This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Oliver Stone: Obuma is a Weak and Spineless Man

(You are so right but,it takes one to know one, Oliver)

Via Newsmax:
Hollywood filmmaker Oliver Stone says President Barack Obama is a "weak man" who has abandoned the principles he espoused on the campaign trail about civil liberties and foreign policy.

"The man stunned us with a lack of spine," Stone told an audience of libertarian students at the 2014 Students for Liberty Conference in Washington, D.C., Mediaite reports.

"He's a weak man," he added, referring to what he says has been an inconsistency between Obama's "anti-war" talk during his presidential campaign and the policies he has pursued since occupying the White House.

Stone was joined during a panel discussion by liberal journalist Jeremy Scahill, who blasted MSNBC for failing to hold the president to account for "overreach" on issues such as targeted assassinations, covert operations, and military interventions.

"MSNBC is like watching one big Obama for America meet-up," Scahill said, adding that Fox News is guilty of perpetrating "conspiracy theory" about the president.

Stone issued similar critiques of Obama's record in a documentary series he released in 2012 entitled "The Untold History of the United States."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Aide Who Accused Bill Clinton of Groping Her In White House:
"Hillary Clinton Is The War On Women... She Enabled His Behavior"

(Hillary would never . . . no, wait, yes she would)

Via Daily Mail:

A woman who claims Bill Clinton groped her in the White House is lashing out at his wife Hillary for conducting a 'war' on the women who have accused the former president of sexually assaulting them.

'She enabled his behavior,' Kathleen Willey said Sunday night during a radio interview on WABC in New York, and then 'attacked all the women who just made the mistake of walking in front of him, crossing his path.'

Willey claims Mrs. Clinton, the former U.S. secretary of state, has orchestrated a series of investigations designed to discredit the many women who have claimed her husband sexually assaulted them.

'The point is what this woman is capable of doing to other women while she's running a campaign, basically, on women's issues,' she said. 'It just doesn't make any sense.'

'She singlehandedly orchestrated every one of the investigations of all these women.'

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Pakistani Couple Stoned To Death For Adultery

(Sharia animals in action)

(Reuters) — A couple were stoned to death for adultery in a remote area of Pakistan's western Baluchistan province, an official said Monday, leading to six men being held on suspicion of murder.

The couple, both married to other people, were believed to be in their 30s, said Sarfaraz Bugti, the home minister for Baluchistan.

The woman's father and brother, and the man's uncle and father have been arrested, along with a cleric believed to have issued the order to kill them at the weekend. Another man linked to the cleric is also being held.

In many rural areas of Pakistan, gatherings of tribal elders, often referred to as jirgas, issue death sentences for couples or women deemed to have offended the conservative culture. Such killings are illegal in Pakistan, but the police force is weak and often ignores them.

Even if the cases are brought to court, they can take years to be heard and the national conviction rate hovers between 5 to 10 percent. If convicted, the victim's family can forgive the killers – a major loophole, since the killers often are the victim's family.

Women's rights group The Aurat Foundation says it tracks around 1000 cases of honor killings per year just from media reports. The true figure is probably much higher.

In one high profile case that captivated the country, five women were allegedly killed in 2012 in remote Kohistan after they were videotaped singing and clapping softly to music with two men present.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Lurch To Jakarta Students: Climate Change Could 'Put Half Of Jakarta Underwater'

(You've hanging out with Gore again haven't you, Lurch)

During his speech on global warming in Jakarta, Indonesia, on Sunday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that by century's end the sea level could rise by one meter, a little over three feet, and "put half of Jakarta underwater."

Jakarta is the capital and largest city in Indonesia, on the island of Java, on the northwest coast. About 9.5 million people live there and the city is 258 square miles around.

In a speech before largely college students in Jakarta, Kerry talked about greenhouse gases warming the Earth and said, "And because the earth is getting hotter at such an alarming speed, glaciers in places like the Arctic are melting into the sea faster than we expected. And the sea is rising – slowly, but rising – and will rise to dangerous levels"

"Scientists now predict that by the end of the century, the sea could rise by a full meter," said Kerry. "Now, I know that to some people a meter may not sound like a lot, but I'll tell you this: it's enough to put half of Jakarta underwater."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Lowest Beer Taxes? WY --
Lowest Wine Taxes? LA --
Lowest Spirits Tax? WY, NH

Via CNS News

If you like beer and hard liquor and want to pay less in taxes for them, you might want to move to Wyoming, which has the lowest excise taxes per gallon on beer and spirits, according to the Tax Foundation. For wine, Louisiana has the lowest taxes at $0.11 per gallon.

