This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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349 real pennies for 100 fake/plastic pennies, really!
Do you see anything wrong with this picture?


Saturday, October 13th, 2007 | Posted by Veterans Today

Veteran Removes Illegal
Mexican Flag,

May Be Charged

Reno resident cuts down Mexican flag flying above U.S. flag after outcry
by Steve Watson

A Veteran from Reno, Nev. has hit headlines after he took matters into his own hands and tore down a Mexican flag that was being illegally flown above a U.S. flag at a local business.

Local news station krnv News 4 had received calls from angry residents complaining about the Mexican flag. When the station sent a reporter to investigate the Veteran took the opportunity to make a statement in front of the cameras.

The man commented "I'm Jim Brossert and I took this flag down in honor of my country with a knife from the United States army. I'm a veteran, I am not going to see this done to my country. if they want to fight us, then they need to be men, and they need to come and fight us, but I want somebody to fight me for this flag. They're not going to get it back."  (continued...)


The hispanic store owner who witnessed the incident would not make comment on camera but told krnv over the phone that he was flying the flag as a mark of solidarity to the hispanic community. Pro-immigration protests have been ongoing in the area all weekend after raids were conducted by authorities in the area last week.

The store owner said he is an American citizen and did not know what he was doing was against the law. However, according to federal law it is illegal to fly any flag above the U.S. flag, and if flying more than one they must be on separate poles and be of an equal size.

The Reno police department has told krnv that Brossert will faces charges for theft if the store owner files a police report of what happened.



What Happened During Obama's Call To Putin About Invading Ukraine

So what does Obuma do...?

FIERCE OBAMA Responds to Putin – Cancels Delegation to Sochi Paralympics
Posted by Andrew Marcus on Monday, March 3, 2014, 5:23 PM


The crisis in Ukraine prompted the White House today to cancel its official delegation to the Paralympic Games in Russia, and the Illinois lawmaker who had planned to lead the delegation issued a statement condemning Russian military actions.

Boy... that will teach Putin!  So... the Obuma Administration took decisive action today against Putin in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  They cancelled their official delegation to the Sochi Paralympics.  No paralympic delegation AND a condemning statement!  WOW!  No word yet on how Putin plans to respond to this escalation from the Obuma Adm. in the cycle of violence unfolding in Ukraine.


Radio Talk Show host Mark Levin joined 'Imus In The Morning' to weigh in on Sarah Palin's prophetic comments about Russia's advancement towards the Ukraine.
Mark offered this insight:

"I can't think of anything he (Obuma)touches that doesn't turn to 'crap'."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


CNN Laughs At Hillary Clinton's Failed Russian 'Reset': "Not Really Working Out Well"
Monday, March 3, 2014, 7:09 PM

In March 2009 Hillary Clinton announced that the Obama Adminstration was going to push the reset button with the Russians. Unfortunately, the administration bungled their delivery and spelled out "overcharge" rather than "restart" on their button.

An assistant shows the mock 'reset' button that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handed to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Geneva in 2009. (AP Photo)

Today CNN laughed at the Obama Administration's failed Russian 'reset.'
"It's not really working out so well."

Even CNN is laughing. It's that bad.


Palin Predicted Putin's Invasion Of Ukraine In 2008

Hey... remember when that crazy VP candidate lady said Putin would invade Ukraine if Obuma was elected?  It really is amazing how the media is able to paint conservatives as crazy weirdos over and over, isn't it.  One of the most skillful political smears from the media was making Sarah Palin seem insane and stupid.  Just like Mitt Romney was mocked for his "Cold War" mentality when he warned about Russian aggression, Sarah Palin was ridiculed for similar warnings she made four years earlier:

What an idiot right?  The unholy powers of deception of the hordes of smirking news reporters made sure everyone thought Sarah Palin said, "I can see Russia from my house," while praising the "Russian Reset" policy of Hillary Clinton, which has now resulted in Putin seizing Ukraine and attempting to re-organize the Soviet Union.  You don't even have to like Sarah Palin to understand the breathtaking dishonesty and hypocrisy from the news media and liberals who attacked her.

