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Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Polar Bears, Grizzlies to Merge

February 20, 2014

NEW YORK Times - In what observers are calling the largest merger ever between two species of mammal capable of mauling humans to death, polar bears and grizzly bears announced on Friday that they were joining forces in a friendly acquisition.

If the merger goes through, the polar bears and grizzly bears would together be able to terrorize a much larger landmass than ever before, experts said.

Speaking at a packed press conference in New York accompanied by their investment bankers from Goldman Sachs, the jubilant bears gave their spin on the unprecedented deal.

"To say that we're excited would be an understatement," said a spokesman for the grizzlies. "For years, we've admired the way polar bears have dismembered hikers who've encroached on their territory. To be on the same team with talent like that—whoa. It's a dream come true."

While critics of the merger have argued that it is anticompetitive, a spokesman for the polar bears disagreed.

"I think working with the grizzlies is just going to push us to savage more human flesh than ever before. Speaking for myself, I'm ready to start mauling," he said, underscoring his point by eating a reporter.

The merger is not expected to face regulatory hurdles.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Crime History, Feb. 20, 1839: Congress Outlaws Pistol Dueling To Prevent Lawmakers From Continuing To Kill Each Other

(Hmmmm... Maybe Congress needs to bring it back)

Via DC Crime Stories
On this day, Feb. 20, in 1839, Congress prohibited pistol dueling in the District of Columbia after one Congressman killed another. (Edit: Better than term limits)

Dueling was not an uncommon way to settle disputes of honor during the 19th century America. President Andrew Jackson is said to have fought in a dozen duels, and including one that left a bullet in his chest until his death 19 years later.

The pistol duel that finally prompted the congress to outlaw the violent practice featured Kentucky Representative William Jordan Graves and Maine Representative Jonathan Cilley.

By the rules of the duel, Graves was allowed to stand-in for New York newspaperman James Webb, who was inexperienced with guns. Cilley critized Graves' political ally and alleged that Webb was corrupt.

The two sides met at the Bladensburg dueling grounds on the MarlboroRoad in Maryland. The grove near the Dueling Creek, a tributary of the Anacostia River, had been the site of at least 50 shoot-outs, most famously the killing of Navy hero Stephen Decatur, of the Decatur House.

After stepping off eight paces, Graves shot Cilley in his leg, causing him to bleed to death in 90 seconds.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Pathetic: Ukrainian Defense Minister Refuses To Take Multiple
Phone Calls From Clucky Hagel

(This is how far America has fallen under Obuma... the world's most powerful nation can't even get the Ukrainians to pick up the phone.  And then too... calling collect doesn't help, either, Clucky)

[Phone Ringing]
[Ukraine Defense Minister Pavel Lebedev]  "Hello?"
[Operator:] "Yes, a collect call for Mr. Lebedev from Mr. Clucky Hagel.
Will you accept the charges from the United States"
(Phone is Hung Up)
[Operator] "He hung up.  Sir?"
[Clucky] "I wonder why he hung up..." 
(Phone Ringing)
[Lebedev:] "Hello?"
[Operator:] "This is the United States calling."
"Are we reaching Ukraine Defense Minister Pavel Lebedev?"
(Phone is Hung Up)
[Operator] "See he keeps hanging up, Sir.  Sir?  Sir??  Mr. Clucky???"

Via Washington Examiner:

Ukraine Defense Minister Pavel Lebedev has refused to take multiple phone calls made personally by Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, the Pentagon said Thursday.

"Secretary Hagel has been trying, himself, since early this week," Pentagon press secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby told reporters. Lebedev refuses "to communicate, to accept a phone call" from Hagel or the Pentagon.

"We haven't been able to connect with anybody from the Defense Ministry there in Ukraine," he said. "We've been trying pretty diligently here in the Pentagon, we've been trying pretty diligently this whole week. I'd say it's pretty unusual."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Louisiana Man Killed In Suspected 'Nigger Knockout Game' Attack

(The knockout game "myth" rears its ugly black head again)

Via Daily Caller:!

Two Louisiana teenagers have been charged with second-degree murder in an attack motivated by a competition between the two to see who could hit harder, according to local police.

