This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Kenya: Suspected Islamist Gunmen Kill Four Christians During Attack On Church During Sunday Service

(Sick Animals)

Nairobi (AFP) — Attackers shot dead four worshippers on Sunday when they burst into a church service near the Kenyan port city of Mombasa, spraying the congregation with bullets, police said.

The attack, which also left about 17 people wounded, came amid heightened warnings of a threat of Islamist violence in Kenya and despite boosted security in major cities including Mombasa.

"They were shot by gunmen who shot indiscriminately at worshippers and then fled," said local police chief Robert Mureithi, from the Likoni district just south of Mombasa.

Two people were killed instantly, while two more later died of their injuries, the Red Cross said, adding that 17 people had been taken to hospital.

Kenya's National Disaster Operation Centre said there had been "mass casualties" in the attack on an evangelical church.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but Kenya has been hit by a series of attacks since sending troops into southern Somalia in October 2011 to battle the Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab insurgents.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Exclusive - Study: Obama Most Well-Traveled, Expensive President In History Through Five Years

(What's really disgusting is how much treasure the First Mooch has spent living the life of a third world dictator's favored wife)

Via Breitbart - 23 Mar 2014

President Barack Obama has spent more time traveling abroad than other U.S. president in history at this point in their presidencies, according to a forthcoming study from the National Taxpayer Union Foundation (NTUF) provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its public release.
"The most internationally well-traveled President, through five years, is also flying the most expensive-to-operate Air Force One to date," NTUF wrote.

After five years in the White House, Obama has taken 31 trips for a total of 119 days abroad. At that point in George W. Bush's presidency, Bush had taken 28 trips for 116 days, while Bill Clinton had taken 27 trips for 113 days. Ronald Reagan, after five years, had taken 14 trips for 73 days while Richard Nixon had taken 12 trips for 60 days after five years in the White House and Lyndon Johnson took 10 trips for 34 days at the half-decade mark. Dwight Eisenhower took 8 trips for 31 days after five years in the White House.

Citing a recent report in the Washington Examiner that found through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that taxpayers are on the hook for about $228,288 per Air Force One flight hour in 2013, a 27 percent increase from the previously confirmed cost of $179,750 per fight hour that NTUF used in its last study, the taxpayer watchdog concludes that Obama's flights have cost taxpayers more than any other president.

"Taken on its own, the $48,535 jump may not sound all that significant," NTUF added about the cost increase for Air Force One. "However, when trips are many thousands of miles and span several time zones and continents, the difference can quickly add up."

NTUF estimates that Obama's trip to Europe and the Middle East "will likely involve about 29 hours of total travel time, assuming a cruising speed of 575 mph between Washington, Amsterdam, Brussels, Rome, and Riyadh, and then back to D.C." That amount, the group says, is going to cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

"Using the previous estimate, the total cost of flying Air Force One between those international cities would be about $5,212,750," NTUF wrote. "Using the new data, the cost comes out to $6,620,352."

NTUF added that those amounts are just estimates, and the actual cost is likely to be higher. "While these figures are approximations, and do not account for the additional (and likely greater) expenses of transporting the President's Secret Service and diplomatic entourage, backup aircraft, land vehicles, and advance security teams, it goes to show that higher Air Force One operational costs substantially change the budgetary magnitude of these trips," NTUF wrote.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Vatican Chief Justice:
Obama's Policies 'Have Become Progressively More Hostile
Toward Christian Civilization'

March 24, 2014 11:14 AM
Cardinal Leo Raymond Burke walks on St Peter's square after a cardinals' meeting on the eve of the start of a conclave on March 11, 2013 at the Vatican. (credit: JOHANNES EISELE/AFP/Getty Images)

The Vatican's chief justice feels that President Barack Obama's policies have been hostile toward Christians.

In an interview with Polonia Christiana magazine –and transcribed by Life Site News — Cardinal Raymond Burke said that Obama "promotes anti-life and anti-family policies."

"It is true that the policies of the president of the United States have become progressively more hostile toward Christian civilization. He appears to be a totally secularized man who aggressively promotes anti-life and anti-family policies," Burke told the magazine.

The former archbishop of St. Louis stated that Obama is trying to "restrict" religion.

"Now he wants to restrict the exercise of the freedom of religion to freedom of worship, that is, he holds that one is free to act according to his conscience within the confines of his place of worship but that, once the person leaves the place of worship, the government can constrain him to act against his rightly-formed conscience, even in the most serious of moral questions," Burke said.