Meanwhile, Democrats are still drooling over the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for president in 2016 with the thinnest of resumes.  And why not?  Democracy under liberals is just a popularity contest... no experience or competence is needed to run America into the ground.[/color]
These are the spoils of a very weak president drawing down American power and presence in the world.  And it's just beginning.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Far-Left Rag 'New Republic' Says "Mitt Romney Was Right About Russia"

(Flying pig alert)

Mitt Romney Was Right About Russia — New Republic

"Romney Was Right About Russia" - From the New Republic. In the course of the last presidential campaign, Mitt Romney made a comment about America's number one "geopolitical foe," which Romney claimed was Russia. He was mocked by the president and many liberal commentators. Here are Romney's remarks, in their full context, which came during a conversation with Wolf Blitzer:

ROMNEY:  Russia... is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.  They fight every cause for the world's worst actors.

BLITZER:  But you think Russia is a bigger foe right now than, let's say, Iran or China or North Korea? Is that—is that what you're suggesting, Governor?

ROMNEY:  Well, I'm saying in terms of a geopolitical opponent, the nation that lines up with the world's worst actors.  Of course, the greatest threat that the world faces is a nuclear Iran.  A nuclear North Korea is already troubling enough.

But when these—these terrible actors pursue their course in the world and we go to the United Nations looking for ways to stop them, when... when Assad, for instance, is murdering his own people, we go... we go to the United Nations, and who is it that always stands up for the world's worst actors? It is always Russia, typically with China alongside.

And.... and so in terms of a geopolitical foe, a nation that's on the Security Council, that has the heft of the Security Council and is, of course, a—a massive nuclear power, Russia is the—the geopolitical foe.

This all seems... exactly right.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


New Billion-Dollar Food Labels Proposed by Michelle Obama Because Mothers Are "Confused" & "Bewildered,"... CDC Says First Lady's "Childhood Obesity Crisis" Is a "Myth"

Posted By Vicki McClure Davidson on March 3, 2014

Food prices keep rising, but First Lady Michelle Obama is focused on 'confused, bewildered' mothers whom she says are unable to figure out nutrition labels

On Thursday, FLOTUS Michelle Obama addressed her proposed food labeling changes at a 'Let's Move!' anniversary event at the White House with HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg.

It was presented with the First Lady's assertion that mothers who shop for their family's food are easily confused, or stupid, or something like that.

As a mother, I resent the First Lady's patronizing, her painting of mothers across the nation as passive dolts who need the government to give them bigger fonts on packaged food labels so that they can miraculously learn how to feed their children properly, so that they aren't paralyzed with fear or ignorance in a supermarket aisle.

Granted, there is perhaps a handful of parents (not just mothers) out there who were indeed "confused" and "bewildered" before with those old nutrition labels, so confused that they would feed their kids Ding Dongs and Red Bulls for breakfast and make several dinner stops a week through the fast-food drive-throughs. Assuredly, they will continue to be "confused" and "bewildered" with the new labels (or indifferent to them), if they ever even read the old labels in the first place.

Additionally, this past week, a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that the First Lady's incessant claims of a "childhood obesity crisis" are dead wrong.

In fact, they called her claims a "myth."

From CNS News, Michelle Obama: America's Moms Are 'Confused and Bewildered,' 'Defeated' by Grocery Shopping:

Apparently it's not the price of the groceries, but the nutrition labels on food packages that make grocery shopping such a difficult and trying experience for the moms of America.

In pitching new, improved nutrition labels at the White House on Thursday, first lady Michelle Obama tried to identify with women who do the grocery shopping for their families. Her message was aimed at mothers who want to buy healthy food and depend on labels to help them do that:

"So there you stood, alone in some aisle in a store, the clock ticking away at the precious little time remaining to complete your weekly grocery shopping, and all you could do was scratch your head, confused and bewildered, and wonder, is there too much sugar in this product? Is 50 percent of the daily allowance of riboflavin a good thing or a bad thing? And how on Earth could this teeny little package contain five whole servings?