Windall Herring, 19, and an unnamed 15-year-old were arrested in Baton Rouge on Tuesday for the murder of 55-year-old John Bannon.

The attack occurred near Bannon's home around 9:30 p.m. on Feb. 1. Bannon was rushed to a hospital trauma unit, but succumbed last Friday to his injuries which included a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging, according to The (Baton Rouge) Advocate.

"During our investigation we learned that the suspects were having a conversation about 'who could hit the hardest' when suddenly the victim was observed walking in close proximity to their location," Baton Rouge spokesman Cpl. Don Coppola Jr. told The Daily Caller News Foundation. "It was decided at that moment by the suspects that they were going to target the victim together and intentionally strike him with their fist to determine who in fact could hit the victim the hardest."


Feds charge alleged 'knockout game' white attacker with hate crime

Via Daily Caller:

The Department of Justice has charged a Katy, Texas man who participated in the "knockout game" with a federal hate crime.

On Thursday, federal officials announced that they arrested and charged 27-year-old Conrad Alvin Barrett — a white man — with a federal racially-motivated hate crime for attempting to knock out an unsuspecting 79-year-old African American man with a single punch.

"Suspected crimes of this nature will simply not be tolerated," said U.S. Attorney Kenneth Magidson in a statement. "Evidence of hate crimes will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted with the assistance of all our partners to the fullest extent of the law."

Nearly all "knockout game" attacks have featured black attackers targeting white or Jewish victims.

According to Justice Department officials, Barrett recorded the attack on his cell phone and showed it to other people. He also made other videos identifying himself in one of them and making a racial slur in another.

"The plan is to see if I were to hit a black person, would this be nationally televised?" said Barrett in one video, according to the complaint.

Officials also allege that Barrett hit the man, causing him to fall to the ground, laughed, said "knockout" and fled.

The victim reportedly suffered a broken jaw in two places and had to be hospitalized for several days.

Barrett was arrested Thursday after officials filed a criminal complaint Tuesday.

"It is unimaginable in this day and age that one could be drawn to violently attack another based on the color of their skin," the FBI's Special Agent in Charge Stephen L. Morris added. "We remind all citizens we are protected under the law from such racially motivated attacks and encourage everyone to report such crimes to the FBI."

If he is convicted, Barrett could face 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

The Washington Times highlights that despite an increase in reports of attacks of this type featuring black assailants and white victims, there have been few hate crime charges leveled against the attackers — but the paper notes that in November one person in New York was charged with a hate crime for targeting a Jewish man.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Report: Al-Qaeda Recruiting Americans Fighting In Syria To Undertake Special Training To Carry Out Terror Attacks When They Return Home

(I would be shocked if there weren't a few returning jihadists who try to carry out attacks on the homeland)

Via CNN:
Intelligence increasingly shows al Qaeda is encouraging American and other western fighters in Syria to undertake special training to prepare them for possibly returning to their home countries to carry out attacks, U.S. officials told CNN.

National security officials are concerned that amid the mayhem of Syria's civil war, the global terror group has found a safe haven and a place where it again can recruit, plot and train operatives to carry out attacks on the U.S. homeland.

"There is an effort to exploit them to get them to return to the West," one official said.

The official, who did not speak for full attribution, described scenarios in which foreign fighters arrive in Syria and are recruited by al Qaeda to train for external attacks.

CNN has spoken to a number of officials who sketched out similar scenarios.

It is not certain how many Americans may have been singled out or if any have been successfully recruited. But another worry is that any Europeans in the mix may be a potential threat as well because they don't need visas to enter the United States.

Training facilities can change locations and related materials can be found online, minimizing chances that a specific target could be identified and attacked.

Yemeni affiliate in Syria
Another concern is the presence in Syria of fighters and operatives affiliated with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which is based in Yemen.