Tennessee has the highest taxes on beer out of all 50 states at $1.17 per gallon. Kentucky has the highest taxes on wine ($3.56/gallon), and Washington state has the highest taxes on hard liquor at $35.22 per gallon.

Alaska ranked among the top five states for highest taxes on beer, wine and liquor combined. If you prefer spirits, check out New Hampshire and Wyoming – the excise taxes there are $0.00 per gallon.

In its calculations, the Tax Foundation looked at state and local taxes on liquor. These rates vary widely from state to state and may include fixed-rate per volume taxes, distributor taxes, retail taxes, case or bottle fees and additional sales taxes.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


05:41 GMT: "During a phone call to embattled Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, US Vice-President Joe Biden expressed "grave concern" at the surge of violence in the Ukrainian capital.  Biden urged Yanukovich to exercise maximum restraint and pull back law enforcement confronting the rioters in downtown Kiev."

05:41:30: "Viktor Yanukovich told US Vice-President Joe Biden to go f*** himself."

Note: President Obuma was nowhere to be seen when this took place.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


'Catch me if you can' biker nabbed by Texas police
By Jim Forsyth

SAN ANTONIO Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:41pm EST

(Reuters) -
A motorcyclist who taunted San Antonio police for a week with a Facebook video of himself driving recklessly through traffic along with the message "catch me if you can" was caught while sneaking out of a friend's house, police said on Tuesday.

Police took Alberto Rodriguez, 27, into custody on Monday for suspected motorcycle theft and in connection with several outstanding arrest warrants.

"When we pulled up on the house, our man ran out the back door and was hiding behind an air-conditioning unit," San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told reporters.

An attorney for Rodriguez was not immediately available for comment.

Officers recovered a stolen motorcycle during the arrest but said it was not the one that was seen in the video.

Prosecutors were considering whether to charge him with traffic violations for what was captured in the video, where a rider is seen weaving through traffic at up to 100 mph on a packed San Antonio highway.

Police said the video was taken with a helmet camera and was first posted on Rodriguez's Facebook page with the message "Catch me if you can."

"He said 'catch me if you can,' and our detectives caught him," McManus said.

(It seems as if almost every time some guy runs amok, he claims he was heeding a voice in his head.  I know the feeling.  In my case, I even know whose voice I keep hearing.  It's Barack Hussein Obuma, and he's telling me that "This is the moment when the rise of the oceans will begin to slow, and the planet will begin to heal."

I must confess that I didn't put much stock in it when he uttered those grandiose words back in 2009, but it did sound awfully ambitious even for a guy who used Greek pillars as props.

But five years later, I realize I say pretty much the same thing every time I have a successful bowel movement)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I didn't know this until just now! I wonder if the anything has changed since then?

Just 4 People Have Enrolled In Obamacare In Delaware
By RANDALL CHASE 11/06/13 04:17 PM ET EST

WILMINGTON, Del. -- WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — More than a month after the launch of Delaware's health insurance exchange, officials report only four Delawareans enrolled for insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

As of Wednesday, Delaware's marketplace guide organizations reported four enrollments, 31 enrollment applications completed and 218 accounts created for possible enrollment.

Four community organizations were hired to provide marketplace guides, using a $4 million federal grant. (My emphasis)

Brandywine Women's Health Associates in Wilmington reports three enrollments. Christiana Care Health Services in Newark reports one.

The Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care in Easton, Md., and Westside Family Healthcare in Wilmington both have yet to report a single enrollment, application, or account created.

State officials said Wednesday that enrollment has been hampered by problems with the federal website, and delays in background checks for marketplace guides.


School Safety Expert:
'Sandy Hook was a scripted event,
at least two years in planning'

February 20, 2014 By 21wire

A former law enforcement officer and national school safety consultant has publicly challenged the official narrative on Sandy Hook...

After only filing Connecticut Freedom Of Information requests about the alleged Sandy Hook 'massacre', School Safety expert Wolfgang W. Halbig (photo, above) was visited by homicide detectives warning him that if he keeps making inquiries he would suffer the legal consequences.

Halbig also discovered that the report on the Sandy Hook event was the first school shooting in US history to be sealed as 'Classified', held by the FBI. Smells like a cover-up.

