"So on day one we believed that gun was stolen, because it was reported stolen," Chicago Police Superintendent Gary McCarthy said Thursday. "But what do we find out? We find out that the legal gun owner illegally transferred that gun to another person. That's how that gun ended up on the street."

Police said the investigation also shows Vandetta Redwood was at the scene in the 900 block of West Garfield at the time of the fight between the 14-year-old victim and the 14-year-old girl charged in the shooting. Prosecutors say that cell phone video in their possession shows the actual shooting, and includes Redwood standing next to the 14-year-old shooter, along with a crowd of about 20, some of whom carried bottles and pipes.

Redwood faces felony charges for mob action and obstruction of justice, in part because she denied being at the scene even though the video places her there. Her attorney, Mark Almanza, called her charges "guilt by proximity."

"There were numerous other individuals there," said Almanza, "and essentially they're saying my client should be charged for standing near where a crime happened."

James and Redwood appeared in bond court Thursday afternoon.

A total of five people have been charged in connection with the shooting. A 17-year-old boy and the 14-year-old suspect's 25-year-old uncle, Donnell Flora, were also charged this week. Flora allegedly gave the gun to his niece, according to police.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Hog-Castrating JONI ERNST Rides Harley – Blasts Holes in Obamacare in Latest Ad

Posted Sunday, May 4, 2014, 9:49 PM

Joni Ernst – Mother, Grandmother, Soldier, Farmer, Conservative

In her first ad Republican Joni Ernst talked about castrating hogs on an Iowa farm.
It was a huge hit.

Today Joni Ernst released her latest ad – "Shot."
This time she's riding a Harley Davidson to the gun range.[/b]

Breitbart reported:
Joni Ernst, the Republican Senate candidate who received national acclaim for a campaign ad touting her background "castrating hogs on an Iowa farm," rides her Harley Davidson to the gun range for some target practice in her latest spot.

Ernst "carries more than just lipstick in her purse," a narrator on the ad says, adding that "once she sets her sights on Obamacare, Joni's gonna unload."

Ernst has a concealed carry permit in Iowa, and according to an Ernst campaign aide, the impressive accuracy wasn't a television trick. Ernst took the shots herself that resulted in a tight spread on the target sheet, the aide said.

It's also her motorcycle in the ad, a Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe.

Another great ad

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


This petition was started this weekend to stop Barack Obama from coming to visit the state after the recent tornadoes.

Stop Obama from Coming to Arkansas
We the people of Arkansas do not want or need Barack Obama in our state. He has never been here or paid us any attention. Our tornado victims have already been through way more than anyone should have to endure.. they do not need another storm of media and secret service and everything else a visit from a President entails to upset their destroyed lives. We respectfully ask that he send the money that would be spent visiting here to reconstruction efforts and stay away. We do not want him here and we do not like being used as a photo opportunity.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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