Its top bomb maker, Ibrahim al-Asiri, is believed to have developed underwear bombs and an explosive hidden in printer cartridges.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Hundreds mourn tragic Venezuelan beauty queen, 22, gunned down on the street amid violent anti-government protests as death tolls rises to six

*Génesis Carmona, 22, shot in the head amid anti-government protests
*Unidentified gunman opened fire on demonstrators in Valencia
*Venezuelan protest death toll reaches six in a week
*Hundreds of people turned out Friday for Carmona's funeral

By Daily Mail Reporter and Donna Sawyer
PUBLISHED: 16:02 EST, 21 February 2014

Hundreds of people turned out today for the funeral of a Venezuelan college student and beauty queens who was shot dead this week during a violent political protest.
Family members and friends of 22-year-old Genesis Carmona say the former Miss Tourism 2013 for the central Venezuelan state of Carabobo was gunned down by members of the armed militias known as 'colectivos' who opened fire on a demonstration in Valencia Tuesday.

The government says the incident is under investigation but has suggested she may have been shot by an opposition protester - a suggestion that drew scorn at the private Mass and graveside memorial attended by several hundred people.

Stunner: Genesis Carmona, 22, who won the title of 'Miss Tourism' in her home state of Carabobo, suffered a fatal wound to the head during a demonstration in Valencia
'She wanted to support her country and, well, look what it cost her for going out with a flag and a whistle. Killed by government mercenaries,' said Jose Gil, an uncle of Carmona.

People at the service who were also at the rally said they saw a group of up to 50 men on motorcycles, armed with handguns fire directly into the crowd of about 3,000 demonstrators, setting off a panicked stampede through the street.

'We were protesting peacefully and this was like a war,' said Emilio Morillo, an 18-year-old university student.

Kendry Gill, 22-year-old law student also at the rally, said nine people were shot, including a young woman who remains hospitalized in critical condition with a perforated lung.

'It was practically an ambush,' Gill said. 'We're peaceful. We don't have any weapons.'

Carmona, who was in her final year earning a marketing degree at a university in Valencia, was not ardently political, friends and family said.

Grieving friends: Relatives and friends carry the coffin of Carmona during her funeral in Valencia, Venezuela, Friday

Last ride: Carmona's loved ones embrace inside the hearse carrying her body to its final resting place

Bed of roses: Hundreds of people carrying flowers and wreaths turned out to say goodbye to the slain college student

Innocent: People at the service said Carmona was protesting peacefully along with other people and did not deserve to die

Cortege: A car carries the body of Venezuelan student and beauty queen Genesis Carmona from funeral home Servicios Previsivos Santa Rosa

Her uncle said she was drawn to the rally by the dismal economic conditions that the oil-rich country has experienced after 15 years of socialism-inspired policies and that her mother had gone with her to protect her.

'There's no food, no milk, no baby food ... It is horrible what is happening in this country,' Gil said. 'That's why she was out at the protest.'

Carmona is one of at least six people who have been killed during political protests roiling this South American country since massive opposition rallies on February 12 ended with three deaths in the capital, including one government supporter.

With even President Nicolas Maduro lamenting the tragedy during a speech on national TV, the young woman's death has resonated with the public in part because she was a pageant winner in a country that has long prized its production of more Miss Universe winners than any other nation.

High-profile event: Venezuelan policemen stand guard during the funeral of Genesis Carmona

Armed to the teeth: Bolivarian National Guard officers stand guard next to the highway through which the funeral procession of passed

Her death also came amid growing concerns about escalating violence in the country, and has left many on edge as the opposition plans large-scale rallies Saturday.
The government said Thursday that it would send paratroopers to a border area torn by fierce clashes between police and anti-government protesters even as security forces are being accused of turning many parts of the country into free-fire zones in their bid to silence a rejuvenated movement challenging socialist rule.
The unrest has been particularly high in the western state of Tachira, on Venezuela's border with Colombia, where anti-government protesters have clashed with police and National Guard units, disrupting life in its capital, San Cristobal.

Interior Minister Miguel Rodriguez Torres announced Thursday that a battalion of paratroopers was being sent to Tachira to help bring calm.

'These units will enable the city to function, so food can get in, so people can go about their normal lives. It's simply meant to restore order,' he said.