The points brought up in this interview are some of the best ever on this subject.

Listen to this incredible interview by AFP via Federal Jack...


Battle for Humanity Nearly Lost:
Global Food Supply Deliberately
Engineered to End Life,
Not Nourish It

Thursday, February 20, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) After having now analyzed over 1,000 foods, superfoods, vitamins, junk foods and popular beverages for heavy metals and other substances at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs, I have arrived at a conclusion so alarming and urgent that it can only be stated bluntly.

Based on what I am seeing via atomic spectroscopy analysis of all the dietary substances people are consuming on a daily basis, I must now announce that the battle for humanity is nearly lost. The food supply appears to be intentionally designed to end human life rather than nourish it.

Life-destroying toxins intentionally engineered into the food supply
My lab has uncovered scientific proof that substances are intentionally formulated into dietary products to drive consumers mentally insane while causing widespread infertility, organ damage and a loss of any ability to engage in rational, conscious thinking. These toxic substances are being found across the entire food supply including in conventional foods, organic foods, "natural" products and dietary supplements.

This goes far beyond the mere contamination of foods with heavy metals -- a subject which is grave all by itself. Rather, this is about the intentional formulation of toxic substances into products consumed by the masses on a regular basis.

The result is what you see unfolding around you right now: mass insanity, incredible escalations of criminality among political operatives, clinical insanity among an increasing number of mainstream media writers and reporters, widespread infertility in young couples, skyrocketing rates of kidney failure and dialysis patients, plus a near total loss of rational thinking among the voting masses.

The effects of this are devastating to human civilization: the collapse of a capable workforce, the rise of the masses dependent on government for survival, the collapse of free democracies due to the cognitive retardation of the voting masses, an exploding prison population and the rise of for-profit corporate prison systems, and even the near complete collapse of any ability of the news-consuming public to parse and comprehend even the most basic information such as national debt figures.

The long-term effects of this widespread food poisoning phenomenon will be the utter downfall of modern human civilization for numerous reasons ranging from economic non-sustainability to environmental destruction and the global rise of political violence as we are seeing right now in Kiev.

As more and more lab results have been documented here at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, it has become increasingly apparent to me that humanity cannot survive the mass engineered poisoning of the food supply.

You are, of course, being expertly distracted from all this with Powerball jackpots, tabloid celebrity news, staged political drama and of course the all-time favorite distraction of every crumbling empire: violent sports.

What we're finding in foods, vitamins and supplements

What I've published so far just barely scratches the surface of what we are finding. Here's an overview of some of the incredibly shocking findings we have now documented:

• The now-infamous "yoga mat chemical" used by Subway in their breads is also widely used across the fast-food industry. McDonald's, Chik-Fil-A, Wendy's, Arby's and many other restaurants also use the chemical azodicarbonamide which is linked to cancer. Importantly, this is not a contaminant. This is an ingredient which is intentionally added to the recipes in order for the chemical to be consumed by the masses.

• There is no logical reason why chemicals like azodicarbonamide need to be added to recipes of fast food breads and buns. The chemical serves no necessary functional or nutritive purpose. It seems to exists solely for the purpose of delivering the chemical to hundreds of millions of consumers by blending it into popular fast foods. The sandwiches in which this chemical is found are merely delivery mechanisms for toxic substances that harm human biology.

• Many mainstream, popular vitamin brands are intentionally spiked with such high levels of copper that if taken on a daily basis, they will cause mental insanity and psychosis. Some of these vitamin brands are routinely advertised on television to the mainstream masses, encouraging them to consume the vitamins, many of which are manufactured by companies owned in full or part by pharmaceutical interests.

• A popular dietary herb designed to improve brain performance actually contains very high levels of lead in most products we tested (which were sourced from China). Lead is a toxic heavy metal that damages brain function. In this way, people who are suffering from early dementia or Alzheimer's are actually accelerated toward brain destruction via certain herbal supplements which appear designed to deliver toxic heavy metals to the brain. It was truly shocking to me to discover that "brain herbs" contain so much lead that they contribute to brain damage.

• At the same time, we found that the very same "brain herb," when grown in the USA, contains virtually no heavy metals. This is proof that the herb does not "naturally" absorb heavy metals as if by magic. Interestingly, the highest levels of brain-damaging metals are consistently found in herbs imported from China. I'm openly asking this question: Is there a covert heavy metals war being waged against America by China? After all, poisoning the population with heavy metals is a very effective way to collapse a nation by destroying the sanity and health of its people. (More on this topic later...)