"This stream of questions and worries running through your head when all you really wanted to know was, should I be eating this or not? Is this good for my kids or not? And if it is healthy, how much of it should I be eating? But unless you had a thesaurus, a calculator, a microscope, or a degree in nutrition, you were out of luck. So you felt defeated, and you just gave up and went back to buying the same stuff you always buy."

She makes the current labels sound positively medieval — impossible for mothers to figure out without a trusty microscope, no less — but her own bigger-better-faster labels will save the day!

True to form, FLOTUS once again demonstrates that she believes that parents need the all-knowing Obama government to step in, because parents just aren't smart enough to figure out how to feed their children properly unless she and her Food Police brigade are at the helm.

I believe that the majority of America's mothers are likely not all that "confused" or "bewildered," but are instead gravely concerned with the skyrocketing of food prices that is taking more aggressive bites out of their strained household budget.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air weighed in on the nutritional label change and posted a side-by-side graphic produced by CBS News. The graphic compares the changes, most noticeably a larger font... and which will cost consumers several billion dollars for this to be implemented:

It's not the Titanic, but it's really just rearranging deck chairs. It's not providing any new information except "added sugars," which isn't all that different nutritionally from overall sugars. It leaves out the RDA information, at least for the moment. This is the least-caloric nothingburger one can imagine, and yet this is all over the news today.

CBS News aired last week this report about higher food prices — the price of chicken is up 18.4 percent, ground beef is up 16.8 percent, and bacon is up 22.8 percent.

How are Michelle O's new bigger-font labels going to help with these alarming rising food costs? Surely you jest.

More American families struggle with higher food prices:

From The Guardian, Michelle Obama unveils food label proposals: 'This will be the new norm':

Michelle Obama has some bad news for weight-conscious shoppers and food manufacturers: we've all been cheating.

In a rare foray into a frontline political battlefield, the first lady on Thursday announced a series of proposed changes to US food labelling rules that seek to tackle the fact that the average serving sizes used to calculate calorie intake have lost track with the reality of modern American appetites.

"This will be the new norm for providing consumers with the information they need," said the First Lady.

"We first launched Let's Move four years ago, [and] all of us here today were driven by a simple belief: that parents deserve to have the information they need to make healthy choices for their kids," she added.

From Daily Caller, The CDC confirms Michelle Obama's childhood obesity crisis is a myth:

A decade-long drumbeat of bad news about childhood obesity is now officially wrong. Michelle Obama is wrong, too. America is not in the grip of a childhood obesity epidemic and, consequently, the First Lady's much-ballyhooed anti-obesity strategy is redundant, at best.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and published in Wednesday's edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, the obesity rate among pre-school American children plummeted 43 percent over the past 10 years. Only 8 percent of 2- to 5-year-olds were obese in 2011-2012, down from 14 percent in 2003-2004.

Such good news is a veritable shock to anti-obesity campaigners, but it should not be. Despite being based upon the deeply flawed Body Mass Index height-weight ratio, official statistics have shown for some time that the child obesity 'epidemic' had leveled off.

For example, an earlier CDC childhood obesity study, also published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined the BMI of children between 1999 and 2008, the decade during which childhood obesity was consistently described as America's preeminent public health problem.

The results were striking. At no time during the study period was there a statistically significant trend, except for boys at the highest BMI levels. In other words, any spike in obesity was narrowly confined to a very small number of very obese boys.

More recently, the CDC found that childhood obesity rates had fallen in some states (such as New York, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania) during the past few years. Most recently, the CDC documented a decline in the obesity rate among low-income children. Therefore, the very latest CDC data confirms rather than breaks the news that obesity rates are on the decline among American children.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The Blame Game: Will Pres. Obuma Ever Stop Blaming Others for His Failures?

In January, Pres. Barack Obama blamed his failures — for the umpteenth time — on conservative media.

The Commander in Chief did it again in February.