Civic minded: Carmona's uncle said the woman was not overly political, but she was drawn to the rally by the dismal economic conditions

San Cristobal Vice Mayor Sergio Vergara, a member of the opposition, disputed that. He said the government caused the troubles by cracking down on what had been peaceful protests and that as part of its campaign had cut off vital services in the city, including public transportation and the Internet.

Sending 3,000 paratroopers to a city of 600,000 people is 'effectively part of an effort at repression being played out by the government across the country,' Vergara said.

National Guard troops and members of pro-government militias have swarmed through the streets of Caracas and other cities firing volleys, at times indiscriminately, in repeated spasms of nighttime violence in recent days.

Henrique Capriles, the two-time presidential candidate of an opposition coalition, said the government is engaging in 'brutal repression,' in some cases breaking into apartment buildings to arrest people authorities accuse of being part of a plot for a coup against Maduro.

Shot dead: Genesis Carmona is taken to hospital on a motorcycle after she was shot in the head during an anti-government protest in Valencia, Venezuela

Full of aspiration: She was just a few months off completing her marketing degree
'What does the government want, a civil war?' Capriles asked at a news conference Thursday.

Carmona's last photo captured amid the chaos reigning in the streets of Valnecia shows the mortally wounded young student cradled in the arms of the motorbike rider speeding away in a failed bid to save her.
Moments earlier, Carmona had been shot in the head by an unidentified gunman who opened fire at anti-government protesters.
Miss Carmona, a marketing student and beauty queen, slumped to the ground. A bystander scooped her up in his arms and put her on his motorbike.
But despite rushing her to hospital for emergency surgery, doctors were unable to save her life. 
Last night, Miss Carmona's family were in shock.

'How long are we going to live like this? How long do we have to tolerate this pressure, with them killing us?' a relative said. 'She only needed one more semester to graduate,' he added.
Carmona, a professional model who won the title of Miss Tourism in her home state of Carabobo, was the most high-profile victim to date of violence in Venezuela. 

So far, six people have been killed in the demonstrations, sparked by opposition politicians with protestors demanding better security, an end to goods shortages and protected freedom of speech.
The Venezuelan opposition has blamed the deaths and injuries on armed government loyalists whom they allege are firing into crowds, at anti-government rallies.

The death of Carmona comes just over a month after a former Miss Venezuela, Monica Spear, was murdered together with her British husband in the street.

It also comes as Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez waits to learn if he will be charged for violence that has erupted during protests that have revitalized challenges to 15 years of socialist rule in the oil-rich nation.
Lopez was due to appear before a judge in a closed hearing a day after dramatically surrendering to authorities before thousands of cheering supporters Tuesday.
He was expected to learn what charges he would face for organizing mass demonstrations that have resulted in at least six deaths and more than 100 injuries over the past week.
The government of President Nicolas Maduro has accused Lopez, a 42-year-old former mayor and the leader of the Popular Will party, of attempting to foment a coup in the South American nation and authorities had said he could face charges that include homicide and causing grievous bodily harm.
A judicial official told The Associated Press that prosecutors were leaning toward discarding homicide and terrorism charges, opting instead to pursue less serious counts such as arson and incitement to commit crimes.

Angry demonstrations: Women wearing homemade signs that read in Spanish; "Freedom for Leopoldo," shout slogans in support of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez outside the Palace of Justice in Caracas, Venezuela

Arminda Alvarado, 85, supporter of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez stands outside the Palace of Justice to show her support, in Caracas, Venezuela

That would allow the possibility of Lopez being released pending trial, according to the official, who agreed to discuss the matter only if not quoted by name because the decision had not been made public.
Hundreds of supporters waited outside the courthouse for news of the decision, watched over by National Guard troops. Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma, a member of a different opposition party, showed up at one point in a sign of unity among the foes of the Maduro government.
'We are all united in demanding the release of Leopoldo Lopez,' Ledezma told the AP. 'We are rallying behind him.'
The crowd dissipated after hours of waiting when officials decided to hold the court hearing at the military jail outside Caracas where Lopez was being detained.
The opposition has planned nationwide marches for Saturday to protest both his detention as well as the rampant crime, shortages of consumer goods and inflation rate of more than 50 percent that has made life difficult for many in the country of nearly 30 million people.
The jailing of Lopez has made him a cause celebre among opponents of Maduro, eclipsing to some degree Henrique Capriles, the opposition's two-time losing presidential candidate who was building support for another challenge in two year.