• Popular children's vitamins sold in nearly every grocery store and pharmacy across America are especially formulated to be incredibly toxic to developing neurology. The number of synthetic, toxic chemicals added to nearly every popular brand of children's vitamins is truly staggering, and many of them seem to be selected for their ability to target and disrupt neurological function. From a purely scientific point of view, these "vitamins" would honestly have to be called "poison pills," yet parents are encouraged to feed them to their children every single day as part of a modern-day health ritual that actually causes long-term harm.

• At our atomic spectroscopy lab, we have confirmed trace levels of aluminum in regular atmospheric air, confirming the fact that all agricultural soils are being inundated with aluminum which is literally falling out of the sky. This is not merely aluminum in our laboratory air, as many labs contain aluminum floors or furniture, causing an unusually high aluminum concentration in laboratory air. Rather, parts per billion concentrations of aluminum have been measured in regular atmospheric air sampled far from any building or laboratory. The result of this phenomenon is that aluminum levels are rising in nearly all soil-grown crops from which everyday food is derived. While aluminum is far less harmful than lead, cadmium or mercury, the repeated accumulation of aluminum is believed to be tied to degenerative brain disorders across the population.

• As Natural News readers already know, GM corn is engineered to grow a deadly toxin inside each and every grain of corn. This deadly toxin is then consumed by all the people who unknowingly eat genetically engineered crops via breakfast cereals, corn tortillas, corn snack chips, etc. This mass poisoning of the population is clearly intentional, as it is deliberately engineered into the crops which are grown for the sole purpose of human and animal consumption. This mass poisoning is not accidental, in other words, and in fact the technology is promoted under the justification that it will "feed the world." Indeed it will feed the world... poison.

Food has become a weapon against humanity
As you can see from these examples, food has become a weapon against humanity. It is the new vector for a stealth world war against humankind -- a war which is being quietly waged right this very moment with weapons you would probably find in your own pantry.

World War I was fought primarily in the trenches, with soldiers slinging chunks of lead at each other and using crude chemical weapons like mustard gas.

World War II was fought with a genocidal intention, using more advanced kinetic weapons and chemical weapons engineered by pharmaceutical companies.

Our of World War II and the Nazi era came IG Farben, the chemical-pharma conglomerate which was later split into three companies, one of which is now known as Bayer, the same company that makes children's aspirin and various chemicals used throughout the food supply. (Check your history. This is factual and true.)

World War III appears to already be underway, and it is being waged as a stealth war via the food supply. The chemicals are very similar to those used in World War I and World War II except that instead of being deployed on the battle field, today's chemical weapons are deployed via the food supply and often even listen right on ingredients labels.

Toxic ingredients like sodium nitrite and aspartame are formulated to work at sub-acute levels so they don't cause people to drop dead right away. Instead, they cause the chronic, long-term degenerative collapse of body and mind, leaving behind a wake of global cancer, kidney failure and extreme mental disorders including psychosis. This damage to body and mind, in turn, destroys economies, education systems, scientific advancement, free democracies and even cultural integrity.

The silent food bombing of humanity
What the United States Air Force did to Dresden in World War II via high-elevation bombing runs, the global chemical and food conglomerates are now doing to the world populations via the drive-thru window. But there are no bombs dropping out of the sky and there are no firestorms lighting up the cityscape at night. Instead, the silent, ignorant masses are simply marched to their deaths, one meal at a time, almost like a cargo train full of "useless eaters" clicking and clacking its way to Auschwitz.

On the way to their own deaths, of course, they pay the mandatory tolls to the pharmaceutical giants, hospitals, cancer clinics, doctors and health insurance mandates. Much like victims of Nazi genocide had their gold fillings pulled out of their mouths before they were gassed to death, today's mainstream consumers are emptied of their bank accounts, assets and insurance policies before finally being discarded by the system.

There are tremendous profits to be made, you see, from first poisoning the masses and then "treating" them for the side effects of that poisoning. This racket is so massive and so deeply embedded into our greed-driven culture that very few people even recognize it's happening to them. But make no mistake: You are not valued by the system for your humanity, your spirit, your innovation or your imagination. You are only valued for your tax base at first, and then ultimately your "disease management profits" which enrich global corporations while you are poked, prodded, dosed, irradiated and drugged to death while the hospital racks up page after page of medical procedure billings codes which will be covered by Medicare... or Obamacare.