Burke took a swipe against Obama's Affordable Care Act over the law's birth control mandate, saying "such policies would have been unimaginable in the United States even 40 years ago."

"In a democracy, such a lack of awareness is deadly," Burke told the magazine. "It leads to the loss of the freedom which a democratic government exists to protect. It is my hope that more and more of my fellow citizens, as they realize what is happening, will insist on electing leaders who respect the truth of the moral law as it is respected in the founding principles of our nation."

Burke also believes there is hope that abortion will be overturned in the U.S.

"There is hope that the evil anti-life laws of the United States can be overthrown and that the anti-life movement which urges yet more of such legislation can be resisted," Burke said. "The pro-life movement in the United States has been working since 1973 to reverse the unjust decision of the Supreme Court which struck down state laws prohibiting procured abortion. It is true that the Supreme Court decision stands, but it is also true that the pro-life movement has grown ever stronger in the United States, that is, that more and more citizens, especially young citizens, have been awakened to the truth about the grave evil of procured abortion."

Pope Francis removed Burke from the Congregation for Bishops last December.

Obama will be meeting Pope Francis for the first time at the Vatican on Thursday.


Cocaine Shipment En Route
to Vatican Seized by
German Officials
by Luke O'Neil | 12:34 pm, March 23rd, 2014

From his opinions on social justice and unchecked capitalism, to his relatively liberalizing statements about homosexuality and his commitment to an ascetic personal lifestyle – in other words, for actually following through on the whole WWJD? question – we've taken to calling Jorge Bergoglio, who records under the stage name Pope Francis, the Coolest Pope Ever. But he may be taking that designation a little too seriously. A report from the Associated Press in Berlin today says that German officials seized a shipment of cocaine that was addressed to the Vatican.

The shipment, which was snatched at Leipzig Airport in January, included 12 ounces of cocaine in 14 condoms, which would also represent a pretty big 180 on the Church's stance on birth control.

It's not as if the pope, who once, amazingly, worked as a night club bouncer in Buenos Aires, which I'm pretty sure is a first for popes, wouldn't have encountered the stuff once or twice, if only to confiscate it from unruly patrons. But there are no indications that the drugs were actually intended for officials in the Vatican itself. Although if you wanted to ignore that and make a racist joke about the first South American pope changing the culture of the papacy this would be a pretty good opportunity to do it now. I'm sure the gang on #tcot would love it. Belgium's De Morgen newspaper has already broken the ice on the joke set up with their black president/monkey legalizes weed joke this weekend.

In other papal news, the Vatican announced the members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors this weekend, a group meant to address the continuing issue of sexual abuse that have plagued the Church in recent years.

[Image via Remo Casilli/Reuters]



According to Harry Reid, "There have been plenty of horror stories being told about the Affordable Care Act, but they're all untrue."

My initial reaction was to ask if people were going to believe Harry or their canceled health insurance policies. But then, after thinking about it a while, it occurred to me that the real horror stories are the lies Obama and his collection of sock puppets keep feeding us.

From Harry Reid's point of view, the facts regarding low enrollment numbers, the small percentage of enrollees who are young and healthy and the inevitable loss of Senate seats to the GOP in November, are far more horrific than anything even I could conjure up.

It would make for a nice change if instead of forever whining about America's having a prison for terrorists in Cuba, liberals would occasionally get outraged over Russia having a military base in Ukraine and puppet states in Iran and Syria. It would also make for a nice change if the mere thought of using military force against our enemies didn't have them fanning themselves like old southern ladies suffering from the vapors.

After Barack Obama said the Senate vote that denied Debo Adegbile a major position at the Justice Department was a travesty, I felt it might not be my place to argue the point. After all, Obama has been personally responsible for so many travesties, who was I to question his expertise in that area?

Still, I thought his comment was a tad harsh, especially since it was a bipartisan vote in which seven Democrats joined with the Republicans to remind Mr. Adegbile, a lawyer formerly affiliated with the NAACP, that he had every right to work on behalf of a convicted cop killer and to lead demonstrations on his behalf, but that actions have consequences. And just because Barack Obama and Eric Holder have proven that being racial bigots isn't always an obstacle to success, luck is no more equally distributed than wealth.