Now that we're into March, how many of his missteps, mistakes, and failures will Obama not own up to, instead pointing fingers at others, specifically Fox News and radio host Rush Limbaugh?

At least, as political analyst and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Charles Krauthammer pointed out in January, he isn't blaming George W. Bush, as he did for years during his first term.

From Breitbart, Krauthammer: 'Whiny,' 'Unseemly' for Obama to Blame DC Gridlock on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh:

On her Thursday broadcast, "The Kelly File" host Megyn Kelly brought on Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer to sound off on the latest excerpt of President Barack Obama's interview with the New Yorker magazine's David Remnick.

In that excerpt, Obama blamed Fox News and conservative talker Rush Limbaugh for the gridlock in Washington, D.C. Krauthammer noted Obama has "the commanding heights of the culture" in his corner and said it was unbecoming of the leader of the free world to complain on those grounds.

"At least he is not blaming it on climate change or George W. Bush," Krauthammer said. "Look, it's rather unseemly if you are the commander-in-chief, the leader of the free world and the most powerful man on earth who can reduce pieces of the planet to a cinder on his command, to get so whiny. You know when you pull the camera back and you look at the media landscape — on one side you got those elements in the media that are sympathetic or even worship at his feet. You've got ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, of course MSNBC. You've got Hollywood that's sympathetic, the television/entertainment side. I mean, you got the major newspapers – The New York Times, The Washington Post. It's what Lenin would call the commanding heights of the culture – are all on one side. And what do you have on the other side? Fox News and talk radio. And you've got a president of the United States complaining that that explains the failures of his administration."

Krauthammer also took aim at Obama for failing to give respect to the other side when it comes to debating public policy.

In 2009, if he wasn't blaming Bush, Fox News, or Limbaugh, Obama was blaming America during his controversial "Apology Tour."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Top Iranian General Mocks Obaua For Having A "Low IQ"

(The only thing lower than Obama's IQ, is the idiots that voted for him)

TEHRAN (FNA) – Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Cultural Affairs and Defense Publicity Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri called the recent statements of US President Barack Obama on Iran as "the joke of the year", and warned Washington to be watchful of its words and actions when dealing with Iran or wait for "hell".

President Obama told Bloomberg news network a few days ago that 95 percent of the sanctions will remain in place during the course of negotiations between Iran and six world powers (the US, Russia, France, China and Britain plus Germany) over Tehran's nuclear energy program. "We're going to enforce them, and we've been enforcing them during the course of these discussions."

In response, General Jazzayeri said on Tuesday, "The low-IQ US president and his country's Secretary of State John Kerry speak of the effectiveness of 'the US options on the table' on Iran while this phrase is mocked at and has become a joke among the Iranian nation, specially the children."

He reiterated that all US forces in the region are within the reach of Iran's military power and "if they err, the region will be turned into a hell for them".

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


*Pic of The Day: Biden Locked In A Battle of The Wits With Group of Preschoolers

*PHOTO: VP Biden talks about animals with kids during his visit to the East Lake Family YMCA today in Atlanta.

(Sadly for Joe, he lost)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Mooch To Celebrate "Women's History Month" With Tribute To Soul Music?

(Waydda minute... wasn't this WOMEN'S history month?  What's Mr. Ellen doing here??)

Via AP:

First lady Michelle Obama is bringing together an impressive group of female artists for a White House concert celebrating women of soul.

The lineup for Thursday's concert includes Aretha Franklin, Patti LaBelle, Melissa Etheridge and Janelle Monae (Moe-NAY'). Also performing will be Tessanne (tess-ANN') Chin, Ariana Grande (GRON'-day) and Jill Scott.

The show will be streamed live Thursday night on the White House web site, and broadcast April 7th on PBS stations as "Women of Soul: In Performance at the White House."

It is designed to celebrate what the White House describes as great "foremothers" of American music, with songs exploring the struggles and achievements of women.

In connection with the concert, the White House will hold a workshop for students to learn about the history of women in soul.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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