Demonstrations escalate: Supporters of opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez hold up posters that read in Spanish " Leopoldo Venezuela is with you, your fight is our fight" and "The only one that robs this government of sleep has a name, Leopoldo Lopez " outside the Palace of Justice in Caracas, Venezuela
Pro-government demonstrators: Supporters of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, hold posters of him and of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during a demonstration outside the Palace of justice in Caracas, Venezuela
Capriles attended a rally on Feb. 12 in Caracas led by Lopez but did not appear on the stage to address the masses of demonstrators. Clashes with police erupted afterward, after the opposition leaders had left, and resulted in three deaths.
Maduro accused Lopez of leading a 'fascist' plot to oust the socialist government, the political legacy of the late Hugo Chavez, and authorities issued an arrest warrant for him. He surrendered theatrically on Tuesday, dressed in white to signify peace, adorned with a crucifix from his wife and surrounded by a sea of supporters.
'If my jailing serves to awaken a people, serves to awaken Venezuela ... then it will be well worth the infamous imprisonment imposed upon me directly, with cowardice,' he shouted from atop a statue of 19th century Cuban independence hero Jose Marti in a Caracas plaza.

Much of the capital shut down afterward, fearing violent clashes, but the violence occurred in Valencia, the third largest city, where National Guard troops fired rubber bullets and unknown gunman on motorcycles fired live rounds at protesters. Genesis Carmona, a 22-year-old university student who had been Miss Tourism 2013 for the state of Carabobo, was struck in the head and killed by a bullet, a death that reverberated in a country that prizes beauty queens.

Anti-government: Opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez's supporters pose for a photos with Bolivarian National Guard, riot police officers outside the Palace of Justice in Caracas, Venezuela

Opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez is flanked by Bolivarian National Guards after he surrendered, in Caracas, Venezuela

In southern Bolivar state on Wednesday, gunman firing from a rooftop at a pro-government demonstration killed one person and wounded four, Gov. Francisco Rangel Gomez said.

Since the latest unrest began a week ago, six people have died — two supporters of the government and four backers of the opposition, including one 17-year-old struck and killed by a car at a rally Tuesday.

Human rights groups have condemned the charges against Lopez, with Amnesty International and others saying they appear to be politically motivated. Secretary of State John Kerry earlier warned that arresting him would have a 'chilling effect' on freedom of expression.

Some Venezuelans say attracting attention was Lopez's plan all along, with the charismatic, Harvard-educated leader seeking to catapult past Capriles and lead the charge against the government.

But his fiery rhetoric and elite background — he studied economics in the U.S. on a swimming scholarship and speaks fluent English — make him an improbable figure to build bridges with the poor Venezuelans who elected Maduro and who, while increasingly dissatisfied with his handling of the economy, jealously guard their social gains under Chavez.

'The middle-class (protesters) on the street don't represent the masses,' said Carlos Romero, a political scientist at Central University of Venezuela.



The death of beauty queen Genesis Carmona comes over a month after Miss Venezuela 2004 Monica Spear Mootz, 29, was shot to death alongside her British ex-husband Thomas Berry in an armed highway robbery.

The pair were killed after being robbed when their car broke down on the Puero-Cabello Valencia highway at about 10pm on Monday, January 6.

Reports at the time suggested armed men came up to the car as the couple waited for a repair truck.

The terrified couple locked themselves in their Toyota Corolla but the robbers are believed to have opened fire through the windows.
The bodies of Mr Berry, 39, and Ms Spear, who had American citizenship, were found in the car with their five-year-old daughter, who had been shot in the leg.
At least six shots are believed to have been fired, hitting Mr Berry in the chest, his ex-wife in several places and their daughter in the leg.
The couple had reportedly separated a year before their death but remained close and went on vacations together to spend time with their daughter.