Speaking of wealth, it strikes me that Obama and his corporate buddies are using America as their own personal piñata. The dirty little secret on the Left is that nearly all the fat cats are in bed with the Democrats. That's why no matter what sort of shellacking the insurance companies are likely to take as a result of the Affordable Care Act, written into the bill is a federal bailout. So while you lose your health care and your doctor, those guys won't lose a dime. Period!

Besides, who do you think has been showing up these past six years at Obama's $35,000-a-plate fund raisers? In exchange for their generosity, Obama not only underwrites all those doomed green energy companies with our tax dollars, but he sees to it that the Federal Reserve keeps printing $85 billion a month, so that Wall Street can keep setting records for the wealthy, while most Americans are left trying to survive long-term unemployment and 29-hour work weeks.

Vladimir Putin may not serve as a plague to the world for as long as Joseph Stalin, who ran the Soviet Union for 30 years, but it won't be for lack of trying. George W. Bush said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul. I suggest that President Bush should never have left the house without his glasses. Rumor has it that later that same day, Bush also spotted the lost city of Atlantis, the Loch Ness monster and invited Big Foot over for bar-be-que.

But even Bush wasn't as pathetic as Obama. The current occupant of the Oval Office seems to think that just because it works with his daughters, a time out is all it takes to make Putin toe the line. What Barack fails to grasp is that when Putin looks at his Obama Christmas card, he sees four females, not three, and he realizes that in a fight, Michelle is the only one he might have reason to worry about.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Where a Middle School Took Students
on a Field Trip is
Every Gun Control Fanatic's
Worst Nightmare 
By  Michael Hausam   2 days ago

A couple of generations ago this would not have been news at all.  Now, it's not only news but completely awesome.

After studying the Revolutionary War, students from Craver Middle School in Pueblo, Colorado spent the day at a gun range.

Coordinated by Project Appleseed, a nonprofit  that teaches  history and marksman ship via The Revolutionary War Veterans Association, the kids were shown gun safety and how to handle a firearm. All of them were allowed to shoot at the range with live ammunition.

No word yet on any howls of protest from anti-gun groups, but you know they're coming. But it seems reasonable that kids should know gun safety, rather than not have a clue what a gun is and what it does.

Flash Video of Channel 13 news in Colorado at


Race riot in Downtown Louisville.
Media censors.

Note: There was a story in the Louisville news about a white man attacked at random by a black mob in Waterfront Park. This occurred the day BEFORE the big riot. It is probably safe to say that mob attacks by young blacks are occurring every weekend.

An estimated two hundred young blacks rioted in downtown Louisville over the weekend. Police document seventeen incidents of violence. At least three victims were sent to the hospital. At least one gas station was looted. A white female clerk was also beaten up at that gas station.

There was also a mob attack against a thirteen year old girl. A female motorist, with her children, was pulled out of her car and viciously assaulted.

The Louisville media outlets are refusing to state the race of the perpetrators or any victims. However, video surveillance shows the rioters are all young black males and females.

Notice that Channel 11 makes the story about the police response and not the actual perpetrators. Anything to deflect from the racial nature of the crimes.

"The first incident involved a man who was beaten and robbed after he tried to break-up what appears to be a physical assault and robbery of a 13-year-old girl," Conrad said.

Many of the teens left after police responded to that incident at Waterfront Park, but only moved to another part of downtown.

"Officers were then called to the White Castle at 1st and Market Street where they dispersed a crowd of 70 to 80 disorderly people," Conrad said.

A group of young men near the White Castle then started throwing trash cans at a woman in her stopped car.

"They kicked her car. She was punched several times in the head," Conrad said. According to police, her children were passengers in the car.

Several young men from this same group then allegedly robbed the Bader's Food Market and attacked the clerk. A different man was then attacked on third and Chestnut, according to police. But the violence did not stop there.

"Shortly after that, another man was robbed and assaulted at 5th and Broadway – again by a group of young men. He too, was taken to the hospital," he added.

Assaults sent three people to University Hospital. Police only made one arrest.

This is a very unusual occurrence for our community," Conrad said.

Police do not know what started the series of assaults, but believe insults on social media and the warmer weather are factors. Conrad sees a clear correlation between weather improving and an increase in crime.

Dispatchers continued to get calls about vandalism on downtown buildings and cars after police responded to final assault. They are asking for any information about who might have been in these groups, or who they might have assaulted.

"I am convinced that there were young people doing things they otherwise would not have done," said Conrad. "I'm also convinced that there were in that crowd last night who knew things were going to get out of hand – who saw red flags – who could've called us," Conrad said.

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