Here's the way out: grow your own food
Sound too grim to be true? Let's look at some solutions on the positive side. The way out of all this is to grow your own food or at least buy as much as you can from local farmers and CSAs. Any food acquired through mainstream corporate sources is likely to be intentionally engineered, laced and packaged with incredibly toxic poisons ranging from heavy metals to hormone disrupting packaging containers. But food grown by honest farmers provides genuine nourishment, not death.

In fact, the future of human civilization almost certainly belongs exclusively to those who either grow their own food or make arrangements for others to grow it for them. The factory-made food consumed by the masses is quite truly a poison delivery system that has no purpose other than mass disease, death and profit.

If you wish to avoid being a victim of this system, you must avoid its products. Stop buying packaged processed foods. Utterly avoid all processed meats containing sodium nitrite, including bacon, hot dogs, sausage, ham, deli meats, pepperoni pizza and even beef jerky.

Stop drinking all diet soda, obviously. Aspartame is toxic to biology. All artificial sweeteners have harmful side effects if consumed in sufficient quantity.

Be skeptical of "natural" products which are heavily processed and refined in some way. Ask about countries of origin. Check heavy metals lab results to stay informed.

Except for rare exceptions, stop buying superfoods and supplements made in China, the world's most polluted food producer. The U.S. natural products industry has practically been taken over by China over the last decade, and much of what you think is safe and organic is actually heavily polluted, either accidentally or deliberately, in mainland China.

Look around you at the evidence right in front of your eyes
Or maybe you think I'm the crazy one in mentioning any of this. If that's the case, I encourage you to look around you and see the results of what happens to people when they eat yoga mat chemicals, aspartame-laced diet sodas, synthetic food preservatives and cheap vitamins contaminated with heavy metals. Unless you are living in a complete state of denial, you can't help but notice that humanity has become a race of near-mutants who barely have a shred of health and sanity remaining.

A modern young man growing up today in America and living on processed foods is little more than a shadow of the strong, vibrant young men who worked the farms just three generations ago. Today's generation of youth is pathetic, weak, academically inept and heavily pampered with their video game consoles, Ritalin drugs and air-conditioned schools with a watered-down curriculum. They've been dumbed down, stripped of nutrients and medicated to the point where literal zombies now walk among us.

In fact, the people all around you are over-medicated, over-fed and at the same time wildly malnourished. Their brains and bodies are heavily contaminated with destructive chemicals, heavy metals and synthetic materials. They have lost nearly all high cognitive functions and now survive on lower brain stem function which explains the radical rise in sex crimes, behavioral addictions, substance abuse and violent crime across society today. In a very real sense, the daily consumption of processed food has become a ritual of slow suicide mindlessly repeated everywhere that factory foods have invaded once-sane societies.

While Republicans blame Democrats, and Democrats blame Republicans, the truth is that they are all being systematically poisoned and thereby driven to precisely the kind of insanity we see played out across newspaper headlines and news broadcasts. We are far past the age of reason in the modern western world, and we will not survive this stealth war that releases weapons of dietary mass destruction with each tempting bite of seductive food that's engineered for death instead of life.

This is far beyond any single issue of labeling GMOs, or buying organic or testing foods for heavy metals. This is about how human civilization is being brought to its knees by the most insidious stealth weapon ever experienced in our collective history: PROCESSED FOOD laced with toxic substances.

Heed these words or you too shall die a victim of this insidious, deliberate war against life, health and sanity.

My personal take on this is unbelievable. But here goes!
Not science fiction! Depopulation of the planet! The supposed elite of the planet, United Nations and the New World Order are not fiction ether, are they?. They realize that the earth's resources are being used up quickly and that the earth is not sustainable with the huge and ever growing population. Why do you suppose we see so many chemtrails and so many catastrophic weather storms and so much B.S. about Global Warming and Climate Change? I believe it is called Climate Warfare by many governments. I also believe the proliferation of all the NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) across our nation (unbeknownst to them) are nothing more than puppets for the United Nations Agenda 21. NGO's in my opinion are ran by people wanting an important sounding title and a
large salary and nothing more.

You will probably never see all those subjects grouped together at one time in the news media.

Actual or Science Fiction, that's up to you to decide.

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