They were on one such trip touring the country during the week leading up to the attack and their friends thought that it may lead to a reunion.

Ms Spear was a famous TV actress following her pageant victory and appeared in a number of telenovelas [South American soap operas], with her roll in 'Forbidden Passions' the most notable.

The University of Central Florida graduate had American citizenship and her parents live in Orlando, Florida.

Mr Berry, an independent travel consultant from London, lived in the capital Caracas, it was reported.

Horrific: Robbers shot through the car windscreen when the terrified family locked themselves in.

He was understood to have moved to Florida for a short time after he was shot 15 years ago in a robbery that killed his friend.

'He had already been shot once by robbers trying to steal his car,' close friend Luis Dominguez told The Telegraph.

'His friend died in the incident and although doctors saved his life, they couldn't extract the bullet and he still had it in his stomach.'

['Mr Berry] moved to the States to get away from things here for a while but missed Venezuela and came back,' Mr Dominguez added.

Thomas Berry and Monica Spear Mootz on their wedding day in June 2008. They were murdered by gunmen in front of their daughter.

He said the family had spent New Year's in the mountains of the western state of Merida then traveled to the plains.

Mr Dominguez said they were people 'who really loved the country' and had a good relationship despite the divorce.

Seven people have been arrested in connection with the shooting.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Tingles Outraged Marco Rubio Called Obuma "Pathetic"

(Oh Tingles, why must you be so darn predicable?)

MATTHEWS: Up next, President Obama apologizes, well this isn't really an apology, it's not really even a conversation, but the right-wing is going nuts over it. Remember the other day he said that you take art history and it won't necessarily get you a job or something like that? Okay, off the top of his head. Well, if Marco Rubio had a head he wouldn't have said a word about it and he did say a word about it and it isn't too smart. He called the Presidents' words 'pathetic', excuse me.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


NFL To Penalize Use Of Racial Slur

(Penalized forty acres and a mule...)


The head of the Fritz Pollard Alliance, which monitors diversity in the NFL, expects the league to institute a rule where players would be penalized 15 yards for using the N-word on the field.

John Wooten, the head of the Fritz Pollard Alliance, anticipates that the NFL's competition committee will enact the rule at the owners' meeting next month.

"We did talk about it, I'm sure that you saw near the end of the year that Fritz Pollard (Alliance) came out very strong with the message that the league needs to do something about the language on the field," said Ravens general manager Ozzie Newsome, who is on the league's competition committee. "So we did discuss over the last three days."

Newsome also said the committee talked about other slurs coming under any possible new rule, including homophobic slurs.

Wooten, who previously has urged all players to stop using the N-word, thinks the NFL will rule an automatic 15-yard penalty for first-time offenders and an ejection for second infractions.

"I will be totally shocked if the competition committee does not uphold us on what we're trying to do," Wooten said, according to "We want this word to be policed from the parking lot to the equipment room to the locker room.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Bill De Blasio To Face Off With Al Roker On 'Today Show' –
Forecast: Cloudy With Chance Of Recall Election

(I'm going to get popcorn for this one... hope Al doesn't crap his pants during the face-off like he did awhile back at the WH)

Via Daily News:

It's a made-for-TV face-off with a possible chance of thunder and lightning.

Mayor de Blasio and Al Roker are scheduled to go mano-a-mano on the "Today" show Monday.

Hizzonor has been invited to cut the ribbon on the NBC breakfast program's new and enhanced plaza outside its Rockefeller Center studios.

But show officials announced Sunday that a de Blasio-Roker showdown is in store.

"The mayor and Al Roker will also address their recent disagreement over New York City school closures due to winter storms," NBC brass said in a statement.

Roker blasted de Blasio's performance during a Feb. 13 nor'easter that dumped more than a foot of snow on the city. Despite treacherous road conditions and the wrath of angry parents, the mayor and schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña refused to call a snow day.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Bye Bye: Piers Morgan and CNN Plan End to His Prime-Time Show

New York Times:

To Sum Up His Show, Piers Presents: Sadie the Cleaning Lady

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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